Love and Beyond Part 3

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Love and Beyond Part 3 Page 7

by Nathan Colston

  Britney looked at Gloria. ‘He did love her. Enough to die for her. She has the same look on her face as I have on mine. We’re both lost without him, trapped with the pain that nothing can ease. Bobby is right; something is different about her.’ Britney walked over and sat down beside Gloria. “We’ve missed you.”

  Gloria looked at her and forced a smile. “It’s good being back home.”

  “I was going to wait for a while to tell you this. But I figure might as well get it out in the open. The procedure worked. I’m pregnant.”

  Gloria took Britney’s hand. “I’m happy for you. I know how bad you wanted it, wanted him. I hope you know he wanted you just as bad. He just wanted…” Gloria turned her head.

  Britney squeezed her hand. “…Wanted to be sure. A rare thing for today’s time. I was lucky that way, I guess.”

  Gloria looked back at her. “We were lucky in many ways, I guess.”

  “Yes, we are.” Britney held her gaze. “William said that I shouldn’t ask what happened. He also said that you explored many things in your past that you didn’t want many to know about.” Gloria looked away again. “Holding something in is not a good thing, Gloria.”

  That is what Stanley told me on more than one occasion. “I know. I wish William would have kept his mouth shut. I suppose he told you about my dreams. Don’t worry; I know they were dreams and I will not make any advances towards you.”

  Britney took her other hand and turned Gloria’s face. “I’m not worried about that, Gloria. I’m worried about you and I don’t want to lose you also. I’m not sure I could go on if I lost both of you. God knows Bobby would go insane if something did happen to you. If you need to talk, then I am here for you.”

  “Thank you, but some things are just better unsaid.”

  Britney pulled her close and gave her a hug. “We love you, Gloria, and will be here for you anytime you need us.” Gloria returned the embrace. They held each other for a long moment. Britney got up to go get something to drink. “What is it like being with a woman?” Britney asked as she stood.

  “Depends on the woman. Just like men, some are good and others not so good. In most cases, what will please you will likely please another.” Britney didn’t say anything; she walked into the kitchen. Later, Bobby came back with the kids. Gloria spent several hours holding them and playing with them.

  That night, Gloria woke up from a dream. She lay there for a while and got up. She checked the nursery and watched the babies sleep. Then she went to the kitchen. She sat down at the table with a drink in her hand. Britney came walking in. “You have a bad dream?” Britney asked.

  Gloria shook her head. “I had a dream. It wasn’t a nightmare, but it woke me up all the same. What about you?”

  “Couldn’t sleep thinking about things.”

  Gloria nodded. “What kind of things? You know worrying isn’t good for you or the baby.”

  “To be honest, I wasn’t really worrying. I was thinking about the things that William said about you and Stanley. I asked him if the two of you were in love. He tried to convince me that you were not. But I’m not so sure of that. It wouldn’t matter now either way.” She sat down with a glass of tea and took a drink.

  Gloria took in a deep breath. “We weren’t in love,” she said as she exhaled. “Our relationship was… To be honest, it is very hard to explain. He loved me, of that I had no doubt. I never really understood why. I didn’t fully know the true depth of his love. It’s funny, I fell asleep thinking about you and him.”

  Gloria lifted her drink as Britney asked, “Is that what woke you up? Dreaming about us?”

  Gloria looked at her glass as she sat it back down. “Not the two of you, no.”

  “If you don’t mind, what were your thoughts about when you fell asleep?”

  Gloria kept her gaze on her drink. “Mostly how happy the two of you were, how much in love he seemed to be when he looked at you. I often laughed when you gave him that frustrated look when he stopped your advances towards him. You would give him a look of ‘oh, just you wait, mister.’ And he would return the look like, ‘okay, I will.’”

  Britney chuckled softly. “He would make me so mad. He would lead me to think tonight is the night or today is the day, then stop me. I would be so excited until I was about to explode.”

  Gloria chuckled with her. “Anticipation is a bitch. Often it is our minds that excite us more than what is actually happening.” Gloria stood. “I guess I should go back to bed or at least get dressed. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be up.”

  As she started to walk away, she said, “I love Stanley so much, but I’m tired of hurting. It seems like I’ve been hurting for far longer than I have. We had just begun to get over a rough time in our relationship when he died. I can’t get how I hurt him out of my mind. What can I do to ease the pain?” Britney said with an earnest voice. Gloria stopped and looked down at the floor. ‘I wish I knew the answer to that. If I did, I would do it myself.’

  Britney saw as Gloria stopped and looked downward with her back to her. She stood and moved towards her. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t have asked that question. After what had just happened in her life, I should’ve known she wouldn’t have the answer. I want to help her, but how? I can’t even help myself.’ Britney placed her hands on Gloria’s shoulders. “We’ll get through this somehow,” she said softly.

  Gloria turned and looked at her. “Will we?” Her question was laced with doubt. “How can we get through something when all we need to do is just go on with our lives? But without him, we don’t even want to breathe. I see my pain in your eyes, so I know you feel the same. I took the drugs to ease the pain. In the past, that worked. But this time, not even drugs took away my pain, Britney. The dreams were nothing but horrid nightmares of a past I thought I had left behind. How can I be strong for you when I am falling apart myself?” Tears welled up in her eyes. “How can I hold on to a man when the man I needed most in my life is gone? How can I tell the man that loves me with all his heart that he wasn’t the greatest love in my life?” Gloria swallowed. “That was why I left, Britney. That was what I felt and still feel. I see the same pain in your eyes and know what you feel and are going through but don’t know how to help myself and I can’t help you. The only thing I can tell you is the solution to the problem but not how to do it. Move on with your life.” Gloria looked down as her body started to quiver.

  “Oh, Gloria,” Britney said with a near trembling voice and embraced her. Gloria held her tight as soft sobs tore from her chest. They held each other for several moments and Gloria pulled away slightly. Tears flowed from both their eyes, lost without words of comfort and longing for the pain to ease. Britney tilted her head slightly and moved it towards Gloria’s. Gloria saw her moving and her eyes focused on her beautiful full lips. She ran her tongue over hers to wet them just as Britney’s softly connected with hers. Britney parted her lips more as Gloria stuck her tongue in her mouth, exploring it. Gloria pulled her close with one hand and placed her other hand on the side of her face.

  Britney felt a little uncomfortable with what she was doing but couldn’t deny a soothing feeling on the inside of what the kiss was doing to her. A thought of I shouldn’t be doing this crossed her mind as she brought her hand up to Gloria’s face. Britney left a soft moan escape as Gloria’s increased the passion in the kiss. Her lips now hungrily claimed hers. Her body reacted to the increased passion and slight aggression Gloria had started. Gloria moved her hands to Britney’s hair and fisted it. Britney mimicked what Gloria done. The hand that Gloria was using to hold Britney tight loosened and moved around and caressed her breast. Britney kept her hips firmly against Gloria as she moved her chest back slightly, allowing Gloria to grab her breast. As Gloria grabbed her breast and dug her nails into them slightly, near the point of it being painful she moaned out a soft moan into Gloria’s mouth, who in turn, took in a deep breath through her

  Gloria pulled Britney’s head back and started kissing the side of her neck, sucking hard as her teeth scraped her skin. Britney gasped out a soft moan. “Oh my god. I didn’t know this would feel so good.” The bundle of nerves between her legs started to harden.

  Gloria released her neck with her mouth and said in a panting voice, “I want to feel your body next to mine. I need to feel it now, Britney.” Britney nodded as she stepped back, removing her night shirt and letting it drop to the floor. Gloria grabbed her and their lips met once again. Gloria moved her back and she felt her hips touch the table. The chair tumbled over as Gloria forcibly moved Britney onto the table. Britney didn’t even try to resist as Gloria leaned over, laying her down on the table, Gloria’s body tightly against hers she moved to the side of her neck once again, kissing her. As she was lying on the table, Britney whispered, “Gloria.”

  Gloria stopped her advance and looked into her eyes. “I’m sorry, I…”

  Britney touched her face. “No need to apologize if that is what you are about to do…” They looked into each other’s eyes. Gloria shifted her leg was between Britney’s. She could feel the heat of her body next to her leg. “I don’t want to say this during…” She swallowed and licked her lips. “I’ve never thought of you intimately before. This is a bit awkward for me to say these words in this position.” She touched Gloria’s face. “I love you.”

  Gloria knew there was a lot of truth in those words. For a moment, she stood holding a beautiful woman and understood what Stanley saw in her and why he wanted to protect something. Gloria leaned her body over and placed her lips next to Britney’s. “I love you too,” she said with a soft, passionate tone. Britney lifted her head and claimed her lips. She wrapped her arms around her clawing her back gently. Gloria took her hand and scraped Britney’s chest lightly with her fingernails. Britney’s nipples were so hard, plump, and round. Gloria lowered her head and took one into her mouth. She bit down to the point where she knew Britney would feel pain. Her hand went down between her legs. She moved her leg so her hand could get to her entrance. Gloria stuck two fingers inside her as her thumb pressed down on her hard clit and started moving it. Britney’s head leaned forward, and her breathing increased. She gasped out, “Gloria” as the movement inside her started to get faster. Her mouth flew open and her back arched as the impending climax grew inside her. Gloria moved her head downward as she could feel moisture increasing inside Britney. She moved her tongue and took Britney’s clit inside her mouth and started sucking hard.

  Britney’s stomach muscles tightened as she leaned forward. Grabbing Gloria by the hair, she lifted her legs and held Gloria’s head tightly on her as her orgasm peaked. Her body fell back, and she rocked her hips, turning her head side to side. Her head leaned forward as another wave hit. Her insides burned as the tingling of every nerve inside her sparked to life. She wiggled and moaned with her breathing as she pulled Gloria’s head away from her. She laughed softly with a smile that reached her eyes as she tried to hold Gloria back from placing her inside her mouth again. Gloria moved upward. Britney could see the moisture on her lips and mouth from what she had just done. “Oh my God, I wish I would have known you were that good. We would’ve done this much sooner.”

  Gloria smiled. “If I knew you tasted this good, I would have been glad to have done it sooner.” She pulled her up and wrapped her arms around her. Her hand went to the back of Britney’s head. I’m not going to give up, so don’t you.” Britney squeezed Gloria tight. After a moment, Gloria released her. She started to walk away when Britney took her hand. How do you like your sex? What turns you on the most?” Britney asked with a curious tone.

  Gloria paused for a moment. “I like sex many different ways. Mostly depending on my mood. Sometimes I like to feel the warmth of a passionate embrace. Bondage can be a major turn-on. But you have got to trust your partner having that kind of sex. Then forceful rough sex is also a major turn-on. To have someone overpower you to do anything they want and be helpless to stop them if you wanted to… Fuck me hard and make me scream. I’m your bitch.”

  Britney laughed slightly. “I mean with a woman.” Britney stood her breasts next to Gloria’s.

  Gloria moved several strands of sweat-soaked hair from her face. “Britney, everything I just said can be done between women. Yes, a man can do more things sexually than a woman, but only because they are more physically able. But like I said, sex is just as much mental as physical. I came twice having my way with you. Sometimes your mental thought is just as powerful as what you are feeling physically. You were mine and nothing was going to stop me from taking you. Your grip on my hair forcing my head to please you showed my dominance over you. Now that was all in my mind and if you would have said stop in a way that wasn’t pleasure influenced, I would have. But if you would have said stop and fought harder, I would have stopped. Britney, I don’t like how I was introduced my lifestyle. To be honest, sometimes I wish I was more like you. In many ways, I envy you and often find myself jealous of you.”

  Britney laughed sarcastically in disbelief. “My God, Gloria, why? You are more beautiful than me. If I am in a room and you walk in, all the attention goes towards you. You are hot, sexy, and confident. There isn’t a woman or girl that you can’t intimidate just by walking across a room. You walk in owning it and everyone in it. Fuck, after you did what you just did to me, hell, I’m more intimidated now than before. Shit, you had me sweating like a whore in church in less than a minute. Coming in less than two, and shit, once I started, I couldn’t stop.”

  Gloria gently kissed her. “You have a choice to like what was done or not, I didn’t. Truth be known, the things I like I didn’t know I would like, and I didn’t have a choice in discovering I liked them. There is a big difference. You would have the strength to fight and shout stop. I wouldn’t even begin to know how to do that anymore.” Gloria turned and walked away. Britney followed behind her holding her hand as they walked to the front room. Britney pulled Gloria’s hand, Gloria turned, and Britney stepped next to her, grabbed her by the hair, and pulled her towards the wall. Gloria went next to it. Britney’s hand pulled her hair harder. She smirked. “Then, bitch, it looks like I am going to have to teach you.”

  “I’m a slow learner,” Gloria said with a smile.

  Chapter 3

  A New Love

  Gloria lay, her body soaked in sweat. ‘God you were fabulous. I have never had a woman make me want to scream and moan like you. You said take care of her, Stanley. I know that wasn’t what you had in mind. But I have done everything I know. “Fuck, you say I’m intimidating. Damn, someone making my eyes roll in my head is done with a good orgasm. Fuck, you made them roll up and cross.”

  Britney leaned on her side, rubbing her fingers slowly on Gloria’s breast. “I know what you mean by having your way with someone.” Her eyes shifted downward as she licked her lips. “I meant what I said about loving you. I hope this wasn’t our only time together.”

  Gloria looked away. “I didn’t expect anything like this to happen. To be honest, it literally was a dream come true.” She looked up at her. “Britney, pain in the heart along with pleasures of the body causes lustful feelings that will fade in time. It’s not uncommon for two people that loved someone that died to have attractions for each other. Hoping to fill an emptiness, it almost always never works out because it was born from longing, lust, and pain.”

  Britney laid her head down on Gloria’s chest. “I still don’t want this to be our only time together.”

  “I won’t do anything behind Bobby’s back anymore. He deserves better; you both do. But this won’t be our last time together. I need to get back in the bed with him before he wakes up.” Gloria rolled over and stood Britney stood up as well. She pulled Gloria close and kissed her.

  Gloria got back in the bed with Bobby and held Bobby close. Later, Bobby woke up. “Good morning, baby,” she said with a

  Bobby pulled her close. “Good morning, honey,” he said with a smile.

  Gloria hesitated for a moment and said, “I want to tell you something.”

  Bobby narrowed his eyes. “Judging from the tone of that, I get the idea that you think I’m not going to like what you are about to say.”

  Gloria shrugged. “To be honest, I’m not sure if you will or not. One thing I’ve learned is no secrets in relationships apart from surprises and presents. I woke up from a dream last night. I went to watch the children sleep and then went into the kitchen. Britney came in and we talked. One thing led to another and I spent most of the night holding her or her holding me.”

  Bobby leaned up. “Holding as in holding, holding, or just holding?”

  Gloria smiled and said with a soft chuckle, “What would the difference be?”

  “Just holding is like what we are doing lying here in a somewhat friendly embrace. Holding; holding is more of a sexual embrace,” he said as he gave her an intense look.

  “Holding, holding, and holding,” she said with a timid, shy tone.

  Her cheeks blushed as he said with a hopeful tone, “Did you take pictures?”

  “No,” she said with a soft laugh.

  His tone became more serious. “You’re not leaving me for my best friend, are you?”

  She shoved him over and straddled him. “Nope, but she is the one woman I will never share you with, Bobby. So don’t get no ideas.”

  Bobby looked at her; the glow around her face was nearly breath-taking. “What do you want me to say, baby? You getting her out of that room for longer than five minutes is a miracle in itself. I can handle you being with her a lot easier than I can you with another man. No more drugs, Gloria, no more leaving me like you did. If that helps you and her, as long as you’re not planning on leaving me, I don’t care.”


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