Space Knights: The Arrival

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Space Knights: The Arrival Page 24

by Gregory Samuelson

  Shortly after Trance had breakfast with his family he was summoned to meet Neklon and his team in twenty minutes so they could head over to the tournament site and start filling out their registration forms. He kissed his mother and told everyone good-bye, left the apartment and made his way to the elevator.

  He pushed the button and waited. In a couple minutes the elevator stopped at his floor and the door opened and to his great joy Corena was inside on her way down also. He greeted her warmly and kissed her quickly as they descended to the ground floor. Along the way more kids boarded the elevator as they were all headed to the same place.

  They all got off the elevator and went to join their appropriate teams. Neklon and Sorvana gathered the teams together and made sure that everyone was there so they could proceed to the awaiting coaches that would take them to their destination. Trance was delighted that both his team and Corena’s team were to go on their own coach so they had a chance to sit and talk as they rode the four miles to the tournament battlefield.

  The tournament site was awesome to behold and Trance was stunned as he gazed at the massive stadium. Trance was speechless as he looked out his window and stared and tried to approximate how many people could be seated. His best guess was absolutely staggering. He had never seen any place that could hold close to a million people. Corena gently nudged him as he sat back and whistled. He could already feel his heart start to beat faster at the thought of competing here.

  “This place is huge,” he commented as he tried to possibly imagine that many people watching the tournaments. Vividly he remembered that there were events on Earth that had been quite large. Mainly the Olympics were this huge; however, they were spread out at several different stadiums for all of the various events, and not one single event was ever this big.

  “Haven’t you ever seem a stadium this size?” asked Corena smiling at Trance’s stunned expression. She had obviously been to this stadium before and completely knew what to expect. She had come to know that Trance was a good knight and performed very well under pressure. She smiled more broadly at her memories of him winning many victories in front of some rather large crowds. In her mind she had no doubts that he would succeed here. He’ll find his way as he always does and as long as he concentrates on what is at stake and focuses on the task at hand.

  “Well,” he tried to organize his thoughts, “there were some very large sporting events on Earth that were this large, but they were contested at several different stadiums and arenas. Remember me talking to you about the Olympics?” He elaborated more as the coach made its way to a parking slot near the stadium.

  After the coach was parked Trance and Corena disembarked and were followed by their teams. Neklon took the lead, followed by Sorvana and then by their students. Trance was more and more in awe as he followed. Neklon led them to the participants’ entrance and showed the initial registration forms to the guard who then let them enter. Once inside Trance was even more amazed. There was a grand entrance that led to a hall that stretched out and had locker rooms set up for all of the teams that would be competing in the upcoming events. They had to walk quite a ways to reach their locker rooms.

  Trance noticed that the boys’ locker room was always on the right with the corresponding girls’ locker room on the left. He was curious about the locker rooms, but Neklon kept walking so he continued to follow trying to remember landmarks that would help him find his way tomorrow. They went on for a ways before turning to the right and down another very long hallway until connecting with another hallway that took them to the left and finally to the great doors that opened to the field.

  Neklon opened the door for them to pass. Trance walked out and was once more in awe as he saw the field. It was huge and looked like eight battles could take place all at the same time. He saw eight tables set up with officials getting several other teams registered for the tournaments. Neklon and Sorvana lined their teams up and joined the line of teams waiting to get registered.

  Trance was fourth in line for the boys of the Gray Mountain Warriors and waited patiently for the team to move forward. It was thirty-five minutes before they were at the first table, where Neklon started registering the team for all of the team-related events. After all of the appropriate forms for the team events were filled out on the small computer terminals, the individual boys were free to register for any and all events that they wanted to try for.

  Trance was ready for his turn and registered for everything. As he finished he took a quick look around and decided that he probably didn’t have much of a chance winning any individual events with this many other boys involved. He simply sent a prayer that he would represent himself well and place high enough in every event to be more highly looked at when he signed up to be a Golden Griffin.

  After everyone from the Gray Mountain Warriors, both boys and girls, had registered for all of the events they would participate in Neklon led them to another table to meet one of the officials, who would take them around for their orientation and go over how the tournament would run.

  The official was a rather boring older man and seemed to talk on and on. He went over the run of events three times. He finally slowed down and gave them a tour of the field. Trance could have figured out the field in half the time it seemed to take this gentleman to walk them around and explain how the field was going to be divided. The man rambled on about how many people could sit in the seats and that there would be many very large televiewers to show each of the contests so everyone could see what was going on. There would also be super large viewers that would show the brackets for the tournaments and who was currently competing.

  The tour ended and Trance and his team as well as Corena and her team headed back to the great doors, back into the stadium’s locker room area and back to their coach. Trance and Corena talked about what they’d seen and Corena told him more about what to expect the next day when the tournaments would begin. The field was divided in eight sections and would have four boys battles run at the same time as four girl’s events. Just as one battle would be over another battle would be set up in the same place. This was done because there were so many schools, boys, and girls competing. Trance thought that he would be okay once he got to the stadium and his first battle was underway.

  The coach stopped in front of the hotel and everyone piled out and headed for their rooms and suites to spend some time with their families before the dance that evening. Trance and Corena rode an elevator together and had a quick kiss before they got to Trance’s floor. They decided that Corena would meet him at his suite so they could go to the dance together. Corena got back in the elevator and rode it up to her suite.

  Trance took out his key and opened the door. He was immediately greeted by Sammy’s teasing chant, “Trance and Corena sitting in a tree K I S S…” that’s when Trance playfully yelled.

  Eileen, Trance’s mom, came from the kitchen area and gently shooed Sammy away from the door. “How was it down at the stadium?” she asked.

  “It’s huge,” said Trance, trying to get his mind from thoughts of dancing with Corena and back to thinking about the stadium so he could describe it. “It’s the biggest stadium I’ve ever seen. They have locker rooms for every team, both boys and girls that are here for the tournament. The field itself is so large, it’s divided into eight parts so eight battles can be fought at the same time.” He continued to tell her about the set-up for the events and about entering every event he could.

  Kyle had been sitting in the living room, politely listening to Trance. He smiled and remembered with a grin the times that he had been here and competed in the tournaments. The most exciting time was when he won his only title, the Axman Challenge. He had been giving advice to Trance every chance he could to try to help get him ready for the tournaments. “So, did you get to see some of your opponents?” he asked, curious to find out more about Trance’s day.

  “Yea,” Trance replied. �
�I think that it’s going to be tough to win anything. Some of the kids looked real tough, and of course they have experience at these events. I don’t know what will happen. I just pray that I can calm down and do my best to lead. Our first competition is tomorrow sometime. The first event is the Castle Series.”

  “Just relax and do what you’ve been doing all year and you’ll be fine,” Kyle advised.

  “Yes honey, just relax and the Lord will help you. I don’t think that he’ll help you win, but he’ll help you relax so you can compete in peace,” said Eileen. She knew that Trance just needed to relax and settle down. She knew that he wanted to win some event at these tournaments, but she knew he couldn’t get very far if he was uptight and nervous.

  “Alright mom,” Trance told her, “I’ll try to relax and give the Lord my anxieties. The dance is tonight, and I’ll do my best to just relax and have a good time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” He talked some more with his family and then went to get ready for the dance.

  Heather had already gotten ready for the dance and was out of the way as Trance went to the bathroom to start to clean up. He showered and then checked his reflection out. He had started needing to shave, not much, but there was a little facial hair growing. He chuckled to himself, realizing that he was starting to really grow up and reached for his electric shaver, a gift from his dad, and shaved. He finished in the bathroom and went to his room and got dressed in his suit.

  His mother had taken him shopping for it three weeks ago. He thought he looked very nice in it. The black slacks very neatly pressed and the long-sleeved white shirt was spotless. He had tied the fashionable tie himself. The suit coat was large enough for his arms to freely move. He leaned over and buffed his black patent leather shoes a little before heading back out to the living room to wait for Corena.

  Trance’s parents had gotten ready to go to the dance as well and they really looked nice dressed up and standing next to each other. Sammy had on a suit also, though he didn’t look very pleased to be dressed up. Heather looked very pretty in her soft pink gown and her hair styled rather fashionably.

  Kyle looked dashing in his dress uniform consisting of a pure white long-sleeved shirt with a hunter green surcoat with a gold fox embroidered on the front and his badges with his rank emblems. He was also wearing hunter green pants and boots as well as a violet sash tied around his waist as a belt. Under the sash he wore his dagger in its sheath. His hair looked neat and overall he was a rather handsome young man.

  The family gathered in the living room and they were making sure that they were all ready to go when there was a knock on the door. Sammy started to giggle at Trance who was turning pink. Mr. Sonderson opened the door and greeted the royal family in the hall.

  “Good evening,” said Mr. Sonderson as he extended his hand to King Maximus.

  “Good evening,” replied the King, taking Mr. Sonderson’s hand. He stepped aside to allow the Sondersons to step into the hall. Trance looked around and saw the Golden Griffins standing in their dress uniforms a little way off so they could follow the royal family to the dance. His eyes then took in the King and Queen in their royal best, and young Prince Mixim looking mischievous in his royal blue suit. Finally he saw Corena in a gorgeous velvet gown of deep purple with short split sleeves. She was so stunning that for a few moments Trance couldn’t think of anything but how beautiful she was.

  Almost shyly he stepped closer to her and greeted her, “You look absolutely beautiful.” He moved to take her arm and turned toward the elevator, followed by both families and their escort. Trance blushed more as Sammy chided him.

  “You look very handsome tonight,” Corena said very happily as she clung to Trance’s arm. She was rather enjoying herself. She had really taken time to get herself ready for the dance and to look as stunning to Trance as she could. She could tell from his expression that her efforts had paid off.

  The elevators arrived and Major Marlett divided their group to go down in the elevators so that there were some of the Golden Griffins in each elevator with the royal family and then with the Sonderson family. In just a few minutes everyone was down and headed for the hotel’s doors and to their awaiting coaches.

  As Trance looked around he saw a great number of people look in their direction and watch them pass. He caught sight of some of the other boys from other schools look on rather enviously at him as he was walking arm in arm with Corena and with the royal family of the kingdom of Cator on Althora.

  Once outside her escort approached Heather, and she went off with him and rode to the dance with his family. Meanwhile the royal family was helped into their coach and joined by Trance and one of the Golden Griffins, who sat next to the driver. Trance’s family got into their own coach, and the other Golden Griffins had their own coach. In mere moments they were off toward the royal palace of Caldar for the dance.

  Trance was a little nervous sitting next to Corena in her stunning gown and across from the King and Queen. Here he sat in a royal coach for the first time ever and he was fascinated by what it contained. It was elaborately furnished. The seats were very comfortable and covered in burgundy velvet. There was a rather small refrigerator that contained some snacks and cold drinks, a small bar with a shelf with little bottles of alcohol and glasses, a mini-icemaker, and a small oven. The walls of the coach were very elegant and sharply detailed. The images on the coach’s walls depicted kings and queens, princes and princesses from the past.

  King Maximus smiled warmly at him and offered a cold drink. Trance accepted and opened his drink, which was a lightly carbonated beverage that tasted like grape juice. Corena also got a drink as well as Prince Mixim. They all sat back as the driver got the robot horses pulling the coach off to the dance. Trance looked out and could just make out his family’s coach coming along behind them. He could see that Kyle was driving.

  Fourteen minutes later the coach was pulling up to a royal palace. Trance looked out the window next to him and saw a host of coaches in front of the building and a crowd of people getting out of the coaches, gathering about and making their way to the doors. The driver got down and opened the door. King Maximus got out first and helped Queen Kayna out. Then Trance stepped out and offered his hand to help Corena out of the coach. Prince Mixim climbed out last and didn’t look very pleased to be the last out of the coach.

  A short ways away came up the coach with the Golden Griffins. The troop disembarked from their coach and quickly moved up to guard the royal family. Trance looked back and saw his family pull up and start getting out. He smiled brightly as a familiar feminine arm took his and he looked into Corena’s beautiful face. They turned and followed the King and their bodyguard toward the doors.

  At the door they were greeted by a greeting party, which included a Duke from the host kingdom on Caldar. King Maximus and his family and escort of Golden Griffins and Trance were introduced. Trance looked around and saw that they were being watched by almost everyone in the room. He smiled with delight that he was here with Corena on his arm, yet he started to feel more nervous with all of these people looking in their direction.

  Before King Maximus found a table for his family and nearby tables for their escort, Trance’s family was introduced. Trance was delighted to see his dad escorting his mother arm in arm. Kyle and Sammy followed behind, and Kyle waved at a few people that he knew. Trance watched his family take seats at a table just a little ways away from them.

  Just a few minutes went by before some of Trance and Corena’s teammates came by with either their girlfriends or boyfriends. Everyone greeted them warmly, and most of them seemed excited about the dance and the upcoming tournament. As they talked, Trance learned that there was a lot of talk about the teams competing and their records coming into the tournaments. It seemed that there were some people really crunching numbers and trying to figure out who would win a number of the events. Trance was thrilled to learn that his team was now
considered to be one of the major frontrunners for some of events. His team was even being compared to the White Knights that Rex had led to such success last year.

  Trance learned that he was also being discussed. It seemed that many of the teams from the other planets entered into the tournaments had heard about him and how he’d led his team to such a successful year. It was also noted that he had repeatedly beat Rex. Many of the other teams were curious to see how good a knight Trance was and if he was as good a captain as they had heard.

  There seemed to be another topic that kept coming up that night. Who was going out with whom, and of course it did not escape anybody’s notice that Trance was with Corena. There were comments made about why Princess Corena had dumped Rex. They had appeared to be such a good match. She was a lovely princess and heir to her kingdom, and Rex was sure to be picked as one of the best knights to be trained in many years. It just sounded so unusual that Corena should leave a guy that had such good prospects for some boy that came from such a distant planet. There were even a couple suggestions that she should be with a boy from her own world.

  As the night went on Trance and Corena ignored these comments and concentrated on each other by dancing and sitting and visiting with their friends. They were really enjoying the company of some of their best friends; Zam and his girlfriend Masey, Gracer and Catrina, and Hamon and Amanda. At a break in the dance the couples split into two groups for a couple minutes, boys and girls. They enjoyed a little gossip.

  On the boys’ side of the room getting punch Hamon asked, “Hey Trance, how in the hell did you get Corena to go out with you? By the way, why did she break up with Rex in the first place?”

  “The answer to your first question is just my charm,” Trance said, making what he thought was a rather charming pose. “For the second question, he’s a royal jerk and had cheated on her, end of story. Now really, I guess that we kind of got interested in each other when we first met, and then we started talking in school and we just fell in love with each other. How did you guys meet your sweethearts?” He asked and indicated the girls as they sat together chatting.


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