Edith Sitwell

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by Richard Greene

  Gordon, Lyndall 125–6

  Gore, Spencer 72

  Gorer, Geoffrey 207, 215–16, 356, 372, 388, 395

  Gorer, Rée 207, 226, 266, 292

  Gosden 22, 34, 47

  Gosden House 47, 66

  Gosse, Edmund 123–4, 125, 131, 167, 184, 197, 271

  Gotham Book Mart 349

  Gould, Tony 420

  Gourmont, Rémy de 76

  governesses 31–5, 41–3

  Grafton Gallery 75, 143

  Grainger, Percy 70

  Grand Hotel Baglioni, Florence 81–2

  Grant, Duncan 133

  Grant, Ethel 133

  Grasso family 79

  Graves, Catherine 165

  Graves, Robert 113, 121, 136, 138, 141, 162, 164–5, 173, 175, 193–4; Goodbye to All That 194; A Survey of Modernist Poetry 194

  Great Tradition, The (Leavis) 243

  Greece 64–5

  Green, Peter Lycett 107

  Green Song (E. Sitwell) 310–13, 330

  Greene, Donald 205

  Greene, Graham 113, 122, 136, 166, 170, 282–3, 315, 333, 341, 376, 408, 418, 420, 430, 437, 438; A Gun for Sale 122; The Heart of the Matter 341

  Greenwood, Walter 246; His Worship the Mayor 246; Love on the Dole 246

  Gregory, James 226

  Griffith-Jones, Mervyn 429

  Grigson, Geoffrey 150, 238, 242, 242–3, 328, 334, 357–8, 390, 410; Poetry of the Present 357–8

  Grimston 8

  Guevara, Álvaro de (‘Chile’) 116–19, 359; The Editor of Wheels 117

  Guinness, Alec 278, 340–1, 366, 398, 414

  Guinness, Meraud 118

  Guion, Connie 406

  Gun for Sale, A (Greene) 122

  Gunn, Thom 384

  Gurney, Mrs Tom 59

  Gurney, Thomas 206–7

  Haldane, Charlotte Franken 232–4

  Hamburger, Philip 351

  Hamner, Lady (Aunt Puss) 80–1

  Hamnett, Nina 73, 111, 112, 133

  Hampstead 372, 431–2, 442

  Hampton, Colin 307

  Hanover Gallery 359, 391

  Harden, Elmer 176

  Hardy, Thomas 113

  Harmsworth, Cecil 207

  Harper, Allanah 117, 180–1, 185, 192, 200, 218, 219, 240

  Harrogate 89

  Hartley, Anthony 385–6

  Hartmann, Henri Albert 50, 51–2, 196, 251

  Harty, Hamilton 71

  Harvard University 339, 350

  Haughton, Rose 378

  Have Come, Am Here (Villa) 342

  Hay Brow 22

  Hayashi, Aki 203

  Hayward, John 313–14, 329–30, 405

  Heart of the Matter, The (Greene) 341

  ‘H.D.’, see Doolittle, Hilda (‘H.D.’)

  Heath-Stubbs, John 384

  Heinemann, William 282

  Hely-Hutchinson, Colonel Henry 14

  Hemel Hempstead 58, 60–1

  Henderson, Philip 233

  Hepworth, Barbara 215

  Herbalists Association 198

  Herbert, David 83, 91–6

  Herring, Robert 280, 281

  Hervey, Lord 39

  Hewart, Gordon, KC 92–4, 95–6

  Heytesbury House 235, 374

  Hide and Seek (Tchelitchew) 190, 193, 344, 346–7, 441

  Higham, David 167, 287, 330, 372, 376, 442

  Hill, Geoffrey 401

  His Monkey-Wife; Or Married to a Chimp (Collier) 210

  His Worship the Mayor (Greenwood) 246

  History of Clerkenwell (Pink) 227

  Hitler (Lewis) 225

  Hitler, Adolf 234; sends forces into the Rhineland 251; and the Sudetenland 265–6; appeasement of 276

  Hodgson, Ralph 113, 138, 223

  Hogarth Press 178, 307

  Hogg, Ima 367

  Holloway Prison 96

  Hollywood 132, 368, 377–81, 386–8

  Holman-Hunt, Diana 116, 118

  Holocaust, the 268, 295

  Hopper, Hedda 377–8, 435– 6

  Horizon 294, 337

  Horner, David 179, 192, 265–6, 271, 278, 290–1, 295, 302–3, 335, 338, 351, 367, 372, 394–5, 400, 405–6, 411, 427–8, 428–9, 433; Through French Windows 266

  Houston, Texas 367

  Howard, Brian 118

  Hubble, Edwin 378

  Hudson, Nan 72

  Hughes, Ted 384– 5

  Huis-clos (No Exit) (Sartre) 335

  Hull, University of 343, 438

  Hulme, T. E. 128

  Humphries, Barry 434

  Hungary 404–5

  Hunt, Alice 371

  Hunter, Bruce 372

  Hunter, Mary 68

  Hutchinson, Mary 74

  Huxley, Aldous 74, 113, 115, 119–20, 125, 133, 150, 368, 378, 417, 429

  Huxley, Julian 133

  Huxley, Maria 74, 378

  I Live Under a Black Sun (E. Sitwell) 258–62, 274, 319, 337, 367, 440

  Ingleborough 56, 70

  International Festival of Modern Music, Siena 202

  International Surrealist Exhibition (1936) 240

  Isherwood, Christopher 278

  Isola Bella restaurant, Soho 119

  Italy 26, 46, 79, 355, 361–2, 372–4, 400; occupation of Albania 267; and the Second World War 277

  Jackson, Glenda 388

  Jacob, Naomi 278

  James, Edward 192, 224–5, 226, 231, 239–40, 255–6, 272, 283, 395

  Jazzetry 424

  Jennens, Susanna 173

  Jennings, Elizabeth 384, 401

  Jennings, Richard 98–9, 109, 257

  Jesse Pope’s War Poems (J. Pope) 107

  John, Augustus 72–3, 116

  Johns Hopkins Poetry Festival (1958) 424

  Joyce, James 140, 161, 217, 221; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man 119; Ulysses 161

  Joyce, Nora 217

  Jung, Carl Gustav 335–6, 340, 342; The Psychology of the Unconscious 335–6

  Just, Hartmann 42

  Just, Kate (née Rootham) 42

  Kahn, Gustave 76

  Kandinski, Wassily 144

  Keigwin, Herbert 34–5

  Kellie, Lawrence 62

  Keppel, Mrs George 180

  Keynes, John Maynard 133

  Kierkegaard, Søren 306

  Kilham Roberts, Betty 329

  Kilham Roberts, Denys 329, 388

  King-Church, Lydia 31–5, 38–9, 40–1, 45

  King-Hall, Stephen 269

  Kipling, John 106

  Kirstein, Fidelma 345

  Kirstein, Lincoln 193, 231, 325–6, 345, 353, 362–3, 365, 366, 367, 393

  Klemantaski, Alida 134

  Knopf, Alfred A. 172, 429

  Knowles, Eliza 29

  Kochanski, Paul 70, 373

  Kochanski, Zosia 373

  Korin, Ogata 171

  Kovacevich, Stephen, see Bishop, Stephen

  Kramer, Josef 321

  Krishnamurti, Jiddu 142, 359

  Kristallnacht 267

  Krupskaya, Nadezhda 259

  Kubelík, Jan 52

  Kuniyoshi, Yasuo 352

  La Vecchia (Sickert) 69

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover (Lawrence) 186–7, 429, 442

  Laforgue, Jules 149, 151

  Lambert, Constant 152, 168, 182, 202, 290, 332, 355, 372

  Lambeth Palace 16, 62

  Land, The (Sackville-West) 181

  Lane, Adela 58, 59, 61

  Lane, Allen 429

  Lane, Constance 58–9, 60–1, 61, 62, 63–4, 72, 74, 101, 104, 117

  Lang, Andrew 78

  Lannoy, Richard 360

  Larbaud, Valery 138, 140, 158, 221

  Larkin, Philip 4, 384

  Last Party, The (E. Sitwell) 262

  Lastérie, Count Louis de 208

  ‘The Latest Poems of Edith Sitwell’ (Lindsay) 339–40

  Laughlin, James 330, 342–3, 368

  Laughter in the Next Room (O. Sitwell) 291–2, 342

  Laurence, Willi
am 318, 323

  Lavrin, Janko 143

  Lawrence, D. H. 114, 133–4, 186–7, 206, 237, 429; Lady Chatterley’s Lover 186–7, 429, 442

  Lawrence, Frieda 186

  Le Sacre du Printemps (Stravinsky) 151

  Leadbetter, C. W. 142

  Leapor, Mary 173

  Leavis, F. R. 137, 237–8, 241–3, 329, 384, 385, 412; New Bearings in English Poetry 237; The Great Tradition 243

  Leeds University 33, 343

  Left Hand, Right Hand! (O. Sitwell) 18, 28, 69, 226, 250, 291–2

  Lehmann, John 307–8, 309, 320, 324, 330, 344, 356, 368, 384, 405, 412, 414, 418, 420, 433, 437; Demetrios Capetanakis: A Greek Poet in England 308

  Lehmann, Rosamond 355, 358, 425

  Leigh, Colston 266

  Lend a Hand Guild 137–8

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 259, 260, 319

  leprosy 324, 333, 420–1

  Lerman, Leo 393

  Leroy, Velma 379, 437

  Levanto 237, 244–6, 256–8

  Levertov, Denise 246

  Levi, Peter 401–2

  Lewis, Sir George 90

  Lewis, Percy Wyndham 115, 116, 143, 242, 272, 348–9, 357; arrival on the scene 159–60; ES on 159; reliance on patronage 159; portrait of ES 159–60; The Apes of God 212–13; Hitler 225; The Snooty Baronet 225; ES sketch published 429–30

  Libya 82

  Life and Letters To-day 279, 280

  Life magazine 349, 378–9, 417–8

  Lindsay, Jack 339–40, 361, 373; ‘The Latest Poems of Edith Sitwell’ 349–40

  Lindsay, Vachel 199

  l’Isle-Adam, Villiers de 76

  Listener, The 320

  Liszt, Franz 8, 155

  Locarno 335

  logical positivism 4–5, 384

  Logue, Christopher 424

  Londesborough, Edith Denison (née Somerset), Countess of 8, 9–10, 22–3, 31, 41, 97, 171

  Londesborough, Francis Denison, second Earl 12, 83

  Londesborough, Grace, Countess of 61

  Londesborough, William Henry Denison, first Earl 8, 9–10, 12

  Londesborough Lodge 8, 23

  Londesborough Park 8, 9, 12

  London 81, 207–9, 264–5, 268, 270–1, 276, 315, 316–17, 335, 355–6, 363, 391, 401–2; Berkeley Square 8; Grosvenor Square 8; Lancaster Gate 33; 25 Chesham Place 44; 6 Sloane Court 59; 19 Fitzroy Street 72–4; 14 Pitt Street 85, 86; 22 Pembridge Mansions 87, 101, 102–3, 112–13, 131, 180–1, 183, 224, 283; air raids, First World War 124; Swan Walk 133; Armistice celebrations 133–4; 12B George Street, Hanover Square 138; Sesame, Imperial and Pioneer Club 247, 248, 249, 258, 264, 278, 290, 296, 317, 358, 371, 401, 407–8, 426, 427, 429, 430–1; the Blitz 280, 283; V-1 rocket attacks 312–13; VE Day 317; 20 Keats Grove 442– 3

  London Calling (Coward) 168–9

  London Library, the 226

  London Magazine 307, 384–5, 443

  London Mercury 158, 245, 248–9

  London School of Economics 167

  London Symphony Orchestra 374–5

  Londres, Albert 234

  Long Itchington 224

  Look! The Sun (E. Sitwell) 287

  Lopokova, Lydia 134

  Lord Weary’s Castle (Robert Lowell) 356

  Los Angeles 377–9

  Losey, Reverend 66

  Louvre, the 48

  Love on the Dole (Greenwood) 246

  Low, Sir Frederick 92

  Lowell, Ralph 338

  Lowell, Robert 356; Lord Weary’s Castle 356

  Lucie-Smith, Eleanor (aka Nell St John Montague) 301

  Lucky Jim (Amis) 386

  Lutyens, David 201

  Lycett, Andrew 382

  Lydiard Wilson, Hal 209, 410, 432

  McCarthy, Mary 353, 354

  McCullers, Carson 366–7, 437

  Mack, Maynard 204

  MacLeish, Archibald 248, 368

  Macmillan 287, 296, 310, 320, 427, 434

  Macmillan, Daniel 282, 360

  MacNeice, Hedli 328

  MacNeice, Louis 308, 328–9, 358, 383; Blind Fireworks 328

  Madame X 177

  Madrid 177

  Maeterlinck, Maurice 76

  Maiden Voyage (Welch) 294

  Maillart, Ella 359

  Mairet, Philippe 144

  Making of Americans, The (Stein) 177, 180

  Malipiero, Gian Francesco 352

  ‘Manet and the Post-Impressionists’ exhibition (1910–11) 75

  Manners, Lady Diana 118

  Map of Love, The (E. Sitwell) 257

  Marchmont House 58

  Marcoussis, Louis 218

  Margaret of Hesse, Princess 421

  Marlowe, Sylvia 353

  Marriott, Raymond 259

  Marsh, Edward 114, 124, 132, 226; Georgian Poetry 114

  Marshall, Dorothy 381

  Martin, Amalia 286

  Martin, Betty 420; Miracle at Carville 420

  Martin, Willie 82, 84, 94–5

  Marx, Groucho 377

  Marxism 259–60, 361

  Masefield, John 295, 328

  Massine, Léonide 133–4

  Massingham, H. W. 121

  Mathias, Eva 157

  Maugham, Somerset 418

  Mauriac, François 340

  May, Eric Paul 141

  Men at Arms (Waugh) 28

  Merryfield, Mary 393–4

  Mew, Charlotte 134–5, 136

  Mexico City 367

  Middleton, Richard 78

  Miller, Arthur 380, 402

  Miracle at Carville (Martin) 420

  Mitford, Nancy 398

  Mitrinovic, Dimitrije 143–5, 146, 151, 197, 287, 319

  Moat, Henry 29–30, 46, 94, 216, 439

  modernism 4, 128, 314

  Monnier, Adrienne 220

  Monro, Harold 134

  Monroe, Marilyn 142, 380, 402

  Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley 39, 218

  Montague, Nell St John, see Lucie-Smith, Eleanor

  Monte Carlo 49

  Montegufoni 79, 179–80, 186, 202, 229, 237, 264, 267, 302, 361–2, 372–4, 391, 396–7, 400, 404, 412, 413, 422, 426, 433

  Month, The 396, 414

  Moore, Major Arthur 164

  Moore, George 70

  Moore, Henry 444

  Moore, Leonard 158

  Moore, Marianne 160–1, 289, 314, 350, 394, 424, 443

  Morgan, Charles 282, 413

  Morning Post 115

  Morrell, Lady Ottoline 121, 126, 133

  Morris, William 74

  Morrison, Angus 168

  Mosley, Oswald 234

  Mother and Other Poems, The (E. Sitwell) 103–4

  Movement, The 4–5, 384, 390, 401

  Muir, Edwin 143, 145–6

  Munich 144

  Murray, D. L. 227, 287, 295

  Murry, John Middleton 121, 129–30, 214

  Museum of Modern Art, New York 190, 338, 350–1, 365–6, 440

  Musk, Charles 392, 399, 418, 432, 440

  Mussolini, Benito 267

  My Rock Garden (Farrer) 56

  My Royal Past (Beaton) 276

  Nagasaki, bombing of 318, 323

  Napoleon III 8, 31

  Napoleonic Wars, the 14

  Nash, Richard 218

  Nation and Athenæum 172, 211

  National Gallery, the 33, 74

  National Institute of Arts and Letters 352

  neo-romantic painters 190, 239, 315

  Nether Lypiatt 230

  neurasthenia 50–1, 303

  Nevinson, C. R. W. 116, 132

  Nevinson, Margaret 132

  New Age 145–6, 151, 160–1, 164

  New Apocalyse movement 240

  New Bearings in English Poetry (Leavis) 237

  New English Art Club 73

  New Orleans 368

  New Statesman 241–2, 261, 385

  New Verse 238

  New Writing 307

  New Writing and Daylight 307, 308

  New York 244–5, 265, 34
4, 345–9, 350–1, 352–3, 365–7, 368, 376–7, 388, 392–3, 395, 406, 440

  New York City Ballet 365

  New York Herald Tribune 261, 360–1, 392

  New York Times 318, 377, 395, 419, 441

  New Yorker 210, 351

  Newbolt, Henry 235

  Newman, Ernest 182

  Newman, Widgey R. 185

  Nichols, Robert 124, 125, 130–2, 134, 199, 374, 395; Ardours and Endurances 130

  Nicholson, J. W. 427

  Nicholson, Nancy 125, 164–5, 193–4

  Nicol, Graham 443

  Nicolson, Harold 296

  Nijinsky 150

  Nimr, Amy 218, 219

  Noise Abatement Society 431

  North, John Ringling 352

  North Sea, shipwrecks 20

  Northamptonshire Record Society 76

  Northcliffe Lectures, University of London 258

  Notebook on William Shakespeare, A (E. Sitwell) 345

  ‘Notes towards the Definition of Culture’ (Eliot) 144

  Novalis 306

  Noyes, Alfred 167, 282

  nurse maids 30–1

  O’Keeffe, Paul 212

  Observer 283, 409–10, 429, 430

  Oken, Lorenz 306, 323

  Old Huntsman, The (Sassoon) 120

  Olson, Elder 393

  Olson, Jerri Hays 393

  Omega Workshop 159

  On the Making of Gardens (G. Sitwell) 26

  Orage, A. R. 145, 146, 161, 164

  Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold, The (Waugh) 408

  Orpen, William 72

  Our Time 312

  Owen, Peter 261

  Owen, Susan 129–30

  Owen, Wilfred 107, 109, 115, 122, 128–30, 184, 256

  Owles, Charles 83, 86, 91

  Owston, John 21

  Oxford 320, 416– 17

  Oxford Book of Modern Verse (ed. Yeats) 256

  Oxford University 16, 330–1, 343, 371, 376, 384; see also Balliol College, Oxford; Christ Church, Oxford

  Oxford University Press 426–7

  Pall Mall Gazette 115

  Palm Beach 378

  Panama City 439

  Pan-Anglican Congress (1908) 62

  Paracelsus 306, 324, 342

  Pare, Stephen 28, 29

  Paris 89, 170, 173, 218–19, 246–7, 251, 255–6, 258, 264, 266–7, 268, 277, 324, 355, 390, 400–1, 422; 16 Quai de Passy 48, 50; the Louvre 48; ES’s visit, 1904–5: 48–9, 50–2; ES meets Stein 176–7; 2 rue Jacques-Mawas 190, 219; 150 Boulevard Montparnasse 190; 27 rue de Fleurus 194; ES’s visit, 1931: 218–19; Shakespeare and Company 220–2; 129 rue Saint-Dominique 223–4, 225; Helen Rootham buried in 264; fall of 277; liberation of 309–10

  Parsons, Leonard 158

  Patchen, Kenneth 368

  Pausanias 307

  Peaky (peacock) 26–7

  Pearn, Nancy 250

  Pearn, Pollinger and Higham 167, 280

  Pears, Peter 363, 372, 436–7

  Pearson, John 46, 117, 141–2, 157, 185, 187, 191, 207, 245–6, 302, 348, 350, 367, 405, 433

  Peking 56

  Penguin New Writing 307, 320

  Pepita (Sackville-West) 286

  Perse, Saint-John 219


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