Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 9

by A. S. Koutso

  “We will need to change that. My father told me once that the warriors all had their weapons forged by a master craftsman that had their powers embedded into them. Now I’m not sure if that's true or only a myth, but if it is true it would be good to find your old sword or have another forged with your powers.”

  “Well when I first picked up my dagger it threw me into a vision, and the other me had it strapped to her leg. That's why I bought it.”

  “So maybe it is true then.” she pondered for a moment, placing her hand around her chin.

  “Do you remember where you got the dagger? Maybe the merchant has the sword too.” she continued to think aloud

  “I’m sure if he did, he would have sold it to you as a set. It could be really hard to track down, it was just dumb luck that you actually found your dagger. I guess for now we won't worry about that. We can go into the closest town and purchase a cheap sword to practice with.”

  “So, you got that all figured out then?” I asked, teasing her.

  Before I had a chance to tell her I was joking a wave of water crashed down on me. In the background Orla was giggling and swimming to shore.

  Later that day we decided to pack up and head down to a town in Offaly. Orla suggested I stayed in the mountain, but I wanted to go and see the town for myself.

  The town was about an hour walk from the base of the mountain. It was very small and had no walls around it to keep it safe. When we got there, I saw no guards patrolling the entrance.

  “This is a farming village; we should be safe here. They abide by church law, but they have no need for guards. There are little to no travelers that come through these types of villages. I’m hoping there's a local blacksmith, because forget about merchants.” she explained as we walked through the small town looking around for a shop.

  We passed a tavern and decided our best bet would be to ask the barmaid. It was pretty late in the day so we figured there would be quite a bit of people there, luckily to our advantage there were only a few tables filled.

  “Can I help you?” The server at the far back called out to us.

  “Yes please.” Orla shouted approaching the woman

  “We are looking for a blacksmith, do you know of a shop in town?”

  “Only blacksmith around here is old man Deacon and good luck getting him to work.” She pointed us to a table in the far back, where an older man was passed out face first.

  “Perfect.” I said walking over to him.

  As I sat in the chair beside him, I slammed my fists down on the table. A loud bang had the whole tavern looking at me. The man jumped up in his seat.

  “What happened? Did I fall again?”

  “No Sir. My name is Ash and I heard you're the only blacksmith in town.”

  “Ah piss off. I don't have time for this.” He said, taking a sip of his ale.

  “All I need is a sword, I don’t need any repairs or anything handmade. Just a quick sale and we will be out of your face.” I explained.

  “The day is over for me. Come back another time and we will see how I feel.”

  Orla slammed a bag of coins on the table.

  “How about now?” She asked the grumpy old man

  “My shop is down this road, follow me girls.” He hopped out of his chair and sprinted for the front door.

  “I assume you’ll be paying off your tab with all that coin?” The server shouted from across the tavern, but it was too late. The man was out the door and headed over to his shop.

  He held the door open and waved us down.

  “Well are you coming or what? Time is money girls.”

  Orla looked at me and smiled.

  “I guess we should hurry up then.” she said as she started running down the road.

  “I’ll beat you there!”

  I sprinted as fast as I could and passed Orla with my tongue sticking out. I got to the door with time to spare, she was still pretty far behind.

  “Come on slowpoke!” I shouted holding the door open

  The shop was small and filled to the brim with weapons. There was dust and spiderwebs everywhere.

  “Haven’t been in here in a while.” The old man said dusting off the countertop.

  “So, what can I get you fine ladies?”

  “We just need a sword, nothing fancy, just something to practice with.” I explained

  “I see. Well I have a wide selection on the wall to your right. They should be perfectly weighted for a little one like you.”

  We started browsing and discussing whether I would be more comfortable with a one or two-handed sword. I tried a few out and was leaning toward the one hander so that I could use magic while I was fighting but was more comfortable with a heavier one.

  “Do you have anything with a little more weight to it?” I asked

  “I do, but are you sure about that. You're just a tiny little thing.”

  “Yes. I need something that carries a hard-enough punch.”

  “Ok then, go to the front wall. There's a collection of steel blades there, but I warn you the heavier they are the more expensive it's going to be.” He said with a smirk on his face.

  I skimmed through all the different swords, but none caught my eye. I had to remember this was only for now. Eventually I will find my sword or hopefully anyway. With that in mind I picked up a long sword with a gold ring on the pommel. It was in decent shape and clanged on the floor when I lifted it with one hand. The weight was great. I could actually feel the balance in it. I swung it around holding tightly with both hands. This was perfect for me.

  “How much?” I asked the man

  “I don’t do returns.”

  “I said how much?”

  “That one, I can make you a fair deal of 20 silver pieces and I’ll throw in the scabbard.”

  I really don’t know if that's a good deal or not, so I looked over at Orla and nodded. She took the hint and haggled the old drunk.

  “We can give you 10 silvers for that piece of junk.”

  “No. I said 20.”

  “Alright then. Let's go.” She said heading to the door.

  “Wait. I can do it for 15, but no less than that.”

  Orla turned back toward the man with a smile.

  “Deal.” She threw the coins onto the counter and we headed out the door.

  “Should we grab some food before we head back?” I asked with a growling stomach

  “I don’t see an issue with that, I highly doubt Cillian would have come through here anyway.”

  We went back to the tavern to see if what they were serving was edible.

  Surprisingly, it smelt delicious, so we sat at a table in the corner and ordered two plates with two ales. A young girl brought us our ale and asked if we needed anything else, she must have been around seven years old.

  “No thank you. What are you doing working so hard little one?” Orla asked

  “I need to make money so I can feed myself. Isn't that obvious?”

  I interrupted before Orla could continue

  “Yes, and you’re doing a great job.” I flipped her a gold coin from my bag.


  “Yes, but make sure our food is fresh. Got it?” I said with a wink

  A sharp pain hit my chest and it took away my breath. I knelt over in agony.

  “Ash! Are you ok?” Orla shouted as she ran around the table to lift me up.

  “I’m not sure.” I replied faintly

  A dark cloud rolled across the floor and the lights began to fade, I knew what was happening.

  “It's happening again.”

  “What is?” Orla panicked

  “A vision.” I replied as the room went black

  With the pain still piercing my chest, I stood up slowly and looked around. Nothing was coming into sight. I started walking down the void.

  A dancing light was emanating from a distance, so I followed down the path of darkness.

  “Ash.” a voice called out

e light stopped and began changing colors from white to purple. A figure approached from the light. It was a Fae with large wings. As it approached, I recognized the scent.

  “It's you again.” I said abruptly

  “So, you're going by Ash now I see.”

  “I can’t use my Fae name.”

  “In time you will be able to again. It is a powerful name that many fear.”

  “Why am I here?” I asked

  “You need to stay away from Cillian.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “But you don’t know. There's so much you must learn.”

  “Then teach me.”

  “I cannot, but I must warn you to stay away from him. There is a link between you that will pull you together, but you must resist. For the sake of both of you.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “You are not strong enough yet, you can't stay.”

  The light began to return

  “Aisling wait!” I cried out

  “You are bound.” she said as she faded with the darkness.

  I woke up still in Orla’s arms.

  “Ash? Are you ok? Tell me what's wrong? Where is the pain?”

  I shook my head and stood up.

  “I’m fine. The pain is gone.”

  “What do you mean gone? You were crying out a second ago, then you started telling me it was happening again. Have you had that pain before?”

  “We should go.”

  The servant arrived with our food as we got up to leave.

  “After food?” Orla asked shrugging her shoulders

  I chuckled.

  “Ya. Let’s eat.”

  The food was delicious. We finished every last bite. The little girl even brought us apple cake as a dessert.

  “More ale?” the server asked as she cleared the table.

  “No thank you. We must be on our way.” Orla replied, wiping her face one last time.

  “Come back any time, as my honored guests.” The little girl said seeing us out the door.

  “Well thank you very much m’lady.” I replied with a curtsy.

  She giggled and waved us off.

  The sun had already set but the full moon lit our way back to the mountain. Carry my new sword on my back we took our time to get back to camp.

  Chapter 13

  Crickets were chirping far off in the tall grass. We lay silent under the glow of the full moon. Stars twinkled in the sky above. The embers of the fire burnt out and the breeze grew chilly. Without a word he pulled me in closer to his chest to warm me. My ear pressed over his heart as I listened to it beat. My eyes were closed but I could see his smile. His soft pink lips reached down and kissed my forehead knowing exactly what I was feeling without having to say it.

  “Stay with me forever?” He asked in a faint voice.

  “If only my love. Tomorrow we will be enemies once again, but for tonight hold me as your lover.”

  He tightened his grip around me and pulled me on top of him.

  “I refused to fight against you Aisling. You are my angel, and I will not harm a single hair on your head.” he proclaimed

  “You know it's not that simple Cillian. Do not claim such irrational vows. You have no say over your actions in war. McDormott owns your soul and will do with it as he pleases.”

  “I will fight it.”

  “You cannot fight his magic. He is an evil man and I do not wish him to harm you. I will slay him and free your soul.”

  “It is my burden to bear. Not yours. Please Aisling, withdraw from tomorrow's battle. Take your men far away from here and let me handle the sovereign. Once I am free, I will come find you and we can be together in peace.”

  I couldn't handle seeing the pain in his eyes. I removed my blouse, button by button and lay my bare chest on his. Our skin warmed each other as I kissed his quivering lips.

  Our hands intertwined on the grassy floor. My legs wrapped around his hips. I could feel every part of his body pulsing with lust. My wings spread out as far as they could. With a deep breath I inhaled his scent, and my longing for him took over. Kissing down his neck I could feel my body tingling for more, my wings began to flap ferociously. Ecstasy smothered the air around us.

  I jumped up when I felt something on my knee. My vision was blurred but it looked like a bird was pecking at me. My eyes were trying to focus but the morning light was blinding. The large black bird hopped on to my shoulder and nestled its beak next to my ear.

  “Aisling. Are you safe? Please send word when this finds you. I spoke to the druid. He taught you how to send messages. Please send word.” The bird spoke in Cara’s voice.

  She must have never gotten my message. Stupid finch. The crow began to fly away, before it could, I let out a low caw hoping it would listen to me. I held out one finger and it landed on it.

  I whispered into its ear

  “Find Cara. Deliver this message; I am safe. The church has discovered me. But I am ok. Will come home as soon as possible.”

  The crow nodded and flew off. I hope it works this time. She needs to know I’m safe, I don’t want her worrying for no reason.

  Orla was still asleep, so I decided to get some training in with my new sword. It should keep my mind off that dream I had. I wonder if Aisling was trying to show me something or if that was all me and my desires. When Orla wakes up, I’ll have her guard my body while I try to open my spirit door, I have so many questions left unanswered. Hopefully, I can control the memories that come to me.

  I walked down to the waterfall that we usually bathe in. I always felt calm there so I figured it would be a good place to practice.

  There was a clearing on the north side big enough for me to be able to dance around in, that should do fine to start off.

  I pulled my sword from the scabbard and held it with both hands in front of my face, focusing all my attention on it. With a deep breath I lifted the heavy steel blade up to the sky and began swinging it around to get the proper balance of it. Once I found a comfortable position, I started to take it seriously. Feeling every rock on the ground to avoid them as I danced around with my sword.

  I heard clapping, so I stopped to look for the source.

  “Don’t stop on account of me, you’re doing great.” Orla said giggling.

  “And if I’m doing so great, why all the laughing?”

  “No no, I’m sorry.” She replied, straightening her face.

  “You just look so serious, it's rare to see you actually concentrate on something.”

  “You're sooo funny, but now that you're finally awake I need your help.”

  “Alright.” She hopped off the rock she was squatted on.

  “I’ll fetch my sword.”

  “No. It's not training. Not yet anyway. I need to enter my spirit door, and to be honest I’m not sure what happens to my body when I’m in there, so I’d like you to guard it.”

  “Sure. I can do that. I will be your bodyguard, HAHA. Get it? Your body-guard.” She continued laughing at her own joke.

  “Oof. Tough crowd.” she wiped the tear from her eye and walked down toward me.

  “So where do you want to do this thing?”

  I pointed to the ground

  “Right here.”

  “Oh. Ok. Well I warn you; I’ve never seen this done before so I can't help you.”

  “That's fine. Just make sure nothing attacks me please.”

  I closed my eyes and began the process. Imagining a door, calming my mind, feeling the energy around me and harnessing it to bend at my will. A surge of power came from in front of me.

  “Holy crap!” Orla shouted

  “You did that?”

  “You can see it?”

  “Well duh I can see it, it's a big door that just popped out of nowhere.”

  “Alright then, wish me luck.” I opened the door and stepped inside.

  I have so many questions I’m not sure which one I was thinking of when I summoned it. If that's the way it works in the fi
rst place.

  I started walking down the dark void when I saw the tiny shimmering light that would guide me to where I had to go.

  “Wait up, I’m coming.” I walked down the path to where the creature was waiting for me.

  “Hurry up let’s go Aisling. It's waiting for you.” It tugged on my blouse to make me go faster.

  “What are you little creature?”

  “Don’t be so rude, I’m not a creature. I’m a spirit pixie. I guide you through this realm. Well when I feel like it anyway. Sometimes I like to watch you struggle.”

  “Ya, and I’m rude. Do you know which memory awoke this time?”

  “I do, but you’ll have to see for yourself. Now hurry up before you run out of time.”

  I walked faster until I started to see an image come into view.

  I was in Laois. It looked to be the middle of the night. Rain was pouring down around me, but I did not get wet. I heard the rushing of footsteps running down the path from the castle. A dark figure approached me wearing a hooded cloak. I could not make out who it was, and I could not get any closer. They were running holding something in their arms. Guards rushed out of the castle.

  “Lady Cara wait.” They shouted to her

  She kept running as fast as she could without looking back. Down the road there was a merchant with a horse drawn cart, she looked over and ran toward it.

  Out of breath she begged.

  “Please take my baby far away. There are people here that want to harm her.”

  She threw a coin purse at the man and kept begging. The man accepted and rode off into the night. He shouted Ballymacahara just loud enough for her to hear before she ran in the opposite direction.


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