Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 13

by A. S. Koutso

  “Your plea has been met. The price will be paid.”

  I nodded in response.

  One man left waiting for his death. He had no fight in him, walking up to him I dropped my sword.

  “How old are you.” I asked the shaking man.

  “This is my twelfth year.”

  “You’re just a child. Why do you work for the church?”

  Hesitantly he answered

  “I was an orphan. The church raised me to be a knight.”

  The vines retreating down my cheek, I let out a deep breath.

  “Go on, leave.”

  “You’re not going to kill me?”

  “No. I feel your innocents. You do not wish to fight. You hold no hatred inside of you.”

  “Thank you.” He said scurrying off

  “Return to the church and I will have to kill you one day.” I shouted to him

  With the guards all gone I sat on the ground trying to calm my racing heart. The feeling of two scripts active at the same time was exhilarating. I felt unstoppable. Orla rushed to my side holding my back where the sword hit.

  “Are you ok? I saw the guard hit you, but theres not even a scratch.”

  I smacked my corset

  “He should have aimed higher.” I responded with a grin.

  “How are you still standing after using up all that energy?’

  “I’m not, I’m sitting.”

  She nudged me giggling.

  “Ok, but for real last time you used that kind of power you passed out.”

  “This was fuelled by pure rage. Its not the same thing.”

  “And the snake? What was that?”

  “I’m not sure. They were running your way and I acted without thinking.”

  “But where did you learn it. It certainly wasn’t me.”

  “I remembered it.”

  “So, you really are getting your memories back then.”

  “It seems like it. I remember horrible things that happened to me, well that happened to the Fae. I was one of the lucky ones.”

  “There must have been a reason for that. You were a front-line warrior; it was not just dumb luck. It was your destiny.”

  “No, it was my mother.”

  “Your mother? Cara?” She asked quizzically

  “No Cara is not my mother she is a caregiver sent to me from the Tuatha de Danann elders to ensure my survival.”

  “Then who is your mother?”

  “Goddess Danu.”

  “Wait. Your telling me you’re a demigod?”

  “No, I’m a fairy. My mother created me; she did not birth me.”

  “So, all of a sudden you can remember everything?”

  “Not everything, only certain fragments. I know that my mother created me as the first fairy using a human, in hopes of creating a bridge between our species.”

  “Were you the first Fae?”

  “There were many before me. The gods created Fae long before the humans, but once the humans came around, they were envious of our powers. So, my mother thought it would be best to create the fairies. Half Fae and half human, without our wings there would be no difference in our looks. We could help the humans get along with the Fae and vice versa. I have lived many lives and all of them with the same script. The goddess used Aisling to show the other gods that I was her dream, her vision for the future.”

  “That’s amazing. Now you know how to fully use your powers then?”

  “No. I still need to train, and I will need my wings if I want to regain my strength. In order to enter Hollow hill, I will need to fly.”

  “Then we should make our way to the doctor. No more sitting around.” She said standing up and extending her hand in front of me.

  I took it and stood up.

  “Before we go, I need to speak to the town.”

  “What makes you think they will come out? You are covered in blood and guts. I’m not sure they trust you.”

  “And that’s why I need to talk to them.”

  I made my way to the centre of the village and began to speak in a loud clear voice.

  “You are not my enemy. I only seek justice for the family I lost. The church is my enemy. Please do not fear me. No harm will come to the innocent.”

  I watched as a few stuck their heads out of doors and windows. One man came out of the building to approach me.

  “I am the head of this town.” He said bowing to me

  “I wish no harm to come to my people, if what you say is true please leave. These people are frightened and feel threatened by your presence.”

  I looked at him for a moment before I could answer. I could feel his fear radiating from him, yet he still had the courage to confront me.

  “I will leave, but first I request food and essential supplies.”

  “I will have everything delivered to you, but please wait outside of the town.”

  I nodded in agreeance. Throwing a coin sack to him. It fell heavily at his feet.

  “What’s this?” He asked

  “Retribution for the horror your people just bore witness too. Distribute it amongst the families.”

  “You are too kind m’lady. May I ask who you are?”

  “Who I am is not important, however what I am is what you should be asking.”

  He looked at me confused

  “I am Fae. The church has convinced you that we are malicious creatures who come to harm you. That is not true, we are not demons and we are not gods. We are like you simply with a different appearance and with outstanding abilities. Long ago, before the ancient war between the humans and Fae we lived together aiding one and other with menial tasks. The Fae are not your enemy.”

  I explained loud enough for the whole town to hear. With my statement made I walked through the town passed the citizens watching in fear and fascination. I stopped at the other end and turned to the man.

  “Thank you for all of your help Sir.”

  I continued to exit the town and waited just outside of its limits. Orla followed silently.

  About an hour had passed before a young boy walked toward us, a large bag was thrown over his shoulder. I stood to great him, but Orla pulled me back.

  “I will speak with him. I believe the reason it took so long was because they were afraid to come out here alone. It might be easier if I dealt with the child.” She explained

  I nodded and sat back on the boulder.

  Orla walked up a few steps to meet the boy. His energy was mixed, there was a bit of fear but mostly excitement. He bowed his head to Orla, swinging the bag off his back.

  “Can I ask you a question?” He asked, avoiding eye contact with Orla

  “Certainly.” She replied in a sweet voice

  “Are you Fae as well?”

  She let out a small chuckle.

  “No, unfortunately I was not blessed with any powers. I am human just like you.”

  Without hesitation this time he blurted out

  “Then how are you travelling with her? It must be amazing. I have heard so many tales of the war but never with the Fae being the good guys. Our church told us stories of them snatching up babies and eating them. We always thought they were just tales to keep us in line.”

  With his banter continuing with no end in sight I decided to speak to him, hopefully to calm him down. I stood and walked toward him; his eyes grew in awe when he saw me coming. He lowered his head and stopped talking.

  “Its ok my boy, like I said to your leader I am not a god. Think of me as a magical friend that’s all. Orla here is my best friend; we have been through a lot together and if the church had not banned the Fae you would have had someone just like me living as your neighbour. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, but why does the church see you as a threat? The people in my village are all confused, some believe you will be true to your word and that you will not harm us. Others think we should go after you.”

  “And what do you think?” I asked interrupting him.

, it doesn’t really matter what I think. They sent me out here because they were all too afraid of you, and they have no need for me.”

  “They have the right to fear me I am trained to kill, but I was once created to bridge the lives of human and Fae. I have no need to murder the innocent. You see, my father was human, and I lived in this world for hundreds of years without seeing you as a threat. The love of my life is a human.”

  The boy smiled and nodded his head

  “I will explain everything to them. They need to know the truth about you. Everyone does. You really do not want to hurt is. Please don’t worry, you will be safe in the town. That I promise.”

  Orla stepped in

  “And why would they listen to anything you had to say? You just admitted to them not needing you and using you as a sacrifice.”

  “I apologise for lying. You see I was born with a gift. I can detect when someone is truthful. I don’t know how; my mother says the gods gifted me this blessing.”

  “Do you have a father?” I asked

  “Mother says he was killed in battle before I was born.”

  “I see.” I said grinning

  “Alright child, we must be on our way. Thank you for all of your help.” Orla interrupted

  I bowed my head to him and grabbed the bag. Orla followed behind waving to the boy as we left.

  Moments had passed before she asked

  “What is he?”

  “Well, if my guess is correct his father might have been a leprechaun.”

  “Why would you think that? Aren’t they all about trickery?”

  “Yes, but if he is only half Fae then he would not receive all of its powers. He would only be able to inherit certain abilities. One of the lesser used powers among the leprechauns is the ability to see the truth.”

  “Oh, I understand now. Do you think he actually died in battle?”

  “Not at all.”

  “So, it was all just a lie the leprechaun implanted in his mother’s mind then?”

  “Most likely. They aren’t the noblest of creatures.” I responded with a giggle

  Orla shook her head in disgust.

  “That poor woman.”

  “Well, its not all that bad. She has a son and loved a man. It could be worse.”

  “Speaking of love!” She exclaimed

  “I’m not in the mood to talk about it, but yes. I remember what happened.” A pain hit my heart.

  The thought of Cillian dying life after life just because he loved me hurt so bad. He is human and should not have to suffer for so long. I need to break the bond so that he can live a normal life. The only way to do that is to kill McDormott. The love he feels for me in this life is not his own, it is forced upon him and I need to respect that. My Cillian is dead, but I need to save this one.

  “Once I get my wings, I will escort you back to Laois. Our journey together ends there.”

  “What will you do after that? Will you still help me with Odhran?”

  “I will slaughter anyone who works with the church knowingly. However, the innocent will be forgiven.” I explained

  “Odhran is not innocent.”

  “I will be the judge of who deserves to live. The next time you try to manipulate me for your self-advancement there will be consequences’. Don’t think I forgot what you did.”

  “I had no malice intent. You need to understand that. I fear for my father’s life and so should you. If Odhran kills him and I am not there to claim the thrown he will rule Laois in my absence. The church will move in and we will lose Dunamase castle. There are a lot of Fae relics hidden within its walls that I’m sure the high priest would drool over.”

  “In that case I forgive you. We need horses, walking is taking too long.”

  “Should we turn back and ask the village leader for some?”

  “No. We have taken enough from them. Stay here.” I explained heading into the forest.

  Horses are a rare find but if I can call a druid or even better a kelpie, we will be in Shanaglish in no time. I slowed my breathing and listened for the sound of water. If I can find a large enough lake, there should be a kelpie around. Even though the Fae have fled to Tír na nÓg there is no way the kelpies would have gone. Once they inhabit a lake or river they refuse to leave for long periods of time. Walking through the forest I finally heard the sound of a fish jumping out of water. I found the river by following a small stream that led through the forest. The kelpie would not show itself unless I offered up a sacrifice, however I don’t believe in blood shed unless completely necessary. I sat quietly waiting for it to appear, hoping it couldn’t smell me. Hours had passed and finally I saw a woman’s head surfacing.

  I waited until she was fully out of the water before activating my death script, I did not want to kill her but if I was able to phase out for long enough I could approach her without being detected. She started walking out of the water across the lake from me. She was beautiful, her long brown hair still dripping flowed down her back, she went over to sunbathe on a nearby rock. Laying back to let her hair slide down the boulder she held her breasts, shielding them from the sun.

  “I know your there fairy, I can smell your energy.”

  “I am not here to fight kelpie.” I answered back phasing into view in front of her.

  She opened her eyes, her head sliding down the rock. She looked up at me releasing her hands.

  “Beautiful, aren’t I?” she asked letting her large breasts fall as gravity forced them to her face.

  “Yes you are, but you know you cannot seduce me.”

  “Can’t I try? I haven’t tasted Fae in so long.” Her long snake like tongue licked her lips.

  She flipped her naked body over, leaning her elbows onto a smaller rock in front of her.

  “Maybe you’d prefer this angle?”

  “I need your help Kelpie.”

  “Straight to business I see. Did you bring a sacrifice?”

  “No. I refuse to feed you a human. They are not food.”

  “For you maybe not, but for me they are a delicacy.”

  “What do you want instead?”

  “A simple taste will do.” She replied, standing up from the rock.

  “I know you have a human waiting for you. I can have her, or I can have you. Your choice.”

  “Take me. I have more to offer than she does.”

  “So naughty, you know if the elders found out they would punish me.” A smirk grew on her face as she smacked her ass.

  “Do what you must.”

  She walked over to me, grabbing my neck with one hand and caressing my cheek with the other.

  “This might hurt.” She whispered into my ear, sliding her tongue down my neck.

  I braced myself, waiting for the pain.

  She continued to play, kissing down my neck and onto my chest. She unbuttoned my blouse and slid her hand down, grabbing onto my chest.

  “Your heart is pounding. Pleasure or anticipation?”

  I didn’t answer.

  “Your no fun.”

  She pulled my nipple out of my top and began to suck. Her eyes flickered with joy.

  “So sweet.” She continued.

  Her mouth widened as she shifted her teeth into pointy daggers.

  I closed my eyes waiting for the pain, as she inserted her teeth into my now hard nipple. Blood tripping into her mouth she began to drink. Tightening her grip on my neck and breast her body fell weak in ecstasy. Waiting a few moments, I grew dizzy.

  “That’s enough kelpie.”

  “Oh please, a little more. Perhaps you want a taste of me too?” She whispered flicking my breast with her tongue.

  “No. We need to go.”

  She stood up straight wiping the blood from the side of her lip.

  “What do you need?” she asked

  “I need you as a horse. We need to go to Shanaglish, and you cannot speak to the human. I will feed you one last time before I send you back to pay for her ride. Do we have a deal?”

  “Yes.” She grinned as her body began to shift.

  A large brown horse appeared where the kelpie stood.

  “Come on fairy, don’t be shy now.” A voice spoke in my head.

  I sat atop the large beast and directed her back to the path.

  Orla was sitting on a fallen tree waiting patiently.

  “Let’s go.” I said extending my hand to her.

  “Wow. Where did you find that?”

  “Don’t worry, just get on.”

  She grabbed my hand and hopped on, gripping her arms around my waist.

  “Royal blood. That would have been almost as good as yours.” The voice echoed

  I kicked the beast on both sides and grabbed her mane, she took off faster than I expected. My body was thrown back by the acceleration, so I gripped harder. Rushing down the path I estimated we would make it there by midday tomorrow, saving us a good two or three days.

  Chapter 17

  The sun was rising, and we were already in the kingdom of Galway. It wasn’t much further from here. My excitement grew with every stride the kelpie took. I knew eventually we would have to stop, and she would need to feed again, as unpleasant as that experience was it is a necessity if I want her at full strength. Orla held tight around my waist, surely she was exhausted. I leaned forward and whispered into the kelpie’s ear.

  “Find a resting place and I will feed you.”

  The beast gained speed and turned off the main path. Orla shouted over the wind.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We need to eat and rest.” I answered

  She rested her head on my back., loosening her grip around me.

  The kelpie stopped at a small lake. I hopped off and helped Orla down.

  “What a magnificent creature.” She said running her hands across the horse’s coat.

  “Ya, she’s great.”

  “I’ve never seen a horse run so fast before.”

  “I sure do know how to choose them.” I said smacking the kelpie’s ass

  “Let’s leave her to rest, can you go find some food or are you too tired? I asked

  “I’m fine, I’ll be back soon.” She replied heading into the woods


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