Scars (Map of Scars Book 1)

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Scars (Map of Scars Book 1) Page 16

by A. S. Koutso

  Not an hour later I arrived. The castle was heavily guarded, but I remember there being an entrance on the top floor where the king had showed me the artwork he collected from the war. It was a doorway leading outside but there was no balcony. It must have been designed as a Fae entrance. Hoping it was not locked I looked for the door. Luckily, it was open. I poked my head into the hall to see if there were any guards. With no one in sight I made my way down the corridor and to the stairs. I had no idea where to find the king or Odhran,

  but I do remember the king telling me he had certain staff who knew of the Fae existence, if I could find the guards who were with him when I first came here, I’m sure they could help me. It would be hard to distinguish one from the other due to their armour, but then again if anyone who did not know fairies existed saw my wings, I am sure they would run in terror. I could simply walk around the castle frightening people. Then again that would alert Odhran which would not be a good idea. A thought occurred to me, my handmaid. The last time I was here the king trusted a woman to help me. I am sure if he let her go near me, she must know of the Fae.

  I made my way to the servant’s quarters avoiding being seen by anyone. Guards were patrolling the entrances but not many were walking the halls, so it was easy to hide from them. The kitchen staff was so busy they did not notice when I walked in, I made my way to the back where the handmaids were eating their breakfasts. Startled when they saw me three of them fled. One remained at the table, still slurping down her porridge.

  “You’ve come back.” She said, putting her food down on the table.

  “Yes, and I need your help.”

  “I see you’ve retrieved your wings.” She replied with a smile

  “I have.”

  “What can I do for you m’lady.”

  “I can see you’re on break, but this is extremely important. The king is in danger. Odhran is working with the church and I need you to warn the king. Cillian is on his way and we will deal with the imposter but for now I need the king to remain in his chambers safe from any harm.”

  The maid nodded and disappeared.

  A brownie I thought to myself.

  With the king’s safety taken care of I only had Odhran to worry about. It was hard enough getting here I don’t think I will be able to find him on my own. I decided it was best to wait at the entrance for Cillian.

  Hours passed and midday approached, I was growing impatient when I heard the sound of hooves galloping. Finally, Cillian arrived with an army in toe. I jumped up to attention reaching for my dagger. He jumped off his horse in front of me.

  “Its ok, they’re here to help.” He explained, handing me my sword

  “These men are what’s left of the Fae army.”

  “But most of them are human.” I said quizzically

  “True, but they fight with us.”

  I nodded with a smile

  “I had a handmaid warn the king. By now he should be locked in his chambers awaiting further instructions.”

  “Good, now let’s go save the king.” He shouted

  The men followed with screams of passion.

  We charged into the castle following as Cillian led. The servants scrambled in fear as the men ran through with their swords raised high. Stopping before we entered the courtyard Cillian instructed the men.

  “We are here to take down Odhran and if he has followers them as well, the guards serve the king we do not fight against them. If you need to disarm them do so with as little force as possible.”

  We all nodded in agreeance.

  The tapestry glowed as we entered the room, Odhran standing at the centre of attention surrounded by guards. He looked me straight in the face and commanded his army.

  “Kill them.”

  The guards charged at us and the men fought back. We were outnumbered but not for long. I activated my death script and phased out. Odhran watched as my body disappeared, in fear he began to flee.

  “Block the doors.” I called out to Cillian

  Without hesitation the men ran over and shut the doors, blocking them with their own bodies. I phased in with my wings spread out as far as they could, knocking down the guards around me. Odhran shouted for his men to protect him. Some ran to his side others placed their blades on the ground raising their hands.

  “What are you doing, I said protect me.” He shouted to the guards.

  “We will not fight against the Fairy.” One man shouted back.

  “Is that so.” He muttered under his breath

  Mumbling to himself he began to chant an incantation.

  “Cillian run!” I shouted as the word Balor rang in my ear.

  The ground began to quake as Odhran summoned the powers of the dark god. Cracks appeared below us and the floor split open. In fear I phased out rushing to Cillian, I picked him up just as the ground below him crumbled. Undefae climbed out of the rubble and began terrorising the guards and men alike, with no control over them they went after Odhran as well, he screamed out in fear and they slashed at him with their claws. The underfae are little imp like creatures who crave human blood. Their razor-sharp claws sliced open the humans and they began to feast.

  “Quickly, save the humans.” I shouted to the Fae who followed us.

  They scattered and swung their swords slaughtering the creatures as they fed. With the underfae dead I cast a healing incantation, trying to save as many as I could.

  "In the name of the great goddess Airmend, I plead. Heal the wounded that fell to the hands of the dark. Spare their lives as they fight for mine. Sew together their wounds and replenish the life they have lost."

  The air around us shimmered with a warm yellow glow. The fallen began to rise as their wounds closed. Before Odhran could heal Cillian rushed over to him and tied his hand behind his back using a piece of fabric. I went over and shoved another in his mouth, stopping him from using any other spell. The guards who fought against us ran to his side but did not try to stop us. I informed one guard to fetch the king. Moments later he returned with Cillian’s father.

  “Aisling. What happened here? A servant warned me to stay in my chambers at your request but why?” He asked before fully entering the room. In shock he took a step back. The floor still cracked and bathed in blood. Creatures lay dead at our feet.

  “What happened?” He shouted in fear

  “We had to come save you father.” Cillian spoke up

  “We learnt that Odhran was actually working with the church and” He stopped, hesitating to tell the king about Orla.

  “Where’s my daughter?” He asked frantically looking at the men who lay dead.


  “Where is she?” He continued, ignoring Cillian.

  “Father listen to me!” He shouted

  Tears welled in the king’s eyes as he turned to Cillian

  “Where is my baby girl?” He asked once more

  Odhran struggled to get free, knowing once the king finds out the truth he will be executed for treason.

  Cillian grabbed the king by his shoulders, meeting him eye to eye he explained

  “Orla is not your daughter. Her mother lied to you.”

  “Don’t be foolish boy!”

  “Father look at me!” Cillian said trying to keep the king’s attention

  “Odhran is her father. The queen planned this with him to take you and the Fae down.”

  “It can’t be.” He whispered to himself.

  The king walked over to me and picked up the sword from the ground.

  “Take the cloth out of his mouth.” He commanded

  The guard complied removing the fabric.

  “Speak. Now!” He shouted enraged

  “They’re lying your majesty, nothing these peasants say is true.” He replied bowing his head.

  Raising my sword, the king plunged it through Odhrans leg. Screams of agony came from the little man.

  “Your majesty please!” he cried

  The king continued to remove the blade fr
om his leg, only to plunge it into the other.

  “I will kill you Odhran, you sneaky bastard I already know the truth. I want to hear it come out of your lips.” He replied wiggling the blade around.

  His lips turned to a smile

  “I fucked your wife your highness, every night until the day I was done using her. I slipped her a nice poison to make sure she never woke up. She was getting too soft, she thought love was relevant. Stupid bitch” he continued

  “Every night for years I would poison your ale at supper, you would pass out dreaming. The day Erin told you she was pregnant with your child we fucked while you slept in the bed beside us.”

  The kings rage grew but Odhran wasn’t done.

  “And when I found out that you were Cillian’s father, I poisoned his whore of a mother. The stupid Fae didn’t even see it coming. I would have killed Cillian too had he not run.”

  The king had heard enough, he dug my sword out of Odhrans leg and threw It aside, leaping on top of him he pummelled his face, punch after punch. Blood was flying everywhere, Odhran still smiling as his teeth fell to the ground. With his dying breath he whispered

  “Keegan will reign.”

  The king sat on Odhrans dead body staring down at his mutilated face, still not satisfied he continued until Cillian pried him off.

  “Where is the traitor?” he asked huffing

  “She’s in Shanaglish.”

  “You left her there? You should have brought her to me.”

  “No father, she’s still a child. Whether she’s yours or not you raised her.”

  “Fetch her for me son. I need to talk to her.”

  “First thing tomorrow. Tonight, I think it would be best if we all got a little rest.”

  He nodded and turned to me

  “Thank you Aisling. You just met me, yet you made sure I was safe. I owe you my life.” He said bowing

  “Please. You don’t owe me anything. We must protect each other at any cost.”

  “I will have a room made up for each of you to rest.” He looked between Cillian and me.

  “And a feast, to these brave men. For saving my life you shall be honoured.”

  The men cheered following the king into the ballroom.

  Chapter 20

  The feast was lovely, the men sang songs and told stories of the wars they fought in, all while sharing their ale. Humans and Fae getting along, it was really a sight to be seen. I fought for so many lives just to see the day this would come true. Cillian sat at the king’s side still trying to calm him down. I had many questions to ask but the first thing that came to mind was the tailor, I had sent a bird to Ceardaí and never received word back. I had no choice but to assume the worst when I found out Orla was working with the church. I decided it would be best to ask the king himself if he ever received my message.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt your conversation.” I said bowing to the king.

  “Nonsense my dear, what can I do for you? If its men you want I’m sure you can have your pick of any of these fine boys here.”

  Cillian cleared his throat.

  “Your majesty, I sent word to a local Fae a while ago warning you about Odhran. I was wondering if you knew what came of him?”

  “I received no letter.”

  “Actually it would have been Ceardaí himself.”

  A man stood up with a boar’s leg in hand

  “Did you say Ceardaí?”

  “I did, have you seen him?”

  “Afraid not my dear. You see, he’s my brother. He’s been missing for days now. His child is worried sick.”

  A guard stood

  “Is he a man about five foot seven, dark brown hair and blue eyes?”

  “Yes that would be him.” The man replied

  “Odhran had me throw him in the dungeon.”

  “You must be Patrick then.” I said staring at the guard

  “Yes ma’am, I was Orla’s guard. Whenever someone is to tell me our code word, I was to bring that person straight to Odhran.”

  The king stood

  “The dungeons should be empty. No one has the authority to enter unless I say so.”

  Hesitantly the guard replied

  “My king, there are many souls dying in our dungeons. They have been there for years. We were informed to bring them the bare minimum to eat and drink.”

  “WHAT?” The king shouted.

  The ballroom fell into silence as the king marched to the entrance.

  “Everyone is to follow me. We must free everyone who has been wrongly imprisoned. I refuse to have a feast while my citizens are starving.”

  The room shifted as the men fell in line. Cillian and I walked beside the king. He continued to mutter to himself until we reached the basement.

  Guards were stationed at the doors.

  “I’m sorry your majesty, we were told never to let you in. Sir Odhrans orders my king.” The guard bowed

  Patrick stepped forward ordering the guards to step aside.

  “Being told where I can and cannot go, in my own castle. This is preposterous.” The king shouted as the doors open.

  The stench of rotting flesh flooded my nose with every step I took. Rats scurried along the steps with pieces of skin hanging from their mouths. My food was coming back up and it sounded like I wasn’t the only one. The men behind me started gagging and throwing up.

  “Father are you sure you want to be down here? I can handle this myself.” Cillian whispered to the king

  “This happened under my watch son, I must make it better. These poor people have suffered so much. I can’t allow them to go through any more torture.” He replied

  We reached the last step and was greeted by another guard, in shock to see the king he bowed and stumbled for words.

  “I need the keys to every cell.”

  “But your majesty” The guard replied

  “Was I not clear?”

  “Yes my king, but you don’t understand. These are very dangerous individuals. You cannot simply release them.”

  “What did they do?”

  “Pardon me?” the guard asked confused at the question

  “You claim they are dangerous, so explain to me what they did.”

  “Well, I wasn’t told the details, simply that they are never to be let out as they are a threat to Laois.”

  “Let me guess, Odhran gave you this command.”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “Odhran is dead, by my hand. I do not want to hear his name again. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes my king.” The guard bowed and handed the king his key ring.

  Cillian was instructed to hand out a key to everyone who came with us.

  “Please, free these men and women. Aisling and I will preform a healing spell while you do so.” He explained

  He looked at me and I nodded in response.

  “Do you know a large enough spell to help everyone here?” He asked

  “We may have to recite it numerous times but yes. Please go to the end of the hall and repeat after me, be warned it is draining.”

  Without a word he walked down to the last torch and waited for my instructions.

  I took a deep breath and calmed myself, knowing this would take a lot out of me. I began the spell

  "In the name of the great goddess Airmend, I plead. Heal the wounded that fell to the hands of the dark. Spare their lives as they fight for mine. Sew together their wounds and replenish the life they have lost.”

  The air warmed around me and began to shimmer. I waited as the king repeated, once he was done I started over again, this time with less energy than the last.

  The more we chanted the less effective the spell grew. Cillian shouted out when the last prisoner was released, he ran over to the king helping him to his feet.

  “Come father we will head back to the ballroom, however if you’d like I can escort you directly to your chambers.”

  “No my son, I’ll be fine. Please go help Aisling. She may be strong b
ut that took a lot out of us.” He whispered to Cillian

  Following his orders Cillian rushed over to me.

  “I’m fine, please don’t worry about me.” I said before he could pick me up.

  “Always so independent.” He replied with a chuckle

  I rose to my feet slowly, falling forward into his arms.

  “Alright, maybe I do need some help.”

  He placed his arm around my back and supported my weight as we walked back up the stairs. The king following not far behind watched as Cillian brushed the hair from my face. We met back up with everyone in the ballroom, before we could enter the king asked if I could stay behind as he had a question for me. I nodded and Cillian closed the door behind him to give us some privacy.

  “Could it be true?” The king asked me

  Confused I stared at him waiting to continue

  “My son, could he be your human lover from all those years ago?”

  I smiled

  “Bless the great goddess, its true! How can that be? He is part Fae how did his human soul be born into a Fae body?”

  “A long time ago I begged my mother for his salvation, as she was unable to break the curse she found the next best thing. She inducted his soul into the Fae. Thanks to you he is here with us now.”

  A large smile grew on his face.

  “So you are my daughter then?”

  “Well we have not been bound formally, but maybe one day yes.”

  The king opened his arms and pulled me in close, squeezing so hard I could barely breath.

  “Harper would be so proud of her son.” He said quietly under his breath

  I stepped back and tilted my head

  “How did you know of Cillian?”

  “Oh my dear, your love was legendary. Bards still sing the tales of how a human fell in love with a fallen angel.”

  Embarrassed my cheeks turned red.

  “And now look, back together and finally he is Fae, you will be able to love each other for hundreds of years to come.”


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