Talson's Net

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Talson's Net Page 8

by Marie Harte

  “Y-You… Damn it, Quinn.” Val shook his head, not sure when Rowe had tucked herself under his arm and Quinn had stepped away.

  “See? Imagine Rowe with the ability to drain Keilor’s reasoning.”

  “Not like that,” Rowe hurried to forestall Val’s obvious objection. “I think Quinn was having a bit of fun with you, not that I minded.” She turned to Quinn. “But you should have asked.”

  “Sorry. But he had it coming.”

  “He sure did.” She shoved a hand under Val’s pants and grasped his slick cock. She rubbed him for a few seconds, stimulating him anew, before letting him go. She wiped her hand on his belly and sighed. “That was really sexy. Promise you’ll let me watch next time when you’re both naked.”

  “Next time?” Val wished he didn’t sound so hoarse. But shit, he had a hard time catching his breath.

  “Definitely next time.” She sounded emphatic, and he couldn’t think of anything but sex with his iriu and Quinn.

  Her psychei brushed his, open to him again. “Quinn can muddy anyone’s mind with sex. He’s potent, but he has to physically touch the person. If he’s in my mind, along with you, when I confront Keilor, I can use all our gifts to nail him. But we have to get him on record or there won’t be a legal way to get him and my uncle off Chartrell Shipping’s council. I need to clean house, and I can’t if they remain in power.”

  “I get it, I do.” He tried to ignore the throbbing in his cock, not liking how Quinn had overwhelmed him with a kiss. Talk about powerful psychei. “But I don’t like you in danger. Why don’t you just let me and Quinn handle this?” The wrong thing to say by the rage on her face.

  “Why?” Her eyes narrowed. “Because you’re both Otra and me, the ‘little human,’ can’t take it?”

  “Half human,” he corrected and knew he should have kept his mouth shut.

  “Damn it. I thought you were different. That we were past this.” She turned on her heel, but not before he saw the glint of tears in her eyes.

  “Rowe, stop.” He froze her in his mental grip before she could take another step away from him. Then he brought her close, his hands on her shoulders so he could look into her beautiful face. “I love you. I can’t handle the thought of you in danger, okay? I don’t care if it’s from Fulton, Keilor, or an out-of-control hovercraft bearing down on you out in town. I just can’t think of you being in danger without losing my mind.” At her silence, he blew out a tired breath. “What?”

  “So the danger thing isn’t an excuse to keep me away?”

  “Away from what? It’s your company, iriu. I just want this mess cleared up so we can get on with our lives. The plain truth of the matter is that you’re softer and prettier than me. You’re not as strong, physically. A fact, baby. Deal with it. Even you admitted you’re not in full control of your psychei all the time.”

  Her eyes looked liquid. “You’re so nice to me.”

  He didn’t understand her lightning-fast change in mood. He’d spoken nothing but the truth since this stupid conversation had started. “I am?”

  “You care if I get hurt. This isn’t a power play about keeping me away from the business. You really don’t like the idea of me in trouble.”

  Annoyed, he gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

  Quinn cleared his throat. “Excuse me. But, Val, you’re not hearing her.”

  “Obviously. And what the hell are you still doing here? You’ve eaten everything we had left in the storage cycler. Shouldn’t you be going now?”

  Quinn shrugged. “I’m a growing boy. Like some others I could mention,” he added slyly, his gaze on the embarrassing wet spot on Val’s trousers. “All I’m saying is that Rowe’s been struggling to be taken seriously in the company from day one.”

  “I told him that already,” Rowe interrupted.

  She and Val had shared their histories during their time together. Val knew all about her troubles trying to fit in, to show she belonged with the only family she had left.

  Quinn continued, “Yeah, but you two don’t seem to speak as well out loud. I feel like a friggin’ translator.”

  Val and Rowe shared a look. “Glad to know you’re finally understanding why I find him so annoying,” he sent her.

  “Annoying, but sexy. You came hard, Val.” To Quinn, out loud, she said, “You’re on board, right?”

  He nodded.


  He didn’t like it, but he knew she wanted to handle her cousin and uncle her way. And it was her company. “Yeah, okay. But we’re going to be right there with you.” He tapped her temple. “And outside the office too. We won’t let Keilor know we’re near, but I’ll be damned if I let you go see him without being close enough to help. Not take over, I said help, if you need it.”

  She nodded and turned to Quinn. “And about that other thing. As soon as we take care of Keilor, we’ll make it happen.”

  Val stared from his mate to his eda with suspicion. He just knew their “other thing” had to do with him. “What?”

  Her secret smile made him twitch. And made him hard. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “See? I told you she’s bossy.” Quinn stretched. “She’s a bully, plain and simple. A perfect fit for your arrogant ass. And on that note, time for me to go.”

  “I’ll give you bossy, Quinn.” Rowe frowned at her friend as she eased into Val’s embrace. “Admit it, Val. You need a tough mate. An easygoing woman would bore you to tears.”

  “I feel like crying right now,” he muttered then turned to Quinn. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning. Pick us up here.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” Quinn flipped him a one-finger salute then left them alone together.

  Val turned back to his iriu and smiled. His entire focus on Rowe, he played through several fantasies that had been torturing him since the first moment he’d met her. “One thing’s for sure. You’ll never bore me. I love you, Rowe.”

  “I love you too.” She grinned up at him, her heart in her eyes, and he wondered how he’d gotten so lucky. “Oh yeah,” she breathed, clearly reading the images he sent her. “I like the one where you’re tied up, too. It was all I could do not to jump you that day I had you tied up in the Barrens.”

  He sucked in a breath as her hand wrapped around his cock, and he groaned when she leaned close and nuzzled his nipple through his shirt.

  “Told you I’d find you.” He tried to sound tough but moaned when she had her way with him.

  Dear Lord, she was a bully. And he loved it.

  The next day, Rowe tapped her fingers against her biceps, her arms crossed over her chest to keep from strangling the large Otra men on either side of her. So much for inconspicuous.

  “Relax, Rowe,” Quinn mumbled under his breath. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “I cannot believe I let Val and you talk me into this stupid change of plan. Keilor will never believe any of it.”

  “He will, or he’ll answer to me.” At her irritation, Val corrected, “I mean, to you.” Val didn’t so much as blink next to her. He wore a Chartrell Shipping uniform, complete with a cap to shadow his features. In his hands he carried a bulky package for Keilor’s secretary, one that had an invoice error, which would take a bit of time to straighten out. His excuse to hang around while Rowe did her “thing.”

  “Just remember to keep calm,” Quinn said. “Keilor can sense even the slightest hint of fear.”

  She didn’t look at him. “You’re not helping.”

  The minute the elevator’s subtle chime sounded, she unclenched her arms, straightened her knee-length skirt and cropped matching midnight-blue jacket, and walked purposefully toward Keilor’s office. Val peeled off to head to the secretary’s desk and stood behind a woman already there waiting.

  “Rowe.” Keilor’s secretary smiled at her in welcome. “He’s waiting for you. Go on in.” The woman gave Quinn a less-than-subtle once-over, which he promptly ignored, and Rowe and Quinn en
tered Keilor’s massive office.

  He stood with his back to them, speaking in a low voice to the micro-communicator clipped to his collar. Studying the breadth of his shoulders, the long lines of his legs, she felt a moment’s pride that she’d once defeated the large man.

  God. So much has happened in so little time.

  Recalling her brief bout with her cousin, she knew well how a short span of time could seem an eternity. Like her bonding with Val. The potency of their lovemaking hadn’t faded, but the urgency to consummate had lessened.

  Though the sex was indescribable, she still couldn’t believe she’d taken on both Val and Quinn at the same time. Flushed, she restrained the urge to fan herself and heard Quinn cough.

  “Penny for your thoughts,” he murmured, and her face grew hotter because he’d caught her train of thought. Too bad she didn’t have the poker face her iriu possessed. She had a difficult time reading him if their psychei remained closed off from each other. Though always connected, the separation between them to shield private thoughts kept her sane.

  Keilor finally turned and gave her his full attention. “Ah, Rowe, I’ve been worried about you.” He exerted a substantial amount of probing psychei in her direction.

  The combination of hers, Val’s, and Quinn’s energy shielded her well.

  With a frown, Keilor took a seat and perched his chin over steepled fingers. “I do hope we can put that unfortunate incident in the basement behind us. I’m more than ready to apologize for my behavior. But you have to know it was your Selection that affected me.”

  She nodded. “Quinn reaffirmed my fault in what happened after we left the building.”

  Keilor’s eyes narrowed. “Oh?”

  A wealth of meaning lay in that one word. This was the tricky part, the part of their amended plan that smacked of more pure, male ego. But it was the only way Val had consented to let her handle Keilor, her way. “Yes, well…” She paused and blushed, the tinge of her cheeks not at all feigned. Beside her, Quinn remained unmoving, expressionless. “After Quinn and I, ah, came together, he left. I had asked him not to report my condition to you.” She lowered her eyes. “It’s embarrassing.”

  Keilor nodded, his tension easing. He knew how hard Selection could be on the males of their species.

  Then she dropped the next bomb. “Unfortunately, when Quinn left, Valis Talson ‘Or Fal showed up at my apartment.”

  Keilor stared in shock.

  “There’s more,” Quinn added in a rusty voice. He deliberately kept his posture rigid, his eyes straight ahead. Proud, yet subservient to the heir apparent of Chartrell House. “I learned too late the bastard fucked her. Hard.”

  As much as it irked her to be talked around, she could see the right in Val’s plan. She’d intended to confront Keilor point blank. But Val had pointed out that engaging his temper would help put the male off balance.

  Keilor sat down, tension radiating along his frame. He gritted his teeth, his fists clenching and unclenching on top of the desk. “That piece of filth touched what’s mine? You, Quinn, I can forgive. The Selection is all-consuming. But you have good, quality ‘Or Ryi blood. But a Talson. A hated ‘Or Fal.” He shook his head and glared at Rowe.

  She did her best to act meek, though she wanted to shove her foot up her stuck-up cousin’s ass. “I’d like Quinn to leave so we can speak privately.”

  Quinn mentally encouraged her. “Go easy, Rowe. And if you need me and Val, shout.”

  “I will,” she said to Quinn, and waited.


  Keilor nodded, and Quinn made a show of leaving with obvious reluctance.

  Keilor’s gaze sizzled as he stared at Rowe’s face and body. “Quinn’s loyal to you, and to me. An esteemed quality in my bride’s future protector.” His assessment turned to rage. “Tell me he lied. Tell me a Talson didn’t fuck you. That low-born scum touching what’s mine.”

  All the years of being told she was less than nothing. That her mother was a whore, her father a stupid wastrel not worthy of the clan ‘Or Ryi. Keilor’s snide comments, his superior attitude. She’d been waiting for this day for a very long time.

  Rowe approached his desk and leaned over it, her smile cold. “Actually, Keilor, I fucked Val with more pleasure than you can possibly imagine. I took him in my mouth, between my legs, and up my ass. I swallowed every drop of him down and willingly accepted his vow of protection. I wanted a man, not a sniveling worm.” She shot Keilor a disgusted glance, stepped back, and crossed her arms over her chest with unveiled satisfaction.

  The explosion she’d been expecting occurred as Keilor flooded the room with enough psychei to give everyone on the top floor a headache. Through sheer will and stubbornness, she pulled on her iriu’s and Quinn’s power and held her wall tight.

  “Are you okay? What the hell is going on in there?” Val shouted, not having expected the assault.

  “I’m good. Just a little payback from my obnoxious cousin. Don’t worry. I’m in control.” So she hoped. Keilor had an odd edge to his psychei, what she’d always thought of as a mean streak but now came to understand as a touch of madness. Keilor was unbalanced. And very, very powerful.

  A tendril of his power snaked along her shield, a band of fear searching for a crack to penetrate.

  Keilor stood and rounded his desk. “You little whore.” Rage crackled along the psychic plane and made his eyes white, filled with energy. “I waited years to make you mine, to give your psychei time to mature. Talson is nothing. Less than nothing. With your psychei bonded to mine, we’ll complete Project Overhead and own the entire Otra/Earth commercial line. I’m not about to waste that potential on a Talson,” he sneered.

  Ah, Project Overhead. Information she could sense Val tucking away. “Please. What can you give me that he can’t? Talson offered power, wealth, and the best sex of my life. You would hurt me and get off on it. You think I don’t know that?”

  He regarded her with more savvy intelligence than she’d credited him having. “Rowe, I— Hell. You’ve misunderstood me, and it’s my own fault. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me. It’s just…” A sheen of tears glistened in his eyes. “I’ve always loved you. We Otra view our familial ties differently than the humans. I worried you wouldn’t be able to see beyond your human frailties. If you can’t stomach us as lovers, at least think of us as business partners.

  “Consider what your status would mean for your future children, Rowe. No more abuse or taint because of your poor mother’s humanity.”

  A new tactic. “Meaning what? And what are you talking about with Project Overhead? Otra/Earth commercial line? In case it’s escaped your notice, we’re getting our asses handed to us by the pirates polluting commercial space.”

  “Power, wealth and the best sex of your life? Is that all?” Val’s anger underscored his amusement. “What about my huge cock? Why not tell him about that?”

  She’d known Val wouldn’t be happy with her plan, but she needed to do this her way. “Don’t think you can boss me around, Talson. This fight is as much mine as it’s yours.”

  “When you come out of that office, we’re going to talk, Rowe. For a long time.”

  His sensual menace aroused her. Hell, everything about Val excited her.

  She took a step forward and reached for Keilor’s hand.

  His eyes narrowed in suspicion. Before using her own ability to manipulate him, which he clearly was on guard for, she called on Quinn’s psychei.

  Keilor blinked at her and his entire body shivered. “Wh-what…?” She glanced down to see him clearly erect. Then she hit him with her ability. “Take down your shields and disable your scramblers. Open up to me, Keilor, then forget you did so. You can trust me.”

  He followed her orders without a peep, and she couldn’t believe it could be this easy.

  It wasn’t. The minute he disabled his jammers and relieved the Otra shielding for him a few doors down, his psychei burst with suppressed rage. “For a smart woman, yo
u are one stupid bitch.”

  The b-word. Definitely not a good move on his part. Anger flowed through her like water.

  “Oh? Enlighten me, cousin.”

  “Who the hell do you think is running the attacks on Talson shipping? Who do you think stole millions out of our last haul and nearly killed my father? Not the ‘San clan,” he said in falsetto. “I did it, Rowe. Me. Keilor Chartrell ‘Or Ryi. I possess a network no one in all of Earth or the Otra colonies can match. I’m slowly capturing all the freight. But with you by my side, I’ll take their minds and souls as well.

  “Unfortunately, the only other Otra I’ve ever met that had your talent was your father. And he bonded with a human. A fucking human.” He shook his head, his eyes full of zealous hate. “The only worthwhile contribution your pathetic mother made in this life is you. A lacking little half-breed. Despite your poor genes, I’m affording you the rare opportunity—the rare honor—of becoming my iriu. I can give you a bloodline. Power and wealth from the Talsons? They have no idea what true power is.” His stare turned from heated to calm, and she wondered at his mood swing. “I can give you all that, and more.

  “You’ll accept me one way or the other, Rowe. I’m only going through the motions of civility to make you more comfortable. In a few days, everyone and everything you care about will die. Quinn, as useful as I suspect he might have been, is too close to you. His sister as well. Your aunt and uncle. And of course, your new fuck partner.

  “Talson Shipping will suffer a tremendous setback when their fourth freighter explodes with your precious Valis inside.”

  She stared at Keilor, amazed at his thoroughness.

  He shrugged. “Choose me or don’t, but I’ll have you in the end.”

  The thought of being in his control at all shook her—and gave him the opening he needed.

  Even as she chided herself for giving in to even a second of fear, he slipped beneath her shield and overtook her mind. Terror swarmed and froze her to the spot.

  Keilor smiled. “Oh yes. A rough, hard ass-fuck should put you in your place nicely. My pretty little iriu.” He unsnapped his trousers and took himself out.


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