The Way Back To Be A Human

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The Way Back To Be A Human Page 2

by Mustafa Kenj, Sr


  Drugs, drinks or sex

  Only two kinds of kids exist

  in such inhuman cruel awful world

  Either rich or poor to death Please me hear as a brother never me call a bastard hostile

  since you these words may not like

  Make use of the frozen accounts Invest them in some thing useful

  For the judgment day

  In case a good deed were missing

  To enable yee to get in the promised land

  Which is the paradise

  Where there is the peaceful eternal life

  Feel your heart never be like business machine rather be a man lending them your hand


  Orphan Child

  I am only an orphan child

  A hand me give if you please

  If you don’t like me being black

  I would paint my self in white

  If you hate me being Christian Muslim

  I can adjust my self as you want

  But would not be I the same person

  Please don’t complicate

  Let me from those things be free

  Of doctrine religion and dumb color

  Treat me like you do to rich kid

  i am human as he is

  DAD has died by your hand

  Even the fact your a brother he was of thy

  A slave I am not, never will become

  My God created me as he does you Out of a water and clay

  My blood the same of which run in your Arteries

  Which I would lend you from in case

  The shortage of fuel life BLOOD has taken place

  Help me don’t leave me alone

  I can't stand yet on my own

  Money is nothing it wont help in grave

  It gets you sins more and more

  preserving it away depriving of whom are needed

  Give me a hand

  make a use of it before it comes invalid me Save from poverty

  Which eats my smile and energy

  For the heaven sake

  Don’t me hurt

  As you have done to the sweetest Martin

  He was white what was your cause?

  To kill pure angel fellow

  Please come back to your nature

  Which never has been a cruel person


  Call to stop

  The fight

  My eyes got tired please

  Let us have peace

  They are restless of the blood scene

  For my brothers I am dead of fears

  For thy heaven give me your ears

  To kill and hurt are sins

  They are unacceptably done

  Put the hands on your eyes and itch each one

  Then try to recognize the surrounding

  Never judge on a huge doctrine

  being their members are all evil awful

  Within loads of thrones

  a unique flower shall be found

  Feel your heart's beats

  when you see Adam sons

  don’t kill by the name of religions

  Here mine is Islam

  Where I have never heard read it favoring killing

  Muhammad himself never prefer combating

  A fighting was a mean at that age

  Since there were no other way spreading his message

  people's mocking attacking him has taken place

  During conquering cities Christians were given choices

  To pay a tribute or to get in Islam As religion

  Thus they lived and raised their kids

  then most of them has died within destructive battles think never of revenge

  what past has passed away within their grave

  Stop it playing trading in our blood

  It is so much precious by our God

  Stop politicizing religions and races

  For our manufacture's sake

  They and I are brothers


  Why bothers if it was not answered

  Let my heart eyes weep and cry to look up to the sky

  to find the answer of why

  to look down on the fighting land

  asking pourquoi

  Are not we sons and daughter of the first man?

  Then we have been tribes

  Armies, countries, then enemies

  If in all the religions we are called brothers

  Fighting for the sake of what occurs

  It is the Satan, and those our race haters

  They manipulate the minds

  Seeking to end the mankind

  God is waiting for love and peace

  He sends his angels

  Me you are blessed

  The evil greediness and Satan

  Turn you from sweethearted brothers to curse

  Why to have all these houses, palaces?

  Have not you satisfied sucking other blood?

  When it would stop, till no human is on earth

  Cant you share, cant you feel, defeat your Satan

  God, Allah loves you

  Wake up, look around.

  Wash your eyes and mind by my words

  By my own tears

  Turn our own flesh and blood brothers to curse

  Why to have all these houses, palaces?

  Have not you satisfied sucking other blood?

  When it would stop, till no human is on earth

  Cant you share, cant you feel, defeat your Satan

  God, Allah loves you

  Wake up, look around.

  Wash your eyes and mind by my words

  Wake up dear brothers. Love and hugs are sent to all

  By Your loving brother



  why do people fight

  do they think the solution would be there by muting the voice of the others

  we, they WOULD win?

  would THEY make a huge achievement through doing

  shutting the mouth up of the opposite-rs

  the way best ever to be the winner

  is to argue against what you disbelieve then to be the persuader for your self and for the rest of listeners

  at the end of the debates

  you all fear debating each other

  Since you dont believe one hundred percent in what you really think

  then you get furious nervous showing anger to let others fear this is not fair

  just listen them

  as they did give you the turn to speak

  be honest be man

  and think so well

  if you live in castles means doest it mean you are better than who lives in the street? be humble

  be your self in front your self and ask who am i?

  then try to answer

  at least be clear with your self

  with your sprit

  one second of being honest enough to change your life to better

  listen others

  and count your self as any one else

  being human



  Being lost in


  Cruel world

  going no where but on my feet

  searching in no place but my heart talking nonsense but what on my mind looking no use but my eyes still are good living no life but my own days

  screaming not heard but by my mouth voice laughing for no reason but sane one

  smiling the only weapon i had ever got

  Yet i have lost mine

  crying is the best to release the deep grieves

  Seeing people hands are colored red by others' blood

  I wished my eyes they got blind

  such scenery better if they have gone

  Instead of hurting them by

  I had got hands, mouth, head ,legs, heart, and mind am I human?

  of course not, just being a thrown rubbish as other creatures have been always called so,

  unless abl
e to kill steal and hurt as many as possible

  who capable of drinking others' blood

  Such are nicest characteristics in men

  it is how they have been known nowadays

  thieves are the blood suckers

  they are themselves as the murders as well so what am I

  I am just a prey waiting my eater to come

  unless able to kill steal and hurt as many as possible

  who capable of drinking others' blood

  Such are nicest characteristics in men

  it is how they have been known nowadays

  thieves are the blood suckers

  they are themselves as the murders as well so what am i

  I am just a prey waiting my eater to come


  My humanity free of cruelty

  I am a human like any other

  Have a heart and mind

  Would never try to kill a creature

  Just I would defend my self in case

  I had been in danger Jewish I hate not Christians as well

  Pick me a man with odd ethnic background

  I would talk and agree for some

  This universe is made

  Not to be a wrestle place

  Hear me quite all

  We are brothers in the human blood

  Don’t compose fake truths

  Like it is colored in blue

  No one can be better by the religion he believes in

  A good Christian would be better than

  Dozens of Muslims and Jews

  Is it all the Muslims and Christians and Jews are good


  your religion don’t tell always who we are

  What really matters is your deed

  Be good and you gonna be loved

  And the paradise will be yours at the end

  It is a matter of trust

  And how to live with no blood shed it is about how we shall go

  with no more hurting innocents

  The man Hands' whose made the nuclear bomb must be in the hell getting burned

  As its achievement will be burning the universe


  Speaking out

  Let me speak out what is in my heart

  I love you all

  Even if you had been bad for awhile

  Wake up And see

  you have much time to reform your own self

  ask these questions your own self

  am I satisfied? Am I being good?

  Am I behaving in the right way?

  Have I ever

  wanted to tell the ones I have been mistaken with:

  I am sorry? Calling for forgiveness

  without thinking of your dignity,

  because your mistake has hurt theirs first

  Have I ever treated a nice person from an opposite race and religion

  meanly just because he is not like me?

  And have I asked my self;

  why is that?

  It is conventions that we are using nowadays

  Just rethink and you gonna be the best ever

  I love you all who are on this earth

  And thanks god you have been born.


  a kid

  yee poor kid lives so hard

  on the contrast others live in castles eating meat and drinking milk

  what do you lack to be like those

  just because you have been born in poor family the heart aches to see yee hungry

  no power to help

  since the wealth in their arms then what shall i

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