The Way Back To Be A Human

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The Way Back To Be A Human Page 7

by Mustafa Kenj, Sr


  Others would not afford to buy tomato

  To make up the blood

  Why is on poor your aim

  See rich try it full of vitamin and meat

  Oh poor mosquitoes you fear

  You would die after a second of getting their blood

  Yea! Their food are got in illegal ways

  You know wash money! Other times by force

  Or it would be quite heavy to carry these heavy liquid Yea! They know they push you on middle class first

  Where you would enjoy where it is in halfly mixed of the both


  My ancestors blood in my arteries

  Shelly Keats blood

  Does move exist walk in my arteries!

  An Adam and Even son I am

  Remember Homer

  Think of Jones Smile for Milton Wink for Hardy

  Kiss for Owen cheeks About war we talked

  We did warn

  No one listened

  Every one suffered

  What is wrong

  We could not express right

  Or in your eyes walls Lucifer has covered on

  We will wait

  We we will see

  We will cry because we know the end

  We will die of the pain

  We we we

  Wake up

  It is the time

  You walk and work asleep

  You eat and taste asleep

  You hear and think asleep

  Your senses are directed on sex

  Money drugs other things

  Till when

  Till you wake up to your death

  It is too late then.


  The rose

  Why the rose is born if its fate to die?

  Just to please thy eyes

  Or to glorify God

  I you tell it is both at once

  You can think it dies

  It goes up to the heaven sky Where its origin place

  Where she lives for no end

  Where she breathes well

  Before the judgment day

  Shall it be judged?

  No it does just be part of the paradise

  It gets an angelic shape

  With beautiful smell

  In my brain I have been visiting her

  Oh Jesus and Mohammad are looking at thy rose

  I envy you my sweet flower

  Your soul came back where does belong

  Here we here all are image on this earth

  It is short

  It has never been long

  Yes I can see

  I believe

  I never fear

  To go up to see where I am from


  Proud shameful of the human mind

  We are slower than cheetah

  We created cars are faster than

  We are weaker than lions We made guns are stronger We are heavy to fly

  The way birds move in the sky

  the plane we come up with is much better the wolf that deceive cheep to hunt

  we do smartly manipulation blinding others we are exposed to diseases

  we made cure

  a dark we get rid of

  a light made out petrol

  too many die for the sake of electricity no one appreciate

  we got a mind

  few make use of it

  and the few most of them abuse

  and the rest of the few may use to avoid the rest two or less in a nation you may look at and say

  Hum a mind user he is he developed old theory

  Or came up with some thing like this.


  The winds when it blows

  War are Winter

  Autumn season

  When the winds blow

  When the shell destroys You know from then

  It is the winter

  It is the war

  When the sky rains

  When the bullets fall You know it is cruel

  At the time the dead leaves

  The men die

  The blood is shed

  It is know it is autumn around

  And the battle is there

  What do you seek?

  Death or to decay to become

  Part of the soil

  What is the point?

  No one can understand


  Poem about Jesus' birth

  It is the day

  When Moses' Mohammad's brother

  Has came to the cruel life

  It is the day

  When the Virgin Marry gave you birth

  It is the day when the miracle has been made

  On the holy female

  You and your brothers all have been hated rejected


  Sorry for my ancestors' denial

  It is out of their ignorance

  They said no for the sake of showing off

  They thought to break you down

  But no and ten thousands no for their fault

  I do them the deny of having human mind

  Sorry for the Catholic for the protestant other doctrines

  They forgot about you

  Fighting on the way how to follow

  Ignoring that your heart bleeds to see Their souls getting lost

  You came you lighted

  You shined the universe

  Love peace were your words

  They try to draw deformed picture

  Of your brother and of you as well

  You are higher more sublime than those

  Peace upon your soul

  Love to you is sent

  And God's mercy for all.

  You can Discuss these poems and tell me about your

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  Thanks for reading!

  your sincere

  Mustafa Kenj



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