The Auction Block

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The Auction Block Page 19

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  "Uh, Lily. Miranda's known Blake a long time. She doesn't want to lose his friendship. Can we try to be civil?" Caleb steps forward.

  I shrug Dresden and Vlad off, recoil my whip and hook it inside my jacket.

  "Sure. She does one thing I don't like, they'll find her body in the harbor."

  I move forward to walk past Blake and he grabs my arm, dragging my body to his and planting a hard, hot kiss on my lips. His tongue invades my mouth and I smile internally as Dresden and Vlad chuckle.

  Lily 2, Stupid Whore 0.



  My body's feeling better, but everything else is still a fucking mess. Blake got another death threat when he went into the office for a brief meeting— it’s the first one since we’ve been here. We brought him straight back to the apartment and for the last week, this is where we've been.

  He works from home, while Caleb handles things at Mason International. The team's jumpy and agitated. No one talks much, we spend a vast amount of time trying to track these sons of bitches down, but mostly, I spend a lot of time alone in Blake's bedroom.

  At night, I lie snug in his arms, but he's hardly made a move to kiss me, except for the one time in front of Miranda, and that was more to send her a message than for my benefit. Blake hasn't acted the same with me since he found out about the brands and everything else that came to light thanks to Jax's bullshit. I don't know what to do anymore. Half the time, I want to be alone, but mostly, I want to feel Blake's touch on my skin again.

  There's a knock on the bedroom door.

  "Come in," I say, sitting up straight on the edge of the bed.

  "Miss Lily, you have a large package from Interpol. It's in the kitchen," Teresa says leaning in the open door.

  "Thank you, Teresa. I'll be right down."

  Well, team leader, time to put your game face on.

  I stand and step inside the walk-in closet, dressing in my usual all-black work clothes, the ones from the first time Blake met me. My knife holders are a welcome feel against my thighs, as is the slight heaviness from my .22 handgun strapped around my ankle. After pushing on my tennis shoes and standing, a sharp pain shoots through my side.

  Fucking ribs.

  Clutching my sides does nothing, but it's an involuntary habit at this point.

  My shoulder holsters slide and click snugly into place, both 9mm guns fitting perfectly in each one. I bend down and pull a large chain from my duffel bag. Attached to it is my badge from Interpol. I put it on, and adjust, so it rests against my stomach, right above my belly button.

  I walk out of the closet, to the full-length mirror on the back of Blake's door. I look like an agent again. I take a deep, ragged breath and reach for the knob, walking down the stairs slowly.

  The first floor is empty, except for Teresa cooking in the kitchen.

  "What are you making?"

  "Ah, making Paella with seafood and sausage. Mr. Mason's favorite."

  "Smells wonderful."

  She smiles. The box on the counter has the Interpol emblem on the top, with confidential stamped on the sides. I pull a knife out and cut through the tape. Inside is a folded piece of paper.

  Agents Williams and Scholl,

  This box contains some items for the team. There are new phones for each of you as well as the Mason family. The old cell phones are scheduled for deactivation as the security may have been compromised. New badges are also enclosed and to be worn at all times.

  After a very long meeting, we have decided that your team being undercover is not going to be beneficial. Interpol has determined that public knowledge of our detail may prevent blatant attempts on Mr. Mason's life, as well as the lives of the agents involved.

  Best of Luck,

  Hyde Monroe

  "Teresa, where's everyone?"

  "Your team is in their rooms, I believe. Mr. Mason and his family are in the game room."

  "Hey! Everyone in the kitchen. Masons, that includes you! Teresa, you stay as well."

  I empty the box on the table. As everyone joins us, I replace my old badge. My eyes meet Blake's and he gives my wardrobe the once over.

  "Is everything okay, Lily?" Shannon says concerned.

  "Interpol has sent new cell phones for everyone. Untraceable. Sammi that's not a challenge."

  She laughs. "As you wish."

  "Hyde lifted the undercover status on this assignment. Badges and weapons on at all times, even in the apartment. Hayato and Sammi, includes the two of you."

  I look at the cell phones. Each one's in a case with a belt clip. Five of them have sticky notes. I give one to each of the Masons and one to Teresa. I pick up the first designed case. It has a Boa emblem on the front.

  Isn't that cute?

  "Hyde has a sense of humor. Boa," I say, handing it to Sammi.

  She laughs loudly, shaking her head. I give out the rest of the phones, giving Dresden the letter and his new badge as well, and stare down at my case. On the front is a striking red viper.

  I clip it onto my belt. "Mr. Mason, from today on, you and your family are not to leave this apartment without a security detail. Understood?"

  "Lily, this is ridic— "

  "This is not up for debate. That wasn't a request." His eyes widen at my tone. "Jax's stupidity has put a bigger target on your back. Shannon's escape and mine, has hit the news stations. The new death threat means The Taurus is very much in the area. Security detail, with you, at all times. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, Agent Williams. Crystal clear."

  My chest tightens. "That's all for now." He turns to leave. "Mr. Mason, may we speak privately?"

  "Of course," he says, eyes cool and impassive.

  I stalk toward his bedroom, standing inside the door. He crosses to the center of the room and I slam the door shut.

  "Someone's in a bad mood today."

  "Don't give me your fucking lip, Blake. You've been giving me the cold shoulder for almost two weeks."

  His mouth drops open. "I'm not giving you the cold shoulder."

  "Really? What do you call it?"

  "Space." He takes a step toward me, his hands shaking slightly.

  "I don't need space. For fuck’s sake, I've been through way worse in my life." I run my fingers through my hair, shaking my head.

  "Lily . . . you were raped. I've seen what that does to the girls at the halfway house."

  "What's your point?" My patience for this sensitivity has about run out.

  "What's my point? Lily, I'm not pushing sex on you right now. You were raped."

  "Blake." I draw in a breath, calming my nerves. "It doesn't affect me the way it does others. I've gone through this more times than I can count. I bounce back from this shit quickly. I don't need space and time to come to terms with it and all that shit."

  "What do you need then?"


  In two steps, he closes the distance between us, grabbing my hips, pushing me into the wall. His mouth closes on mine and I moan, giving his tongue access to mine. My hands slide greedily up his chest, gripping his shoulders. His muscles flex under my fingers as he reaches around to grab my ass.

  "What have you done to me?"

  He pulls back, staring down at me. "What do you mean?"

  "You haven't noticed? I don't shake when people touch me anymore."

  "Even with recent events?"

  "Bennington should’ve brought all that back, but didn't. It's you, baby."

  "I don't . . . understand."

  "I've only known pain, Blake. The first time you touched me, and I mean really touched me, you healed part of me. I don't worry about others hurting me now. They can't. Physically, they can, but not emotionally. Only you can hurt me there."

  He sighs. "Lily . . . I'd never hurt you, baby."

  He kisses my cheek, my neck, my shoulder. My hands find their way into his hair, as he kisses the base of my throat.

  "You set me free, Blake."

  He places his hands on ei
ther side of my head, gazing into my eyes. "I love you," he says with passion and desire coursing through his voice.

  My breath catches. "Say it again."

  He grins, biting his lip. "I love you, Lily. I love you, more than I've ever loved anyone or anything."

  Kissing him, I pour my soul into it. My body is a slave to his touch and for the first time in my life, the thought of being a slave to something doesn't bother me. Interpol, Jax, the Taurus . . . they're my past. Blake Mason is my future.

  "I love you," I whisper.

  "I'll never get tired of hearing you say that to me."

  "You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope."

  He chuckles. "I didn't take you for an Austen fan."

  "I'm rather well read actually," I say smiling.

  He kisses the side of my mouth and presses his forehead against mine. "Don't ever leave me again. I went crazy thinking I'd lost you." His voice is pained.

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  Blake straightens and pulls me toward the bed. He sits on the edge, positioning me between his legs. "Can you lose the artillery for a while? I'd like to make-out with my girlfriend without the firearms."

  I pull my badge over my head, and twist to lay it on the nightstand, wincing. Sharp stabs radiate through my ribs. His eyes lock on mine. I give him my ever famous, sly grin. Reaching up, I unhook my gun holster and let it slide down my arms to the floor with a loud clatter. He runs his hands up my thighs, stopping when he feels the knives strapped to them.

  "All weapons please, Miss Williams," he says in a husky tone.

  I lift my right leg, setting my foot in front of his groin, and lean down, planting a kiss on his lips as I un-strap my ankle holster. Standing up, the gun clatters to the floor with my other two. Blake pops the button on my pants, sliding his hands inside the waistband, and pushes them down my legs to the floor. I pull off my shoes and step out of them.

  His gaze trails along the lower half of my body. "The knives are actually . . . hot."

  I chuckle as he un-straps each one and drops them on the floor.

  "I wouldn't want to hurt you. Hopefully, I'm just as enticing without them," I whisper.

  "Oh, baby, you have no idea." He stands, pulling my shirt over my head as he goes.

  Placing my hand on his chest, I push him back on the bed and crawl on top, straddling him. I wince, my ribs protesting the movement. He sighs, grabbing my hips and twisting until he's hovering over me.

  "I'm afraid of hurting you more, Lily. Maybe we should wait."

  "You'll just have to be easy, Blake. I've waited too long to feel you again. I'm tired of waiting." I cup the side of his face with my hand.

  He leans into my touch, closing his eyes. Opening them, he runs his hand down my side. I try to hide the wince as he passes over my ribs. Gently, he slides his hand inside my panties, pulling them down my legs. Quickly, he rolls into a standing position and frees himself of his clothes, climbing back in between my legs. His eyes bore into mine, hands on either side of my head as he sinks into me, filling me.

  "Ah," I moan as pleasure and pain meet in that familiar dance, just as it was the first time with him.

  I lift my hips, yearning for him, wanting him to take me. The places we go together in these moments are new to me, and I've only ever seen them with him . . . I only ever want to see them with him.

  "Are you okay?"

  "Yes, baby . . . please," I beg, tangling my hands in his hair.

  His mouth closes on mine as he moves, slow and even. Each time he fills me, my back arches and I moan in response. The muscles inside my groin clenching, accepting, and my desire builds to unfathomable heights.

  He moves in earnest, his tongue caressing my neck. I'm so close to the edge and there's nothing but us in this moment. His body connects to mine on a deep, unknown level. He leans back onto his knees, grabbing my hips firmly, as he starts a faster, unforgiving rhythm.

  "Blake," I cry out, from both pleasure as my orgasm gets closer, and pain as the bruises on my hips pulse under his grip.

  "I love you, Lily," he hisses, "Come on, baby, come with me."

  Harder and faster, he takes me, until I'm spiraling, unable to stop the orgasm gripping my entire being. Blake cries out my name, finding his own release, pulling me onto his lap, stilling inside me.

  Tears shine in his eyes as I settle back to reality, my arms firmly around his neck. He kisses the moisture from my cheeks.

  I didn't even realize I was crying . . .

  "Are you alright, baby? Did I hurt you?"

  I shake my head, pressing my lips to his. "Will you stay with me?"

  Gently, he pulls out, and lays me back on the bed, curling up next to me, his arm draped over my stomach.

  "I don't think I have a choice, Lily." He trails his fingers up and down my side.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'd do anything for you. I don't think I could stop loving you even if I tried."

  "Blake . . . " I grab his face and kiss him, my stomach clenching at his words.

  I want him . . . again.

  I tilt my head to deepen the kiss and as my tongue caresses his, I feel his erection grow against my leg. Keeping my lips on his, I twist to straddle him, and for the next hour, I lead us into oblivion.



  I've dressed in my normal Interpol attire, weapons and all. Last night with Blake was mind-blowing, and as I sip my coffee, my face grows warm remembering the way his hands felt on my hips. I pull out my cell phone— 7:00 AM.

  I intend to sneak out this morning with Dresden. Watching Blake sleep last night, the realization of the danger he's in really hit me, and I need to know he can defend himself. He's skilled in martial arts, but I need to know he has something more powerful behind him.

  The heavy echo of footsteps bounces off the walls as I reach for the pen and paper in the middle of the counter.


  I'm running a few errands with Dresden. Please stay in the apartment. We all need to talk when I get back.

  If for some reason you or your family cannot follow the above order, then I'd like to remind you that you're not to leave this apartment without a security detail. If YOU have to go out, take Vlad and Rhett with you. If Shannon or your parents need to go anywhere, they should do so with Hayato and Jameson.

  Don't argue. I know what you're thinking. I've seen Hayato kill someone with the glass panel off a cell phone. Stay in the apartment.


  I fold the letter and write Blake's name across the front, leaving it on the table. Standing, I take a final sip of my coffee, leaving the mug, and turning to face Dresden.


  Dresden has never looked so professional. He's wearing dark blue jeans and a button down with a black undershirt and boots. It's the first time I've seen him in something other than cut-offs and muscle shirts.

  "Don't you look fancy," I say.

  "I could say the same for you." He smirks, allowing his eyes to travel up and down my body.

  I chuckle, remembering the first time I met Dresden. He was twenty-five and I was seventeen. I was practicing with throwing knives when he walked up behind me, called me a 'sweet lil' thing', and instinctively, I turned and put a knife to his throat.

  "What are you laughing at?"

  "Do you remember the first time we met?"

  He chuckles. "Yes, I do. Never had a woman put a knife to my throat before then, or since. I still can't believe you were only seventeen." He shakes his head in disbelief.

  "Yeah. Bet you feel bad for eye fucking me from across the training room all those years," I say, teasing, as the elevator door opens and we move into the lobby.

  His face tightens, eyes darkening as anger simmers behind his green irises. Reaching out, I grab his bicep and twist him around to face me. He averts his eyes. My foot taps impatiently against the marble floor.


  "Explain the mood, Dres. I was kidding."

  "Well, joking or not, you hit the nail on the head."

  I roll my eyes. "Dresden, don't ruin our outing. I should feel bad about all that, not you."

  "Jax should feel bad. You were a fucked up kid," he snaps.

  I sigh and walk toward the front doors. Parked on the curb is Interpol's other gifts to the team. Three, brand new, solid black Yukon Denali Sports Utility Vehicles. Fully loaded and bulletproof. Dresden and I climb into the first one. As I pull onto the street, my cell phone chirps.

  7:35 –Blake: Good morning. Please wake me before you leave next time. When will you be back? I'd like to take you out this afternoon, if you don't have important secret agent stuff to do.

  I smile, stopping at a red light to text him back.

  7:36 –Morning. You need to sleep. I'm not waking you every time I have to leave the room. I should be back by noon. As it is, I have a meeting this afternoon, but after that, I'm free for an attempt at normal people shenanigans.

  7:38 –Blake: I'll give you shenanigans. Stop texting and driving. It is against the law in Maryland, and the cops here don’t screw around.

  I burst out laughing, holding my phone out to Dresden as I pull through the intersection. He gives a hearty chuckle. I’d love the cops to pull me over and tell me not to text and drive. My badge supersedes theirs— in all matters.

  7:40 – Cops? Did you not get a look at the badge and arsenal I carry on me? Oh, wait, yes you did, when you stripped me of them before throwing me down in bed. Btw–you really know how to put it on a girl. Mind-blowing.

  7:43 –Blake: Please stop. You’re not here and I now have a hard on. Cold shower it is. I love you, come home soon.

  I smile again, pushing my cell into its holder.

  "How far is this place?"

  "Thirty minutes, tops. The way I drive . . . twenty minutes." I glance at him.

  He has a wolfish grin on his face, tapping a hard beat on the door with his thumb. "It's good to see you happy, Lily."


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