The Auction Block

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The Auction Block Page 22

by Courtney Lynn Rose

  "What do you want us to do?"

  "You're asking my permission to go kill people?" His voice is soaked with disbelief.

  I walk over and kneel in front of him. All eyes are on us and it makes me nervous. I've never asked for someone's permission before.

  "Blake . . . I love you. I need to know you're okay with what I'm doing. Yes, I'm asking your permission."

  His eyes soften. "What's the alternative?"

  "To try and sneak everyone down the fire escape to the emergency vehicles. If we do that though, I can't guarantee anyone's safety."

  His brows come together and even in the midst of chaos, the muscles in my stomach clench at his beauty.

  "Kill 'em." His eyes meet mine.

  I reach out and grip his neck, bringing his lips to mine, kissing him brief and hard before standing and gliding to the door. Vlad joins me, pulling his guns out. He carries .45's, and I've never seen him miss.

  "Anyone got a cell phone?"

  "I do," Shannon says, pulling her phone out of her bra.

  "Rhett, call Monroe. We're going to need an ambulance and cleanup crew."

  "One ambulance?"

  "Yeah, only one left wounded will be Dresden."

  "No mercy?" Rhett says smiling. His green eyes shine.

  "No mercy, Adder. Vlad and I are Romanian . . . duh."

  "You got it," Rhett laughs, moving to Shannon's side.

  I throw open the door, stepping into the hall. To my right stands a mammoth of a man, three times my size. I raise my guns and let loose a barrage of bullets hitting him in the chest and head. He drops to the ground with a thud. Gunfire sounds behind me, and glancing over my shoulder, Vlad's arms point toward the other end of the hall.

  Here we go . . .



  Moving into the main room, Vlad and I come face to face with fifteen assailants. Two drop with headshots as Vlad charges into the room. I fire on another, putting a bullet through his throat. They return fire.

  Crouching down behind the sofa, I have a clear view of Vlad, flush against a support pillar. He nods to the main room. The tip of a shoe appears at the end of the sofa as I pull my switchblade from my pocket.

  Leaping up, I grab the intruder by the arm, spin him around, and run my knife across his throat. A gunshot resounds and a hot, stinging sensation spreads through my bicep. His body sags and I hold him in front of me, using him as a shield.

  "Viper, we got you on cam," Hayato says in my ear. "Were you hit?"

  "Grazed, I'm fine," I growl. He reset the communicator so I wouldn't have to press the buttons. This is why Hayato is the expert, he thinks of everything.

  Bullets bite into the body as I push forward. Vlad moves around the pillar, shooting down two more in rapid succession.

  Nine left.

  I throw the dead body down and grab a guy standing to my left. Driving my knife into his shoulder, he drops his gun, falling to his knees. I twist behind him, place my hands around his head and snap them toward one another; the crunch of his neck breaking vibrates through my hands.

  "Behind you," Hayato yells in my ear as thick arms wrap around me.

  The assailant lifts me into the air and throws me back. I hit the wall, and pain explodes through my skull, dazing me, my body slumping to the floor. I roll to the left, barely avoiding his boot as he kicks at my face. I jump to my feet, spinning to face him and throw my right arm up in time to block a punch aimed at my face.

  I block two more blows and he lands one into the right side of my face followed by a kick to my knee, sprawling me on the floor next to my guns. Grasping them in my hands, I roll onto my stomach, hiding them from view. The assailant grabs my shoulder and rolls me over. I lift my guns and squeeze the triggers in rapid succession, hitting him several times in the chest.

  He staggers backwards and falls, crashing into the fireplace. I take several deep breaths, trying to steady myself.

  "Get up, Viper, now!" Hayato says with urgency.

  I get to my feet as Vlad shoves his hunting knife through the back of someone's neck, the tip protruding from his throat. He pulls the knife out and his bracelet rattles, a faint, eerie jingle moving through the space. My eyes focus on movement behind him.

  "Rattlesnake, move!" I lift my arm, firing two bullets. Vlad whips his head around in time to see a small man holding a knife drop to the floor.

  "Vlad look out— "

  I try to yell as we're tackled— two on him, one on me. I struggle against the mammoth of a man throwing punches into my ribs as he holds me in place by my hair. This is the reason I usually keep my hair shorter. I land three punches, but he twists me and pins me against the wall with his body, my back to his front.

  Cheating bastards!

  "Mmm, you a feisty bitch, I like that," he says in a thick Russian accent, grinding himself into my ass.

  I'm going to flay this motherfucker.

  The pressure from his body is ripped away, and I spin around. Rhett circles around him, putting himself between the asshole and me, his machete out. This dude is royally fucked, and not in the good way.

  "She's got a boyfriend," Rhett hisses as the assailant charges.

  The machete flashes out, catching the moonlight as it impales the man right through the chest. A grunt snaps me back to reality. Rhett rips his blade from the man and we both turn, eyes locking on Vlad, who's got one guy hanging off his back and one in front of him.

  Together, Rhett and I each lift a gun and fire one bullet. He hits the guy in front of Vlad and I hit the one hanging on his back. Vlad rears back, flinging the dead body into the wall and looks at us, irritated.

  "Thanks, douchebags. Took you long enough, eh?"

  "We were occupied," I say amused.

  "Where are the other two?" he says, glancing around the room.

  "Blake's bedroom is the only place to go from here. Rhett, head back to my office and make sure nothing comes up that back stairwell. Have Jameson watch the front hallway," I say as he holds his fist out for a bump. "Thanks for saving my ass."

  "Anytime, Viper. Good luck," he says and jogs through the bodies to the far hallway.

  We move as one to the stairs. Vlad keeps an eye behind us. Blake's bedroom door is cracked open, but no noise comes from inside.

  "Be careful. Remember, Mason made us remove the bedroom cameras, I can't see shit up there. You'll have to go in blind," Hayato warns in my ear.

  Cautiously, I push the door wider with my toe. The pressure stings, and I'm positive there's glass in my foot. I step inside the room. My sight blacks out as something hard connects with my temple. I scream in pain, stumbling to the side, the room slowly refocusing as I blink furiously. Strong arms grab my neck and slam me into the wall, my head bouncing off the plaster.

  "Lily," Vlad's strained voice yells. Shuffling and grunts echo from the other side of the room.

  "Vlad," I croak as the hand around my neck tightens. A fist connects with my face— once . . . twice.

  The guns are on the floor, out of my reach. I pull my knife from my pocket, pressing the button on the front to open the blade. My eyes finally lock on my attackers, his face dripping with sweat. He raises his fist again, and I bring my knife down across his wrist.

  "Bitch!" He lets go of my neck.

  I lean against the wall, gasping for air as he stumbles back, clutching his hand to his chest. He growls, low in his throat, and lunges for me. I brace myself, gathering all my strength. Something shiny shoots between us. Vlad sinks his knife into the assailant, driving it up, through his chin, into his head. I breathe heavily as blood oozes down Vlad's hand. He rips the knife out, and I kick the body in the chest sending it flying back onto the bed. I lean over, placing my hands on my knees.

  Vlad lays his hand on my back. "You okay, Viper?"

  "Yeah," I pant. "Way to save the day." I stand, picking my guns up and shoving them into their holsters.

  He smiles.

  As we enter the great room, the front doo
r bursts open. Vlad and I grab for our guns, stopping short as Interpol agents pour into the room. We both sigh and drop our hands.

  "All clear, Boomslang. You guys can come out."

  Four paramedics scurry into the room. "Vlad, take them to Dresden."

  He nods and beckons for them to follow. The others file into the room as the paramedics duck into my office. Hyde Monroe stands in the foyer, gaping at the destruction.

  "Good morning, sir. Nice to see you. Thanks for the cell phones."

  He steps into the room, meeting my gaze. "You're welcome. They all dead?"

  A groan comes from one of the attackers lying next to the sofa. I walk over, and he reaches out and grabs my leg, mouthing the word 'help'. I tilt my head and give him a sly grin. Without hesitation, I pull one of my guns out and fire a bullet into his brain. He thuds against the floor.

  "Yep. All dead." I turn back to Monroe, putting my gun away again.

  "Start packing up. We're taking you all to Headquarters for now."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Lily," Dresden hisses as they wheel him out of my office on a stretcher.

  I run to his side and grab his hand in mine. "How you feeling, Python?"

  He smiles, squeezing my hand. "You okay?"

  "Yeah. Got punched in the face, but nothing serious."

  "What happened to the guy that punched you?"

  "Vlad stuck a hunting knife in his face."

  "Good. I'll see you at HQ."

  I squeeze his hand before letting go. Turning around, I almost slam into Blake's chest. I gaze up into his face, his brow creased with pain. He reaches out and runs his fingers over my cheek and neck. I'm sure bruises are already forming.

  "I should have picked option B," he whispers, gently holding the side of my neck.

  "Are you kidding? Look around. I've got bruises, but there are seventeen dead mother fuckers in your apartment."

  "Well, I can't deny you're good at what you do." His voice seems strange . . . off somehow.

  "What are you thinking?"

  "Honestly, I don't know."

  "This is what I do, Blake. Take it or leave it." My chest tightens.

  "I'm yours, you know that. It's just hard to imagine the woman I make love to . . . being capable of this. I thought you with a sniper rifle was bad."

  "This is all I know, and I can't just stop being who I am."

  He leans down and presses his lips to mine. My blood flames at his touch. "I'm not asking you to change. I'll deal. I fell in love with you just the way you are." He runs his hand through my hair, a sad smile on his lips.

  "Go pack your stuff. Necessities only," I say stepping back from him.


  I'm exhausted as we ride the elevator to the basement of the Interpol building. The elevator opens to a wall with a large steel door in the center. Hyde steps up to a keypad and presses a succession of buttons. The doors slide out, revealing a very open room, with at least twenty doors along the back wall.

  "Welcome to Interpol's protection ward," he says stepping to the side.

  The open room has a living space with two sofas and a television, a large kitchen area, and dining room with one of those huge tables that can seat at least eighteen.

  "Each of you can choose a bedroom. If you want to make a list of groceries, we'll have them bought and brought down. You'll have to stay here until we clean up Mason's apartment and figure out our next move." Hyde steps toward the doors. "I'll be sending a doctor down to look over each of you."

  "Well, I think we could all use some rest." I walk straight for the room furthest to the right.

  Inside is a king size bed, two dressers, a decent closet, and a private bathroom.


  I shrug out of my clothes, leaving a trail to the shower. I turn on the water, steam overtaking the space. I step in and wince as the scalding water cascades over my body. It runs to the drain, turning a coppery tint as it pulls the blood off my skin.

  I'm tired of being covered in crap. Ugh . . .

  I place my hands on the wall in front of me, stretching out my back and arms. Everything aches and my feet are killing me. Once the doctor gets down here, I'm going to need him or her to check for glass, and the graze on my arm.

  The door to the shower clicks as it opens. Gentle but firm hands trail down my spine, leaving a line of heat in their wake. Blake's touch is like a drug. Once I feel it, I don't want it to stop. His hands encircle my hips, pulling my ass against his erection.

  He runs his right hand up my stomach, over my breasts to my neck, softly pulling me against him, his lips caressing my skin. I moan as his teeth graze my earlobe, my body squirming under his sensual assault.

  His hand moves back down my body, cupping my sex as he slowly inserts two fingers inside me. I moan, pressing my ass into him harder, almost convulsing as he presses his thumb to my clit. He slides his fingers in and out; his thumb circling as he gently nips at my shoulder with his teeth.

  I reach up and tangle my fist in his hair, grinding into his erection. His other hand squeezes my hip, waves of pleasure coursing through me as the fire from my groin slowly moves through my stomach, sensitizing every nerve in my body.

  Blake removes his fingers and spins me around, capturing my mouth with his. I run my nails down his chest and grip his erection, firmly moving my hand up and down his impressive length. He moans into my mouth and presses me against the shower wall. His body stiffens under my touch and I move my hand faster, wanting to feel him come undone.

  "Stop," he hisses, grabbing my wrist.

  He pulls my hand up to his shoulder and hitches my leg around his waist, filling me quickly. I cry out a garbled version of his name as he pumps himself into me.

  The pressure builds quickly, my body begging for release. "Please don't stop," I moan.

  He growls, deep and low, pushing harder as I grind into him, matching his rhythm and intensity. His lips find my neck, licking and sucking, and within seconds, I come around him, my body shaking as I dig my fingers into his arms. He thrusts two more times and comes inside me, his body relaxing against mine.

  Gently, he pulls out and lets my leg down. He presses his forehead against mine, our breathing ragged and uneven. I caress the side of his face; remembering how close I came to losing him today. I grip the side of his head, pulling back to look in his eyes.

  "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you alive," I say with fever and passion.

  "Who's going to keep you safe? I died a hundred times watching those cameras this morning."

  I kiss his lips, pouring my love, my fear, my need, into him. I've never been afraid of losing anything . . . until now. It dawns on me— I've never had anything worth holding on to.

  "Nothing is going to happen to me. You have to trust me."

  "I do trust you. More than I've ever trusted anyone. I love you so much it hurts, Lily." His voice is captivating and demanding.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. Nothing in my life before him mattered. If I lose him, nothing after him will matter either. He's my present and my future, and for the first time, I see a life outside Interpol. He deserves better . . . better than the shattered remains of a girl, but I'm selfish. The thought of not being with him is physically painful.

  "I don't think I can ever let you go," I whisper.

  "Good, because I don't want you to."



  Voices from the living room wake me. I glance at the clock; it's 3:00 AM. It's easy to lose time down here. I roll over, a soft moan making me jump. Blake is lying on his back, his face serene and childish. At least the doctor said I was good to go after pulling a few small shards of glass from my foot.

  "Lily won't agree to that." Dresden's voice has its strength back.

  I get up and stand just inside the bedroom door, listening intently.

  "We don't have a choice. You all can't stay down here forever. Mason's apartment is fortified; we're giving you extra s
ecurity. Hiding him isn't going to solve this. We need you all out in the open to draw them out," Hyde says exasperated.

  "He's right, Dresden," I say in a hushed tone stepping into the living room. The bedroom door closes with a light click.

  His voice is venom through the air. "You want to put them in the middle of this shit? We're going to get them killed."

  "What's the alternative? Hiding down here for the rest of our lives? The Taurus will keep doing what they do, unless we find them and kill them."

  "Lily, have you lost your mind?"

  "No. I'm realistic. We can't win a war hiding underground."

  "What happens if Blake gets killed? Or Shannon?" His voice cracks on her name. "I love her, Lily. I can't stand the thought of her being hurt anymore."

  "Then let's end this. You know what we're capable of. Put the fucking feelings aside, kill the bastards, and then maybe, just maybe, you and I can have normal lives with the people we love. Because if we don't, then there isn't any hope. We got one chance. All we need to do is focus and take it," I say forcefully.

  "She's right, love," Shannon says walking into the room.

  She looks strong, determined. She probably understands what's at stake better than Dresden.

  "Mein Shatz, I can't," he says reaching for her. She presses against his side, her arm curled around his good shoulder.

  "Can you kill them?" She looks directly into his eyes, her face set in a hard stare.

  "Yes," he breathes.

  "Then yes, you can do it. You take us back, let them come, and kill them. That way I can have you to myself, without all this," she says waving her arm to imply the mess that is our situation.

  "Verdammt! You haven't even asked Blake about this shit," he snaps turning his angry eyes on me.

  "I wi—"

  "She doesn't have to," Blake says coming up behind me. "If she believes this is what's best, then for once, I won't argue with her. I trust her."

  Dresden sighs, tightening his grip on Shannon's waist. "Fine. If anything gets fucked up, I swear to God, I'll make boots outta Viper skin."


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