Necessary Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 4)

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Necessary Risk (Aegis Group Task Force Book 4) Page 4

by Sidney Bristol

  “Screw what you were told. Do you honestly think you’re up to doing this?” He couldn’t bring himself to be more specific. Even the vague idea of her entertaining Jabby pissed Killam off.

  Ivy tucked hair behind her ear and her mouth screwed up on one side as she considered his question. “I think so. I’m not crazy about my role in this, but I think I can do it.”

  That was the answer he was afraid of.

  He wanted her to say no.

  Sure, going into Jabir’s home and doing whatever the hell these people needed done would likely burn his relationship with the prince, but Killam was tired of the man.

  “Care to tell me more? What can I really expect?” she asked.

  “I can’t tell you. I mean, Jabir’s a party guy. He likes to surround himself and his guests with beautiful women. He...shares a lot. Someone gives him a nice gift, he tells them to pick a girl. But he’s not an exhibitionist. I can’t tell you what to expect in the bedroom.”

  “I can handle the closed-door stuff. It’s the, um, group stuff that worries me.”

  He was curious about how she thought she could handle Jabir behind doors, but decided he was better off not knowing. “Don’t be too friendly with his guests then. There are plenty of women for them to pick from and most will go for whoever shows them attention. A lot of the guys will give thank you gifts in addition to Jabir’s appreciation presents.”

  “And if I say no?”

  Killam shook his head. “I don’t think no is a word these men hear often. I did get the feeling there’s a lot of girl drama.”

  Her eyes widened comically. “With thirty women competing for the attention of one man?”

  He laughed.

  She chuckled and leaned back against the wall. “I got the same impression. My plan is to be a wallflower. Play up the southern girl charm when I need to. Keep to myself.”

  “Not a bad plan. Any chance I can talk you out of it?”

  “Why would you? Burning a contact like that can’t be good for you.”

  “Jabir’s not a valuable source. He doesn’t know shit. I’m fairly certain anything of real substance goes through Yousef, the head of household. Whatever it is you’re doing is probably the only bit of good we’ll milk out of Jabir.”

  She kept staring at him.

  He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “This harem stuff, I... These girls go into it, most knowing what they’re doing, and it... I don’t know. Some deal with it fine. They have a goal. Travel. Quick cash. Whatever. The rest... It takes something out of them. It’s not the kind of undercover job you can do easily. It seems to me like they’re asking a lot out of you.”

  “They are,” she agreed. “But, I realize that, and hopefully I can play my part, do the job and get out quick.”

  “I can’t talk you out of it?”

  Her unwavering stare was softer, but no less stern. “No.”

  He sighed, resigned to this job.

  “I had to try.” He leveled a look at her. How was it she’d already convinced him to burn a contact without even asking for his help? Hell, she seemed determined to not need it, and that made him all the more worried about her. “If you need anything, get into any trouble, I’ll be around. I don’t care what Zora says, reach out, understand? She’s a paper pusher, we’re the ones in the field. We work together.”

  Ivy blinked at him a few times. “Okay.”

  “Good.” He rubbed his thigh.

  Killam should go. He’d done what he came to do, and yet he didn’t want to leave. Not yet.

  “Anything else?” Ivy asked.


  So much for lingering.

  “No,” he replied.

  “Next time you want to pay me a visit, why don’t you just knock?” She flipped her pillow aside. “I decided at the last second to not involve a gun.”

  He stared at the firearm.

  Yeah, from here on out he’d use his head where Ivy was concerned. She wasn’t some classroom educated agent. She was a soldier. She knew how to handle herself. He just hoped she could handle Jabby.

  Killam tamped down on the surge of jealousy. That was new and he didn’t like it.

  He was going to stay far away from Ivy Ashley, he told himself.

  His gut seemed to rumble, Liar.

  Yeah, he was fucked.

  FRIDAY. JABIR AL SAUD’S Home. New York City, New York.

  Nasar kept his head down. This time of night, just before the streetlights flipped on, was the perfect time for a stroll.

  Music thumped, emanating from the large property up ahead on the right.

  Nasar’s destination.

  He glanced up and down the road, but it was empty. Few people had reason to come this way if they didn’t live here or wanted to gawk. This time of night, only the people who belonged were around.

  And Nasar.

  He turned right, into the brush that grew in the ditch between Jabir’s property and the neighboring house. The shadows concealed him as he made his way to the blind spot in the security.

  It was by design, but one had to know that.

  Under the cover of an overhanging tree and just behind the cabana serving the pool, Nasar vaulted over the fence. This time he was careful to keep his pants from snagging. He didn’t want to leave with a shiner.

  Things like bruises and black eyes did draw attention, and right now he couldn’t afford that.

  He crouched in the shadows, listening to someone splash around in the pool.

  Most of the visitors had left, leaving behind house staff and the women Jabir kept around him. Nasar hated that he was forced to work with Jabir. The man was more like a child the way he partied and carried on, but Nasar needed him.

  More accurately, he needed the money Jabir would pass his way.

  Nasar shrugged out of his coat, leaving himself in slacks, a suit jacket and white shirt. The uniform of Jabir’s guard.

  That done, he straightened and headed for the side door, never once glancing at the women lolling around the water.

  Nasar had a woman once. She’d been his world. His life. Right up to the day she’d been taken from him. Someday he’d be with her again, but until then he’d make those who killed her pay.

  Inside the house, the music was quieter.

  He picked his way carefully through the ballroom and peered into the entry.

  Security was more relaxed now that the property had been locked down, thus making Nasar’s job easier. He darted across the hall and down to a small room hardly anyone would notice. He knocked once, then let himself in.

  Yousef glanced up and gave Nasar a critical once over.

  “You’re late,” Yousef said.

  Nasar shrugged and sank into one of the empty chairs. “I was never told a time.”

  Yousef jerked his head in a nod. “That’s like your boss. Any idea when he’ll be joining us?”

  “No.” Nasar stretched out his legs and eyed Yousef.

  Such a funny world. How many years ago would it have been when Nasar would have hunted down someone like Yousef? Now, he worked with him.


  Saturday. Private Plane.

  There was no turning back.

  This wasn’t exactly news to Ivy.

  They’d been in the air for close to three hours. She’d barely slept between nursing the soreness that came from having everything on her body waxed to packing and her unexpected visit from Killam.

  What the hell had the man been thinking to drop in like that? And why did he seem to get under her skin by simply breathing?

  No matter. It didn’t appear as though Jabir had his new girls on surveillance, so she was safe. Explaining Killam’s visit would have been damn hard. And yet, she was glad they’d had the chance to talk. He was still every bit the lone wolf she’d pegged him as, but he did seem to have a soul in there. She’d been caught off-guard by his attempt to talk her out of this gig. She couldn’t decide if she was irritated or touched by his attempt at chivalry. Or
whatever it was.

  Too bad she was determined to get a win on this. After getting fired for doing her job, she couldn’t just give up now. It wasn’t her nature.

  One thing that bothered her was how little Zora had told him. That seemed to be a theme with everyone she’d spoken to. Including Logan and the guys. Especially them. It made Ivy wonder, how much had Zora held back from her?

  Ivy hoped she knew everything she needed to. This wasn’t the kind of job where she could adjust to surprises easily. Little bumps, fine. Big ones might upend the whole plan.

  “I need another drink,” one of the new girls whined.

  “Yasssss, drinks!” another chimed in.

  Ivy opened her eyes. She couldn’t help but glance at the table of five hoisting empty glasses.

  God, she felt old around these girls.

  What she wouldn’t give to be in sweatpants for this flight.

  Instead, she’d followed the dress code handout she’d been given. It had included things like Jabir’s favorite colors, styles of shoes he preferred, necklines he liked and even cuts of underwear. There was another guide for hair, make-up and nails.

  Ivy had left the after-interview party early just to scramble and get everything done. At least she’d listened to her gut and done the waxing last.

  Why on earth did people put hot wax on their most sensitive areas? Ivy would never understand. In that regard, she just wasn’t girly enough for this crowd. But for now, she’d fake it until she made it.

  A flight attendant brought more drinks for the girls.

  The sole person sitting anywhere near them got up.

  She was a willowy, tall woman, all graceful limbs and gentle curves with a face that looked like a cherub morphing into an angel. Whoever she was, she was beautiful. And none of the other girls liked her. The pale pink dress with its layers of transparent material made her look otherworldly.

  “Mind if I sit?” the angelic beauty asked.

  Ivy blinked up at her, aware she’d been caught staring. “Oh, sure.”

  The other woman sank into the empty chair, one hand smoothing over her hair.

  “I’m Ivy.”

  She studied Ivy out of the corner of her eye. “London.”

  Ivy blinked and smiled. She couldn’t help it. “That’s a neat name.”

  London paused, as if she were weighing Ivy’s words, dissecting her meaning. If anything she looked perplexed. “Thanks. My sisters are Paris and Milan.”

  Ivy chuckled. “That sounds like a story.”

  Now London frowned. “You have no idea who I am?”

  “Am I supposed to?” Ivy asked slowly.

  London blew out a breath and sagged in the chair. She stared at the seatback screen in front of her, eyes wider, brows lifted. “Now I sound like a bitch.”

  “No, you don’t. I live under a rock.” Ivy turned toward the girl, curious now. “Why should I have heard of you?”

  London smiled.

  Even that was perfect.

  “I might have been a contestant on a reality show for models. And I might have won it, only I was disqualified.”

  “What could disqualify you from that?” Ivy gave London a once over. “You’re like...perfect.”

  London’s eyes widened and she opened, then shut her mouth. “You really don’t know, do you?”


  “What did you do before this?” London gestured to the plane, but Ivy knew what she meant.

  “Administrative Assistant and nanny. I didn’t have free time.”

  She nodded, then sighed. “My sisters thought I was crazy for quitting my paying jobs to go on the show. I just thought, this could be what changes things for us.”

  Changes things? Us?

  There was a story there. A big, messy one.

  “And that’s how you ended up here?” Ivy asked softly. She’d been wondering at the motivations in this group.

  “I figured, I’ve already been paid for sex, why not make the most of it?” London continued to stare at the seat in front of her.

  That perfect face hid a painful story. Ivy didn’t need to know it to want to help the girl.

  Another chorus of laughter from the party table had an idea coming to her.

  Right now there were four groups. The Shrew Squad. Some established members that hadn’t spoken to the new girls. The party table. And everyone else. Ivy didn’t know what had split the harem, but she expected things to get complicated once they arrived.

  “Hey?” Ivy reached over and touched London’s arm. “This sounds cheesy saying it like this, but do you want to be friends? I get the feeling friends are a good thing here.”

  Ivy had intended to lone wolf it, but she didn’t think that was a good idea anymore.

  London regarded her for a moment. “In a situation like this we all need allies. Sure.”

  She offered Ivy her hand. Ivy took it and they shook, sharing wide smiles.

  “So, what made you sign up?” London asked.

  Ivy swallowed.

  It was time to put her cover story to use.

  Why did she have a sudden pang of guilt?

  “Just, a very special set of circumstances landed me in New York with no job, no money and no options. A friend of mine worked with the recruiting service once and said it was the most exciting year of her life. So I figured, why not? I’m almost too old for this crowd, but I figure I’ve got a year to see the world, try new things, earn some cash while doing it.”

  “Does it make you nervous? The idea of sleeping with him?” London nodded at the front of the plane where Jabir was sequestered with his friends in a private cabin.

  “I haven’t given it much thought. I don’t think the reality has settled in yet, you know?”

  “A word of advice?” The years melted away and suddenly London had an older, wiser look in her eyes. “We’re all going to be faking it. Do what you need to do for you. Think about an ex, something you’re going to buy. Give that to yourself, because no matter what they pay us, it will never be enough.”

  Ivy nodded. She felt those words to her soul. Her hand clenched until she could feel the throb of her heart in her finger where the slightly too tight ring clung to her finger.

  If she could make one of those for London, she’d do it. But this was part of being undercover.

  London leaned her head back and shut her eyes.

  They’d come to an end in conversation and Ivy could respect that.

  She took a quick glance around the cabin.

  Still no sign of Killam or Jabir.

  The men had entered the plane through the front hatch into what she understood was the prince’s cabin. She’d made sure to eavesdrop when the other girls were asking questions, so she knew there was a large area for entertaining and a private sleeping cabin for Jabir.

  The girls were in the rear of the plane in another cabin. They had comfortable leather recliners that made down into a sort of bed and a couple tables where they could sit as four, or more if they squished as the party drinkers were now.

  The Shrew Squad, however, were at the very front of the cabin near a small door set off to one side.

  If Ivy had to guess, that was Jabir’s sleeping cabin.

  It made sense those top bitches would want to catch the prince’s eye first. Remind him why they were his favorites. At least Ivy assumed they were favorites.

  There were fourteen new girls on the plane in addition to the four Shrew Squad and five others. So far the new and old guard hadn’t intermingled much. Ivy had seen plenty of hostile stares going both ways.

  Whatever had happened to oust half of the harem had to have been explosive. She’d have to ask London if she knew anything later.

  Ivy wished she could text her own circle of friends. All she’d been able to tell them was that she had a new, ultra hush-hush job to take her mind off getting sort of fired from her last gig. Merida probably knew the truth. She was the Seattle Aegis Group office’s admin and their boss’ right han
d. But even Merida wouldn’t know the extent of what Ivy was going through.

  There was London now, but Ivy couldn’t be honest with her.

  Her only true shoulder was Killam.

  And he didn’t want her here.

  Either he really was concerned, or he didn’t want to work with a partner.

  The main door between the cabins opened and Yousef entered. He wore a standard dark suit with a blue shirt and tie. His long, neatly trimmed and oiled beard didn’t really go with the outfit, but she doubted he cared considering what Jabir likely paid him.

  The Shrew Squad sat up a little straighter and looked at him like well-trained pets.

  Yousef grimaced at the table of drunk girls.

  “Jabir wants entertainment,” he announced.

  “Oh, well, we’re pretty entertaining,” one of the drinky-drink table said.

  “Sober up. No more drinks. You are here to be entertainment, not be entertained.” Yousef’s gaze slid past them. He pointed at the other, quieter new girls. “You. You. You three. You two. And you.”

  Ivy inwardly cringed as Yousef pointed at her and London in the same go.

  “Here we go,” London said under her breath as she adjusted the top of her strapless dress.

  Yousef turned to go back into the cabin, then paused, glancing at those established women who had been quiet and kept to themselves. The Shrew Squad openly glared at the back of his head.

  So he was the gatekeeper.

  Good to know.

  “Anya. Matilda. Come on,” he said.

  A blonde and a brunette with golden highlights in her hair got up. They both wore blue dresses, though the cut and style was different.

  Blue was a preferred color.

  Ivy had made sure to bring three with her, though she’d opted for a more comfortable black knit number for the plane ride. She had also gotten the feeling that Jabir liked blondes in general, which was one of the reasons she’d appealed to him.

  She wrestled her mind back to the task she was trying to avoid.

  Here went her first test.

  She fussed a bit with her things, ensuring every girl was ahead of her as they filed into the forward cabin. As she stepped through the door, she ignored the dagger-like glares of the others.


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