Dalian Crystals

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by Barbara Robertson

  “Now, you must escape to the Rebels from a prison transport,” C.S. Vu’Duc said, “an awkward situation. We have communicated with our assets already undercover with the Rebels, and have made arrangements for your getaway and delivery to the second-in-command officer of the Rebels forces, Colonel Vas. He is former Imperial Army. All S’Loc’s personal belongings were confiscated upon his arrest, of course. He maintained no residence other than his ship. He does have a nephew, D’Wayn, with whom he stays whenever he is on Home World. You will be virtually bankrupt, Commander Steph’N,” his Commander Superior cautioned. “On your own, with nary a credit in your pockets. Understand, Ranger?” Steph’N nodded in understanding. “Good. We have another asset currently with Colonel Vas, but he will not reveal himself to you, interact with you on board, or disclose his true identity. You will leave shortly.”

  Steph’N asked, “May I be permitted to call my family and let them know I won’t be coming home for the holidays? They are expecting my arrival tomorrow, sir.”

  Vu’Duc looked at his Ranger, and slowly shook his head. “I’m afraid not, Steph’N. You must change into S’Loc’s uniform and leave within the next few minutes. The time schedule is very tight. The prison transport is awaiting delivery of a high-profile prisoner now. We cannot afford to bring any undue attention to you by forcing the prison shuttle to hold departure,” he explained. “Everything is in place. The clock is ticking, Commander Steph’N.”

  Steph’N had to change into the dirty, soiled uniform of Major S’Loc with Vu’Duc watching. His wallet, Ranger uniform, cloak, boots, and his armor, the breastplate and backplate, were taken by Vu’Duc, and he promised to leave his assigned quarters and belongings under lock and key for the duration of his mission. A barber was brought into his office, and Steph’N’s long hair was cut in Space Cadre regulation style, short and non-descript. Then the Royal Physician spent a few minutes showing him how to insert and remove his new eye contacts. Steph’N had blue eyes, and the Major’s eyes were brown. At least they would last for one week, and he wouldn’t have to change them out every day.

  He looked at himself in the mirror as Major S’Loc. If his uniform had been clean, he would’ve looked good. It was a perfect fit. Vu’Duc checked him out, and approved. Then he said, “One more thing, Commander Steph’N. A technicality, really, but important: Major S’Loc was homosexual. He had a penchant for teenage boys, but never approached anyone on board during his assignments. We think “Nephew D’Wayn,” is really his lover, perhaps one of several. We don’t know for certain. S’Loc was very private and discreet.”

  A technicality? A big one. Steph’N bristled, and remarked, “I trust the Emperor does not expect me to perform any sexual acts with a man. I’m not homosexual, sir. I have never refused his orders, and hope I don’t have to do so now, sir.”

  His Commander Superior said, “It’s up to you, Commander Steph’N. I would feel the same, truthfully. Here is our new, secret comm link number. Memorize it. Try to call me every few days, and at least weekly. We will have one of our Rangers answer as “D’Wayn,” to keep up appearances, but either I or the Emperor himself will be listening to each of your calls. Good luck, and may the Creator bless you, Commander Steph’N.”

  He saluted Vu’Duc, and was then cuffed and escorted by Space Cadre security to the waiting prison transport, destination Ban’Ti Military Prison. He was thrown into a tight Top Security holding cell, restrained, and strapped into his transport seat roughly by the security guards, one of whom blew him a kiss when he clanked the door shut. Bloody hell. The Major’s gay reputation was going along for the ride with him. The transport was launched quickly, and they were on their way to Ban’Ti, a two-week trip in this transport. Fine. Steph’N would rather deal with snakes and vermin than homosexual prison guards. He hoped they wouldn’t try anything with him.

  Sitting in a dead traitor’s dirty uniform with empty pockets, cuffed and restrained in a prison transport. Happy bloody New Year to me, he thought. Vu’Duc said this was a two-year deep immersion assignment. Probably longer, he smirked. His entire life would change. No one would know what happened to him, other than the Emperor, Vu’Duc, and those two Space Cadre Admirals. He had heard tales of some men sent into deep immersion who never came back. Every ounce of training, meditation and concentration would be needed to carry out this mission, and make sure he survived.

  Steph’N leaned his head back and thought of his original plans for the New Year’s Holiday, a full two weeks off duty. He had planned to spend tonight with his girlfriend Va’Pal, a Shi’Lon Commander. She was such fun to be around, with her wicked sense of humor, and her love for him. Would C.S. Vu’Duc tell Va’Pal he was sent away on a deep immersion mission for up to two years? Probably not. She would think he had abandoned her, and eventually find another man. His family would think he ran off with a woman for the holiday and ditched them. The prison guard who blew him a kiss came around just then, and stuck his disgusting tongue out at him. Bloody hell. It would be a long night. No way was he falling asleep.

  The third day of his trip, the prison transport was attacked, stopped dead in space, and quickly boarded by Rebels. They took him and four other men with them on board their old, rusty destroyer. No wonder Duma Wat wanted the new battleship the Major was sabotaging. He soon developed ample respect for the Rebels who kept the ancient destroyer running. They gave him officer’s quarters, new Rebel uniforms, and a de-briefing. He was ordered to clean up, eat in the chow hall, rest for a day, and then his new duty would begin. He felt good to be clean, and he looked good in the Rebel officer uniform. But his masquerade was only beginning.

  Someone hid ear buds under his pillow, with a small player and recorded crystal. He inserted the ear buds into his ears, played the crystal, and heard recorded files on the Major. His service record, his friends, and his habits; it was the Major’s whole life, as the Space Cadre knew it. He listened all night, learning how to become the traitor Major S’Loc.


  Home World, five months later

  The High Priest and High Priestess said prayers and offered sacrifices in the ancient religious language on the large, wide fire dish sitting on the platform above the main stage. The audience was respectfully quiet during the Blessing of the Graduates, everyone uncomfortable in the sweltering summer heat. The ceremony had already lasted two hours. When the incense was placed on the fire, it erupted in dancing silver and blue flames, and then smoke filled the air with its strange, spicy fragrance. The High Priest and High Priestess turned to the graduates, moved their arms and hands in the “Great Spiral” religious blessing, and bowed. The audience erupted in cheers when the graduates of the Royal Academy stood. The graduates walked off the stage to join their friends and families.

  “The graduation ceremony was beautiful this year,” Master Commander Javette said to her approaching son, Dan’L. “But I am prejudiced, of course, since my Son was graduating!” Mother and Son clasped forearms and kissed each other’s cheek in joy. Little sister K’Rissa happily hugged her big brother.

  Dan’L excitedly told her, “Mother, I have invited my best friend Kayla to join our celebration this afternoon. Kayla, this is my Mother, Master Commander Javette, and my little sister, K’Rissa,” he proudly said, introducing them. Kayla, also a graduate, bowed her head slightly to show respect to Shi’Lon Master Commander Javette.

  Javette said, “The best friend of my Son is welcome to join us anytime. Come now, and let’s politely mingle with the other Warrior Class members. You don’t want to begin your career offending anyone,” she sarcastically said to the new graduates. “Save that for after Phase 3, and your Confirmation,” she laughed. They socialized for a respectful amount of time, meeting, mingling, and talking with the Warrior Class parents and friends of the new graduates.

  For ten years, Kayla and Dan’L attended the Imperial Royal Academy on Home World. The Warrior Class children were taken from their parents around age five, and brought to the Royal Academy f
or study, training, and indoctrination to the laws and customs of the Empire. All children of the Warrior Class belonged to the Emperor. It was a proud tradition for more than fifteen hundred years. The Warrior Class was the highest tier in the Imperial Class System, with the most powerful and loyal members. Each warrior swore a blood oath to the Emperor, whose bloodline came directly from their own class.

  The celebration with Dan’L, M.C. Javette, their family and friends was fun. Kayla appreciated her friend Dan’L including her in the festivities. Kayla’s father, Borgund Ranger Master Commander Tom’S, was killed just seven months ago fighting against the Rebels. Her Shi’Lon Master Commander Mother Rosa died two years ago, in a heroic battle defeating a Rebel insurgent force on Space Base Orioc, in the Outer Rim. Kayla’s only living relative was her brother Olm, and he was serving aboard a Space Cadre battleship in the Central Core. She would have spent the day alone, if not for Dan’L and his kindness. She went to bed and rose early the next day, in eager anticipation of her newest adventure, Phase 1 Training.

  The new graduates who were invited to Phase 1 Training were told to pack only their toiletries and personal items, and leave their Royal Academy and Court clothing behind for their journey. They were traveling to the third moon of K’Halon Prime, called “Xau,” for Phase 1 Training. A small travel case was given to each trainee, and they could take no more than what fit inside the travel case. Kayla boarded the huge transport, looking for Dan’L. They sat together and chatted excitedly about the upcoming training, and their four-day transport trip.

  Most Royal Academy graduates chose to pursue their studies at a university, if they were not invited for Phase 1 training. They had to be in prime physical shape, mentally focused, and the child of a Warrior Class parent to receive an invitation to Phase 1 Training. Although aristocrats also sent their children to the Royal Academy, those graduates did not receive invitations to Phase 1 training, like Kayla and Dan’L. And their aristocrat parents had to pay tuition for their children’s education, room, and board during their Royal Academy attendance.

  “It is such an honor to be attending Phase 1 training, isn’t it, Dan’L?” Kayla asked. “I promised my brother Olm I would do my best to make him proud, and to honor my late parents,” Kayla shared.

  “It is also a huge responsibility, and a great challenge, Kayla. Mother said probably half of the class can’t tough it out, and will fall by the wayside. I sure don’t want to embarrass my Mother and Father by having to enlist in the Space Cadre, or enroll in a regular university. Those who ‘wash out’ and cannot complete Phase 1 training can never be Space Cadre officers, and the Phase 2 wash-outs don’t fare much better, from what I’ve been told. I want to qualify for Ranger training in Phase 2, don’t you, Kayla?” Dan’L asked, and she quickly nodded her head. They talked about their upcoming challenge for quite some time, as did the other graduates. In a few hours, Dan’L fell asleep. Kayla stared out the porthole, looking at the stars, and the ever-shrinking planet of Home World.

  Kayla wondered about her future, and what K’Halon Prime’s moon named “Xau” would be like. It was a desert moon, she read, and not at all beautiful like Home World. Like all of the graduates, she had been well-schooled, clothed and fed very well. They had been forewarned prior to boarding to expect no pampering whatsoever from today forward. She determined to show no weakness. During the last night of their trip, Kayla meditated while the others around her slept, and mentally prepared herself to begin Phase 1 military training. Tomorrow morning, everything would change.

  Royal Academy training included regular physical calisthenics, running, swimming, and swordsmanship. The new Phase 1 trainees considered themselves in good shape—that is, until the third morning of their training. They had run five kilometers, swam one hundred laps in the very long pool in frigid water, run the obstacle course, and ended their second day with another five-kilometer run back to their barracks. When the bell sounded to line up for breakfast, much moaning and groaning was heard. The Training Instructor loudly rousted the tired trainees out of bed, and into their clothing.

  Breakfast never tasted so good to Kayla. She watched Dan’L sop his plate with his last bit of bread. Two hours of Imperial military history class was followed by their first martial arts training, where every trainee was pummeled by the woman instructor, Su’Sen. Lunch, and a fifteen-minute break; then the five-kilometer run, swimming, running the ever-changing obstacle course, and, finally, the exhausting five kilometers run back to the barracks. Showers revealed the many bruises from the obstacle course on their young bodies. And this was only their first week.

  The fifty males and females trained together, but slept in separate barracks. As the training progressed, they were matched to fight against each other, to develop their skills. The first time Dan’L faced off against a female trainee, the gentleman in him held back. He didn’t want to hit a girl. The martial arts instructor Su’Sen joined his female opponent against Dan’L, and he got over his chivalrous attitude right away. Kayla winced at him getting beaten, and realized she would eventually have to face off against Dan’L, as well as the other males in their class. Every trainee got soundly walloped in the first weeks of martial arts training.

  The young men and women were pushed to the limits of their strength and endurance during the year of their Phase 1 Training. Their formerly smooth bodies were hardened, strengthened, and trained to become warriors. The trainees learned to march in many formations perfectly, and trained at all hours of the day, rain or shine. The natural human tendency to hesitate before firing a weapon or fighting was trained out of them. Weapons training was extensive, to prepare them to become fully competent with all the handheld field weapons of the Empire. They learned to field-strip and clean their laser rifles and pistols properly, even in the pitch black.

  Trainees who showed reluctance to obey orders without question, or who demonstrated any persistent weakness of character were given the boot, and transported home the same day. Pain control and rudimentary survival skills were learned the hard way, to ingrain the lessons into their bodies, as well as their minds. They stood taller, and walked with confidence to the General Assembly on their last day.

  The trainees were introduced to Commander Superior G’Rosk of the Borgund Rangers. G’Rosk was tall, with brown hair, and eyes of chestnut. He wore the daily uniform of the Rangers: black blouse and trousers, and black boots. His body armor, gloves, and arm bands were also black. The only color on his uniform was his Ranger belt buckle of solid gold, embellished with the Imperial seal, and his insignia on his collar. G’Rosk looked powerful in his full-length cloak. There was no question he was the man in charge.

  He walked down the center aisle, intently staring at the remaining trainees, and announced, “You are the twenty-two survivors of Phase 1 Training. Your friends who fell by the wayside are now applying for entrance to university, or enlisted in the Space Cadre, the Navy, the Air Corps, or the Army; all honorable careers necessary for the continuance of the Empire.”

  A sly smile came over his face, and G’Rosk said, “But the Army, Air Corps, Navy, and the Space Cadre are not recruiting here tonight. You have proven yourselves ‘over-qualified’ for their enlisted ranks now.” A few laughs came from the assembly. “You are at a crossroads today. The next decision you make will set your path for the rest of your lives. Several choices are yours to consider, and you must choose tonight. The first career choice available is to serve in the Space Cadre, Army, Air Corps, or Navy as a commissioned officer. Several openings are available for qualified officers in the Space Cadre.” He turned and strolled back to the front of the room.

  “Your second choice is to volunteer as an Imperial Guard at one of the Emperor’s palaces, either on Home World, or K’Halon Prime. This is a highly visible assignment, one with opportunity to advance to higher court positions. A coveted commission, to be sure,” G’Rosk said. “But only three openings are available at this time. Imperial Guardsmen have an immense responsibili

  C.S. G’Rosk continued, “The third choice is to continue on to Phase 2 and 3 Ranger Training, whereupon successful completion you qualify for Borgund or Shi’Lon Ranger. Please note: failure is not an honorable outcome for Phase 2 Ranger Training. You must commit to the path fully to complete the course. If you ‘Wash Out,’ or resign, you could still serve as a Palace Guard, or as a commissioned officer in the Space Cadre or the Imperial Army,” C.S. G’Rosk cautioned, “but you will never qualify to be promoted to the senior officer ranks.” He let his words sink in for a minute. “Consider your choice carefully. Ranger positions have several personal and private commitments required to be sworn to by the accepted trainee. Borgund Rangers are all-male, and Shi’Lon Rangers are all-female, as you know.”

  He looked intensely at each trainee and continued, “The choice for Ranger is the most exclusive opportunity. Not everyone who volunteers will be accepted into the Ranger path. It requires you to complete not only harsh Phase 2 Ranger training for another year, but also specialized training and study for an additional six months, in Phase 3. If your test scores are less than desirable, or if your senior officers feel you would potentially wash out, we will recommend you select a Space Cadre or Imperial Army officer commission. Better you serve the Empire in a career where you will succeed with honors. Becoming a Ranger is a serious commitment.”

  After assembly was dismissed, Kayla went outside and walked the desert in silence. She realized she was marked for the Ranger path at age five. Did she even have a choice? She climbed into the desert hills, sat on a large boulder atop a hill, and indulged in childhood memories of her fifth birthday: After the cake and ice cream treats, the children excitedly gathered for the treasure box hunt. The child who found the hidden treasure box got the first pick from its candy and toy surprises. Each child wanted the first pick. No one was satisfied with left-overs, especially little Kayla.


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