Dalian Crystals

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Dalian Crystals Page 12

by Barbara Robertson

  “Kayla? Is it you, Kayla? It’s Dan’L, Kayla. Are you all right? How did you find me? We need to get out of here,” he whispered. “I want to go home.”

  “Hi, Dan’L. Are you okay now? I heard you were sick for a long time,” Kayla whispered to him. “We have to...”

  “Both of you keep quiet. They are listening,” T’Anh interjected. She removed her space suit and paced. The damned Rebels confiscated their helmets so they couldn’t escape without a ship. And now this Novice is talking again, she thought to herself. The Rebels were smarter than she initially credited them. Would they give her a chance to negotiate, or would they just try to kill them? Both the Shi’Lon Rangers wore their breastplates and backplates and their arm bands under their space suits, as Duma Wat knew, and were not without some weapons. She touched the handle of her plasma sword behind her neck and smiled. The Rebels would not kill her without a fight. She looked at Kayla, who sat on the hard bed, watching her. The Novice was well known for her fighting skills among the new Novices. One thing in the young girl’s favor, she realized, and almost smiled at Kayla.

  Rebels came for Dan’L, and brought him before Duma Wat again. But this time, he was restrained and sprayed with a double dose of truth gas. An angry Duma Wat said, “I do not have the time for pleasant conversation any longer, Novice Dan’L. You have seen the battle site on SB5. Now, I ask you again: why have I brought you here?”

  Dan’L tried to focus on the face of Duma Wat, but was too drugged to do so. He answered, “You brought me here as witness to my Father’s last stand, and to see the body shadow left behind when your Rebel Petrov caused his death.” Dan’L immediately realized his slip of the tongue was a grave mistake.

  This was additional information coming from the young man. Duma Wat questioned further, demanding answers from Dan’L, and no longer treated the boy as his guest. “What about the power crystals? We recorded everything transpiring in the SB5 bay with K’Ser and the androids. We heard them tell him the crystals were very powerful. And you tell me they’re only stored technical specs! Now, you will answer my questions, and cease this charade!” He signaled to his men to begin assaulting Dan’L, beating him and kicking his legs. “And how is it you know Petrov?” They beat Dan’L, and tasered him until he screamed. The next punch to his face broke Dan’L’s nose, and his blood ran down his face and chin, onto his chest.

  The Rebels punched his gut until Dan’L coughed up blood. Then they delivered several blows to his face. Dan’L finally revealed his encounter with Petrov. He told the entire story of his experience, from his kidnapping to his meeting the Rebel Petrov. He raised his bloody face and said, “My Mother negotiated my release with Petrov. I did not know he killed my Father until much later.”

  More hard hits landed on his body and face. Duma Wat stood and back-handed Dan’L’s bloody face, and demanded the location of the green crystal. He slapped him hard until the boy cried out, “The reason you brought me here was to kill me where my Father died, is this not so, Duma Wat?” The men waited for instructions from their leader. Deathly silence in the room.

  No answer was forthcoming from the visibly angry Duma Wat. He looked around at his men, showing his displeasure with them. The Emperor’s precious Shi’Lon Rangers were on his ship. Alien androids were coming to rescue their own. And this boy still had no real answers to his important questions. Duma Wat overturned the table beside him and cursed loudly, and ordered Dan’L returned to his cell. He was furious. But there was no more time to waste.

  Commander Bok updated C.S. G’Rosk on the Shi’Lon Rangers’ situation, “They are still in their cell, sir. Novice Dan’L was taken away, presumably for questioning. Unable to monitor his situation. The alien android is still blinking his eyes. Novice Kayla was correct. My scanner identified a definitive pattern in his blinking, looped repeatedly. This situation could escalate dramatically, Commander Superior,” Bok warned. He was ordered to remain onboard his ES warbird, continue to monitor the situation, and to prepare to engage the Rebels. Bok donned his battle armor suit, in case he had to defend himself against attacking Rebels, or alien androids.


  Space Cadre ships within two days’ range of SB5 were ordered to close in on the abandoned base, and the hovering Rebel ships surrounding SB5. Emperor P’Lau met with his Military Advisors and Ranger High Command regarding the android. Why were alien androids in their solar system? Were they scouts; a prelude to an invasion? They had to be prepared. Space Cadre craft solar system-wide were ordered to take defensive positions to protect the four inhabited planets and the Space Bases. The entire military of the Empire was placed on yellow alert.

  The Rebel group surrounding SB5 consisted of an old destroyer, three support vessels, and several fighters, all old vessels incapable of outrunning the modern Space Cadre ships. But the Rebel ships were fully armed with deadly weaponry. It would take a full battleship group to successfully threaten Duma Wat, like the one currently en route to SB5—or alien android ships.

  C.S. Bette was ordered to hail Duma Wat and demand release of all three Rangers. It took less time than expected to be connected to the Rebel Leader. Bette said, “Emperor P’Lau sent his Shi’Lon Rangers to negotiate the release of Novice Dan’L. They were sent in peace, as his Emissaries. The Emperor P’Lau demands the immediate release of his two innocent novices Dan’L and Kayla, and Master Commander T’Anh.”

  Duma Wat looked into the vid comm and answered, “Novice Dan’L is my guest. The Shi’Lon Rangers were not invited here. We claimed salvage rights to the abandoned property formerly called Space Base 5. It is now our property, in accordance with Imperial law. The Shi’Lon Rangers are trespassers and will be treated as such!” He clicked off. His intentions were now clear to Bette. She notified Emperor P’Lau immediately. There was precious little time.

  “Contact our asset with Duma Wat. Send the emergency signal now,” the Emperor commanded. A startled Major S’Loc felt the small chip concealed inside his right boot begin to vibrate for the first time since his deep immersion mission began. He casually left the engine room of the command destroyer and told his next in command he was taking a break for thirty minutes. He walked briskly to his quarters, took off in his boot in private, and removed the small chip. The chip fit inside the ear buds player he kept inside his locked drawer, and it activated upon insertion. The unmistakable voice of Emperor P’Lau himself then spoke, “Negotiations have broken down with my two Shi’Lon Rangers and Novice Dan’L, presently onboard your vessel. Arrange their escape at once. You are to escape immediately after their departure. Come home, my Faithful Son.”

  Steph’N knew only that a shuttle was sent down to SB5, and had returned a few hours ago. How did Shi’Lon Rangers get onboard the Rebel destroyer, or SB5, for that matter? No time to ponder his questions. He punched up his com tablet and located the Ranger prisoners in the brig, and read the notations regarding their disposition. They were tentatively scheduled for shuttling back to SB5, and termination. He had to act fast. He smiled as he ran down the corridor, thinking how pissed off Duma Wat would be after learning of his deception for over two years. Today was the last day he would impersonate Major S’Loc. He would free the Rangers, and get out. He was going home.

  While he ran down the corridor, all senior officers were ordered to the bridge to deliver status reports to Duma Wat in person. Space Cadre ships were closing in on SB5. Duma Wat ordered his destroyer, support vessels, and fighters to enter the White Belt, to avoid a losing confrontation with Space Cadre ships. Then Duma Wat looked directly at Major S’Loc and ordered, “Dispose of the Rangers. Both Shi’Lons, and the Borgund Novice Dan’L, too. I’m through with him. I want all three of them taken to SB5, terminated, and left behind before we clear the SB5 docks. Only head shots will kill the Shi’Lons. Then, blow SB5. Do it!”

  Major S’Loc walked casually to the brig, as if nothing was amiss. But Steph’N’s mind was racing. He would not kill any Ranger, Borgund or Shi’Lon. He found the security
locker next to the brig where the Rangers’ space helmets were stored and took them with him. The prep room by the main airlock had old jet sleds in storage. Hopefully, the Rangers knew how to use the old sleds. They were no longer in service for the Space Cadre and outdated, but worked well for short flights. Steph’N took three jet sleds from their charging compartments and continued his casual walk. He hid the jet sleds in the airlock closest to the brig, used for prisoner and cargo transfers.

  In their brig cell, Kayla watched T’Anh, and said, “Master Commander T’Anh, I respectfully request you sit and rest. You have been pacing the entire time we’ve been incarcerated here. Should we not conserve our strength?”

  The Novice was correct. “Yes, you’re right, Kayla. We should conserve our strength. I usually think best on my feet,” T’Anh answered. “It may be some time before we are given food or water, or allowed to leave.” She sat on the bed against the wall, folding her legs under her. The small cell had a toilet hole in the floor, but no running water. No window or porthole. Just a heavy cell door—which suddenly opened.

  Rebel Major S’Loc opened the cell door and whispered, “I am Major S’Loc. Bring your space suits and come with me. Hurry!” When they stepped outside, the Major opened Dan’L’s door, and collected the bloody Novice. The Major supported Dan’L, and he and Kayla helped him walk down the hall. He led them away from the ship’s bridge and Duma Wat. Three Rebel officers rounded the corner and were surprised by them. Novice Kayla immediately spun and kicked two of the men unconscious, and M.C. T’Anh subdued the third man.

  Major S’Loc said, “Better finish them off, Rangers. If they awaken before you escape, they will signal for help. We will all be killed, and all is for naught.” T’Anh swiftly broke the necks of two of the men, and Kayla finished off the remaining Rebel. They continued down the corridor quickly. It was Kayla’s first kill. It was necessary, Kayla told herself.

  The Major stopped near the cargo bay, went to a locker, took out a space suit for Dan’L, and handed him a helmet. “Your Ranger on SB5 is watching you. Put your space suits on, and your helmets. Tether together and enter the air lock across the cargo bay. I’ll open the outer hull access hatch when you’re ready. May the Creator bless us all!” He struck his left chest with his right fist, saluting the three Rangers. They silently returned his salute, quickly crossed the cargo bay, and entered the airlock, with Dan’L being helped by T’Anh and Kayla.

  Inside the large airlock in the cargo bay, the Shi’Lon Rangers quickly put on their space suits and helmets, and helped Dan’L into his suit. Then they tethered together, and checked their suit seals. Leaning against the wall were three old, neatly folded jet sleds, at least twenty years old. T’Anh signaled to the Major, and he opened the hatch of the airlock. Each Ranger took a jet sled and silently floated out of the airlock into space. The Novices had never seen a jet sled.

  M.C. T’Anh held the jet sled by its top handle, and twisted the handle sharply. The sled unfolded to its two-meter length while she held it. T’Anh raised the wide arm handles on either side of the sled and put her arms through both handles. She watched the young Novices follow her movements perfectly, unfolding their jet sleds, and putting their arms through the wide side handles. When their jet sleds were ready, T’Anh showed them the sled controls at the top of the sled. Then she turned and slowly flew towards SB5. Dan’L and Kayla followed her, flanking the senior Ranger. They sped up, and made the SB5 hangar bay in minutes, landing in front of the ES warbird of Commander Bok, with his ES warbird now fully visible.

  Duma Wat and the Rebels on his command destroyer were in a heated discussion about their situation. A full Space Cadre battleship group was less than one hour from firing range of their destroyer. They had neither the speed nor the firepower to engage the Space Cadre’s superior ships. Duma Wat ordered the Rebel ships to move out, escaping into the White Belt, in hopes the larger Space Cadre ships would not pursue them. His bridge security officer suddenly turned to him and said, “Sir, the cargo bay outer access hatch has been opened without authorization, and three life forms have left the ship.”

  Duma Wat yelled out a string of obscenities, cursing at his bridge officers. He screamed, “Find their accomplice and bring him to me now! I will have his hide for this treason! Continue into the White Belt, full standard speed ahead. Don’t let those Space Cadre ships find us!”

  On SB5, Commander Bok took Novice Dan’L with him and launched quickly, followed by M.C. T’Anh and Novice Kayla. They flew in stealth mode towards the oncoming Space Cadre ships, and rendezvoused with them. After getting emergency medical treatment for Dan’L, their warbirds were refueled. In a full throttle launch, the four Rangers flew their two ES warbirds on course for Home World.

  Three days later, the ES warbirds landed on Capital City Base on Home World, and were immediately escorted to the Royal Palace. In the office of C.S. Vu’Duc, the four Rangers were de-briefed together, with their K’Halon Prime Commanders Superior G’Rosk and Bette conferenced in via vid comm. Soon, Novice Kayla was dismissed and sent to temporary quarters to rest. M.C. T’Anh and Commander Bok were dismissed an hour later, and went to their quarters.

  Novice Dan’L had many questions to answer. But first, he was given medical treatment, many scans, and tests. The hardy young warrior had several deep contusions, but no broken bones, other than his nose. No permanent organ damage was sustained. Then his de-briefing commenced, and continued until night fell. The young man answered all questions put to him truthfully, standing at attention during questioning, not moving a muscle for hours. His swollen face still showed bruises and scars from the beatings by the Rebels. His torso and legs were wrapped in tight, healing bandages under his uniform.

  Vu’Duc said, “We will continue your de-briefing tomorrow at 9a.m., Novice Dan’L. You are dismissed. Please do something to quiet this boy’s growling stomach, Javette!” Dan’L turned to see his Mother sitting at the back of the room, observing the de-briefing. Neither one could hide their joy seeing one another. She kissed his swollen cheek gently. His Mother took him to the Ranger dining room and watched him eat nearly three whole meals, down two glasses of milk, and a pitcher of cool water. Then they walked to the guest quarters to talk privately, strolling through the Palace gardens.

  After several moments of silence, Dan’L shared, “Duma Wat used truth gas on me several times, and kept asking me to tell him why he brought me to him, Mother. I could not give him an answer, because I did not know. I still don’t know why. When they showed me the blackened, destroyed cargo bay on SB5, I saw several body shadows,” he said quietly. His eyes moistened with tears, but he did not let any fall. He continued, “I found the android with his blinking green eyes. The Shi’Lon Rangers appeared, and the Rebels took all of us back to the destroyer. Then Duma Wat asked me the same questions again,” he said, and lowered his head.

  All Shi’Lon Rangers were trained in interpreting body language, and Javette was as good as any of her sister Rangers. Her son had seen the last vestige of his Father, his body shadow. He was in real pain, both physically and emotionally. Dan’L slowly shook his head, and she saw the shame in her son’s eyes and face. His Mother gently asked, “And what did you tell him, Dan’L? Did they torture you, Son?”

  Dan’L stood and touched a white rose gently. “I told him he brought me to SB5 to kill me where Petrov killed my Father. Then, Duma Wat wanted to know about my experience with Petrov, and I eventually told him. He had his men punch me and hit me until I told him everything, but they didn’t torture me. The truth gas made me tell him about my entire encounter, Mother. He kept slapping my face and asking about the green crystal. I was sure Duma Wat was going to kill me.”

  He sat next to her again and said, “If Kayla hadn’t asked him about the blinking alien android, he would have killed all of us. I know it. I saw it in his eyes, and so did Kayla. She told me so, Mother. She knew just what to say to Duma Wat. Kayla saved our lives.”

  Javette stood and said assu
redly, “Everyone talks, under enough truth gas and beatings, my Son. Not even our strongest warriors can resist the truth gas, if it is administered long enough, in strong doses, accompanied by beatings. That’s why it is used. Sometimes the subjects are tortured, too, to get them to reveal what they know sooner. You did nothing wrong, my Son. The Emperor and your Ranger superiors know this. You have endured much more suffering than to which any Novice should ever be subjected. Discard your shame and hold your head high. The Son of K’Ser has done well,” she said firmly, and smiled. Dan’L felt his shame lift and dissipate as if he threw off a heavy load from his back. He continued telling his experience to his Mother, and she listened closely to his every word.

  They strolled through the gardens in the courtyard, and a more self-assured Dan’L reached the end of his saga. Javette walked with him in silence for a while through the many arched trellises of roses. Dan’L asked, “Will they kill the Rebel Major who helped us escape, Mother?”

  “He may indeed lose his life for helping you. But a good undercover asset covers his tracks, and always has an exit strategy, Dan’L. Someone else may take the blame for your escape, a crewman, or another Rebel. The Major knew the risk he took before he helped you, Son,” she told him.

  Javette led him to his guest room, bid him good night, and then went to her quarters. She knew why Duma Wat kidnapped Dan’L, and later brought him to SB5. The Rebels must have monitored the bay on SB5, and listened to K’Ser’s attempts to communicate with the alien androids. They probably heard everything. The Rebel Leader thought K’Ser told his son valuable information concerning his discovery of the alien red and green memory crystals. Duma Wat ordered Petrov and the Rebels to attack the storage bay on SB5. Duma Wat wanted to own the green “power crystal” K’Ser referred to in his messages. Since the green crystal was not recovered by the Rebels after the scene of the battle on SB5, he assumed K’Ser sent it to Dan’L. Duma Wat was convinced K’Ser escaped the battle. Could her husband really be alive after three months, stowing away on damaged and abandoned SB5?


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