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Dalian Crystals Page 15

by Barbara Robertson

  “They are insignia to indicate our rank. Mine is Ranger, and Mother is a Master Commander, First Echelon. She outranks me by many levels,” Dan’L said, and smiled at his Mother. Their meals arrived, and Dan’L ordered more wine. D’Anna ate silently. It was obvious she was very hungry.

  After a few minutes, Javette excused herself, saying, “I have early meetings tomorrow. Thank you for letting me join you for dinner tonight, D’Anna, Dan’L. Here’s my comm link number, D’Anna. Call me if you need anything, anytime,” she said graciously.

  D’Anna looked at Javette, and whispered, “I kept your gift, Javette. It’s still with me. You were right about having my own money. It gave me the courage to leave Petrov. Thank you, again,” she said, with a little bow of her head.

  Javette smiled with D’Anna, and felt better about the teenager being on a new planet, in a new city. She handed Dan’L two 100-credit gold coins, winked, and swirled on her cloak. She said, “Have fun,” and then left them alone to finish dinner and talk.

  Slowly, D’Anna relaxed with Dan’L. She told him about Petrov forcing his group to move because of her bringing him from the cabin, through the tunnel, to their apartment. She whispered, “Petrov wanted me to prove I was dedicated to the Rebellion. He said you had influenced me adversely. He told me I had to go with them on their next raid. We flew on an old transport to Home World, and shuttled to a field by the Imperial Army base one hundred kilometers from here. We had lots of guns the Rebels here on Home World gave us—big guns—and some shoulder missiles. Petrov said we had to attack the base and capture the armory. I refused to do it. I’ve never attacked or killed anyone, Dan’L. I swear to you now: I was never forced to kill or attack anyone before this!” D’Anna started to cry.

  “Petrov always told me of the wicked men of the Empire. How they attacked innocent women and children. All I ever did for Petrov and his group was what I did with you. I tried to heal them when they came home. I realized he used me. I cooked for them, healed their wounds, cleaned their clothes, cleaned the apartments, and never asked any questions. Until three days ago,” she revealed, trying to control her emotions. “But Petrov was the wicked one. Families live on that base. I saw the school and the playground, Dan’L. I couldn’t do it!”

  He took her hand tenderly and tried to comfort her as she continued telling him of her recent experience. If this was a set-up, his Mother would’ve read it in D’Anna’s face and body language. Very few could fool a Shi’Lon Ranger, especially Javette. D’Anna calmed herself, and they finished their meals and drank the wine.

  “My congratulations to you for coming here, D’Anna. You’re very brave. What do you want to do now?” He asked.

  She took a deep breath, and answered, “I want to live in peace, and not hurt anybody. I want to help people, and heal them. Nursing seems like a good career for me, but I have to go to school to learn all about it. And I want to be free to choose my own friends,” she said decidedly. “I’m not a child, or a Rebel.”

  Dan’L smiled at D’Anna, and they finished their wine while talking about her possibilities. He took her to meet one of his friends, B’San, and his five sisters. They all worked at their family restaurant. The five girls “adopted” D’Anna instantly, and she was welcomed into their home. Although she was still scared and uncertain, D’Anna moved in with B’San and his family, and worked in their restaurant. They became good friends.

  D’Anna went to nursing school during the weekdays and worked in B’San’s restaurant nights and weekends to pay her way. Dan’L and his friends visited the restaurant frequently, and he introduced D’Anna to as many friends as he could, to make her feel she had found a welcome home in Capital City.

  It took only three days to discover the hiding place of the Traitor Petrov and his Rebel squad. They were holed up inside a very low-budget tourist hotel on remote island, two hundred kilometers from the Capital City harbor. In the middle of the night, M.C. Javette crept into the dingy hotel where the band of Rebels had taken up residence. She deftly hacked the hotel’s cheap security system. Wearing a small gas-mask, she set off thirty-minute, timed-release sleep gas charges along his hotel floor. Javette hot-wired the lock on his door, slipped into Petrov’s room, and shot his sleeping body with a stun dart from her breastplate. He never knew what hit him. She rolled him up inside a blanket, attached anti-gravity braces under him, and pushed him out of his room, and into the lift. The eight other Rebels asleep in their rooms on his floor never saw or heard Javette remove Petrov from his room. She loaded his heavy, sleeping body into her shuttle on the roof, and flew away with him to the Royal Palace.

  M.C. Javette brought the wide-awake Petrov into the Main Court of Emperor P’Lau, bound, gagged, and unharmed. Emperor P’Lau rose up on his gold throne and said, “You have been brought before me, as was my command, Petrov the Traitor. My Beloved Daughter, Master Commander First Echelon Javette, was denied her vow of vengeance against the murderer of her Partner, Master Commander K’Ser. But the citizens of our Empire will have justice, Petrov. You are hereby ordered to the solitary confinement section of our prison, reserved for traitors, murderers, and those accused of high treason. Porridge and water will sustain you until your hearing before the High Court Tribunal. Any admission of guilt to charges levied against you, or confessions of your crimes against the Empire will weigh in your favor before the Tribunal.”

  Imperial Guardsmen took Petrov from Javette and removed his gag. Petrov yelled, “I do not recognize any authority here. I serve the true Emperor, Duma Wat, first-born son of Empress Tan’s First Consort!” His gag was put in Petrov’s mouth again.

  Emperor P’Lau swept his hand to the right, and stated, “Take him to solitary confinement. Fast the traitor with only water and honey for three days. Your Emperor grants this Traitor mercy, and leaves his fate to the High Court Tribunal.” After Petrov was removed from the Main Court, the Emperor lowered his flying throne to the top step, and waited for the rumblings from the audience to quiet.

  “The Empire thanks you for retrieving the criminal Traitor Petrov whole, in one piece, wearing his own skin, as I commanded, Master Commander Javette,” the Emperor said with a little smile. The Royal courtiers laughed and applauded Javette. He awarded her a commendation, and gave her the bounty offered on Petrov. But the Emperor knew some of those in his court were secretly plotting and funding his overthrow.


  Home World

  The audience in the Palace Main Court was very noisy tonight. Every aristocrat, wealthy courtier, and VIP was fully engaged in some conversation. The cacophony of loud voices filled the large court until Steph’N felt his eardrums would burst. He had to get out of there.

  Quickly walking through the Palace Main Court large doors, M.C. Steph’N descended the steps three at a time. Fresh air; he breathed in deeply and relaxed somewhat. He was joined by Novice Kayla, who said, “Big crowds of strangers unsettle me, too, Master Commander Steph’N. I feel like they’re taking all my oxygen,” Novice Kayla said to him, a smile on her face.

  Steph’N smiled in recognition to her, and said, “My forte’ is not ‘the body politic.’ We Borgund Rangers are much more comfortable in smaller groups.”

  Kayla walked a little closer to him and whispered, “Or hidden among the Rebels, ‘Major S’Loc.’” They laughed together and walked through the Palace courtyard, through the archway into the gardens. “Thank you for providing an escape for us, Master Commander Steph’N. I owe you a life debt.”

  He slowed his pace and searched her young, pretty face, and then said, “You are a Shi’Lon Ranger, Kayla. You will give and owe many life debts in your service to Emperor P’Lau. Remember this: all life debts for the Rangers are owed only to the Creator. All thanks and praise belong to the One Who made us, young Novice.” He stopped and touched her cheek, saying, “Be safe, my friend Kayla.” Then he continued to his apartment.

  All Steph’N’s personal things had been moved from his old apartment into his new Maste
r Commander-level apartment today, while he was attending his appointments and therapy sessions. He used the temporary passkey stick on the lock to open the suite door. The electronic voice told him to register his palm print for future access to his quarters. He coded the lock, entered, and shut the door.

  Compared to his lodging with the Rebels the last two years, his new suite was posh and spacious. There was a small balcony off the living room, and he opened the door for fresh air. Was he really home? He was Master Commander Steph’N now, and no longer a Rebel. Yes, it is over, he said to himself. Finally. He was home.

  His new comm link beeped, and a text came through from the Royal Treasury: “Back pay of two years, four months, and eleven days has been deposited in your personal account, Master Commander Steph’N.” The amount nearly took his breath away. He forgot all about getting any back pay. May the Creator bless Emperor P’Lau.

  The new uniforms he ordered yesterday were delivered to him, along with two new pairs of shiny, black boots. No more manky, old suede Rebel boots. Steph’N tipped the aide after he brought the packages inside. He hung up his long black cloak, and removed his breastplate and backplate to their charging stand. Tomorrow, he would test every hidden weapon, knife, gas pellet, razor wire spindle, and all his other “tools” for maximum efficiency, and replace any defective pieces. Two years unprotected among the Rebels, without his Ranger armor. His only protection was the power of his mind.

  The new uniforms and few boxes inside his room were unpacked quickly. Like most Rangers, he owned few personal things, and lived where his superiors and the Emperor decided. He laughed, finding the two-year-old rock-hard tube of toothpaste, and cracked bar of soap. He emptied his old toiletries into the waste basket. After a quick trip to the base shop on the lower level, Steph’N put away his new toiletries. He placed the pack of drinks he purchased inside the small fridge and popped open a cold can of lemon soda. Funny how it’s the small things you miss so much, he thought, savoring the first gulp of his favorite cold drink. Nothing but water and teas aboard the Rebel destroyer.

  Deep immersion undercover assignments took their toll, he reminded himself. Some men became so immersed they lost themselves in the process. Now, he knew exactly how losing yourself came about. The psychiatrist he met with today told him to be patient with himself, and not try to jump back into his old routines too quickly. He was beginning to understand why he was transferred to the Home World Palace duty station; it would be less stressful for him to get used to, and take less time to readjust.

  The Royal Physician and Vu’Duc permitted a five-minute, live vid call home today. His mother cried tears of joy to see her son alive and well. But his Imperial Army First Commander Sister demanded information as to where he had been, and why he never told them anything; of course, Steph’N could not share any pertinent information with her. His old friends and family on K’Halon Prime lived their lives and moved on during the last two years, while his memories of them were stuck in a two-year-old time warp. There was a lot of catching up he needed to do with them, but the psychiatrist said he was not ready. Maybe the doctor was right.

  Steph’N took note of his vocabulary. He would have to carefully consider everything he said before the words came out of his mouth, now. The ‘Rebel Major S’Loc’ developed a bad habit of swearing the last two years. Using that kind of language was not acceptable for a Borgund Ranger. Neither was the small pad of fat on his belly. He thumped his stomach roughly. Too much Brandywine. He dropped to the floor and did eighty push-ups before he got too out of breath. He had much ground to make up, including getting back into the proper physical shape for a Ranger. It would take time.

  He stripped and stepped into his spacious shower, without any time limit on the water flow, like the three-minute limit on the Rebel destroyer. He stood under the wide, rainwater shower head and let the hot water drench his head, washing away his anxieties, and releasing his pent-up emotions. Steph’N started to cry tears of joy. He was really home. He survived.

  The bath towels were nice and thick, and he dried off, and shaved. He rubbed his hair on his head. Now he could let it grow again, like most of the Rangers did, and tie it back with leather ties. Steph’N began his T’Ly martial arts routine in his living room. He felt free for the first time in two years. When he completed his routine, he walked out in the dark onto his balcony to enjoy the night sky. Then he heard the knock on his door.

  Steph’N immediately became defensive, as he had been the entire time during his last two years undercover. “Who’s there?” He demanded.

  “Room service, Master Commander Steph’N,” the female voice replied. Room service? In the Ranger Barracks? No way. He opened the door, wearing only his underwear.

  The Shi’Lon Ranger eyed him up and down, smiled broadly, and said, “Welcome home, Steph’N.” She held a bottle of Brandywine in her hands. “I just found out you were here.”

  “Va’Pal,” Steph’N whispered, and pulled her inside. She let her cloak fall behind her, smacked the clasps of her breastplate and backplate, and took her armor off, laying it on the floor. He caressed her face to make sure she was there. He began kissing her lightly, until she laid a big kiss on him. Then he picked her up in his arms, kicked the door shut, and took her to his bedroom. He was in her arms, at last. He was home.

  K’Halon Prime

  The faint outlines of the three moons setting in the late afternoon sky brought a smile to her tired face. Soon the sun would disappear under the horizon, and the air would become cold. But it was perfect on the balcony of the Royal Palace Main Court right now. She had it all to herself. Javette held out her arms and took a deep breath of the familiar, pine-scented air, and slowly exhaled.

  “It’s good to have you home, Javette. Everything is better when you’re in the Palace. Your sister Shi’Lons will welcome your smiling face, I’m sure,” G’Rosk said, walking up to stand beside her.

  Javette smiled at her friend G’Rosk, and said, “It’s good to be home. The trip took nearly three days, G’Rosk. I cut through the White Belt to save a day,” she added with a confident, coy smile. They both chuckled, and turned in towards each other to talk. Two courtiers walked by them and exchanged greetings.

  “As long as you’re home safely, Master Commander. How are your new quarters?” He asked, conscious of the courtiers now gathering behind them. Why did they have to gather here?

  “They are fine, sir. My things should be delivered from my old apartment in a day or two, I was told. The new apartment is larger than I expected, really. Now that K’Rissa is in the Royal Academy, I thought I’d get a small suite. But there’s plenty of room for Dan’L and K’Rissa to stay when they come home for the Year End Holidays. The Emperor is generous, is he not, Commander Superior G’Rosk?” She asked. The balcony was almost full of courtiers and military officers. So much for a private talk.

  G’Rosk stepped away from the beautiful Shi’Lon Ranger, as the crowd of people on the balcony became larger. He was so concerned about Javette and her Son, Dan’L, and wanted to talk with her alone. “Emperor P’Lau is wise, and generous to every citizen of the Empire. Good afternoon, Master Commander Javette,” he said, and walked back to his office. Would he ever get to talk with Javette privately? K’Ser had been gone for more than a year, now. He missed his old friend, and could not imagine how his surviving Partner felt. Her young Son Dan’L was almost killed, twice. Then, soon after Dan’L returned, her five-year-old Daughter K’Rissa was taken away to the Royal Academy. G’Rosk knew Javette was a strong woman, but she had to be feeling the strain of the recent events. He wanted to be there for her. She was a dear friend.

  The following Sunday, Javette slept in for an extra hour. It was her birthday, and she had been given three days off. She waited until most of the Rangers left the gym for her work out, and did not rush through her routine. The sauna was a great treat today, followed by a plunge into ice-cold water. Then she indulged in a massage for an hour. She felt so relaxed.

bsp; The aides finally delivered her things from her old apartment in the Family Residences. While she was unpacking her clothes, Javette rediscovered her black leather slacks, and put them on. Still a perfect fit. She found a cashmere sweater from her late husband, rarely worn. She put it on, and it was cut just above her bra. More of her buxom cleavage showed than she usually revealed. Oh well, she thought, I’m just going for a manicure. Give the girls some air. She put on her black high heels and walked to the closet for her leather jacket. Then the doorbell rang.

  Javette opened her door to find G’Rosk standing there, with a worried look on his face. “I tried your comm link three times, Javette. Is everything all right? Are you okay?”

  She let him inside, and explained, “Yes, I’m fine, G’Rosk. T’Anh gave me three days off, so I didn’t wear my comm link to the gym. Sorry I missed your calls. Would you like to come in for a while?” She noticed his eyes looking at her breasts, and then quickly turning away.

  He took off his cloak and walked to the breakfast bar, and sat where she pointed. “I wanted to let you know I spoke with Vu’Duc last week, and he agreed to let Dan’L come home for your birthday, Javette. He should arrive before nightfall. It was to be a surprise. But with Home World at its farthest orbital point from K’Halon Prime, it’s taking him a long time to get here. He is not allowed to cut through the White Belt, as you are,” he said with a smile. What a voluptuous woman, he thought. He hadn’t seen her other than in uniform for a long time.

  Javette’s face brightened at the news immediately. “Oh, thank you, G’Rosk! Thank you so much!” She said, and lightly kissed her friend’s cheek. “Let’s celebrate, and have some wine, shall we?” She happily took out a bottle of red wine from the cabinet, opened it, and poured two glasses for them. G’Rosk watched her every move. No woman ever looked better in skin-tight leather trousers. They sipped some wine and began to talk. So many things to say. So much ground to cover.


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