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Dalian Crystals Page 20

by Barbara Robertson

“Wrong answer, crewman. One last time, I ask you: who do you serve?” She demanded, pressing the flat of her blade against his throat.

  “Emperor P’Lau. I serve the Great Emperor P’Lau!” He choked out.

  “As do we all. You have disparaged the Emperor you serve, the Emperor whose will I am bound by blood oath to obey,” Kayla said. The Admiral and his officers were silent. They knew the Shi’Lon Ranger had license to kill any one, especially the disgruntled crewman with the loose tongue. They could not interfere with the Ranger’s justice.

  “I—I meant no harm. Forgive me, Ranger. Please. Forgive,” the crewman pleaded.

  Her green eyes were intensely focused. Kayla said, “The Great Benevolent Emperor P’Lau serves us all. Today, you will taste his mercy, crewman.” Kayla flicked the tip of her knife under his chin, and drew a drop of his blood onto its tip. She touched his lower lip and left the drop of his blood there for him to taste. “Now—fulfill your duties, and thank the Creator for your merciful Emperor, and your life,” she said, and replaced her knife in its concealed place in her breastplate.

  The hangar bay inspection incident went viral throughout the ship. The good-looking pilot of the ES-519 spared the life of a careless crewman. Kayla had been congenial and cordial to everyone since her arrival; a perfect lady. The officers and crew realized today, Kayla did indeed deserve to wear her black cloak and blood-red armor. She was the Emperor’s Shi’Lon Ranger. Respect and fear her.


  In five days, Emperor P’Lau would arrive on his Imperial Battle Cruiser. Every deck was swabbed spotless. All viewing windows were crystal-clear. Bots and crewmen in the ship’s laundry were overwhelmed, cleaning all the white and black formal uniforms. Imperial Guards monitored the cleaning of the Royal Suite. Every glass table and viewing window gleamed in the lighting.

  After the cleaning crew left the Royal Suite, Commander Nat’N took a long lunch break with Ranger Kayla. After a few minutes of discussing the ship’s readiness, both stopped eating. The silence between them was deafening. Nat’N finally said, “Walk with me to the arboretum, please, Kayla.”

  Nat’N loved the arboretum, full of live plants, fruit and nut trees, and live birds singing. They knew visitors were observed by the video cams, so he led her to the noisy artificial spring, to talk beneath the tall tree. After a few minutes of enjoying the beautiful arboretum, they turned towards each other, and stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Kayla,” he began, then his throat closed, and no words came out. Nat’N reached for her gloved hand, then stopped. He smiled and asked, “Is there anywhere I can touch you, without being shocked unconscious, or having one of your knife blades at my throat?”

  His question broke the uncomfortable silence, and they both laughed softly. She answered, “No, Commander Nat’N, not under the many vid cameras here. We’re both in uniform, sir. Anyway, at this range, it’s my hidden darts I would use, if provoked.”

  He wanted to do more than provoke her. Time to tell her outright. “I want you out of that uniform tonight. I want you on my bed. I want your arms around me, and your lips kissing me. Tonight. Tomorrow. Every night. I need you. I burn for you, Kayla, with every fiber of my body,” Nat’N whispered low and soft, with his eyes aflame.

  Kayla realized she was trembling, and keenly felt the strength of Nat’N’s passion. She whispered, “If what you feel is more than a temporary surge of desire, then show me. I will not settle for a hit-and-run, Nat’N. If this is real, show me—tomorrow.” She turned and quickly left the arboretum.

  Nat’N wanted to climb the tree and hang upside down, like a kid. She didn’t say no. But she didn’t say yes, either. Kayla was the highest tier of the warrior class, a Ranger for the Emperor, and P’Lau’s Beloved Daughter. The Imperial Guards ranked directly below them. The Shi’Lon Ranger would not compromise herself with a Guard looking for a brief, shipboard affair. He fully understood her situation.

  After work, Nat’N spent hours alone in his room, being honest with himself, and soul-searching. Kayla was more than a girl to be played with, to “hit-and-run,” as she said. She was the one, the only girl for him. How could he show Kayla how he felt without coming across as a horny jerk—just like the other two thousand horny jerks on this ship?

  The officers and crew were busy finalizing preparations for the Emperor’s arrival. Everyone was on edge. To top it off, Commander C’Mak abruptly switched the patrol flight plans last minute, extending the routes to a total of eight hours each day, for the next five days. When she relayed the new development to her Commander Superior T’Anh, she was ordered to remain aboard the Cruiser, and not accompany the fighter patrols as she had done for the past seven months. For once, she and T’Anh were in perfect agreement. The other pilots commented to her their new orders came at a critical time, during the Emperor’s arrival. Kayla became even more suspicious than she had been. Something was in the works.

  M.C. Steph’N sent Kayla a message that he and Ranger Dan’L would be escorting Emperor P’Lau’s Imperial Shuttle to the Battle Cruiser. He invited her to have dinner with them the night of their arrival, and she accepted. Kayla was anxious for Steph’N to meet Nat’N, and the other Imperial Guards with whom she had become friends.

  “Dinner at 8:30?” Her comm text read from Commander Nat’N. The man did not give up easily. After an hour of consideration, Kayla agreed to meet him at one of the restaurants in the shopping plaza on Deck 4. She bought a lovely new dress in a boutique, then walked into the hair salon, held up her thick ponytail, and asked the stylist, “Anything you can do with this in 1½ hours?”

  At 8:35, an anxious Nat’N fidgeted at a table for two, trying not to drink both their poured glasses of wine. The host led an absolutely gorgeous Kayla to Nat’N’s table, smiling confidently. She knew she was looking great. Kayla wore a long white dress, with a white and gold-paneled matching long jacket. Her long black hair fell around her shoulders, perfectly styled. Delicate eye make-up of golden flecks accentuated her bright green eyes, and her lips were the color of red wine.

  “I’ve never seen you so beautiful, Kayla,” he said, and held her chair for her to sit. He was nearly speechless. He could not stop smiling at her. What a prize for any man to win. Nat’N eventually managed to talk normally with Kayla, and they had fun together. They strolled the plaza after dinner, making small talk, and enjoying being with each other. He led her once again to the arboretum, where he felt comfortable. They sat on a bench looking out the viewing window at the stars. The birds were quiet, and the lighting inside was like a moonlit night at home. It was so peaceful.

  “I would like to ask you something, Kayla. But, if you cannot give me an answer tonight, I’ll understand,” Nat’N began. He took a deep breath, kneeled, and asked, “Would you consider giving this Imperial Guardsman the chance for true happiness, by letting me love and cherish you every day of our lives? Would you be my life partner, Kayla?” His question entailed more than she anticipated. He really took her by surprise, and she was speechless.

  Kayla looked into his eyes and studied his face. She read no signs of deceit or untruths in this man at all. He had no ulterior motives. Her heart began racing, and she parted her lips to speak, but could say nothing. She slipped her hand in his and smiled. The knowledge that the vid security cameras were recording was the only thing holding her back from kissing him.

  They stood and silently walked towards her suite. She touched the recognition pad and stepped inside, turned to face him, and said, “Yes, Nat’N.” His face lit up, and he smiled broadly. Kayla let him inside her suite, and they kissed and held each other. Her sofa was a wonderful place to make out, and stare at the stars in space. They talked about their future as partners, and how the commitment would change their lives. Nat’N declared his true love for Kayla, and they kissed again; but she stopped his advances short of having sex. Nat’N walked—skipped, ran, or flew, who knew—back to his quarters. She said yes!

  The long, solid gold and jewel-la
den ring on Kayla’s third finger of her left hand was the Shi’Lon Confirmation ring from Emperor P’Lau, and she stared at the ring with new understanding. It was law that no Ranger could marry, because they were sworn by blood oath to the Emperor. But they could take a partner, with the Emperor’s permission. Any child born to their union belonged to the Emperor, and must be given to him to teach, train, and care for, around their fifth birthday. If Emperor P’Lau approved, she would soon wear a plain gold partnership band on the third finger of her right hand, as would Nat’N.

  Commander Nat’N and Ranger Kayla filed their Partnership Petition to Emperor P’Lau the next day. This was a totally unexpected move from Ranger Kayla. Emperor P’Lau called Kayla directly, and asked, “My Beloved Daughter Kayla, you have served us on the Imperial Command Battle Cruiser for only seven months. Are you certain my Imperial Guard Commander Nat’N is worthy of your commitment and devotion? This is a life-long decision. You are a Shi’Lon Ranger, my child, with many years ahead of you to serve the Empire. You are so young, my Beloved Daughter.”

  Ranger Kayla bowed her head and replied, “I serve you, my Benevolent Emperor P’Lau, and obey your will. If it is not your wish, then I will withdraw my petition to take Commander Nat’N as my life partner. But he has my heart, Sire. My service is to you, my Lord Emperor. Please guide and counsel your Beloved Daughter, my Emperor,” she asked softly.

  The Emperor knew Kayla had no living parents to advise her. He said, “I must ask you: have you given yourself to this man? Is there any….urgency in your petition, my Beloved Daughter?”

  Kayla blushed and quickly replied, “No Sire, I did not give myself to him. No ‘unplanned urgency’ is on the horizon. I will not submit to him without your approval, Emperor P’Lau,” she answered, looking directly into the vid camera. “I am your Shi’Lon Ranger. Your will is my command.”

  The Emperor was pleased Kayla was not in a desperate situation; she was not pregnant. His unpainted face showed his relief. P’Lau said, “Always follow your heart, my Beloved Daughter, and obey my will.”

  The scheduled arrival of Emperor P’Lau and his large entourage was made even more memorable by receipt of the signed Petition of Partnership from him, delivered to both Commander Nat’N and Kayla’s comm links. During the trip to M’Wati, they would have their commitment ceremony at the new moon, next month. The warriors were both love-struck.

  Evenings spent together were getting very cozy, and romantic. Alone in her room, they could barely keep their hands off each other. But she was the daughter of strict parents, and would not give in to his wish to become physically joined until after their partnership ceremony. Although he felt he was going crazy with unrequited desire for her, Nat’N respected her feelings. He knew he was the “Right Man” for whom Kayla had saved herself, and it made him proud.

  Kayla wisely insisted they concentrate on the arrival of the Emperor and keep apart for a while. Nat’N agreed reluctantly. But he knew just being around her made him senseless and unfocused. He was the Commander of the Imperial Guards and needed to regain his control. They agreed to see each other only at mealtimes surrounded by other Imperial Guardsmen, and not chance being alone with each other until their ceremony. Behave yourself, man, Nat’N told himself for the umpteenth time. The Emperor is watching over his Beloved Daughter.


  “Imperial Shuttle approaching main hanger bay one. Clear main hangar bay one immediately,” the announcement ordered. The Imperial Shuttle was no four or eight-person craft. It was a transport capable of carrying fifty people, and was heavily armored. The escorting ES warbirds and Space Cadre fighters hovered until the Imperial Shuttle landed on the main hanger bay deck. Then they flew to the aft bays and landed.

  Bells sounded, and over 1800 officers and crewmen in formal uniforms marched into their presentation formation. Admiral Wen’T and four senior officers stood at the opposite end of the hangar bay, awaiting their signal to approach. The Imperial Guardsmen marched to the Imperial Shuttle, carrying their pulser spears. One blast from a pulser spear could kill several attackers, and it was the primary weapon of the Imperial Guards.

  The hatch of the Imperial Shuttle slowly opened and began to lower. Admiral Wen’T and his officers quickly marched towards the hatch, to welcome their VIP guests. Shi’Lon Ranger Kayla walked well behind the Admiral’s welcoming party, dressed in her formal red uniform cloak and dress, and red leather high-heeled boots. When the hatch touched the deck and the Emperor appeared, Commander Nat’N declared, “The Great Emperor P’Lau, Ruler over all Known Worlds and Conqueror over the Unknown Domain. All hail the Emperor!” The officers and crewmen hailed P’Lau, and he walked down the hatch alone. Admiral Wen’T and his senior officers saluted with the other 1800 officers and crewmen in formation.

  Imperial Guards followed the Emperor for a few steps, then he stopped to receive his Shi’Lon Ranger. Kayla knelt before her Emperor, drew her fiery, white plasma sword with both hands, and brought the handle down against her left breastplate, in the Royal Salute.

  Emperor P’Lau commanded, “Rise, my Beloved Daughter, and walk with me.” Kayla replaced her plasma sword in its sheath, and accompanied her Sovereign through the main hangar bay, up to the Royal Suite. An Imperial Guard halted their progress while he systematically scanned the entire Royal Suite, checking out each room thoroughly. He welcomed the Emperor inside, and opened the wall panels for him. The Emperor walked to the farthest end of the spacious room, and sat in his preferred chair, now flanked by four Imperial Guards.

  The Emperor whispered to the closest Guard, who then announced, “Our Emperor P’Lau commands Shi’Lon Ranger Kayla and Commander Nat’N to approach.” This was not the usual sequence of welcome protocols. They walked to the Emperor, knelt, and bowed their heads. The Royal Suite was now packed with the Admiral, his command officers, and members of the Royal Court traveling with the Emperor.

  In a soft voice, Emperor P’Lau said, “It is the wish of your Emperor to meet the Imperial Guard who stole the heart of our youngest Shi’Lon Ranger. Rise, my children, and let me look at the both of you.” Kayla and Nat’N stood, both feeling nervous in the large crowd. The Emperor looked at them for a moment, then said, “We have taken the liberty of bringing the High Priest on this journey, so that your vows of partnership may receive his blessings. We will honor your union with a banquet after your ceremony,” he added with a smile. “You may enter into your partnership with our endorsement.” Then they both were dismissed for the day.

  The officers and courtiers congratulated Kayla and Nat’N as they left the Royal Suite. When they finally entered the corridor and were alone, Nat’N whispered to Kayla, “The High Priest will bless us? You must be one of the Emperor’s favorite Shi’Lon Rangers, Kayla.”

  She replied, “What an honor for the Emperor to do this for us. May the Creator bless Emperor P’Lau.” She walked down the many staircases to her suite on Deck Three. As she entered her suite to change out of her formal dress uniform, Kayla thought about Nat’N’s comment. Never had she considered the Emperor as having any favorites among the Shi’Lon Rangers. He treated them all with respect and honor.

  There were fifty-five Shi’Lon Rangers and over one hundred-fifty Borgund Rangers. Some more-experienced Rangers were assigned duties on the Space Bases, or other individual postings. But the majority of the Rangers served Royal Palace assignments, split between Home World and K’Halon Prime. They were frequently sent on special assignments, but returned to one of the Palaces afterwards. Partnered Rangers were housed together in private suites in the Ranger Barracks, then in the Family Residences, after they had children. Kayla knew her partner-to-be had one more year of service assigned on board the Battle Cruiser. The length of her assignment there was unknown to her.

  It felt good to take off those red high-heeled boots. Her usual black boots were so much more comfortable. Kayla changed out of her formal red uniform dress, and into her black trousers and blouse. Quickly she stuffed her feet i
nside the black boots and snapped the latches along their sides closed. Then she carefully inserted hidden knives inside the tops of her boots. The breastplate and backplate were put on her torso next. She removed her cloak from its hangar; then the ship’s alarms suddenly sounded, “Red Alert! Red Alert! All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill. Battle stations! Red Alert!”

  Kayla quickly went to the big plex case, smacked the opening button, and stepped into her black battle armor. In seconds, the shiny black armor closed tightly around her, and she put on her helmet to complete its seal. The black cloak was swirled around her shoulders as Kayla ran back to the Royal Suite, nine decks above her.

  Battle armor for the Rangers had power cells in the heels and joints, enabling them to run faster, and have more strength. The armor itself was resistant to laser blasts, and several other energy weapons. When she turned into the corridor bordering the Royal Suite, a security officer yelled to her, “They were hiding inside the Royal Suite walls, Ranger Kayla! They’re attacking the Emperor! Hurry!”

  The corridor was packed with defending Space Cadre men, exchanging laser fire with the Rebels inside the Royal Suite. “We can’t break through their line,” the security officer told her. “The Rebels have barricaded themselves inside. The Imperial Guards stopped firing their pulsers. We’ve got to get inside!”

  “Crouch down for me,” Kayla ordered. She lowered her visor, stepped back, and then bolted forward, launching her body off the crouching security officer. She unclipped her body shield and activated it while she somersaulted above the Rebel barricade. Into the storm of laser fire Kayla somersaulted, holding her body shield in front of her, spinning over the Rebels barricaded in the Royal Suite. Their barricade was overturned furniture, and piled up, dead bodies of the courtiers accompanying the Emperor.

  Kayla quickly drew her fiery, white-hot plasma sword in mid-air, and landed behind their barricade. With the energy shield in her left hand and plasma sword in her right, Kayla made quick work of reducing the number of surprised Rebels. Using a spinning motion, she cut five men in half in split-seconds. She swiftly thrust the plasma sword into the Rebels’ bodies, or beheaded them, and expertly sliced the remaining Rebels into pieces.


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