Dalian Crystals

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Dalian Crystals Page 22

by Barbara Robertson


  Home World

  News of the largest and most destructive Rebel attack of his reign ran through the Emperor’s Main Courts in both Home World and K’Halon Prime Palaces like wildfire. The Rebels lost; but they successfully infiltrated the Imperial Command Battle Cruiser and wounded Emperor P’Lau. It was a very close call, and an event the Emperor did not want repeated. Seventy-three reported kills of Rebel fighters were confirmed. Forty-one Rebels were killed who attacked from their hidden positions within the walls of the Cruiser. It was a large loss of highly-trained pilots, fighters, and men for the Rebels. But, in Duma Wat’s eyes, his attack was successful, albeit very expensive in manpower and machines. His half-brother P’Lau was proven vulnerable.

  The overwhelming majority of the Rebels killed inside the Royal Suite were slain by Ranger Kayla and her plasma sword. But Kayla did not act like a victorious heroine. Instead, she politely thanked any officer or crewman for their congratulations to her, and quickly responded, “The Creator was with us. May the Creator bless Emperor P’Lau,” and hurriedly walked away. She did her sworn duty and protected the Emperor at all costs.

  As any hunter knows, the fiercest animal in the forest is one who is wounded. There is nothing for the injured animal to lose, and they will fight to the death. The Emperor knew the Rebellion had taken a critical movement upwards in scope and scale. His wounded half-brother would have even more financial support from the well-to-do and wealthy after the attack on his Imperial Battle Cruiser. The fighting men and materiel would eventually be replaced, in greater numbers.

  Some affluent and wealthy people would now back Duma Wat who had never considered doing so in years before. There was a chance he could defeat the Imperial forces, and they would want to be on the winning side. Everyone with wealth and power at stake wanted to be in the favor of whichever side would win; forget about loyalty to the Empire. The calculating aristocrats played both sides.

  The Emperor resolved to place more trusted men and women in his Royal Main Court, to be his eyes and ears among the courtiers and aristocrats. He promoted several Master Commander-rank Imperial Guards and Borgund Rangers to high, official court positions in both Palaces. Borgund Rangers who were not pilots were put on transports to the six Space Bases, to observe and report to Emperor P’Lau or their Commander Superiors directly.

  Ranger pilots of the traditional fighters were assigned duty on battleships and destroyers, to accompany their patrols, and keep watchful eyes open for any onboard treachery. The Ranger pilots of the ES-class warbirds currently unassigned were kept close to wherever the Emperor stayed, to be activated for battle at a moment’s notice. Any future planned away-missions for his unassigned Shi’Lon Rangers were postponed, or cancelled outright. The Emperor kept his Beloved Daughters and Protectors in his Main Court, by his side. All Imperial Guards were issued hand lasers and holsters, and were ordered to wear them at all times on duty.

  Emperor P’Lau watched recordings of the Imperial Command Battle Cruiser space battle with much consternation. “The Rebels thought you had successfully been assassinated, Sire. The Rebel fighter pilots were highly motivated to take control of your Battle Cruiser, and the Empire, for Duma Wat,” Fleet Admiral U’Ret said, explaining the obvious. Emperor P’Lau listened to his Military Advisors for another half hour before dismissing them. Their post-battle observations were weak, and without significant contribution. P’Lau was surrounded by “yes-men.”

  The Special Inquest Commission members were called into his private Royal Court. The Emperor ordered C.S. T’Anh, C.S. G’Rosk, and Ranger Kayla to be conferenced in with them. He commented, “My Military Advisors agree we won the battle, and all is now well. They feel Duma Wat is finished. I thank the Creator their attacks were foiled and the attacking Rebels defeated. But what say you, my most trusted Rangers?”

  “Traitors working on board your Imperial Command Battle Cruiser enabled this attack, my Emperor. Commander C’Mak is under arrest, and your scribes cannot write fast enough to document his lengthy confession. He is being vid recorded, thankfully,” C.S. Vu’Duc said. “I thank the Creator the Space Cadre patrol squad leader Major Fel’T returned the patrol squad to your ship, when he saw the Rebel destroyer and its fighters on course for the Battle Cruiser. Their efforts limited the damage to our Space Cadre fighters. We suffered the loss of many experienced pilots, Sire. I respectfully suggest we recall recently retired pilots back into service, my Lord, before Duma Wat tempts them to fight against us.”

  C.S. Bette offered, “I believe the nuclear warhead was placed inside your Royal Suite initially to be detonated when you arrived, Sire. How fortunate the anomaly was visible in the Dalian crystal holograph, and Ranger Dan’L found it. The traitors smuggled more weapons onboard afterwards, accidentally discovered by Ranger Kayla on the auxiliary deck activities. But the traitors currently in prison are merely pawns. Someone higher up is planning these events; someone with intimate knowledge of military protocols and plans. Someone with power. Not a Rebel isolated on an asteroid in the White Belt,” she said forcefully. “I am afraid there are traitors within our midst, my Emperor.”

  “They have deep pocketbooks, my Emperor. They used eighty last-generation Space Cadre fighters. They purchased the old destroyer and fighters from salvage dealers, but had to spend hundreds of thousands of credits to repair, refurbish, and weaponize them. And have the trained technicians to perform the work,” C.S. T’Anh added. “Duma Wat is actively recruiting retired and recently discharged Space Cadre crewmen. I agree with Commanders Superior Bette and Vu’Duc: someone very high in the Space Cadre is enabling these activities. A traitor is in our midst. There is no other explanation for Duma Wat’s success, my Lord Emperor.”

  Ranger Kayla asked permission to speak, and the Emperor nodded. “We are analyzing the attacks in retrospect; more predictable behavior. Everything that occurred from the second your journey to M’Wati was announced was pre-planned and practiced for two weeks ahead of your actual arrival, Sire. The military protocols are well-documented whenever the Emperor comes aboard ship. The reception proprieties and etiquette are, as well, Emperor P’Lau. Your Ranger respectfully requests you to become more unpredictable. Throw a monkey wrench into the machinery, my Emperor,” she said with great enthusiasm.

  Emperor P’Lau listened to Kayla, and slowly smiled, like a tom cat about to pounce on a cornered mouse. “A monkey wrench, indeed, my protector Kayla. Your Commanders Superior will then design this ‘monkey wrench,’ and we will disrupt our well-oiled machinery just enough to throw off plans our enemies are engineering.” He liked her simile. Their discussions continued for another hour, offering meaningful analysis from the experienced warriors.

  After their suggestions, Emperor P’Lau stated, “Now, it is time for recognition, and it cannot wait for a formal Main Court ceremony. My Beloved Daughter Kayla: your insight and initiative alerted us to an undercurrent of treachery aboard our Imperial Battle Cruiser. Without your selfless acts of bravery and incredible skill, we would not be here today. For saving the life of your Emperor at risk of your own life, and personally slaying thirty-eight Rebel attackers, you are hereby promoted to Commander Kayla, with a commendation and a bonus. You are also designated a ‘Hero of the Empire,’ my Beloved Daughter.”

  New-Commander Kayla bowed her head in humility. Being designated an official “Hero of the Empire” title meant your word was true, and you were trusted above others. Several members of the Special Inquest Commission were Heroes of the Empire: Commanders Superior G’Rosk, Vu’Duc, Bette, and T’Anh, and M.C. Javette. Commander Kayla was now a member of the Ranger Elite. But she felt hollow, and numb; incapable of rejoicing for the high honor.

  The meeting adjourned, but Kayla and T’Anh were told to remain online. The Emperor spoke, “We are sorely grieved at the personal suffering you have recently experienced, my Beloved Daughter Kayla. Also, we have watched the recordings of the attack within the Royal Suite on the Cruiser many times,
and are very impressed with your skills during our rescue. Commander Superior G’Rosk assured me the somersault moves you used were not part of our Ranger training; but they will be, going forward. For these reasons, and to help your heart heal, we are sending you to the monks on Xau for six months of advanced T’Ly martial arts training. When they have assured us of your skill mastery, you will receive your new assignment.” Kayla bowed her head, and she was dismissed. She clicked off the vid comm, and left the booth.

  T’Anh asked for a few more minutes with the Emperor. She said, “Sire, never has a Shi’Lon Ranger spent time alone with the monks at the Temple Complex, only select Borgund Rangers. The Temple monks are not celibate, Sire. It is not my place to question your judgment; but I must mention Commander Kayla’s weakened, sensitive condition. What if one of the monks attempts to take advantage of her recent emotional distress? She is going there at a particularly vulnerable time, my Emperor.” T’Anh was genuinely concerned about Kayla.

  The Emperor noticed her demeanor, and replied, “The priests and monks are under my direct orders to train her in their highest, most secret martial arts. They are not to touch her, otherwise. The priestesses and nuns will consul, house, and heal her, if she is injured. My Kayla will have the eyes of the Creator, His priestesses, and His faithful, watching over her. She showed remarkable skill and strength in our rescue in the Royal Suite, as you saw in the recordings. Commander Superior G’Rosk was her mentor during Phase 2 and 3 Training. When he saw the Royal Suite battle recording of Kayla, he was astounded.”

  Emperor P’Lau smiled a little and said, “I am certain her progress has much to do with your advanced training as her Commander Superior, T’Anh. You are the best. I have trusted you with my life and my Empire since the day of my coronation. But Kayla is ready for the higher knowledge only the monks can teach. And she needs to focus on the greatest challenge of her young life, to overcome the loss of Commander Nat’N, her promised partner. It is my will, T’Anh,” he concluded in a softer voice. T’Anh bowed her head, and felt honored by the Emperor. The matter was settled. For the first time in many months, C. S. T’Anh walked with her head held high. Her self-imposed isolation came to an end.

  Home World, three days later

  The Emperor’s Special Inquest Commission met with him in the top-secret research lab. This time, Dr. D’Vre had urgently requested an audience with Emperor P’Lau, M.C. Javette, and, especially, Ranger Dan’L. Critical testing of the green Dalian crystal had stopped. Not much headway had been made; none of the scientists would scan the crystal, for fear the scanning beams would potentially cause an adverse reaction in the crystal.

  Dr. D’Vre asked, “Ranger Dan’L, you carried the green Dalian crystal in your knife sheath for over a year without knowing it was there. Did you ever feel affected by the crystal, or, have you felt any differently since you stopped carrying it on your belt?”

  Dan’L answered, “I never felt any differently before, during, or after carrying the green Dalian crystal, Dr. D’Vre. Why do you ask?”

  The research scientist team leader pulled up a large vid screen full of charts and graphs. He said, “When the green Dalian crystal was brought to us, we could not scan it, but we measured its energy levels, magnetic fields, radioactivity, and so on. Everything registered similar readings from the initial measurements, until two days ago. Then, our readings changed to this.” With a click, the graphs expanded, and the lines went off-scale.

  “Is it going to explode?” Command Superior Bette asked. “We should remove Your Majesty from this facility immediately!” The group turned to leave, but Dan’L stayed behind and studied the charts a moment longer. The long lines moved even higher while he watched.

  While the group escorting Emperor P’Lau walked towards the main doors, Dan’L cried out, “They’re coming back! The Dalians are returning!” He smiled at his Mother Javette, then ran outside and looked up at the sky. A strange ship soon appeared from out of nowhere and hovered directly above the group. Its lights flashed on and off intermittently.

  The senior Ranger leaders, Emperor P’Lau, M.C. Javette, and Dan’L shaded their eyes, then quickly looked away when the bright column of light appeared in front of them. A Dalian android materialized within the light. The shiny gray, green, and chrome android had neon-green eyes, and tiny lights of several colors shining around its front neck area and midsection. Its head was shaped more like a helmet than a human head, and was moveable. It was two-legged, in a similar shape to a human, but with longer legs and arms. The android was unarmed, as far as they could tell, and held up his arms to show he was peaceful.

  Dan’L eagerly stepped up to the Dalian android and said, “Greetings, keeper of the living legacy of my Father, K’Ser. I am Dan’L. How may we serve you today?” It blinked its eyes at him, and tilted its head slightly.

  The shocked leaders behind Dan’L nervously said, “Greetings” to the two-meter tall android, and it looked at each person for a few seconds. The android held out both cool, metallic hands to Dan’L and Javette, and they took its hands. It walked them back into the top-secret lab. When Dan’L opened the door and Dr. D’Vre saw the Dalian android leading the Rangers inside, he stepped back quickly, in awe.

  The android began playing soft, melodic music as he led Javette and Dan’L to the flash-out room where the green crystal laid in its glass case. “Protect you from your own, we must,” the android sang. Dan’L noticed it was no longer singing backwards.

  Dan’L sang to the android, “You showed us where they hid the warhead. You saved many innocent lives. Thank you, Dalian, thank you.”

  Javette added in a similar melody, “We are in your debt. We honor and thank you, and thank our Creator.” The android looked at her for a moment, and then blinked a few times.

  Changing its voice from an electronic voice to the voice of her late husband, the android bowed its head a little and sang to her:

  “The path of honor you nobly walk.

  The words of peace you need to speak,

  And let them heal your troubled heart.

  The strong must protect the weak.”

  While Javette’s eyes misted with tears, the android walked inside the flash room, took the green crystal from its glass case, and inserted it into a slot in its body. Then, the android returned for Dan’L and Javette, took their hands again, and led everyone out of the lab and onto the lawn in the cool evening.

  The Dalian android touched his midsection and red crystals emerged from within his metallic body. He handed the crystals to Dan’L, who excitedly accepted his gift, bowed his head, and thanked him in song. Once again, the android flashed its green eyes, and sang to the group:

  “Too much power corrupts your souls.

  You must seek peace within.

  Much to learn. Much to learn.

  When you are ready, we will come again.”

  The bright column of light appeared, and the Dalian android de-materialized into millions of particles, and then disappeared into the light. The light dissipated, and the ship disappeared in a bright flash. The Dalian visit was over, leaving the human witnesses full of questions, yet speechless.

  Dan’L led the Emperor and his Special Inquest Commission back into the lab to play his new red crystals. Ranger Dan’L said, “These new red crystals I give to Emperor P’Lau, in memory of my Father, Master Commander K’Ser.” The amount of data and information was overwhelming. Hundreds of galactic space maps and navigational charts were stored on the 5D red crystals. Worlds with fantastic cities appeared before them. Creatures never seen flashed within the crystal holographs, living in their natural, alien habitats. Flying craft in shapes and immense size never envisioned by any human flew within the holograph, flying through unknown spacescapes.

  Mathematical and physical formulas, organic chemical compounds, and DNA records for new species were also discovered. The new red crystals contained a treasure trove of information. Dr. D’Vre and his scientists had their work cut out for them, for
many years to come.

  The Emperor ordered a full synopsis created of the new red crystal information. They would be studied only by scientists at Imperial facilities, until they could determine which knowledge on the crystals was safe to share. Once the full content of the knowledge was disseminated, the knowledge would be distributed with university scientists and research professionals throughout the Empire. All citizens would eventually benefit from the new knowledge.

  “The Dalians shared more of their knowledge with us, to help us grow and advance,” Dan’L said. “How can we possibly thank them?”

  “By using the new knowledge for peaceful means, young Ranger,” C.S. Bette wisely offered. “Perhaps we will merit another visit from them, in a few years. I certainly hope so.”

  Everyone quietly boarded their shuttles and flew back to the Royal Palace in silence. “I wish Kayla could have been here, Mother. Maybe the android’s words could have helped her somehow,” Dan’L said. “It’s sad she can’t be here with us.”

  “Kayla is where she is supposed to be, as are we, my Son. We all have our own internal struggle to find peace, Dan’L,” Javette said quietly.


  Onboard the Imperial Battle Cruiser, Admiral Wen’T hosted a farewell luncheon for their champion, Shi’Lon Ranger Commander Kayla, with all his command officers attending. It was a happy, yet very sad, gathering. The absence of the Imperial Guards was noticeable. The brave Imperial Guardsmen in purple robes were nowhere to be found, except for L’Roy, the lone surviving Guard still recovering in the Hospital. Once he was sufficiently patched up and fit for transport, L’Roy would be sent home to K’Halon Prime, and reassigned to the Royal Palace as an Advisor to the Court, with full honors.

  Kayla carefully packed her uniforms, boots, and other clothing, and toiletries. She looked at the new dress she bought to wear for Nat’N, when he invited her to dinner, and proposed life partnership to her. The beautiful white and gold dress was elegant, and cost nearly a month’s pay. Her eyes welled with tears, remembering her love Nat’N, and the most perfect evening of her life. She pulled the white dress and its jacket from the hanger, and ripped them to shreds.


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