Civil Savage

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Civil Savage Page 2

by Katherine Anderson

  Hey Olivia. Door is open when you get here, just let me know when you’re on your way.

  I type out a quick reply. I need your address, Tyler. Can’t come over if I don’t know where to go.

  I set the phone back on the charger and make my way over to my closet, flipping through sweaters and sundresses to find the perfect little black dress. I pull one from the rack and hold it up, checking myself in the mirror on my closet door. The one I picked goes to mid-thigh with a scoop neck and is a rich, dark black. It’ll make my hair stand out perfectly. I set the dress on the bed and dig through my drawers for underthings. I hesitate, trying to decide between two sets.

  If I wear granny panties and get lucky tonight, he’ll take one look at them and I’ll never see him again. But, if I wear sexy undies and don’t get lucky, I’ll look like a fool. On the other hand, if I wear sexy panties and do get lucky, I’ll look like I expected it, and what message does that send? I dig through my stash of undies and settle on something cute but comfy; a pink bra with black straps and matching panties.

  I slip into my underwear and pull the dress over my head, adjusting the lines of it in the mirror. I pull it down over my hips and turn, making sure there are no visible panty lines. I pop in a pair of stud earrings and swipe on a quick coat of lipstick and mascara; I don’t need much, it’s just drinks… Right? While I’m busy fixing my face in the mirror, I hear my phone go off again.

  8750 Fruited Plains Court. If there’s a truck in the driveway, you’ve come to the right place. See you soon.

  My heart races. I can feel the beat of it pounding in my ears. Am I really going to do this? Am I really going to a stranger’s house for drinks? Drinks, and maybe more… Taking a deep breath, I steel myself and type a short reply.

  Sounds good. See you soon.

  I call an Uber and wait. The app says they’ll be here in five minutes; that’s just enough time to pour myself a shot. I make my way into the kitchen and pour a shot of whatever I have lying around. I toss it back, letting the liquid burn its way down my throat and into my belly. I check my lipstick in the selfie camera on my phone, touching up the edges with my pinky. Before too long, I hear a car pull up out front, letting me know my ride is there. I make my way to the vehicle and check the address on my phone.

  “Where to, young lady?” the old man asks, looking at me through his rearview mirror. He smiles and winks. “Looks like you’ve got a hot date tonight.”

  “8750 Fruited Plains Court. And not a hot date, just a… A first date,” I reply. The old man pushes in the address on the GPS and pulls away from the curb. “Does that tell you how long until we get there?”

  “Hm? Oh, yes. Let’s see here… It says we’re about 15 minutes out. Sit back and relax, and I’ll get you there in one piece.”

  “Thank you, sir.” I pull out my phone and text Tyler.

  On my way. ETA 15 mins.

  A moment later, the screen lights up with his response. Sounds good. I’m ready and waiting.

  There’s a picture attached; I open it and feel my face crack into a smile. He sent a picture of a bottle of whiskey and two tumblers with ice sitting next to it. He wasn’t kidding when he said he’d pour something he thinks I’d like.

  I drop the phone into my bag and lean back against the seat, trying to collect my nerves. The shot I had before I left the house is warming its way through my bloodstream, making me feel loose in my bones. I close my eyes and breathe deep, counting to ten in my head.



  “Are you nervous? You look like you’re about to have a meltdown,” the cabbie says, watching me through the rearview.

  “Oh, no, I’m fine. Just a few pre-date jitters. They’ll pass.”

  “Atta girl. We’re almost there. The GPS says we’re about 5 minutes away. Get your head straight and put on your game face.”

  I nod and take a deep breath. I exhale as I look out the window, watching houses and cars pass me by. A few moments later, the driver pulls up alongside a tan house with a white truck outside.

  “Here you are, young lady. Need me to stick around to make sure your date isn’t a creep?”

  I consider the old man’s offer for a moment then shake my head. “No, I’ll be okay. Thank you, that’s very kind of you to offer.” I rate him in the app and leave a good tip. I exit the car and wave as he drives off, then turn and make my way up the driveway. I stop in front of the door and catch my breath.

  This is either going to go very well, or it’s going to end very badly. There’s only one way to find out. I ring the bell and wait, listening for footsteps approaching the door.

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…

  Suddenly, the door opens.

  “You must be Olivia,” comes a voice from within; he’s backlit, and I can’t quite make out his face. I step closer and my face lights up as he comes into focus.

  “And you must be Tyler.”

  The man in the doorway steps to the side and ushers me indoors. I turn to look at him, and my heart stops. Tyler is so much more attractive in real life than in his photos. His red hair catches the light and looks like it’s on fire; his blue eyes shine sapphire, and his smile sparks something deep inside me. He’s still wearing the black t-shirt from earlier, and he’s barefoot in blue jeans. I hold my breath as I step inside the small entryway, trying not to ogle him. I know what’s under that shirt; that cut V and the ginger happy trail leading down…

  “Come in, come in. You look… Wow. Are you thirsty?” Tyler looks me up and down, and I feel a blush rise in my cheeks. I exhale softly, trying not to give my thoughts away. He closes the door behind me and leads me into the kitchen. “Here, let me take your bag.”

  I hand him my purse and he hangs it on the back of, what I assume to be, the garage door. “Thank you,” I say softly, watching as he comes around me and steps up to the center island to pour a drink.

  I watch as he pours whiskey and a dash of bitters in the glass, and then recoil when he tops it off with a splash of water. He finishes with a splash of cherry juice and a swipe of an orange peel. I must have an incredulous look on my face, because he laughs, and the sound goes straight through me. It’s rich and warm; it bounces around in my head before settling in my groin. Suddenly I’m aroused, watching this near-stranger fix me a drink. I stare at the glass, the amber liquid settling and casting a pretty shadow on the counter.

  “What? You’ve never had an Old Fashioned before?” He pushes the drink toward me. “Go on, try it. It won’t bite.”

  “I’ve had an Old Fashioned before, just never a watered down one.”

  “All the more reason for you to try this,” Tyler says, fixing himself a second drink, repeating the process as though he’s been practicing all day. I reach for the glass on the counter and swirl it around before taking a sip. It’s sweet and smoky and goes down easier than I thought it would. I take another sip, and before I know it, half of my drink is gone. I set the glass down and blush, shrugging. “It’s not so bad.”

  “See? I told you I’d pour you something you’d like.” He takes a swig of his own perfectly poured drink and wipes the counter with a bar towel. We make friendly conversation about our day, watching each other over the rim of our glasses. I catch his gaze sliding lower and lower over my body until it reaches the edge of the counter and makes its way back up to my chest. I shift nervously, and he snaps out of his fog, setting his glass on the counter.

  “Would you like to have a seat?” He gestures to the living room just off the kitchen and the large, linen couch. The TV is on in the background, the sound turned down so low I didn’t even notice it when I came in.

  “Sure, that sounds nice,” I agree, taking another swig from my glass and finishing my drink.

  “Let me see that,” Tyler says, reaching for my glass. I hand it to him and our fingers touch. The moment is electric; I know he feels it too from the look on his face. He looks dazed and jolted all at once; he bli
nks twice and takes the glass from me. “Can’t let you wander around with an empty drink. Go have a seat, I’ll be right there.”

  I nod and smile and make my way into the living room. I take a seat on the couch and wait. My stomach ties in knots, and my knees knock; I’ve never been this anxious in my life. I turn my head and see Tyler fixing another drink; he has a goofy grin on his face, and I feel my stomach unknot. I turn back around, taking a deep breath.

  Chapter 4

  After a few moments, Tyler joins me on the couch, handing me a glass. I perch on the edge of my seat while he sits in the crook of the couch, resting his glass on the side table.

  “You can sit closer, you know. I won’t bite.” He pats the cushion beside him, and I slowly slide over. There’s still a little bit of space between us and he shifts to fill it, his hip pressing against mine. His arm makes its way around my shoulders as his legs stretch out on the ottoman in front of us. I watch as he flexes his toes; I can hear them crack and pop and it sends a shiver down my spine.

  I take a sip of my drink; it’s strong, but just as sweet as the last one. I take a few more swigs, building up the nerve to say something, anything, to fill the silence.

  “Will you put this with yours, please? I don’t want to be rude and reach across you.”

  “You can reach across me anytime you’d like,” Tyler says, taking my drink and setting it next to his. He grabs the remote and turns up the volume a notch. I turn my attention to what’s on the screen, and he explains the show to me. I listen politely, ever aware of the arm around my shoulders.

  It’s nice, the feel of his warm arm against my cool skin. His fingers absently stroke my arm, while my hand makes its way up his leg to rest on his thigh. I can smell his cologne; the scent goes straight to my head. It’s manly and woodsy and delicate, like baking spices and fresh cut flowers at the same time. I wonder if he put it on just for me or if he always smells like this?

  The neck of my dress dips a little lower, and I can feel his eyes on my skin. The strap of my bra slips down one shoulder and I move to push it back up. I can feel his eyes tracing the path my fingers take up my arm and under the sleeve of my dress. I feel a full-body shiver coming on and he reaches for my drink, offering it to me with a sly grin.


  “Parched,” I croak out. He smirks and takes a swig from his drink, watching me over the rim.

  “You’re cute when you turn that color,” he mumbles, so low I almost don’t hear him. I look at him, my face burning rose red and decide to make a move. It’s now or never.

  While he sets his glass on the side table, I turn and reach across him to set my own down, my face millimeters from his; I can hear his breath quicken in my ear. I set my drink next to his and turn my face, brushing my lips against his.

  The moment our lips touch, it’s like fireworks inside my brain. I shut my eyes, and I see a light show behind my eyelids as his mouth moves against mine. Tyler’s hand moves to cradle my face; his palm is cool and firm against my burning skin. His tongue darts into my mouth, snakes its way around my cheeks, and darts back out before I have a chance to respond. He tastes like sweet and smoke and something darker I can’t put my finger on. I sigh, my lungs burning with need as he kisses me deeper. His hand finds its way around my waist and pulls me onto his lap.

  I nibble on his lip, tugging it gently before releasing it; he groans, and his hand moves to the back of my head. It tangles deep in my curls; I can feel his nails scrape my scalp as he tugs my head back. He dips his mouth to my neck, and I moan as he pulls away a few moments later, watching his lips through heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Oh, so we’re there?” Tyler pants, shifting in his seat. He reaches for his glass and takes a swig.

  “We’re there.” I exhale, licking my lips as I watch him. Wherever there is, we’re there. Whatever that was, I want more of it. My heart is pounding so hard, I think he can see it beating through my dress.

  “Good. Go on upstairs, I’ll follow you. First door on the left.” He stands up and hands me my glass. I watch as he goes into the kitchen and shuts off the lights. I make my way over to the stairs and hesitate at the foot of the steps.

  “Go on, I’m right behind you.”

  It’s a short climb to the top of the stairs, made shorter by Tyler following close behind. I can sense his eyes on my back; the way they follow my ass as it bounces with each step makes me step lighter. I make my way to the landing and turn, watching him come up the stairs behind me.

  Tyler takes my hand and tugs me down the hallway, pulling me into the first room on the left. He turns on the lights and illuminates the space, directing me to the bed. I sit on the edge, watching as he moves around me. He pads across the carpet, closing the window and drapes. He turns on the TV and shuts off the lights, leaving on a movie I’ve seen before. Then he shuts the sound off and closes the bathroom door to just a crack, letting the light from within spill out into the dim room.

  I watch his shadow as he empties his pockets onto the sideboard; I hear the sound of change tinkling across the wood. If this is a game of wait and see, he’s especially good at it. The gorgeous man in front of me possesses a patience I don’t; he’s drawing this out on purpose, he’s playing with me like a cat plays with its prey.

  The anticipation is killing me; my hands shake with nerves, and I dig my nails into my palms to steady them. I take one shuddering breath in, my lungs burning. I can hear Tyler inhale and exhale softly as he moves about the room, making me wait. The bastard knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s drawing this out for his own pleasure.

  My heart is beating out of my chest, sending blood pounding like a big bass drum in my skull. If he doesn’t kiss me again like he did downstairs, I’m going to explode. The liquor is scorching its way through my belly, making me feel hot and loose. I roll my neck from side to side, trying to relax. It doesn’t help. I take a deep breath and exhale, feeling the warmth inside me spread.

  I shift on the edge of the bed and feel a warm, damp spot in my panties. It’s a good thing I went with cute and comfy instead of granny panties; I won’t be embarrassed when he sees them, if we get that far. My pussy is already aching, and he hasn’t done much more besides get me tipsy and kiss me as though his life depended on it.

  “Close your eyes,” he says, his back turned to me. His voice is so low I almost don’t hear him.


  “Close. Your. Eyes,” he growls, and I do as I’m told. His voice is husky now; it sounds like sandpaper grating pine and goes straight to my pussy. I shut my eyes tight and hold my breath. I can feel him moving in the space around me. The air is electric, and if I reach out to touch, I’ll get zapped. I tuck my fingers beneath my legs and clench my fists, waiting for Tyler’s next move.

  “Keep your eyes closed and do exactly as I tell you. Do you understand?”

  His voice is low in my ear, his breath hot on my skin. I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, and he clicks his tongue.

  “Let me hear you say it, Olivia. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, sir,” I murmur. My eyes flutter open and he growls, the sound reverberating through my body.

  “Do. Not. Call me. Sir. Now, lay down.” His hand finds its way to the small of my back, guiding me to the mattress. I lay still, keeping my eyes shut. His hand comes out from underneath me and runs its way across my ribs and over the curve of my stomach. He drags his fingertips down the front of my dress and over my mound, cupping me through the thin fabric. He taps his fingers over my waiting clit, making it tense and throb. I suck in a breath through my teeth and exhale sharply as he withdraws his hand.

  “Pull up your skirt, Olivia,” he says, his voice thick. “Don’t make me ask again.”

  My hands move to my thighs and inch the black fabric up slowly, the dress sliding along my skin. I stop just below my pussy, hesitating, the fabric knotted in my palms.

  “All the way up. Be a good girl,” he rumbles, his voice rolling through my he
ad like thunder. I do as Tyler says, pulling the dress up to the apex of my thighs, wiggling my ass to get it up the last few inches. “Good, just like that.”

  His hands part my thighs, pushing them as far apart as they’ll go before lowering himself in front of me. I rise up on my elbows to look at him, and he shoots me a searing glare as he kneels between my legs.

  “I said keep your eyes closed,” Tyler rasps, dragging a finger over my pink panties. “I like these panties. Very practical, very unassuming. But, they need to be out of the way.”

  He thumbs my cleft, finger catching the edge of my panties and pushing them to the side. “Stay very still, Olivia. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

  My heart pounds, and my breathing speeds up as his finger circles my pussy. He blows a gust of cool air across my clit, making me shiver and squeal. One hand holds steady gripping my thigh, keeping me pressed to the bed as his other hand pushes my panties away, one finger dipping inside me.

  “That’s my girl, breathe, breathe…”

  I do as he tells me, breathing as his deft finger curls and pumps within me. My core clenches and clamps down as he withdraws. I whimper and he shushes me, dragging his slick finger along my lips.

  “Hush, I’m not going anywhere,” he coos. He pulls his hand away from my lips and pushes my thighs even farther apart. His tongue slides over me, his mouth engulfing my throbbing clit. My hips buck. He reaches up and holds me down, pinning me to the bed with his arm. He dips two fingers inside my sopping pussy and pumps slowly. He twists and curls, knocking the breath out of me. I cry out and try to wiggle free of his grasp, but Tyler pins me even harder. He pulls his fingers out and pushes my panties back into place.

  “Stay still,” he mumbles. He pulls away and stands up, moving backward. I hear his footsteps as he backs out of the room, and I pop my head up to look for him. “Keep your eyes closed, and lay back down… Now,” comes his stern voice from outside the room. I lay back down, shut my eyes, and wait.


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