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Civil Savage

Page 5

by Katherine Anderson

  As I go about my Monday morning routine, my phone buzzes, pulling me out of my daydreams. I reach for it, absently flicking the screen open. Once the message comes into focus through sleep weary eyes, I feel a familiar pull in my pussy.

  Been thinking about you, baby girl. Come over tonight and let me make it up to you? Wear those black panties I like.

  I have a better idea. How about no panties? I type back. I hit send and wait; thirty seconds later I get my reply.

  Naughty girl, I like it. I’ve got a surprise for. See you at 6?

  I tap out my reply. 6 it is. See you then, Tyler. Send.

  I finish my coffee and go get dressed for the rest of the day. Work starts at nine; I have a little over an hour to get ready. I make my way upstairs, digging my hands in the pocket of my robe. My fingers brush against a wad of fabric that doesn’t match the inside of the pocket. I pull it out and blush, the heat spreading across my cheeks.

  Of course, my pink panties. How could I forget? My heart flutters at the memory of Tyler peeling them off me and holding them hostage for a second date. How can that have been more than a week ago? I toss the panties into the hamper and get dressed, trying to put out the wildfire burning in my belly.

  It doesn’t work. The wildfire spreads and soon I’m on my back in bed, rubbing one out. What Tyler doesn’t know won’t hurt, will it? My fingers find their way inside the band of my panties and twirl around my already throbbing clit. I think of red hair and woodsy cologne, tattoos and black t-shirts over taut muscles. I think of mouths and fingers moving inside me, and within moments I come.

  I catch sight of the clock as I float back to Earth, and my heart jumps into my throat. In my scramble to get ready for work, I almost forget my phone. As I make a mad-dash out the front door, I knock over a package sitting on the porch. I don’t have time to open it, so I jam it in my bag and run for the bus, barely catching it in time.

  I don’t remember ordering anything… What could this be?

  I get to work just in time to make it to my desk before my boss comes over with his empty coffee mug, thrusting it into my hands.

  “One cream, four sugars, make sure it’s hot when you get back,” he says, not taking his eyes off his phone.

  “Yes, Mr. Culpepper. Can I get you a pastry from the cart?”

  “What? Hm? Oh, yes, a pastry. Grab me one of those jelly-filled doo-dahs. I don’t care. Hurry back, now.” He turns and leaves me holding his mug in one hand and my bag in the other. I drop the bag in my chair and make my way to the coffee bar.

  One cream, four sugars; one cream, four sugars. I repeat the words over in my head like a mantra, not noticing my best friend Samantha slide up beside me.

  “So have you heard from your dreamboat yet?” Samantha asks, pouring herself a cup of hot water and sinking her tea bag into it.

  “One cream, four… Wait, what?” I set the mug in front of the coffee machine and press the correct combination of buttons and pull the lever, waiting for the machine to spit out my boss’s precious coffee.

  “You know, the dreamboat security guy. Terry? Was that his name?”

  I sigh and turn to face Samantha, narrowing my eyes at her. She knows I don’t like my personal business brought up at work. “Can you keep your voice down please? His name is Tyler… And yes, I’ve heard from him. We have a date tonight.”

  Samantha’s face breaks out in a grin and she pinches my arm. “So that’s why you were almost late! You and your lover boy were on the phone having a tryst, weren’t you?”

  “Samantha Elliot, you hush your mouth. We were not having a ‘tryst’. I was just… Otherwise engaged…”

  “Otherwise engaged? Olivia Miller, you dirty girl! Give me all the details and leave nothing out.”

  “Later, Sam. Later.” The machine spits out Mr. Culpepper’s coffee and I add the cream and sugar the way he likes it. The bakery cart comes around just in time to grab one of the jelly-filled pastries he likes and head back to his office. I knock on the door and wait for Mr. Culpepper’s booming voice before I enter. He doesn’t look up from his computer screen as I enter and set the coffee on his desk.

  “Ms. Miller, if you’re going to be late to work, at least be expeditious with my coffee. Is it warm?”

  “Yes, Mr. Culpepper. And I brought you the pastry you requested.”

  I turn around and head for the door, stopping in my tracks as his voice rings through the room.

  “Very good, you can go now. And Ms. Miller?”

  “Yes Mr. Culpepper?” I squeak, turning on my heel.

  “Don’t make a habit of being late.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I exit the office and try to shake off the creepy feeling of being watched. By the time I make it to my desk, Samantha has left me five instant messages. I sit down to answer them, shoving my bag under my desk. The package falls out, landing on my foot. In my hurry to get to work, and get Mr. Culpepper his coffee, I forgot all about the mysterious package.

  I grab the box and a letter opener, slicing through the thick packing tape. I open the box and a letter falls out, followed by a black pair of panties. The color leaves my face. I look around to make sure no one is watching as I tuck the panties in my bag before anyone can see.

  Samantha sees me and shoots me a quizzical look, her fingers flying over her keyboard. I tuck the note under my keyboard and wait for her barrage of questions to come in. The first message comes in, flashing on my screen.

  What’s with the panties, Olivia?

  I type my reply and get the rest of my work set up, trying to will the redness out of my cheeks. I don’t know, Samantha, they were this box. I didn’t order them.

  A few minutes later, another message lights up the screen. Are they vibrating panties from lover boy? LOL!

  Oh, shit, I hadn’t even thought about that. I don’t know, Sam. There’s a note, hang on.

  I slide the note out from under my keyboard and read it, the color leaving my cheeks once more.

  Olivia, wear these next time we meet. Be a good girl. - Tyler

  That son of a bitch. I reach for my bag and slyly pull the panties out, fingering them cautiously. There’s a bullet in the crotch. That son of a bitch, that no good son of a bitch…

  Another message lights up my screen. I knew it! He sent you joy buzzers didn’t he? I recognize that look on your face. Are you going to wear them on your date?

  I drop the panties back in my bag and kick it under my desk as I write my reply. I don’t know.

  I’d wear them if I were you. What can it hurt? Samantha winks at me from across the room.

  I shoot off another message, hitting send. Damn it, woman, let me work. Culpepper is going to be up my ass if I don’t finish these reports by 1:00.

  He’s not the only one that’ll be up your ass. Get it, girl.

  Her messages stop, and I can finally dig into work.

  The hours pass and I get the reports finished, printed, jacketed, and sent to Mr. Culpepper well before the one o’clock deadline. I dig my phone out of my purse, my hand grazing the panties. As I pull my phone free, it buzzes.

  I see you got my surprise. Wear them tonight, or don’t. Surprise me.

  I freeze, trying to process my thoughts. How the hell did he know that? Is he spying on me? And then it hits me — tracking numbers. He could track his package and see that it was delivered. I type a quick reply, dropping my phone back into my bag.

  Oh, I got them all right. Maybe I’m already wearing them… You’ll see tonight.

  I hear my phone buzz but I don’t answer it. Mr. Culpepper is on his way to my desk with a stack of papers. I stick on a smile and bat my eyes.

  “How can I help you, Mr. Culpepper?”

  Chapter 10

  Four hours later, the reports are left in Mr. Culpepper’s box. I shoot Samantha a goodnight message and grab my purse, heading for the door. I make it almost to the lobby before I hear a booming voice calling me from down the hallway.

Miller… Miss Miller! A moment of your time, if you please?”

  I sigh and turn around, plastering a fake smile on my face. “Yes, Mr. Culpepper?”

  He catches up to me in three strides, towering over me. “I wanted to say thank you, and good work on the Harrison reports. Your initial reports were fine, but your revised work is sublime. If you remain punctual and on task, I see you making department manager by the end of the quarter. Is this something that interests you?”

  I hesitate. “I don’t know Mr. Culpepper, I need time to think about it.”

  He nods, checking his watch. “Take your time, Ms. Miller, but not too much time. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at nine AM sharp, and not a moment later. Now go on, you’ll miss your bus.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Culpepper. See you in the morning.”

  I turn and take off for the bus stop, reaching it just in time. I collapse in my seat and pull out my phone, checking my messages.

  Are you still wearing them?

  My face goes red as I read Tyler’s message. Am I still wearing the vibrating panties? I snap a picture of the inside of my purse and hit send. A moment later my phone buzzes in my hand.

  Good job, baby girl. I’m sure you’ve discovered their secret by now.

  Oh, I have. They don’t work though; I pressed the button and nothing happened.

  A few minutes go by with no response; I dump the phone in my bag as the bus drops me off at my stop. I make the short walk to my house, collecting the mail on the way. As I dig my keys out of my bag, my phone rings.

  I answer it without checking the screen. “Hello?”

  “Hey, baby girl. So your new toy doesn’t work?” Tyler says on the other end of the line, his voice low and smooth in my ear.

  “Don’t you mean your new toy?” I ask, unlocking the door and stepping inside. I drop my bag at the door and head upstairs to change.

  “No, it’s yours. I got it for you, Olivia. Why don’t you keep those on when you come over and we’ll see if we can’t get them working together.”

  “Oh? And how do you intend to do that?” I slip out of my work clothes, leaving the panties on as I change into a sundress.

  “Oh, I have my ways. Have you been a good girl while I’ve been busy with work?”

  I stall, trying to change the subject. “Can I bring anything over?”

  “No, and you didn’t answer my question. Have you been a good girl and kept your hands to yourself?”


  “You’re lying.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I’m a human lie detector. That’s how I know you weren’t wearing those panties earlier. Did you put them on at lunch or wait until the day was over?” His voice means business; it sends a shiver down my spine. “I’m waiting…”

  “I put them on at lunch.”

  “I knew it. You couldn’t resist, could you?” I can hear the smug look spread across his face.

  “I wanted to see if they really vibrated,” I mumble.

  “I thought so. Are you on your way yet, baby girl?”

  “Not yet. I thought we said six?”

  “Yeah, but I want to see you now. Hurry up and come over.” That’s all I need to hear.

  “Let me get an Uber, and I’ll be right there.”

  “Good girl. Keep those panties on, understand?”

  “Yes, s-, I mean, yes.”

  “See you soon, Olivia.” He hangs up and my heart skips a beat. I pull the pin from my bun and let my curls tumble down my back as I call an Uber. The app says ten minutes; I slip into some sandals and head downstairs. I grab my purse and wait by the door, watching for the Uber.

  Eventually the car shows up and I get inside. The driver tells me it’ll be fifteen minutes and I sit back in the seat, watching houses pass by. I text Tyler, letting him know I’m on my way.

  I’m waiting. He sends a picture of his hand wrapped around a glass, ice cubes and whiskey floating inside.

  A few minutes later, the car pulls up outside his house. I get out and wave as the driver pulls off. I step to the sidewalk and pause, collecting myself.

  As I make my way to the door, the panties start to vibrate.

  That son of a bitch. Of course they didn’t work; he’s got the remote. I stand outside his door for a solid minute as the buzzing picks up speed. It sends tingles through my entire body as he hits another button and the pattern changes. I lean against the wall for support, trying not to moan as I wait for him to answer the door. He doesn’t answer, and the speed picks up again.

  “Tyler, answer the door!” I call out. There’s no response; the pattern changes again and my knees go weak, knocking together as I try to get a grip. I wobble and pound on the door, cursing his name. “Tyler, I swear to God if you don’t open this door right now, I’m going to… Oh, God…”

  The buzzing increases, and I swear his neighbors can hear it. It sounds like a hive of angry bees beneath my skirt, but it feels like heaven. I’m gonna come if he doesn’t let me in right now. I lean my head against the door and try to will myself not to orgasm in public.

  “Tyler, please,” I whimper. I can’t take much more, I’m right on the edge and if this keeps up one second longer, I’m going to…

  The door swings open and I fall into Tyler’s arms. He laughs and hits a button, shutting off the panties all together. He tucks the remote in his pocket as I lean against him, catching my breath.

  “Did you enjoy that, Olivia?” His voice is low in my ear as he gets me back on my feet; there’s a sly smile on his face as his arm wraps around my waist. He pulls me up and sets me on my feet, looking me up and down.

  “Fuck you…”

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Come on, let’s get you inside.” He ushers me down the hallway, through the living room, and into the kitchen. He steps around the center island and fixes a drink, passing it to me. “Bottoms up, baby girl.”

  A jolt of electricity radiates through me when he calls me that, leaving tingles in my fingers as I reach for the glass. I take a sip and let the brown liquid wash over my tongue. It’s not his usual mix of bitters and cherry juice; it’s sweet like brown sugar and dark like oak. I take another sip and he grins at me, fixing his own drink.

  “Good, huh? I thought you’d like that.”

  “What is it?”

  “That’s a secret. It fell off the back of a friend’s truck. I’m not supposed to have it, but I do.”

  I nod and take another sip, letting it warm its way to my belly. “Whatever it is, it’s amazing.”

  “Come on, grab your drink. Let’s go have a seat.”

  I take my glass and follow him into the living room, sitting beside him on the couch. He sets his drink down and wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean in. He turns my face upward and captures my lips in a kiss, and I melt.

  Chapter 11

  Tyler’s mouth comes down on mine as he takes the glass from my hand, setting it next to his. His hand slides up around my face, pulling me closer. I shift and turn to face him, my mouth never leaving his. I run my hand over the taut muscles of his chest and up the side of his neck. I tug on his hair, and he kisses me harder, leaving me breathless. His hand tangles in my curls as his mouth moves to my throat. He nips and nibbles his way along my collarbone. He pulls away, breathing hard. There’s fire in his eyes and it burns right through me.

  “Upstairs, now,” Tyler croaks, reaching for his glass. He takes a long drink as I stand up. He takes my hand and drags me up the stairs to his room. I fall onto the bed as he flicks off the lights, shutting the door behind us. He crosses the room and crawls up the bed.

  Tyler’s hands snake their way up my legs and under my dress, catching on the sides of my panties. He pulls back with a sly smile and digs his hand into his pocket. He settles into bed next to me and pushes my skirt up to the top of my thighs.

  “Why don’t we have a little fun first… Think you can handle that, Olivia? Can you take a little torture?” Tyler pulls th
e remote out and passes it between his palms. My eyes grow wide and my mouth goes dry.

  “What are you gonna do?” I whisper. I swallow the lump in my throat, watching as he twirls the remote around. He brought me right to the edge of orgasm earlier; is he going to deny me it again?

  “We’re gonna play a game, Olivia,” he says, pressing a button. The panties start to vibrate; the low, steady buzzing sound fills the room. I shift and Tyler reaches out to stop me, his firm hand clamping down on my thigh.

  “I’m going to ask you some questions; if I like the answer, the vibrations won’t change. If I don’t like what I hear, the vibrations will increase until you’re right on the edge. When I think you’re ready to come, I’ll ask you one last question. If the answer makes me happy, I’ll let you come. Do you understand?”

  Oh, shit. My throat goes dry as I nod. Tyler shakes his head, leaning over me.

  “Let me hear you say it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I understand.” I look up at him with wide eyes as his mouth drops next to my ear. He places a kiss on my neck and pulls back, grinning.

  “Now… Where to begin?” He presses a button, and the vibration speeds up.

  I squirm as the panties vibrate faster and Tyler grips my thigh, keeping me in place. His fingers sink into my soft flesh, dimpling the creamy skin.

  He winks at me and says, “Relax, baby girl. I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice is low and husky in my ear, sending vibrations down my spine. His fingers ease up on my thigh, and he passes the remote from one hand to the other. “Are you ready for your first question?”


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