The Daily Struggles of an Immortal

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The Daily Struggles of an Immortal Page 10

by Kurtis Eckstein

  She was fairly quiet on the way home too. I planned on asking her about it right away, but I had to first humor Freya’s questions about my past.

  Even though her ability allowed her to see virtually all my memories, it was a lot to hold onto – like speed-reading a massive book. Especially so in my case, since I had so many of them. She was only able to really hold onto some of the strongest ones.

  But apparently, she wasn’t fully satisfied with her lich theory and wanted to investigate the situation more. I didn’t think it mattered that much, but for some reason it was important to her.

  Once Lily and I were snuggling in her bed, with her wearing one of her usual latex night-gowns, this one a dark pink, I finally decided to ask her about her obvious depression. “Is it about the lich thing?” I wondered hesitantly.

  She shook her head, kissing my bare chest gently. “No,” she whispered. “I don’t care about that. If it’s true, then it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve had this body all your life. It’s basically yours anyway.” She sighed. “Plus, while I do think you’re hot, it’s really your personality that I fell in love with.”

  “What. You mean it wasn’t my regeneration ability?” I teased, trying to lighten to mood.

  She glared at me playfully. “You know I started liking you before I found out,” she countered.

  I sighed, remembering that day well. I hadn’t wanted to admit it before we first started dating, but she had initially taken every opportunity she could to get to know me. And that was without knowing she could actually pursue it. Normally, she kept her feelings more reserved, but she started really liking me within the first week.

  And the day she did find out about my regeneration abilities, she flipped out, before ramping up her attempts to get me to like her even more. It had never been just about sex for her – she had just assumed that telling me how she really felt would scare me away. She was used to most guys just wanting a casual sexual relationship and nothing more, so that’s what she tried offering.

  Ironically, it was one of the many reasons why I pushed her away. I didn’t just want to be a notch on her belt, not having really thought about the fact that she didn’t even have a figurative belt to make notches on in the first place, since she couldn’t have sex with anyone else.

  “So, then what is it?” I wondered curiously. “Is it because of Freya?”

  Lily didn’t answer, instead turning her face into my chest.

  Well, that was a yes. “Are you afraid I’m going to leave you for her?” I asked quietly.

  She slowly looked up at me, her fiery orange eyes churning slowly. Her expression was vulnerable. “You won’t, right?”

  I nodded. “Of course I won’t Lily. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered. But I realized that wasn’t the issue when her mood didn’t seem to improve. Finally, she blurted it out. “It was the sex.”

  I stared at her in disbelief. “Lily,” I began slowly, “you could have said no. I only let it happen because you said it was alright.”

  She buried her head in my chest again. “I know,” she whined softly. “I was okay with it when I was horny. But after I got there…”

  Realization hit me. “Oh,” I said simply. Once her hormones had disappeared, she wasn’t okay with it anymore. Of course. I should have known, because she had told me repeatedly she wasn’t into that kind of thing. But her hormones, along with that specific emotional situation, had given her just enough of a shove to give the green light – only to regret it afterwards. I doubted I would have ever been okay with it if the situation were reversed, but I still understood how she felt. I sighed. “I’m sorry Lily. We won’t do it again.”

  “But that’s what I’m worried about,” she said softly. “You can’t stop her from doing it again. She’s too strong. And too hot for you not to react to her.”

  I knew it was foolish to argue about it. She was right. “Then I’ll talk to her,” I promised. I then hesitated, feeling bad about my next statement. “I do have some leverage over her behavior now.”

  She glanced up at me curiously. “You do?”

  I nodded slowly. “Please don’t be mad about it, but I started showing her some affection in little ways, like giving her hugs. She really needed it.” Lily nodded slowly in agreement, seeming alright with the idea. I continued. “And when I first started doing it, she didn’t feed for an entire week because she was afraid I’d take it away from her.”

  “Wait,” Lily said cautiously, sitting up a little, “then what did you do for a week?”

  I looked away. “We just snuggled. I realize that wouldn’t usually be alright, but…” I quickly glanced at her, evaluating her reserved expression. “Please don’t be mad. She just wanted me to hold her. She really is starved for that kind of thing.”

  “No kissing?” She wondered hesitantly.

  “No, I swear. It was really just snuggling.” Which was true, even now. We basically never kissed. I also wanted to add that she didn’t even start sitting on my face again until just a few days ago, but decided not to push my luck. Granted, I’d probably have to talk to Freya about that too, before Lily found out and blew up. I just hoped Freya would actually listen without me having to push the affection card too far. I didn’t want to be mean to her, but Lily was my girlfriend after all. Even if Freya sort of was too, in a weird way. But Lily was definitely the alpha calling the shots.

  Lily relaxed a little and readjusted herself on my chest. “That’s fine,” she said quietly. “Hugging, snuggling, and of course her drinking your blood. That’s all okay with me.”

  I nodded, deciding I needed to change the subject before she started clarifying what wasn’t okay. “So are we alright then? Is there anything else I can do to help?”

  She sighed and shook her head. “I’ll be fine.”

  “But you still don’t seem fine,” I commented. “Honestly, you seem really depressed.”

  Lily slowly ran her hand along my chest as she thought about it. “Maybe I’ll make her watch next time so we’re even.”

  I abruptly leaned back to gawk at her. “Wait. What?! You’re kidding right?!” But nope. She just stared at me hesitantly. I couldn’t believe her. “How is that different?” I asked seriously, completely baffled.

  She shrugged innocently. “It just is. I don’t mind her watching – I already told you that – just not participating.”

  I smacked my forehead with my hand. I’d been alive for a couple centuries and I still didn’t fully understand women. I guess there was no hope for the average guy who only got a hundred years at most.

  Granted, most women were seemingly inconsistent in other ways. Usually sex was straightforward, unlike how it was with Lily.

  I sighed heavily. “You realize Freya will probably end up taking control of the situation and tell us what to do to turn her on, right?”

  Lily blushed, biting her bottom lip. “Could spice things up a little.”

  I smacked my forehead again. Dammit, what had I gotten myself into?

  15: Making Everyone Happy

  Freya was surprisingly understanding the next day. We were at my place standing in the hallway on our way to my bedroom. She leaned up against the wall, as she often did when we stopped to talk, crossing her arms over her leather jacket.

  “I figured as much,” she admitted when I told her how Lily felt about the sex. “I should probably call her and apologize. I actually thought about it yesterday, but wasn’t sure if I should wait.”

  I sighed in relief. “Thanks Freya. I realize this is probably hard on you, so I appreciate it.”

  She shrugged. “Having you inside is great, but I really like sitting on you. A lot.”

  I groaned. “Freya…”

  She abruptly held up her finger. “Now, don’t even go there Sam. I’m sitting on your face whether you like it or not. I know you’ve been through a ton of shit in your life, even stuff you probably haven’t told Lily, but you have no idea what it’s
like to not be able to enjoy yourself with another person. Certainly not for as long as I have.”

  I sighed, knowing she had a point. I turned away from her to lean my entire back against the wall and stare up at the ceiling. It was obvious she wasn’t going to budge on this issue. Part of me was okay with that, and part of me wasn’t. Why did I have to be so ethical? Really, I was just afraid of the consequences if Lily found out. It’s not like I had any family alive who cared what I did with my life.

  Unexpectedly, Freya was wrapping her arms around mine, clinging to me. I looked down at her as she hid her face against my arm. Her voice barely came out in a whisper, pleading with me. “Please don’t take it away. I need it.”

  “How about a compromise then,” I said hesitantly. She looked up at me cautiously as I continued. “I can’t promise that she won’t change her mind, but Lily seems to be completely alright with you watching us.”

  Freya’s eyes widened. “Oh!” She exclaimed, before pausing. “Really?”

  I nodded. “She even said she’d let you tell us what to do to each other…if you want.”

  She just gawked at me for a second, before a huge grin rapidly appeared on her face. “Well, shit! Hell yes! Sign me up! Shoot, if she’ll let me do that, then I can get over the facesitting thing.”

  Well, damn. I guess there was a way to make everyone happy after all.

  But damn, this was going to be weird.

  Freya continued, getting more excited by the second. “Oh shit Sam! That just made day! Damn! Now I can’t wait! Forget about me drinking your blood, let’s go over to her place right now!” She was already tugging on me, forcing me down the hallway without waiting.

  “Freya! Wait! You should at least talk to her first!”

  “Oh, I’ll call her on the way,” she announced firmly. “That way she can get ready.” She then squealed in excitement. “Shit, this is going to be fun!”

  I groaned internally as she shoved me into her car. Hypothetically, this might turn out alright, but I wasn’t ready for any more unexpected problems coming from it.

  “Can we just take this slow please?” I asked quickly before Lily answered the phone – Freya was already calling her through the car’s system with the volume turned all the way up.

  “Oh Sam, don’t be a wuss. You’ll be just–” She stopped midsentence when Lily answered. “Hey! I’m bringing Sam over to your place right now. He told me it was okay to watch!”

  I was sure Lily was going to be mad, especially when she was silent for a moment. I heard her sigh. “Just please no touching Freya. I know that’s selfish of me, but–”

  “It’s alright Lily. I promise. And I’m sorry about yesterday. I won’t do it again.”

  Lily took a deep breath. “Okay…” She paused. “What do you want me to wear?”

  I gulped, shifting in my seat.

  “The outfit I made for you of course!” She said excitedly. “Sam will be putty in your arms by the time I’m done with the two of you! You will not regret this!”

  Shit, I couldn’t believe this was happening. I must have discovered a way to dream after all.

  Lily hesitated before responding. “Umm…I’d rather it be the other way around, if that’s alright.”

  Freya paused as she considered what her friend was saying. “Oh! You want Sam to be the dominate one! Then I’ll have you eating out of the palm of his hand!” She squealed again. “Hurry up and get ready Lily! Because here we come!”

  I deliberated briefly on whether or not she meant that literally. It could easily go both ways.

  “Okay Freya,” Lily whispered. “I’ll do whatever you say then…just don’t have him be too rough…”

  “That’s mistress to you Lily!” She scoffed. “And Sam’s your master! You got it?”

  Lily hesitated, her voice trembling. “Yes mistress.”

  Shit, what in the hell had I gotten myself into?!

  Apparently something great.

  I had no idea that my sex life with Lily could get any more interesting. But damn, did having Freya give out orders make it stimulating. And even more strange, after the first time it became super normal feeling – the awkwardness completely gone.

  By the second day, it was as if we’d been doing it all along.

  And Freya loved every second of it, because now there wasn’t a time limit. She could get off as many times as she wanted, knowing I wasn’t going to tell her that it was enough for today. Her only limitation was that she couldn’t touch us, but that didn’t stop her from enjoying herself by a long shot.

  The entire extracurricular activity turned into just one long foreplay until Lily was too tired to continue. In which case, Freya laid down with her amongst the latex sheets when she passed out – their faces barely inches apart, though they didn’t touch. Freya probably knew better than to actually snuggle with Lily or else she might get kicked out of bed.

  Alternatively, I sat on the other side of Lily, definitely touching her, while watching anime on my tablet. Granted, if I was being completely honest, sometimes I just stared at the two of them as they slept, mesmerized by what I saw. Neither of them bothered changing, leaving Freya half naked and Lily always in something super sexy.

  Damn, I was in heaven. And here I thought such a thing didn’t exist.

  Everything seemed to be going great at first, but that’s when the other problems started.

  By day three, Nick was sitting me down to demand I tell him my secret. He was pissed that I had been so annoyed with his situation when clearly I was doing the same. We were in the breakroom eating lunch when he dropped the bomb on me.

  His small arms, looking deceptively weak, were crossed over his chest in annoyance. “Okay Sam, spill it! How in the hell did you get Lily and her friend into a threesome?!”

  “Shh!” I said in surprise, gawking at him. I quickly glanced around, seeing that we were definitely not alone. At least it was only Nancy. She kept to herself most of the time, hardly speaking to anyone. I glared at Nick. “Who in the hell told you that?” I demanded, not about to admit he wasn’t far off.

  He scoffed. “Dave overheard Lily talking to her friend on the phone yesterday.”

  Dammit Dave!


  I was going to end up killing Dave for spreading all these stupid rumors! Even if this one wasn’t technically a rumor…

  I mean, could I even call it a threesome? It was more like a three-way relationship – a polyamorous relationship. And Freya wasn’t even allowed to participate, being more like a sex coach than another girlfriend. Not to mention there was definitely nothing inappropriate going on between her and Lily, which was kind of a necessity for a threesome.

  That was one fact I was confident about – Lily was never going to be interested in doing something sexual with Freya.

  And I was perfectly fine with that.

  I gathered my thoughts, trying not to appear too livid as I crafted a lie. “Well, that’s not true. Sure, we hang out a lot, but it’s not like that.”

  Nick wasn’t convinced. “Dave mentioned that Lily called her friend ‘mistress’ and said she was looking forward to playing again tonight.”


  I supposed Lily and I needed to have a talk about trying to keep the foreplay more private. I cleared my throat. “Nick, let’s be real. Life is never that great. Dave’s a liar and we both know it. He takes little things and blows them up into something they’re not.” I paused. “Like with the whole mall thing? Yeah, it was Lily’s birthday and Freya wanted to get her a present too, so we just all went together. See? Completely harmless.” I sighed, trying to act disappointed. “And this ‘mistress’ business? Let’s be real. That’s just too good to be true.”

  Nick nodded somberly, seeming to finally believe me. “Well shit, Sam. I was hoping you could help me out with my problem.”

  Despite my better judgment, I sort of, kind of, maybe a little, felt bad for Nick, even though his situation was totally his fault. “Ok
ay look,” I began. “Let’s say that hypothetically it were to happen eventually. For one, that’s going to end up being their decision, not mine. There’s no way I would be able to get them to go along with it. And second, I’m not screwing Lily's friend behind her back.”

  Nick nodded slowly. “So what you’re saying is, I need to introduce them to each other, so they can become friends…and then plant the idea that maybe it could be something more…between the three of us.”

  I just gawked at him. How in the hell did he get that from what I just said? “Sure Nick, whatever man. Just don’t get yourself killed.”

  He grinned at me. “Thanks buddy! You’re a great friend!”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “Just don’t blame me if you end up single again. Or dead. Honestly, I think you should just marry your girlfriend, Camila, and move on with your life.”

  Nick scoffed at me. “Aw, come on man. You can’t tell me you haven’t fantasized about the two of them together.”

  I shrugged. I mean, I guess he wasn’t wrong, but still. “I wouldn’t risk what I have going on with Lily to pursue that though. You’re basically jeopardizing a great thing for a tiny chance that it could be better. Seems kind of stupid to me.”

  Nick sighed heavily. “Yeah, okay. I hear you. I’ll think about it.” Satisfied that the conversation was over, I began standing up. Nick held out his hand to stop me. “Oh, and hey. I, umm…got my bistin stuck in the resonator again.”

  Shit! Dammit Nick!

  16: A Mysterious Past

  After lunch, Freya surprised me by calling me up at the office. It was unlike her, since I had a cellphone and she certainly had my number.

  “Sam,” she began, her tone serious. “I just got off the phone with your boss. You have the rest of the day off. I’m coming to pick you up.”

  “W-What?” I stuttered in shock. I quickly lowered my voice when Nick peaked around the corner two seats down. “Why did you do that?” I asked seriously. “I could have called off myself. I have several hundred hours of vacation time saved up.”


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