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Ayden Page 5

by Melissa Belle

  “I know. It will be okay, Tar.”

  “Thanks, honey.” Tari’s expression turns sad before she raises her hand to signal the bartender. “You know what would help me? Another round of drinks.”

  The flirty guy on the barstool to my right grins at me. “Let me get you another one of those whiskeys you’re drinking.” He signals the bartender. “Hey! Get this pretty blonde with the gorgeous hazel eyes a fresh one.”

  Tari elbows me from my other side. “How about him?” she says. “He’s super cute.”

  “No,” Ayden says from behind us.

  “Why not?” Tari says, turning on him. “What’s wrong with him?”

  “He’s got red hair,” he says simply. “Untrustworthy.”

  The guy next to me chuckles. “Good luck getting a date with him around,” he says to me.

  Tari throws up her hands and glares at Ayden. “Then who? Find me one man in this bar who you think is worthy of taking Bella Wesley on a date.”

  Ayden pulls at the brim of his cap as he gives the bar a cursory glance. “I don’t see anyone,” he says, giving me a shrug.

  I roll my eyes. “I couldn’t possibly find the right man with you hawking every guy here. You’re so negative, Ayd.”

  He abruptly braces both hands against the bar-top on either side of me and leans in so close I nearly gasp.

  His eyes darken. “And exactly who have you found tonight that you’d like me to ask out on a date? Because I seem to recall that when Peter suggested a certain someone earlier…”

  “Amy Allen,” I say.

  “Right. When Peter suggested her, you were acting pretty…”

  I flush with heat, but he cuts off in time. Because I know what he was going to say. I was acting pretty…


  And he’d be right.

  I let out a slow breath of air as he drops his arms and backs up a step. He searches my face for a second, and then he leans in again and his warm breath tickles my skin.

  “Let’s go home,” he says in my ear.

  “We were supposed to help each other with our dares, remember?” I say. “We came here to find dates.”

  “I am helping you,” he says. “Nobody here is worth your time.”

  “Sure they are!” Tari says from my side. “What about that cute blond I introduced Bella to? He was very friendly.”

  “He was very married,” Peter says.

  Flirty redhead next to me chuckles. I glance over at him, and he grins at me.

  Ayden shoots him a death stare and shoves his hat down further over his untamed hair. “Come on. It’s nearly closing time.”

  “But Bella’s trying to find her plus one,” Tari says softly.

  “That’s right,” I say.

  Ayden pulls at the brim of his cap and glowers at me. “That douche’s wedding invite fucked with your head, B. Let’s forget the dare. You don’t need to find anybody.”

  “I do,” I say so firmly his eyebrows rise in surprise. “Not for his wedding. Of course I’m not going to that. But it’s time, Ayden. It’s time for me to start dating for real. I haven’t dated anyone seriously since Trevor.” I pause and then say the truth. “I think I’m ready.”

  Ayden swallows and doesn’t speak for a moment. When he does, his voice is so low I have to strain to hear him. “You’ve let guys hit on you tonight that don’t deserve to breathe the same air as you. One of those assholes was staring at your breasts the entire time you talked.”

  “He was not!” Shit. Was he? I mentally try to backtrack to which guy he’s referring to.

  “He was. And this joker on your right—he’s not looking for commitment.” Ayden’s wallet is out and he’s signaling to the bartender.

  “Hey!” the guy protests. “Watch what you’re saying, dude.” He turns to me. “Um, are you two…together?” He gestures between Ayden and me.

  I shake my head. “Nope. We made a pact to never date.”

  He gives a glaring Ayden one last curious look before turning back to me. “Let me give you my number. Maybe we can set up a date.”

  I smile at him. “That would be lovely.” I turn back to Ayden triumphantly. “See? He seems willing to commit.”

  Ayden snorts. “Right.”

  I type flirty guy’s number into my phone, and he waves goodbye before disappearing into the crowd.

  Tari’s definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol now, and she giggles and pats Ayden’s cheek. “You certainly are grouchy tonight!” she says. “Could it be because Bella’s hunting for a man? Ayden, you do know Bella’s been on a couple of dates this summer already, right? Just because she and Trey aren’t exclusive doesn’t mean she’s asexual.”

  Ayden’s eyes flick to mine, and I stare right back at him. But Tari’s still talking.

  “Ayd, you’re such a player, and you’re dating at least two women right now, yet you’re acting like you wish you and Bella could…”

  Peter’s hand over her mouth shuts her up before she can finish.

  I avert my eyes from Ayden’s piercing ones, those sparkling chips of sea-colored diamonds that can read me like a book.

  “You know what?” I say. “Forget looking for more guys here. I got one number, and maybe I’ll call him. But I think I’ll just start by going out on another date with Trey.”

  Ayden’s eyes flash. “I thought that was just a casual thing. You didn’t seem to think he could turn into a man you’d be serious with.”

  “Yeah, Bella,” Peter says teasingly. “What about that?”

  I glare at both of them. “I’m giving him another chance,” I say. “I’ll text him right now and set up something for tomorrow.”

  “I leave for L.A. tomorrow,” Ayden says quickly.

  “So?” I laugh. “Last I checked, you don’t join me on my dates.”

  Tari raises her glass. “That’s it! Yay! You two can double-date.”

  “No,” Ayden and I both say immediately.

  But Peter puts his arm around Tari. “That’s a great idea, babe. Ayden and Bella did agree to help each other out, right? And, they’re technically competitors. Two dares means whoever completes theirs first is the winner.”

  “So?” I say to him.

  Peter, in his usual teasing mood, grins at me. “So, what better way to keep an eye on your competition than by going out together?”

  “I’m game,” Ayden says, surprising the heck out of me.

  What is his angle? I know he must have one. Ayden and I have never been on a double date in our lives.

  But I’m too buzzed to figure it out. “We can try one double-date, I suppose, when Ayden comes back.”

  “Who will be the lucky woman you take out, Ayd?” Tari asks him.

  “Jenny,” I say, as Ayden’s eyes widen at me in surprise.

  “Jenny? As in Jenny Woods, the new bartender at the pool hall?” Tari wags her finger in the air, and I bite back a smile at how she’s weaving back and forth on her stool so much that her wavy hair falls into her face. “She just moved to town. So she’s the new girl here. You know what that means, boys?”

  Peter and Ayden look at her in mild amusement.

  “That means easy.” She tips her head back and downs the rest of her drink. “Don’t you want a challenge, Ayden? Or are you too scared?”

  Ayden chuckles, and Peter takes the empty glass out of Tari’s hand. “All right, my little lush. That’s enough alcohol for tonight.”

  But I nod. “Maybe you’re right, Tar. Ayden does need a woman who will challenge him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that.”

  Peter finally convinces Tari they have to go. She throws her arms around me like she won’t see me again for a year.

  “I still can’t believe Ayden’s moving,” she says in my ear. “You two definitely need to fuck before he leaves, Bella.”

  “Oh my God, keep your voice down!” I shout-whisper to her. “That is so not happening!”

  “Why not? Use your dare on Ayden! And don’t tell me you
won’t because of the damn pact you two made when you were kids. I don’t know which one of you is more stubborn, but one of you will crack before Ayden leaves town. Peter and I even have a bet going.”

  “What! You and your husband bet on us?”

  Tari giggles. “Peter thinks Ayden will break first, and I say it’s you. Just put your lips on his dic…”

  I pull her closer to me, glancing over my shoulder to make sure Ayden didn’t overhear. Luckily, he’s busy arguing with Peter over something.

  “We’ll talk tomorrow,” I say as I kiss Tari’s cheek. “Good night.”


  “So how’s this going to work exactly?” Peter’s tone is filled with humor, and I barely resist smacking him.

  “Shut up, and just help me through it,” I mutter. “I need a damn date for this double-date shit you and your wife just talked me into.”

  “Why don’t you ask Ashley?” he says. “You’ve already been seeing her.”

  “That’s over,” I say. “She wanted more. So I told her I can’t. End of story.”

  “Okay. Well, what about Jenny?”

  I unclench my jaw long enough to mutter, “Fine. One date with Jenny.”

  “I can’t wait to watch this unfold,” he says with a smirk. “If you and Bella ever agree to a second date with anyone in this town, can Tari and I accompany you? You know, for full entertainment value.”

  “Fuck off.” I punch his arm. “I’m doing this for Bella. Not me. I don’t plan to win. I just can’t quit on her.”

  “But you’re going to take the dare seriously?”

  I shrug. “Seriously enough. But I know I won’t find the right woman this summer.”

  “What if neither of you finds ‘the one?’ What then?”

  Then I’ll be fucking relieved the selfish part of me says.

  I lift my beer to Peter’s. “Then I’ll move to L.A. still single. Like I planned on.”

  “And Bella? What about her?”

  I look over at her laughing with Tari. “Bella will be fine,” I say, as much to assure myself as him. “I’ll make sure of it.”



  After Tari and Peter leave, Ayden and I are quick to head for the door.

  But before we make it halfway, a woman grabs him. She’s got porcelain skin and curly blond hair that frames her pretty face perfectly. She gives me a look like, “I know exactly how to get his attention,” as she curls her hand around his bicep and squeezes.

  And here we go again.

  While Ayden turns to acknowledge her, and I try to tamp down my newfound jealousy, a familiar-looking guy puts his arm around me. “You want to dance?”

  I may have had too much to drink, but that doesn’t mean I’ll accept a dance with a man who’s leering while he leans heavily on me like he can barely hold himself up. “I’m not interested,” I say as I pull away.

  “Oh,” he says with a glance at Ayden’s back. “You’re with him.” He snorts. “Out on the boat, we call his family cursed.”

  “Shut the hell up,” I say as I recognize the man now. He’s part of the crew for one of the lobster boats in town, but he’s not on Ayden’s brother’s boat. “Ayden’s amazing. He’s the opposite of cursed.”

  “His father sure was. And his brother’s just as much of a risk-taker, going out on the water when the tides are dangerous.” The man turns in Ayden’s direction and shouts to get his attention. “Good thing you don’t like the seas, huh?”

  “Don’t you dare talk to him that way,” I say, feeling my voice rise an octave.

  “Bella.” Ayden turns and his eyes find mine. “Let it go. He’s just jealous Michael’s boat has outperformed his the last five years and counting.”

  In that moment, the curly blonde makes a grab for Ayden’s hat. She manages to get it off his head and turns for the dance floor with a loud giggle.

  Ayden gives the guy a murderous glance and then storms after her.

  Once Ayden’s out of sight, the guy steps into me again. “You want some of me, honey?”

  “Actually,” I say. “I’m pretty sure I made it clear that I don’t.”

  But the guy pins me to his chest and his arms come around me hard. I have a moment of panic as I realize how much bigger he is than me. Then I remember what I learned in the self-defense class Ayden made sure I took before I left for L.A. at eighteen: A man’s two weakest points are his nose and his groin. When you go for it, don’t hold back.

  I have just enough room between us to line my knee up with his crotch and I take aim.

  He sinks to the floor with a wail.

  “And you weren’t listening,” I say.

  “Bitch,” he spits at me.

  I don’t have time to respond before Ayden’s fist smashes into the jerk’s face and sends him flat on his back.

  “Don’t you ever fucking touch her or talk to her like that again,” Ayden growls. “Say you’re sorry. Like you mean it.”

  “I’m sorry,” the man gets out before Ayden kicks him in the ribs for good measure.

  Now we’ve attracted a crowd, including the guy’s equally-wasted buddy.

  He swings at Ayden’s face, but Ayden easily ducks and avoids the hit, sending the man off-balance and falling in a heap on the floor next to his friend.

  “You should teach your crewmate how to treat women,” Ayden says.

  I turn on the man, prepared to curse him out, but I’m tugged back by the waistband of my jeans into the solid chest of Ayden Wild.

  “Let’s go,” he says into my ear.

  I turn around and touch his arm gently. “This isn’t about me, Ayd. They’re disrespecting you!”

  “They can’t disrespect me when they’re only spewing lies,” he says. He twists the brim of his cap tightly in his hand, and I know he’s thinking about his father. “I’m more worried about you right now.”

  “Hey!” Flirty guy appears next to me. “You want to dance before you leave?”

  Before I can respond, Ayden mutters something about limits and breaking points.

  “Bella, say good night,” he says. “If he cares about you at all, he’ll realize you need to leave.”

  Ayden puts his arm around my waist and turns me toward the door.

  We don’t stop moving until we’ve made it outside the bar and down to the rocks overlooking the high tide below. At first, all I hear are the waves, big and loud, breaking against the shore.

  “This is why I don’t get drunk,” I say to him.

  Ayden, all six foot two of him, stands across from me, his gaze assessing and gentle beneath his hat. He takes my chin between his thumb and forefinger. “I like seeing you get drunk once in a while. You let go.”

  I flush with heat. “What’s that supposed to mean? I’m fine. I know you’re worried because you think this is about you moving…”

  His eyes narrow like I’ve revealed my hand. “Is it?”

  Shit. I clamp my jaw shut and go silent.

  He takes off his hat and drags a hand through his inky black hair. Hair that was previously unruly is now downright wild, and I fight the urge to run my fingers through it and put my mouth on his. Knowing that idea is off-limits, I turn away from him and stare down at the water softly lit by the moon.

  But Ayden catches my wrist gently and turns me to face him. He takes both my hands in his so I can’t walk away. “Bella, when that invitation came, I’m sure it brought up a lot of shit. And then the shitty timing of me telling you I was leaving. I wish I’d known about the invite before I told you, or…”

  “Or what?” I ask him. “You wouldn’t have taken the job? Come on, Ayd. It’s okay. Sure, the timing was weird, but that certainly wasn’t your fault.”

  “I’m just saying, after all the stuff that went down in L.A., I’d be angry too.”

  I bite my lip, willing myself to keep my feelings private. “It’s okay,” I say in a soft tone. “I’m okay.”

  But like he often does when it comes to me,
Ayden Wild lays down a challenge.

  “Say to my face that you’re not angry, and I’ll drop it.”

  “Fine.” I take a deep breath, and then say as steadily as I can, “I’m. Not. Angry. Okay?”

  Apparently not convinced, Ayden shakes his head. “I mean in the three years you’ve been back, I’ve never once seen you get angry about it all. Aren’t you pissed off, Bella? About the way you felt forced back here? And about what you found waiting for you when you returned?”

  “It wasn’t her fault,” I say in a monotone.

  “It also wasn’t your fault,” he says empathically. “You know that right?”

  I mumble a few curse words and duck my head so he can’t see the pain I know is taking over my face. But I’ve never been able to run from Ayden for long. He takes me in his arms, and when I try to pull away, he just holds on tighter.

  Exhausted, I stop fighting him. I grip onto his shirt and cry silent tears into his rock-hard chest that’s always been there for me but will soon be heading for the place where I chased my own dreams. Ayden and L.A. will be together, and I’ll be here in Lucky Bay, Maine.

  “You’ll be okay,” he says into my hair.

  I lift my head and lock eyes with him. His blue eyes are almost green right now, and his jaw tenses like he wants to say something.

  “I won’t give up if you don’t give up,” he finally murmurs as he wipes the tears off my face.

  I put my arms around him again and lean my cheek against his chest. “I just need to find my plus one,” I whisper into his shirt. “And you’re not on the available list.”

  He inhales sharply, and I know he heard what I said. For a second, I think he’s going to answer me.

  But he doesn’t, and I keep holding onto him.


  Bella’s driving me crazy tonight. She let that barstool jerk flirt with her, buy her drinks, and ask her out. And all I was thinking the entire time was—I should be the one she’s flirting with. I should be the one taking her out. And I desperately want to be the one taking her into my bed. All of which is ridiculous to even contemplate because Bella Wesley may be beautiful and sexy as fuck, but she and I are best friends. Not lovers. And until this week, I haven’t allowed myself to think of her that way. Ever.


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