Speak of the Devil

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Speak of the Devil Page 5

by Maya Daniels

  “I cannot say for sure.” Raphael lowers his eyes as if ashamed to admit he doesn’t know everything. “It’s from what I’ve overheard. Bits and pieces that I’ve put together. When you usually sit on the sidelines and don’t get involved much, everyone tends to forget you’re there. It helps.”

  “What’s in this for you?” Helena’s question surprises even me. Raphael just looks at her wide-eyed. “If I’ve learned anything since my life went to shit, that’s that no one does anything just because. There is always something there for them.”

  “I do not wish to see you harmed,” Raphael says simply.

  My possessiveness goes haywire. Helena only nods, accepting it at word value. I will need to have a long chat with the Archangel when she is not around. He can keep his angelic ass away from her. I’ve stayed quiet, mostly because I’m still barely holding myself under control. The urge to rip him to pieces for having his hands on her courses through my veins with every beat of my heart. The fact that he saved her does nothing to change my mind. She shouldn’t have been there in the first place. The implications of the verbal bomb he just delivered feels like I’ve been sucker punched in the gut.

  “This really complicates things.” Maddison pulls me out of my thoughts. “It complicates them but makes perfect sense.” Her intense gaze lands on me, and I feel its weight settle on my shoulders. Don’t say it, I think to myself. “It was almost a perfect plan if he managed to keep Helena. Raphael messed up his plans big time.”

  “I don’t understand shit, and since this is about me and my life, a little more info would be appreciated.” Shrugging my arms off, Helena walks away from me, even when I don’t want to release her. “Well? Someone better start explaining.” Placing her hands on her hips, she looks at all of us expectantly.

  “He needed your blood to keep the gate open. We thought he wanted to go after Lucifer in Hell, but obviously, we were mistaken. If he goes after him in Hell, fat chance that he will win the fight. Lucifer is at his strongest in his domain. Luring him here, however, weakens him and puts them on equal footing. From what Raphael is telling us, Michael is almost certain that he is going to win. Keeping you was his assurance to leave Hell in chaos. To tip the balance to that degree…it would destroy us all.”

  “I still don’t understand. What do I have to do with it apart from keeping that gate open when I bleed.” Helena looks adorable with the little frown on her face. I clench my hands, so I don’t reach for her.

  “You don’t,” I tell her, and that green gaze lends on me. “I do.” Rubbing a hand over my face, I try to disperse the wariness that’s starting to creep in slowly. “If Michael defeats Lucifer on Earth, someone must take his place in Hell. His heir.” Understanding dawns and the color drains from her face, but I continue nonetheless. “And what better way to kill two birds with one stone, than to hold the heir’s mate at your mercy.”

  “I’m not sure he is far with his plans,” Raphael murmurs, but I don’t look away from Helena. “But we better do something to prevent it.”

  “This is never going to end, is it?” Helena’s eyes flick to the hand on the table.

  “We will make sure it does.” Unable to stay away from her any longer, I walk up to her and pull her to my chest. “He might’ve caught me by surprise once, but I will not allow it to happen again. I will keep you safe, I promise. For both our sakes.”

  “Careful. I’ll begin thinking you don’t want to place your cute ass on a throne.” She tries to lessen the gravity of the conversation, but her chuckle lacks humor.

  “The reason I’m here should tell you I have no intention to go back there for anything, especially to sit on a throne.”

  “I wonder who placed the bomb.” It takes me a moment to understand what Maddison is saying.

  “You’re sure it wasn’t one of yours? It has happened before when your playthings don’t know how to follow simple directions.” All my focus is on Maddison, but I hear the crinkling of paper when Raphael picks up the note that we’ve all been ignoring.

  “I’m sure,” she drawls, pressing her lips in a thin line. “I only had two there with us, and they were both at the front of the building. I was coming through the back when I heard the distinctive ticking of the timer. It must’ve been there before we found the place and we somehow triggered it. We don’t use timed bombs when we play it by ear. Mine were explosives. Just for a grand entrance, you know.”

  “Or there is another player moving pieces on the chess board.” Raphael gets all our attention, and he lifts the note in two fingers. “Bring the girl or more body parts will follow.”

  “Okay, let’s go.” Helena is already moving, but I snatch her back.

  “You are not going anywhere.” Like fuck I will let her get in danger again. “We can figure out later who goes where. First, you need to eat and then rest. Tomorrow we can plan.”

  “Oh, like hell I’ll let you lock me up here if Hector’s life is in danger. You’ve lost your fucking mind if you think I’m just going to sit here while you play the hero.” Spinning away from me, she turns to Maddison. “When are we leaving? I just need my guns.”

  With a groan, I plop back down on the sofa, tilting my head back and flinging an arm over my face. “Life would’ve been too easy if you just did what I asked.”

  “First, you didn’t ask, you ordered. Second, easy lives are boring and for humans. You are the prince of Hell. You deserve someone to keep you in check.” Helena’s words make my lips twitch, fighting a smile. Maddison laughs at my expense as usual, and even Raphael chuckles. “So? When are we leaving?”

  “You will be the death of me, cupcake.” Her little growl makes my lips pull up in a full-on grin, but I keep my arm over my face. “First thing tomorrow morning we will make a plan. Then”—Peeking at her under my arm, I see the hunter in her shining through her eyes— “we hunt.”


  I want to argue that we should leave now, and look for Hector. At the same time, I want to curl up in a ball in the closet and pretend none of this happened. A sense of déjà vu makes me hesitate before arguing my point. This is the exact same feeling I had before Michael took me. I spent a long-time wishing things would go away or wanting to pretend that they didn’t happen.

  These people, or Archangels as the case may be, know me too well. They molded me into the person I am today, regardless if they like it or not. I wonder if everything is done on purpose to keep me confused, running in circles like a dog chasing its own tail. If that truly is the case, I don’t blame them. They played me for a fool. I have no doubt that I’ve reacted just as they expected me to. So how about we change the game?

  I am a hunter. It makes no difference what I’m hunting, and I need to keep that in mind. When it is just me and my life in question, I do have a problem turning on an Archangel. But Michael changed the rules. He went after those I love, and that changes everything. Maybe it’s time he meets the hybrid he hates so much. Not Helena the hunter.

  “Okay,” I tell Eric, unable to look away from him.

  His long legs are stretched out in front of him, his muscled thighs testing the elasticity of his leather pants. One of his forearms is flung over his face. The t-shirt he is wearing has lifted up, exposing part of his defined abs, just enough to give me a glimpse to tease me. My hormones are messing with my head at the sight of him like that.

  “Did you say okay?” He lifts his head up to look at me properly, and the shocked look on his face is comical.

  “I’m all for hunting. If I need to wait until tomorrow, that’s fine. It’s not like we can change anything if that really is Hector’s.” Pointing in the direction of the table, I do my best not to look that way. “And I really am hungry. Now that the initial shock has worn off, I need food and a shower. In that order.”

  Raphael jumps up, walking briskly towards the kitchen and starts rummaging through the bags of food. Maddison moves after him after picking up the hand and taking it somewhere in the apartment. After faci
ng each other for a while longer, Eric stands up and, tucking me under his arm, leads me there too. We spread the plastic containers on the long dining table, and without a word we attack the food like a pack of starving wolves. It’s a companionable silence, and judging by the relaxed shoulders and missing frowns around the table, nobody feels awkward because of it.

  I can’t stop the soft moan when I bite into the cheese and herb breadstick. If I told Maddison what I crave, I wouldn’t have picked better. Noticing Eric’s penetrating gaze, I do my best not to look at him. Dipping the breadstick in the warm marinara sauce, I bite off a large chunk again. It might not look very pretty, but after that first bite, I feel like a hole has been opened in my stomach. I wasn’t aware of how hungry I was until that moment. The aroma spiraling up from the pasta dishes, and the lasagna, only makes my mouth water more. Inhaling as much food as I can possibly fit inside me, I feel my head dropping. After the second time I jerk back to stop from face planting into the table, Eric pulls my arm and drags me to the bedroom.

  I follow at his heels without argument, the soft conversation between Maddison and Raphael fading behind me. He leads me through the bedroom towards the open door of the bathroom, but I pull on his hand to stop him when we pass the tallboy. Reaching my hand out, I glide my fingers over the metal of my guns. They are neatly placed on top of it just like the last time I saw them.

  “Come.” Eric tugs on my hand gently. “You need a shower before you fall asleep. You can play with your guns tomorrow.”

  I follow him without a word. He is right; I just don’t want to tell him that. Otherwise, he will get more arrogant than he already is. From the moment he figured out I’m his mate, his protective side became overbearing. I’m not used to people fussing over me the way he does. Hector was protective, yes, but he would send me out in the middle of a horde of demons without blinking an eye. Did he have more faith in me, or did he hope I’d eventually end up dead?

  All my thoughts of Hector and my ability as a hunter disappear when we enter Eric’s bathroom. The sight of it relaxes me to the point that my legs feel too heavy to move. Standing still, I watch Eric as he turns around and studies me for a moment before his fingers wrap around my shoulders. He glides his hands over my arms gently, the rasp of his calloused fingers bringing a familiar fluttering inside my lower belly. The intent focus he has on me tells me that he is waiting for a sign. It eludes me what he is expecting to see, but I stand there and allow the perusal.

  Without a word, he pushes his fingers under the tank top I’m wearing and slowly lifts it up my torso. Everywhere his skin touches mine creates little pebbles, electricity streaming through me and spreading warmth inside me that was missing. Lifting my hands up and helping him pull it over my head makes my hair fly around my face, covering my view of him. His hands smooth it back after he drops the tank top at our feet. I have no bra—the Archangel was not very concerned with trivial things like that—and my nipples turn to stiff points. Eric’s gaze travels from my face to my breasts for a fleeting moment but comes back up too fast for my liking.

  I have missed him. Actually, that’s an understatement now that I’m out of that damn place and away from the asshole Archangel. I more than missed him. The feeling spreading through my entire being at having him so close takes my breath away. But he does nothing else. He continues to undress me, tugging my white cotton pants down my hips. With one hand on his shoulder to keep my balance, I lift one leg up, then the other, while Eric kneels in front of me. There is unmistakable hunger on his handsome face as his hands glide up my legs and take hold of the white underwear that is left. He pulls that down too, his eyes flashing amber for a second before he stands up again.

  We don’t talk. I expect lectures or him trying to convince me to stay behind, but none of that happens. Eric takes my hand and guides me to the shower. I appreciate his presence and the time he is giving me to just be. Although, I’m a little surprised that he didn’t undress while I’m standing in front of him in my birthday suit. Still, I track every movement he makes. The shower turns on and warm water slices through my body, making me sigh in content and close my eyes. Eric tilts my head back, standing fully dressed under the spray of water and starts washing my hair. With gentle and caring movements, he cleans every inch of me, his hands caressing me as if I’m made of glass and will shatter at any moment. Unshed tears burn my eyes, and I’m grateful for the water droplets that hide them when they spill over.

  When he is done, he wraps me in a thick towel and dries my hair with another. The anticipation of his touch, of him being inside me, keeps me on edge. He guides me back to the bedroom, pushing me gently on the bed and pulling the sheet over me. Disappearing again in the bathroom, he comes back out after a moment wearing only black boxer briefs and slides under the sheet, wrapping his strong arms around me and pulling me over his chest.

  “Sleep now, Hel. I got you,” he murmurs in my hair and sighs as if the weight of the world is on his shoulders. Maybe it is.

  He moves his hand up and down my back in soothing motions, and without any other words spoken, I drift off to sleep. I have never felt safer or more cared for than at that moment.


  The gliding of a soft hand over my chest pulls me out of sleep. Without opening my eyes, I tighten my arms, taking a deep breath and inhaling the scent of Helena. The hand on my chest stops moving, and I can feel her heartbeat quicken.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you up.” Her apology is softly spoken, her breath tickling my skin.

  “I shouldn’t have been asleep. Having you back made the lack of sleeping finally catch up with me.” Kissing the top of her head, I do my best not to roll on top of her and bury myself inside her.

  “Everyone needs sleep, Eric. Even you.” Poking me with a finger, she lifts herself up and looks down at me. “Even the prince of Hell.”

  I keep my eyes closed, my gut tightening at her comment. I’ve been dreading this conversation. Helena was raised to hate demons. Her only goal since she can remember was to eliminate me and my kind from the face of the Earth. And here I am. Her mate. The demon of all demons—after my father, of course. Does she hate me for it? Will she resist the bond we have because of who I am? I have been reckless and wild, taunting the fates with each breath I take, but I find myself a coward in front of this woman. I’m not even sure that I’m breathing after her comment.

  “So…” Taking a deep breath, Helena releases it slowly. “Prince of Hell, huh?” She chuckles weakly. When I don’t say anything, she thumps a fist to my chest. “Eric, stop playing dead. It’s annoying.” Huffing a breath, she flings herself away from me, and the coward that I am, I let her.

  “I don’t know what to say to that, Hel.” Still keeping my eyes closed, I press on them with my thumb and forefinger to elevate the headache that is building there already. “If I could change who I am for you, I would do it in a heartbeat. Alas, I can’t.” Gathering as much courage as I can, I finally look at her. “I am what I am.”

  She is standing naked next to the bed, intently watching me with that penetrating green gaze. She’s searching my eyes as if she’s trying to find all the answers there. Or maybe trying to find something that she feels I’m hiding. I have no clue what it is, but I let her see me. Allowing all the masks and walls that I’ve built around me to fall down so she can see her mate for what he is. A scared coward.

  “The crazy thing is, I actually believe that you would change it if you could.” Her breathing speeds up.

  “I would.”

  Reaching a hand towards my face, she glides her fingers over my skin, tracing it. We stay locked in a staring match, and I can’t help but feel pride in her. She has come a long way from the confused girl I met not long ago. That girl is long gone. The woman standing in front of me does not let me shy away from what she demands to know. I hate everything that happened to her that made her into who she is this very moment, but I can’t help loving her more for it. She must’ve seen something in my
eyes because she snatches her hand away from me like I’ve burnt her.

  “You don’t like what you are.” It’s a statement, not a question.

  “I don’t like what’s expected of me because of what I am.” Lifting myself off the bed, I stand in front of her. “There is a difference.”

  “What does that mean, Eric?” She walks into my closet, coming out of it pulling one of my shirts over her head. “All of you are talking to me like I’m some sort of know-it-all, and your words are supposed to make sense.” She jumps on the bed, curling her legs under her, totally unaware how seeing her in my clothing affects me. I’m barely keeping myself from pouncing on her, but she keeps talking. “I’m the pink elephant in the room, the abomination, yet all of you sound like you’re talking gibberish. The Order does that shit, you know. They give half-truths and incomplete information. Just enough to keep you on a short leash. It’s starting to piss me off.”

  “My father has been honing my skills from the moment I could walk and training me to stand beside him when I come fully into my powers. He thought just because I was his son, I would follow blindly and do everything he said. He got his rude awakening when I was finally able to leave his realm. I followed Maddison here, and I’ve never looked back. That was centuries ago.”

  “He wanted you to stand beside him, and do what exactly? Kill humans? Angels? Think of me as naïve, but I don’t really understand.” Helena’s words are soft, and I’m breathing easier because she’s not screaming at me and running away. Yet. She’s not doing that, yet.

  “He fell from grace because he thought everyone should have free will. Let’s just say that his wishes bit him in the ass. The seven sins are not a made-up tale to control the masses. They are part of human nature. Free will to make their own choices can be a blessing on those with a kind and compassionate heart. It is a curse when it is a twisted mind or heart. Everyone that is not pure enough to ascend to Heaven is sent down to Hell. They don’t change simply because they exchanged one realm for the other. Skirmishes, takeovers, fights, and wars are almost an everyday occurrence. My father was strong enough to control them all, but with time, the numbers were increasing. Modern times led more and more to temptation, and they kept filling his realm. They still are.” Sitting next to her, I take her hand in mine, lacing our fingers together, and warmth spreads through me when she doesn’t pull away. “So, I left, and he is dealing with it on his own. He has his underlings to help him out, but they are not powerful enough to keep a large number of demons under control. That’s why we are dealing with so many rogues lately. I refuse to stay in Hell, but I’m helping in my own way from here. It’s not enough for him, but he has to deal with it. Fortunately, he hasn’t tried to force my hand and push me to go back. I’m not sure he wants to start a war with his own son. It’s also a pride thing. If he can’t control his son, how can he control the realm? So, he plays along with me, turning my back on everything. If he finds out about you, however, I’m not sure a war can be prevented. The angels are not helping either, with their consistent poking at him. Especially with what Michael is trying to do now.”


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