Tina's Gimmick

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Tina's Gimmick Page 4

by Palvi Sharma

  "Oh dear!" the nurse said. "That's a pretty bad cut. You might have to get stitches."

  "I can't let my appearance be marred." Sonia wailed. The nurse went to the tiny refrigerator she kept in her office, and got some ice from the freezer.

  "Let's try to stop the bleeding first." She said. "Does anyone have an extra handkerchief or a scarf?" Nina quickly removed her scarf, which she had used to tie up her hair, and handed it to the nurse. The nurse put some ice in it and created a homemade ice pack. "We're out of ice packs." She informed us. "Had to give it to some boys who were fighting. All three of them had huge swollen eyes." She placed the ice pack carefully on Sonia's hand and pressed it gently.

  "It hurts." Sonia said and started to cry a bit.

  "Don't worry it will heal quickly." Nina said kindly.

  "Yeah! The bleeding's almost stopped." I told her.

  "Yes it's already healing up." The nurse said. Nina looked at me and smiled.

  "That's because Tina applied pressure on Sonia's hand." She said. The nurse smiled at me.

  "Quite a little doctor we have here. It was a good call on your part." She said. I blushed a bright red. I glanced at Sonia and saw that she had her head bowed and was avoiding everyone's eyes.

  "Okay, the bleeding's stopped." The nurse said. "Looks like you won't need stitches after all." Sonia smiled at the news.

  "Oh thank god!" she said.

  "Well actually thank both of these girls." The nurse said. Sonia blushed and murmured thanks. Nina and I looked at each other and grinned. It was all we had expected from Sonia.

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  I hate math-especially fractions in algebra! For example: 1/2x +3/4x= 24. Like who cares? And who cares what x stands for. Finding the value of x is not going to help us deal with real problems in life right? I sighed as I scribbled some calculations and came up with an answer. I turned towards the last chapters of the textbook, where the answers were and groaned. Wrong again! I rubbed furiously. All around me, my classmates were discussing something or the other with their friends. Studying in a group really helps you know.

  In my previous school, Natasha, Tania and I would study in a group and it really helped us a lot. I was a straight A student, so that's proof enough right? Over here, I didn't have anyone to discuss anything with. I sighed again. I had chosen a secluded table in the library where no one came. It was considered to be a nerdy spot or something. I glanced at my reflection in the glass bookcase-where the 'important' books and CD's are kept and straightened my French braid. It was the last resort to curl my hopelessly straight hair. I had heard somewhere that braiding your hair helps in naturally curling your hair, or something like that anyway. Somehow, using curlers and looking like an outer space alien never really appealed to me.

  Just then I saw Nina's reflection in the glass. She came up to me and waved.

  "Mind if I join you?" she said. I smiled and nodded at her. She sat down across me and stared at my notebook, which was unreadable now because of the scribbles and cross marks.

  "Uh, I think you copied down the wrong sum. No wonder you're getting a weird answer." I stared at my notebook and then at the textbook and groaned. I had mixed and matched two different sums.

  "Oh, thanks." I said and started rubbing the sum. The paper had been rubbed pretty ruthlessly and so it shouldn't have been a surprise when it tore. Rrrrriiiiiiippppp! Nina laughed.

  "Here take this." she said and handed me her notepad. I took a sheet out of it and copied the sum carefully.

  "Great concert huh?" she said.

  "Yeah! But of course I wouldn't know. I was backstage the whole time!" I said. Nina grinned.

  "And who's fault was it!" she asked mischievously.

  "Oh mine! I admit it! But still I should have at least got the part of one of the background fairies." I was still infuriated by all this. I really had wanted to take part in Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream. It was one of my favorite plays. But instead I had to place the props on stage after each act and then clean up afterwards. Not to mention the blisters I got from carrying some heavy stuff and stains on my pretty dresses-I had disposed of the jeans after the incident in the canteen on my first day.

  "Oh well, there's always next year." Nina said. "Anyway, I think it was rather sweet of you to put your…well…differences aside and help Sonia that day. I was sure you would laugh your head off at her predicament."

  I laughed. "Hey! I'm not the devil incarnate or something." we both laughed at that. " Sonia and I may have our differences but she's still a person and she was hurt."

  Nina nodded. "Well, let’s get some studying done. Oh by the way the answer for sum five is x=7 not x=9.2! You see, this step is wrong and in this sum you're not supposed to get a decimal anyway." She took my sheet of paper and circled a part of the sum. "You have to cross multiply these two digits, okay?" I nodded my head and hoped I wouldn't make any stupid mistakes in my exam.

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  Days pass so quickly, and before you even know it, your worst fear- in my case my math exam-comes face to face with you. I buried my head in a textbook and stood outside the classroom. It was my last exam for the term (and also the last day of school) and I wanted to do well, as I knew I had in my other exams. Almost everyone was inside the classroom chattering loudly about some algebra rule or another. I walked towards the corridor to find some peace and quiet. I can never concentrate on anything in loud and crowded places. Finally, I walked brusquely outside the school and stood under an oak tree. Only here did I have a remote chance of attaining peace and quiet.

  From where I was standing, I couldn't see anything and I was pretty sure nobody could see me, because there was this huge wall which kind of hid most of the tree. From inside the school, you could only see the top of the tree. It was pretty much secluded and quiet and so I almost jumped, when I heard a whisper from somewhere behind me. Oh great! So much for peace and quiet!

  "You know what you have to do Sonia." A voice whispered. It was that tall girl's voice, the one who had given me the wrong directions on my first day of school.

  "I…I…don't know if…"Sonia hesitated. “ It's pretty risky. What if we get caught, then what? You'd get away with it Carol but I could be expelled or something."

  "Don't be ridiculous! I would never really leave a friend in the lurch. Plus, I have a backup plan. All you have to do is pass your paper to me so that I can copy out of it. Leave the rest to me."

  "What? Leave what rest to you?" Sonia asked. I could sense fear in Sonia's voice and I felt sorry for her. Some friend she had!

  Carol sighed loud and dramatically. "Just do it okay?"

  "Okay!" Sonia said in a small voice. I heard a few rustling leaves as Carol came out of a hidden spot hear a bush. Sonia came out a little later, a nervous expression on her face.

  "Sonia!" I called. Sonia looked at me, her eyes turning wide with fear. I ran towards her. "Don't do it!" I said. "You'll get in trouble."

  "Mind your own business okay?" she said. "If you tell anyone…I'll …make your life miserable." Sonia pushed me aside and ran inside the school.


  I stared at my exam paper and couldn't believe my eyes. It was so easy! Well easy for those who studied and practiced every day, like me that is. As I scanned through the paper, I realized I knew how to answer every sum. I quickly took out my pencil and started to do my sums. I tried not to even think about what Sonia was trying to do. I had warned her and she hadn't listened to me. So now whatever would happen would be her fault. Besides, who knows? She may even get away with it.

  "Sonia! Where is your paper?" Mrs. Parker demanded. Sonia was sitting right behind me, and Carol right in front of me. One of Sonia's friends was sitting beside me and was passing the paper back and forth. They could have asked me to pass it on, it would have been much easier, but they knew I would never take part in all this and they didn't want me to be a part of
it anyway.

  "I…I…it…" Sonia stared at Carol who slowly got up. She's going to confess, I thought.

  "Mrs. Parker, Tina forced Sonia to give her paper. Look, she still has the paper with her." I looked down and gasped. Sonia's paper was on my desk!

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  The world seemed to whirl dangerously around me. I felt light-headed and was sure that I would faint any moment. My heart sank and my stomach started to churn. Mrs. Parker came up to my desk and stared at me angrily. I felt myself going red. Where did Sonia's paper come from?

  "I…I didn't do it!" I muttered.

  "Okay, then what is Sonia's paper doing on your desk?" Mrs. Parker said. I could see the disappointment on Mrs. Parker's face and that made me feel even worse. So that was Carol's back-up plan! I glanced at Nina who stared at me. I couldn't tell whether she believed Carol or me.

  "It wasn't me!" I said and burst into tears, which was probably a big mistake because now Mrs. Parker was certain that I had cheated. She picked up my paper and wrote a big 0 on it. Then she took my arm and shoved me towards the door.

  "Go to the principals' office and wait till I come there. I need to find a replacement." I started to cry even harder. I looked at Sonia pleadingly but she looked back helplessly.

  "Tina Philips, go to the principal's office right NOW!" Mrs. Parker yelled. I knew it was no use arguing and so I went out of the classroom.

  As I walked to the principal's office, I suddenly realized that I could use the watch! It wouldn't be anyone's benefit but mine, but this was my future that was at stake! Without education, I couldn't achieve anything in this world. So, I would have to give up this watch. So what? The watch had given me nothing but trouble ever since I got it. It was better to pass it on than hold onto this troublesome object. I stood still in the corridor and made a firm decision. I would go back in time!

  But as I held out my wrist, I realized that my worst day of life was getting a lot worse. And the most awful part was that I could do nothing to change it, NOTHING! My only hope, my watch…had disappeared!

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  I sat in the principal's office and stared at the blank wall. I had stopped crying hours ago and now I just hung my head and stared at my shoes. One of my laces had come undone, but I didn't bother to tie it up. My hands felt numb and cold and I was still clutching my handkerchief-which was now wet with my tears. I just wanted to go home and hide under my bed or go to the bathroom and hurl. My parents and Mrs. Parker were inside the principal's room discussing my punishment or probably deciding whether I should be expelled or suspended. Any minute now, I was sure that the principal would come out and hand me a letter stating that I would never be accepted in another school again. I felt tears roll down my cheek. I stared at my wrist. The watch had been pretty old and the strap had been all battered and crinkly. It was obvious that it had fallen apart, without my even noticing it. But where could it be?

  Just then Nina came into the office to hand over some papers to the receptionist- Mrs. Andrews. I looked away and started to wipe my tears. I just didn't feel like talking to anyone. But Nina came to me anyway. A part of me felt glad, because everyone who came into the office had looked at me as if I was a criminal, but on the other hand, I just wasn't up to answering any more questions.

  Nina sat beside me. "I know you didn't do it." She said quietly. I looked at her in surprise. "It was that stupid Carol."

  "Yeah! But I have no proof." I held back a sob without much success. "Remember that day in the library you said you were glad that I helped Sonia? Well, now I wish I hadn't. I hate her!" I threw a punch at the wall and cried out in pain. Just then, my parents came out. My mom must have been crying because her eyes were all red and puffy.

  "Tina, I don't know what to say." she said. "I am very disappointed."

  "But Mrs. Philips, Tina did not cheat!" Nina said.

  "Nina you may leave now." Mrs. Parker said angrily. "This is none of your concern."

  Nina looked at me and started to go away. But just then Sonia came in. I looked at her in disdain and ignored her. She had some work or something with the receptionist too, and after the receptionist handed a piece of paper to her- that looked like a receipt, she walked slowly to where we all were standing. I guess she wanted to hear what we were saying. I felt nothing but deep hatred for her and I hoped it showed on my face. She deserved nothing better than my hatred. It's entirely your fault that I’m in this mess, I said silently.

  Nina walked over to Sonia and started to argue about something. I couldn't hear what she was talking about because my mom had started to sob loudly.

  "Miss Tina." The principal said while handing a tissue to my mom. "Cheating is a very serious offence and you realize that we have to punish you for it to avoid similar situations in the future. But as you have a very good record with your previous school and equally good references from your teachers, we have decided to give you…"

  "Wait!" Sonia said suddenly. Everyone stared at her and she flushed. She looked uncertainly at Nina then at me. “I…I…T-T –Tina didn't copy."

  "What are you talking about?" Mrs. Parker demanded. "I know you are trying to save your friend, but that won’t help."

  "It wasn't Tina who copied from me," she said. "It was…" Just then Carol walked in.

  "What's going on?" she asked Sonia angrily. I frowned. Carol was probably eavesdropping on us- undoubtedly wanting to know how severely I was going to be punished. I felt a surge of hatred for her. At that moment, I just wanted to grab both Sonia's and Carol's hair and tug it mercilessly.

  "I'm telling everyone who really copied from me!" she said, a little nervously.

  "How dare you try to blab on me? You're out of the group." Carol said.

  "You don't have a group. I let you in MY group. And if that whole group doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, well… like I CARE!" Sonia said

  "You're going against me for that Dweeb? Is she worth it?"

  Sonia looked at me and smiled. "Yeah! More than you will ever be in a hundred years."

  "You realize we are listening to your every word right? You just confessed you cheated on the exam." Mrs. Parker said. Carol gulped.

  "I-I didn't know that you were here," she said.

  The principal and Mrs. Parker looked at each other. "Uh, you think I wouldn't be in my own office?" the principal asked. Carol hesitated and then made a run for it. But Nina held her firmly.

  "Let me go!" Carol said.

  "Mrs. Andrews please call Carol's parents. We need to have a long talk with them." The principal said and walked into his office.

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  I sat in the backseat of my car and smiled to myself. After the principal had a long talk with Carol's parents, I was finally able to complete my exam. Mrs. Parker apologized to me but also told me that I had nothing to worry about. I wasn't about to get expelled anyway because of my references. I glanced at Nina who was looking out the window. She had missed her bus and so was taking a lift with us.

  "Thanks!" I told her. She smiled at me.

  "Don't be stupid. I'm your friend, and friends are always there for each other."

  I felt so happy I could hug myself. I had finally made a friend. Well actually two friends. After I completed my exam, Sonia came up to Nina and me and apologized.

  "It's all my fault! I just didn't know what to do." She had said and then handed over a wrapped gift to each of us and ran away without another word.

  "So did you open your gift?" I asked Nina.

  "Oh, I completely forgot. Let’s open them together." She said. We opened our bags and took out the small neatly wrapped presents.

  I opened mine with great anticipation. What was it? And where did she find these gifts at such short notice? As I opened the gift, I burst out laughing. Nina looked at me with her eyebrows cocked.

  "Are you okay?" she ask
ed. I couldn't stop laughing so I showed her my present. It was a pack of 2-ply facial tissues and a small note in Sonia's neat handwriting, which read: Nobody keeps handkerchiefs anymore. It's so uncool. Tissues are better and hygienic.

  Nina laughed as she read the note.

  "Look what she gave me!" Nina said. I looked and laughed even harder. It was a hair band. Used! Probably Sonia's! Hers too had a tiny note, which read: Scarves are boring. Try funky hair bands. We both laughed and hugged each other while my parents looked at both of us with a smile. They were probably thinking that we were nuts or something.

  Just then Nina pulled back and slapped her head. "Oh great. I forgot!"

  "Forgot what?" I said. Nina reached inside her bag and brought out a watch.

  "I found this outside the school and forgot to turn it over to the lost and found." She said.

  I looked at the watch with wide eyes. "That's mine!" I yelled. "Oh thanks for finding it!" I took the watch from her hand and hugged it. What was even more surprising was that there was not a scratch on it and the strap was intact. Then how did it fall?

  "You must really love this watch!" Nina commented.

  "Yeah, it's very special." I said.

  "You know, I really don't remember giving it to you." My dad said from the front seat.

  "Oh dad! You don't remember anything. Granny is right about you."

  "Well your Granny is…"

  "Now come on!" Mom said in exasperation. "We've all been through a lot today. Let’s not fight now okay?"

  Dad nodded reluctantly. "Okay!" he said as if he would have loved to continue throwing insults at Granny.

  "Besides my mom is always right!" Mom said mischievously.

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  "Tina! Letter for you!" my Mom called from downstairs.

  "Just a minute!" I yelled back. Our results had come out just yesterday and all three of us had got an overall A. So, I had invited Nina and Sonia for a small get- together, to celebrate and we were gossiping about some girl who always had snot running down her nose.

  "It's pretty icky if you ask me." Sonia said. She was painting her nails bright yellow.


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