Broken: Taylor

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Broken: Taylor Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

  It was then she noticed Taylor still held her arm. His features were hard like granite. “I’ll stay with you.”

  He didn’t leave any room for argument.

  Not that Allison would have said no. Hell she wanted all of them to stay with her now.

  Several police officers remained, ensuring the crime scene was taped off and no one would traipse about and “contaminate the scene”. From what Allison overheard, the crimes unit from Billings would arrive any moment now and they wanted her to remain there until they did. In case there were any more questions.

  Would the night ever end?

  After repeating the same things over and over, her brain was muddled and she’d begun to question what she saw and began giving the man who’d run a face. She let out a sigh and accepted a cup of coffee Tobias had gotten for them from her house.

  Glancing across the street to her lighted shop, she wondered how in the hell she’d ever feel safe until the killer was caught. In the evenings, people could look through the windows and see inside. She often worked late tidying up to ensure everything would be ready for the next day.

  The stairwell to her apartment was also visible. Although it wasn’t easy to get into her apartment since she’d gotten a metal door and had a security system to rival most banks, it was still unsettling.

  Taylor tapped her shoulder. “You’ll be alright. No one will bother you. I doubt the guy even got a good look at you.”

  She’d not considered it. For a moment she thought back to when she’d seen whoever it was run. The person had looked up and directly at her before running. Above where she’d stood was a streetlight.

  “He did. I stood right there under the light. I didn’t quite know what was going on, so I looked toward him for a while before he looked up and saw me.”

  She shivered. “I think he got a good look at me.”

  “But you didn’t.” It was not a question.

  “No. He was in the shadows.”

  It was another long two hours before they finally went across the street. Leah hugged her tightly before allowing Luke to tug her away.

  Her friend looked from her to Taylor. “Please keep her safe. I mean it Taylor.”

  Taylor nodded. “Don’t worry. You two can catch up when you get back.”

  When Leah sniffed and met her gaze, Allison’s eyes welled up. “Go on. I’ll be fine. I promise not to go anywhere without someone with me.”

  “Good idea.” Leah left reluctantly with Luke.

  Tobias lingered with them until they got inside her place. He looked around the shop as if ensuring all was safe.

  The flower shop was well lit and once inside Allison was enveloped by a sense of familiarity and comfort.

  “Got a flashlight?” Taylor asked and looked to Tobias. “Stay here for a moment. I want to walk around just to be sure no one’s been lurking.”

  He glanced at Allison. “Stay down here.”

  When he walked out with the flashlight, Tobias lowered to a chair. “You’ve got the right guy here. He was a great cop.”

  “Sometimes I forget what he did for a living,” Allison admitted.

  After a few minutes, she could barely keep her eyes open.

  “Go on upstairs. I’ll be down here.” Tobias motioned to the stairs and she didn’t wait for him to repeat the request. She was not just physically but also emotionally drained.

  She climbed the stairs and walked into her apartment. When she reached for the light switch, she let out a yelp when someone grabbed her and pulled her back.

  On pure reflex, she elbowed the person and stomped down on his foot.

  “Ow! Ouch! Damn it. I told you to wait downstairs,” Taylor grumbled sidestepping another hit.

  “Tobias told me to come up.” Allison turned to look at him. “I thought you were outside.”

  “Good thing I was done. Don’t you remember Tobias came up here to make coffee? The moron left the door unlocked.” He pushed her behind him and glanced around the open space.

  It was easy to see no one was in the main living area. Her apartment was open and bright, so he was quickly satisfied no one was about.

  She went to the couch and collapsed. “Please take the bed. I sleep here on the sofa all the time. You’re bigger than me and will be more comfortable in there.”

  His gaze went to the alarm. “What’s the code?”

  After she gave it to him, he set it and stood at her kitchen counter. “Go to bed. I’ll be out here.”

  “Nope. I insist you take the bed.”

  “So you can protect me when someone breaks in?”

  Allison gave him a droll look. “I’m sure no one will come up here. If they do, I’ll wake you up when I stuff myself under the bed.”

  He didn’t smile. Instead he huffed and went to where she sat. Without warning, Taylor picked her up and stalked to the bedroom. Unlike every romantic fantasy she’d ever had with him, instead of lowering her to the bed and immediately joining her, he dumped her like a sack of potatoes and as she bounced almost falling to the floor, he walked out.

  Twenty minutes later, she was in bed unable to sleep. She turned to the door. “Hey Taylor. You awake?”


  “What do you think will happen tomorrow? Do you think they know who he is?” she called out.

  Her doorway darkened and to her surprise he came and sat on the edge of the bed. His wide shoulders and broad chest strained under the plain white t-shirt he wore. From what she could make out, he still wore his jeans.

  “Don’t worry about it. They are questioning the deceased man’s closest relatives and acquaintances right now. Tomorrow will be more of the same. This is a small community. By mid-morning, they’ll have a list of possible suspects.”

  “Do you miss it?” Allison studied his face in the dark and wondered if the man had any idea how handsome he was. His jawline was heavily shadowed, which suited him. Ruggedly handsome, he would make a good model for any western book.

  His shrug was unconvincing. There was nothing casual about losing the ability to do the job you love. “Sometimes. Go to sleep.”

  Allison eyed the doorway. “You sure he won’t come tonight?”

  With a resigned sigh, he leaned back onto the pillows ensuring to keep one foot on the floor, which made her grin. Was he scared she’d take advantage. As enticing as the idea was, she always hated movies where people stopped for a passionate kiss or to make love, while being chased by a killer.

  While distracted, people made for an easier target. Duh.

  “When I was a little girl, I saw a man try to snatch another girl. The police asked me a lot of questions and I was a total wreck for a long time. My parents took turns taking me to school and if they didn’t show up on time to collect me, I would freak out.” Allison told him about how the girl’s family had given her a huge gift for saving the day. Her screams of terror had scared the would-be kidnapper away.

  At first, she wasn’t sure he was snoring. But then a few moments later, it was clear she’d succeeded in putting him to sleep. Allison’s lips curved into a wide grin when he shifted to his side. “Aha,” she whispered.

  Then ever so slowly, she slid from the bed and pulled a blanket over him. Once she was satisfied he’d not awaken, she tiptoed out.

  The living room was quiet, the only light from the street lamps outside.

  Her eyes barely able to remain open, she scanned the room one last time. Felt under the side cushion for her Glock and promptly fell asleep on the couch.

  Chapter 7

  Although the news did not surprise Mindy Snyder, her heart was still shattered when a police officer came into her cafe to inform her of her brother’s murder.

  Only a few weeks earlier, Brian had moved in with her. He’d talked nonstop of starting a life away from drugs.

  As much as she wished it to be true, a part of her never let her guard down. He’d told that same story too many times.

  By his jumpy demeanor and the constant ref
usal to go anywhere, she suspected he was in some sort of trouble. It had to be either the law or some drug dealer after money he owed.

  More than once she’d asked if he needed money to pay someone off or if he’d had caused someone so much harm, they’d come after him.

  Every single time Brian would react badly. He was defensive and refused to talk about it. Her brother had done something terrible or terribly wrong to the point someone wanted him dead.

  Whoever it was that killed her brother had been enraged. The police suspected the killer knew Brian. The killer had been so angry at something, they’d stabbed him enough times to ensure he was truly dead.

  Her tissue fell apart when she dabbed at the constant flow of tears. The police officer, Eric Hamilton, pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and handed it to her.

  For a moment she looked up and met his gaze. No one carried handkerchiefs anymore that she knew of. “Thank you.”

  She sniffed loudly into the cloth wishing everyone in the shop to disappear. It was closed for business, however her employee was busy making coffee and toasting bagels and such for the law enforcement officers who’d come to town for the investigation.

  Two detectives from Billings joined Eric and his partner Jacob Myers. There were a few other people seated at tables by the windows whom she assumed were crime scene investigators. None of them spoke to her, leaving the detectives to do the questioning.

  “I’m sorry, we need to find out as much as we can about Brian and what he was doing since arriving here,” a detective said, his eyes moving from her face to the handkerchief she wrapped and unwrapped around her finger.

  “I understand,” Mindy replied. And although she did, at the same time she was frustrated at herself for not having asked Brian more questions.

  She should have insisted he tell her the truth about what happened. Under the guise of not wanting to cause him more stress, she’d probably made matters worse.

  “He was hiding something or from someone. Although he’d been living with me for almost three months, I can probably count on one hand the times he left the house.”

  The detective exchanged looks with Eric who lowered to sit next to her. “What did he do all day?”

  “Cleaned, fixed things. My house has never been so perfect. Every item that needed the slightest fixing, he took care of. Most days he insisted on cooking and such. Of course he’d give me a list and ask me to pick up items at the grocery store.”

  This time the detective spoke. “Did you not find it odd that he never left the house? What reasons did he give you for not going out?”

  “Of course I found it odd. The only outdoors place he went was in the back yard. He’d mow the lawn and such. Sometimes, he’d sit on my back-porch swing for hours, just thinking.”

  “And the reason he gave you?” Eric prodded.

  Mindy wanted to scream with frustration. Her only brother was dead and they wanted her to relive every single conversation she’d had with him.

  “I knew he was detoxing from drug use. Meth. Said it was embarrassing to go out in public because he shook so much. Especially when he was tired or nervous.”

  Eric Hamilton’s hazel gaze met hers. “Did he? Did he shake a lot?”

  Now that she considered it, she rarely noticed it. Every once in a while, when they ate, his hand would shake a bit. “Sometimes. It was barely noticeable. I mentioned it to him. Told him he seemed steady enough to me. But he’d ignore my comments.”

  She slid to the edge of the seat. Her leg touched Eric’s and for a moment it jolted her thoughts away from what she was about to say. Clearing her throat, she moved to the side a bit so they’d not touch.

  “Look, I knew something was off. I suspected he either owed someone money or had stolen drugs. He was my only brother and we were close. I know...knew him well. He trusted me.”

  The detective held out a hand to stop Eric from saying something. “Is that why he came here? To your house instead of other family members?”

  “My father is remarried and lives in Seattle. Mom and Brian had a huge falling out because of his drug use. He’d not go there.”

  Eric studied her for a long moment until she wondered what he’d been on the brink of asking.

  She turned to him. “Why do you think someone killed my brother?”

  He looked to the detective before meeting her gaze again. How had she not noticed the striking color of his eyes? The palest green with golden specks, they were a stark contrast to his olive toned complexion.

  Without expression, he spoke, “I think it was personal. Whoever killed your brother knew him and was angry at something that had transpired between them. It could be he owed the person money, but I suspect it went deeper than that.”

  “Oh.” Mindy couldn’t think of anything Brian ever said that indicated someone was angry with him. Then again, he’d been especially quiet the last few weeks.

  “When can I see about getting my brother’s body and prepare for his funeral?”

  The detective motioned to a woman who’d introduced herself as a medical examiner earlier. The woman gave her an understanding look. “Unfortunately, it could be at least a week. With this being a murder investigation, we need to examine him and ensure every injury is documented. Also search for any evidence that could be found.”

  Mindy’s phone chimed and she closed her eyes. It was time to call her parents and inform them of what happened. She’d avoided it until she’d be able to give them more answers. Both would be there within hours, demanding answers and probably ask her the same questions the police had.

  Chapter 8

  Taylor hadn’t slept so well in a long time. The bed was so comfortable that for the first time in a long time, he was not in a hurry to get up.

  His hip even seemed less painful than most mornings as the softness enveloped him lulling him to sleep deeper.

  Suddenly remembering he’d not gone to sleep in his own bed, Taylor’s eyes flew open. “What in the living hell?”

  The softness of white on white and modern furnishings combined with some sort of soothing music was not a bad way to wake up. However on this day it was embarrassing. He was there to guard Allison, not to be put to bed like a pansy-ass and sleep in as if he was on some sort of spa vacation.

  The smell of coffee tickled his nose and he rolled over and pressed his face into the pillow. It smelled of her. A soft flowery scent that suited Allison perfectly.

  At this point it made no sense to hurry to get up. Hell, he actually considered procrastinating until she went downstairs to work. But that probably wasn’t for a couple hours from then. He looked at his wrist. Watch was gone.

  Along with his wallet and cell phone, it was on the bedside table next to a vase of flowers. Well wasn’t he just the most watchful guard on the planet?

  He checked, and yeah he still had pants on, but they’d been unbuttoned to allow him to be more comfortable. Either he’d been tired as hell, or Allison was magical.

  Hating to give up his comfortable spot, he sat up and stretched. His hip barely protested. The real test would be standing up. The fucker always made him want to cut off his leg most mornings.

  Sure enough, the sharp pain shot through his hip. However, it wasn’t bad enough to consider finding the closest sharp saw.

  He didn't bother with his watch and instead left the room and walked into Allison’s main living area. It had been shocking to walk into her apartment the night before.

  The entire top floor of her grandmother’s house was transformed into a modern space, like nothing he’d ever seen before. The walls were a soft gray, the furniture all in muted tones of either gray or white. Although at the tall kitchen counter there were three tall bright red stools, and matching crimson pillows on the white leather couches, the rest of the space lacked much color.

  While he would have thought it would be sterile, it was more peaceful than anything else.

  From her kitchen, a person could see past the living room to hu
ge floor to ceiling windows framing the view of the mountains.

  “Good morning.” She stood in the kitchen wearing colorful leggings and an oversized long-sleeved gray top. Her curls hung freely, landing softly on her shoulders.

  “Sorry about falling asleep on your bed.” He brushed a hand through his hair. “You all right?”

  “I would say I’m great, but that would be a lie,” she replied motioning for him to get coffee. “I slept well enough, but woke up early to rehash what happened last night.”

  He understood. Sometimes victims or witnesses would call him early in the mornings to ask questions after having settled down and the reality of what happened sunk in.

  The coffee maker was a bright red and he wondered if it was her favorite color. “Your place is very different from what I expected.”

  With a soft smile, she looked around with an assessing eye. “When I moved here and had to remodel, I decided to go for it. I wanted a place that I could feel relaxed and at home without fuss. It cost me a good amount, but it’s totally worth it. I did not compromise on anything.”

  It was obvious from the light fixtures to the modern tile he’d noticed in the bathroom, she did not spare expense.

  “Your bed, what kind of mattress is that?” He planned to buy one immediately.

  She tapped her fingers on the side of the cup in thought. “I’ll get you the info. It’s one of those memory foam mattresses. It’s pricey, but well worth it. You should get one, it helps with bad hips and such.” Her gaze moved to his mid-section and he turned sideways to keep from her noticing the affect it had.

  Finally, she went to the living room. He followed her movements. Allison wasn’t slender, more what he’d call medium build, but with a definite softness that brought attention to her rounded bottom and long graceful legs. He was more than attracted to her. If it wasn’t for all his baggage, there was little that would have stopped him from going after her.


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