Light Up My Life

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Light Up My Life Page 22

by Winters, Bella

  She wiped her eyes and bent down to kiss me on the mouth. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you. I love you so much.” She kissed me again and again.

  I took the ring and placed it on her finger. It was a perfect fit. I stood up and she leaped into my arms, wrapping her arms around my neck. I kissed her hard on the mouth, then soft and loving. I held her close to me and remembered how much pain I’d been in without this woman’s amazing embrace. I was making the right decision. I was absolutely doing what I I needed to do. I wanted to do this.

  I was home. I was finally happier than I’d ever been in my entire life. And it was all because of this woman.

  “I have something I have to tell you,” Kat said. She took my hands and sat me down with her on the couch. She’d finally stopped crying tears of joy and she’d wiped them all away. She was probably worried about how she looked, but she looked beautiful.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. I could tell that whatever it was, it was very important. She was taking several deep breaths as if she didn’t want to say what she was about to say to me. I started to take some deep breaths myself.

  “I’ve been trying to think of a way to tell you since I found this out about three days ago. But I just haven’t been able to pick up that phone to contact you and I take full responsibility for that. It was my fault, and my weakness.”

  “Ok… whatever it is… just tell me. It’s fine.”

  Kat smiled at me and wiped away another tear. This was clearly very emotional for her. “I’m pregnant.”

  The words echoed in my ears as they traveled back and forth inside my head. The words registered in my mind and I understood their meaning now. What… oh wow… did she just say… wow…

  “You’re pregnant?” I asked.

  She nodded.

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes, I’m really pregnant. I went to the doctor and he confirmed it. I’m about six weeks.”

  “Wow…that’s… that’s incredible!” I cheered. I stood up and pulled her up with me. I held her in my arms and kissed her sweetly on the mouth. I was going to be a father. This amazing woman had absolutely changed my whole world. She’d made me a father. I was truly the happiest man in the world right then.

  “Are you really happy?” she asked me.

  “Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t I be? This is amazing news.”

  “I’m so relieved. I thought you might be upset.”

  “Why would I be upset?” I asked.

  Kat shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m just glad you are here.”

  “I’ll always be here, baby. I love you. I already love our baby. This is just the beginning for us.”

  And I meant every word. This was just the beginning for us and our new family.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  (Two Months Later)

  “You look so fabulous!” Kayley said giggling as she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug. She was finally wearing her own party dress and had changed out of the maid of honor dress I’d picked out for her. This was a good sign since she’d become so obsessed with that dress that she really wanted to keep it forever and never take it off. It was true that she was keeping it, as were all the bridesmaids, but at least she had taken off the dress. She was now in full party mode.

  “Thank you,” I said. I hugged her tightly as she jiggled around and jumped a bit. She was so hyped up over the wedding that she was now just too wired to sit still. It was hilarious. I was so glad she was there though.

  “How does it feel to be Mrs. Kat Dows?” she asked me.

  I had to wait a moment and then I answered her. “It feels pretty damn amazing!” I jumped up and cheered along with her for a second. I had to admit that it did feel great. I had been dreaming of this moment for so long and now it had finally arrived.

  The wedding was fantastic. It hurt not having my parents there, but my grandfather on my dad’s side was there to walk me down the aisle and give me away in my father’s place. He told me before we started down the aisle something that threatened to make me cry but it was so sweet.

  “Your father would be so proud of you,” my grandfather said. “I know he is right here beside us walking step in step with you. He would never miss the wedding day of his little girl.”

  “Thank you,” I said. I kissed my grandfather on the cheek. We walked down the aisle slowly towards the altar where Lance was waiting for us. I couldn’t wait to be his wife.

  It had surprised me totally out of the blue when he showed up at my place that day, two months ago. He told me that he was wrong and that he loved me. He wanted to marry me because he loved me so much, and he really couldn’t live without me. I felt the same way about him. I’d wanted to be his wife for so long. I couldn’t take much more of this.

  Then it was so much easier to tell him that I was pregnant. I was still scared, but Lance made the experience so much easier with his overjoyed reaction. He was so excited, it made me excited. I’d wanted to become a mother after I really sat down and gave myself a bit of a pep talk. I knew I was going to find a way to be fine.

  And now we were there getting married. The wedding was amazing. Lance looked fantastic. He was always so handsome but wearing his tuxedo he looked like some kind of super dashing James Bond. He was beautiful and I felt almost inferior looking standing next to him, but everyone was fawning over me and I quickly began to see myself differently. It was fun to be the focal point for a bit. It was fun to be the woman that everyone was staring at and fussing over. I never really had that, never really wanted it before either, but this was my special day. Lance had let me personally put everything together and plan everything. Whatever I wanted was fine with him. I was going to get used to being spoiled that way. I laughed at the thought.

  I never thought I would settle into the idea of having a lot of money, but it was really starting to affect me in a few ways. I noticed things now that I never really noticed before. I was starting to get a bit spoiled and the more I tried to fight against it, the more Lance would insist on it.

  Lance was still working a lot as a firefighter. It was something within him that I didn’t think he would ever get over and that was fine. It was so ingrained in who he was. I just had to pray that each day he would return home safe and sound. It was nerve racking, and I wasn’t sure how I would ever get used to it, but I knew I would, because I had to. There was no other way about it. This is who I was marrying. This is what it was going to be like. And somewhere in there, I found a way to make it work for me.

  We were working towards making the move back to Cleveland. Lance was interviewing and trying to get hired with a fire company up there. I was definitely going back to softball after the baby was born and my coach told me that she would basically save a spot on the team for me. That meant a lot that she had so much faith in me. I must have made some kind of impression in my first month on the team.

  We partied hard during the wedding reception. Everyone had a wonderful time. There was food, dancing, and stupid, but fun games we all played together. It was a great time to cut loose and let the good times roll. That’s exactly what we did. Everyone had a wonderful time and I was almost sad when it was over, and we left everyone else behind to continue partying into the night. But we had to go home and get dressed to fly to the Bahamas for our honeymoon.

  I could not wait to see the Bahamas. I’d always wanted to go there. And to be going there on my honeymoon was like some sort of dream come true.

  “Well, I guess we are on our way to paradise,” Lance said as we sat down on our private jet ready to take us to the Bahamas. I was so excited I could hardly see straight. I was rather pregnant, but I was fine, and the trip had been cleared with my doctor. Still, I anticipated that I would feel very queasy up in the air. I was prepared for it though and I had mentally gotten myself into the game, so to speak. This was what life was all about, taking chances and weathering through the obstacles.

  As we took off into the air, I leaned against La
nce on our little couch seat. We were both buckled in, but it was still easy enough to lean on him. I wondered if the seatbelt should have been tightened. I wasn’t concerned though. All of my fears and the pain I had felt for so long, had disappeared. I was happier than I’d ever been, and I had a feeling I was going to be even happier in the upcoming years.

  This was where I belonged. This was what I was supposed to be doing with my life. I was with the man of my dreams and I was heading off for the vacation of my dreams. And soon we would have a child.

  As far as I was concerned, my life couldn’t get any better than this.

  “So, what do you think happens next for us?” Lance asked.

  “Oh, I think we will take it day by day. That’s the best way anyways, right?”

  “I agree,” he said. “So, how many kids would you like to have?”

  I laughed. “I don’t know. I was kind of hoping we’d see how the first one went and then play it by ear. But no definite number, I don’t think. Maybe two or three?”


  “Why? How many were you thinking?”

  “I was thinking five or six…”

  “Oh, you were not.”

  “Sure, what would be wrong with that?” Lance asked.

  “That’s a lot of babies I have to give birth to. That’s a lot of babies keeping you up at night. That’s crazy,” I said. I was laughing at his enthusiasm for this idea.

  “Ok, fine. We can just see how it goes. I was just curious.”

  “Oh how the tides have turned,” I said. “Used to be you didn’t want marriage or children at all, and now you are grinning ear to ear at the mere sound of having a brood of children with your wife.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad you rescued me from the wild and civilized me.”

  I kissed him softly on the mouth and relaxed into his arms. Life was good.

  Chapter Thirty


  We’d only been flying for about forty minutes when the plane began its descent towards a landing. Kat noticed almost immediately. She was resting comfortably in my arms when she suddenly sat up confused. “Is there a problem with the plane?” she asked.

  “No,” I replied. “I had the pilot take us on a little detour.”

  We’d had the wedding in Cincinnati because most of our family and friends lived close to that area, but now we were making a quick pit stop in Cleveland. There was something very special, a surprise that I really wanted to show Kat.

  “What? What do you mean a detour?” Kat asked me.

  I smiled at her and ran a hand through her wavy hair. “Relax,” I said. “Everything will be fine.”

  We got off the plane and walked to where a car was waiting for us. The car drove us several blocks over to the other side of the city, close to where Kat’s house used to be. She was getting a few ideas running through her head, but nothing about why she was really being brought here. I had been thinking of a big surprise for a while now. I thought she would love this one. And nothing in the world made me happier than putting a big smile on that beautiful face.

  “What is going on?” Kat asked. “Come on, tell me.”

  I held her in my arms and kissed her on the lips sweetly. “You have to learn to be patient. Just relax. Everything will be fine.”

  A few minutes later we pulled up in front of the large building. Kat’s eyes grew wide as she stared at me. She was starting to get the idea…

  “What are we doing here?” Kat asked.

  I smiled. “I just thought you would like to see the building that we now own outright.”

  Her eyes grew even wider as she gasped. “You are joking!”

  “No, I’m not. This is your building.”

  She hopped out of the car and I followed quickly behind her with the key. We opened it up and stepped inside of it. She could see some of the construction that was already starting to get underway. “I had the crew start some of the basic stuff, but this is really all about you, so you need to design the space how you want the place to be set up.”

  “You are unbelievable,” she said. “I can’t believe that you actually did this.”

  “Well, I’m full of surprises,” I said.

  She hugged me tightly and held me for a moment. “Oh, thank you so much. This is my absolute dream. I’ve been thinking about it so much lately. I’ve got a million ideas!”

  “Great. But they will all wait until we get back from our honeymoon. All this will be here for you to do with as you wish.”

  “I just can’t believe I’m really going to get to do this,” Kat said. “You are the best.”

  I pulled her even closer. “No, we are the best together. And together we will always be able to have and do whatever our hearts desire. I love you so much baby. Nothing will ever change that. Never forget it.”

  I kissed her long and sensuous. “Now, let’s get back on that plane and head to paradise,” I said.

  We did just that. Once we were back on the plane, I was able to relax even more. I wasn’t sure exactly how Kat was going to react to me buying that building for her. She was so against accepting any charity, but now that we were married, our resources were pooled together. It wasn’t my money I’d invested; it was our money. And I could not wait to see it grow in that business. If anyone could make a profit, I knew it would be her. She was so tough, hardworking, and just all around so willful that if she put her mind to something then she would get it done very quickly, and successfully.

  When we finally arrived at our destination in the Bahamas, we got off the plane and took a car to the hotel resort we were staying at. The place was magical. I could feel it as we walked in. This was going to be an amazing trip, an awesome adventure. I could feel it. I loved the Bahamas, but it had been so long since I was able to actually go there. I always seemed to be pulled back by one thing or another, but now I was there, and it felt great to be back. I often toyed with buying some vacation property here, but the resort was so much more fun. I figured we’d do some golf, some long walks on the beach, and take in some of the great live music in the nearby town. And the food…oh, there would be so much amazing food to sample. I was in Heaven.

  We got settled into our room and sat down to stretch out for moment. It was late now. We were both exhausted, so we decided to go to bed and we would get up bright and early the next day.

  As we snuggled in our bed together, I began to get some of the feeling going… Kat was wiggling her sweet ass against my package in the bed as I spooned with her. She wanted something special for our honeymoon night and I could not blame her one bit.

  I pulled her panties down below her ass. I sleep in the nude most of the time, and I just positioned my already hardened cock in the right place. As I entered her, I thought about how my life had got here, and I felt truly blessed.



  I gasped as Lance entered me. I’d been craving his cock all day ever since before the wedding. Something about me not being able to see him had really driven me wild. After that, so many things really added up throughout the day had compounded my lust until it was almost unbearable. Lying there in bed with is huge cock resting against my ass cheeks was the final straw. I was in a comfortable position, so I just decided to do some teasing of him. He took the bait and now he was fucking me so good from behind.

  I loved laying comfortably on my side while he plowed me from behind. Ever since I’d been pregnant my hormones had been raging out of control and I could not stop thinking about sex. I even found myself thinking about having more babies. The earlier conversation had helped spark that. I was sure that I probably would want more babies one day, but for right now I was trying to get used to the idea of just having one and making sure everything went right with that one. I felt a lot of pressure that I don’t think Lance really thought about.

  The day had been a whirlwind and now it was about to get the proper finale that it deserved. I couldn’t believe that Lance had bought that building for me. I hadn’t thou
ght too much about it recently with the wedding and everything happening, but then he pulled it out of thin air, surprising me with the perfect wedding gift. I had so many ideas. I hoped I would be able to open within a few months. That was my goal.

  Lance reached around in front of me and began to massage my breasts through the oversized t-shirt I was wearing. I was braless, but the feel of the fabric against my skin felt really good, especially against my nipples. That was it…oh… shit…

  I was so wet now. He was able to slide in so easily. That was perfect… I bucked my hips back slightly to meet him at just the right time. His hands then went under the shirt and pulled it above my breasts. Now he could massage my tits without any barriers. I smiled as he touched me. My nipples were so hard. My whole body was primed and ready for him to fuck me silly.

  Lance had not shown any let up of his desires towards me since I’d been pregnant. If anything, he was even hornier than I was. That was comforting. I’d worried that once I really started to show, that he might lose a bit of interest. I wondered if all pregnant women thought that way?

  He was getting close already. I could hear it in his grunts and feel it in his girth as he pummeled me hard in my soft, wet pussy. I was getting close as well. I just wanted to come all over him. And soon, I knew it would be inevitable.

  My breathing was growing shallower and faster. I was almost there…

  This was our first time making love as husband and wife. It felt different, more special somehow. It was the perfect moment with the most beautiful man I’d ever known in my life, the man I would spend my life with.

  And when we finally came together, it was so much sweeter than anything we’d ever experienced before. I truly felt that we were one right then with each other. The rest of the world did not matter because we were together in our own little here and now. And it was a wondrous place full of magic and beauty that the real world would never be able to truly match.


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