Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2)

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Trust the Fall (Fallen Hunters Series Book 2) Page 14

by Melissa Winters

“What is this?” I ask, with a lethal edge to my words.

  He throws his arms up in the air. “This is Hell, baby. Care to join in the fun?”

  “Knock it off, Luke. Whatever it is you’re trying to do, it’s not going to work.”

  He laughs condescendingly. “I’m not trying to do anything. This is exactly what happens here. I thought a welcome party was in order. It’s not every day that we have an angel visit.” Luke smiles lazily, as though he’s actually less than impressed by my rank.

  All the demons around him throw back their heads and laugh.

  “Your act might fool a lesser woman, but not me, Lucifer. I know damn well what’s happening here. You’re doing what you do best. Pushing me away. The question is, why?”

  “Careful, Tori,” he bites the name that Zeke has always called me. “Nobody speaks to me that way without being punished.” A sinful grin spreads across his face, promising a punishment that would be anything but painful.

  Any other day I’d beg him for what he’s offering, but right now, I want to cut him with my knife.

  “Master, would you punish me?” A Marilyn Monroe–looking demon woman falls at Lucifer’s feet, tearing the top from her chest, revealing perfectly round, perky breasts.

  Lucifer doesn’t waste a moment helping himself to a look. “Maybe later, kitten. I’m dealing with some things right now.” He smiles at her, and I swear she melts into a puddle of mush on the spot. I roll my eyes. “Tori.”

  “Victoria,” I snap.

  “Yes . . . well . . . Victoria,” he says, sounding bored. “We fucked.” He shrugs one shoulder. “I enjoyed it. You did too, from what I remember. I’m happy to go another round with you, if that’s what you want, but it’ll have to be here. I’ve promised my faithful followers a show, and I intend to please.”

  My body shakes with rage. There’s no doubt what’s going on. I know it is killing him to put on this façade. I can see it in the creases at the corners of his eyes. In the way his lips tremble and his hands shake. He’s disgusted with himself, but he’s committed to this act, and he’ll see it through.

  Well, fuck that. I’m done allowing him to make epic fucking mistakes. So I do the one thing guaranteed to throw him off.

  I pull my shirt over my head, bra and all, standing completely topless in the sea of demons. Lucifer’s eyes narrow and his hands clench the arms of his chair.

  “What are you doing, Victoria?” He grits his teeth.

  “You promised to punish me. I’m making it easy, Satan.”

  I walk his way. My hips swing in rhythm with the bass of the music as I lower my leather pants, leaving me in my tiny black G-string.

  Lucifer’s throat bobs, and it pushes me to keep going. When I’ve reached his throne, he mouths the word “stop,” and it’s my turn to grin.

  I’ve already managed to break his façade. Just slightly, but enough for me to be one thousand percent sure that I’m right about all of this. I might be the only one to have seen his slip, but he and I both know what he’s up to.

  What can only be described as a bondage contraption hangs from the ceiling. Two cuffs dangle down from the frame. I look to the demon beside me. “Secure me,” I demand.

  Lucifer’s eyes widen slightly. “Agra, no. I think I’d prefer someone else.”

  “Agra,” I repeat her name. “It’ll be me or no one. Do you want to die tonight?” I lift my blade, waving it in the air.

  She looks to Lucifer and then to me, arching a thin, pointed brow.

  Lucifer flicks his wrist, signaling for her to go on.

  He doesn’t think I’ll follow through with it.

  Agra walks up behind me, and I lift one hand in the air for her to cuff. When my right hand is secured, I sheath my blade into the side of my panties and lift the other arm. When both arms are secured above my head, Luke’s eyes drag down my body in a slow perusal that sets me aflame.

  A door behind me crashes open, garnering everyone’s attention.

  “Don’t mind me. I’m just here for the show.”

  One thoroughly amused reaper stands just inside a side door, looking two seconds away from bursting into laughter.

  My head swivels back to Luke’s and all I see is rage, centered on me. He stands, taking five large steps. He flicks his wrists, undoing the cuffs. My arms fall heavily to my sides. He tears off his own shirt and throws it over my head.

  “I’m playing his game, didn’t you know, River?” I say over my shoulder, taunting Luke as he tries and fails to pull his too-short shirt over my bare ass. “Lucifer wants to punish me.” I say it mockingly.

  Luke snarls. “I will not allow you to degrade yourself.”

  “Too bad. I’m sure River wanted to watch,” I goad, looking to River. “Didn’t you, Riv?”

  “Like hell,” Luke says, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

  He stalks from the room as I thrash in his hold. My fists pound into his back. “Let me go!”

  He doesn’t listen.


  When we’re in a quiet alcove, he places me on my feet, holding me by my shoulders.

  “Victoria, enough. I won’t let you do this. It’s not right.”

  “That’s rich, coming from you. What were you doing in there, Lucifer?”

  “What I had to.”

  My head shakes fiercely. “No. Don’t lie to me,” I yell. “You’re pushing me away. Like you always do. When the going gets tough, Luke gets going.”

  “You’re wrong. This time I don’t have a choice.”

  “There’s always a choice,” I scream, and he shakes his head.

  “He’s not wrong, Victoria,” River says, intruding on our private moment. “He’s already been warned what would happen if he tried to keep you here. He’s doing the right thing . . . for once.”

  Luke ignores River’s slight as the reaper continues to move closer. A little too close to me for comfort. “You’d never be happy here.”

  “You don’t know anything about me,” I snap.

  “I know enough to know that what you were doing back there is below you.” River turns on Luke. “And you were going to let her do it. You call that love?”

  “Reaper, I swear I’ll end you if you say one more word.”

  “Do your worst, Satan. You and I both know that’s an empty threat.”

  Luke takes an aggressive step toward River, and I shake my head, not wanting him to go any further. “Please, no.”

  “I’m not going to stop. You don’t belong here,” River shouts over my head, glaring at Luke while he says it.

  “He’s right.” Lucifer’s voice has me swinging around to glare at him.

  His head is lowered, and shame mars his handsome face. “You were right, Victoria. I was doing it to push you away. Not because I want you to go, but because you have to.”

  “No,” I bark. “I’m not leaving you. I don’t care what bullshit you pull. I won’t let you push me away.”

  “I need you to go.” His voice rises in frustration. “Find out who you are. Experience where you come from and what’s expected of you.”

  I rush toward him, falling at his feet. “Come with me.”

  “He can’t. Our kingdom is sealed from outsiders,” River chimes in.

  “Unseal it, River. I won’t go without him.”

  “Victoria, stand,” Luke says, extending his hand and pulling me up. “You have to.”

  He doesn’t want this any more than I do. He’s forcing my hand out of duty and it’s breaking him. His sadness is potent.

  “You could never truly choose me without knowing who you are, Victoria.”

  I lean into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “That’s shit and you know it. I’ll learn who I am and still choose you.”

  “For a time,” Lucifer says, smiling sadly down at me. “I wasn’t lying when I said this is what Hell is like. For millennia, I have entertained that way. It was a distraction from my life and all the things that I couldn’t have
. I can’t have you, Victoria. No matter how much I want it to be different, I can’t. You’re an angel and I’m the devil.”

  “More than that,” River cuts in. “You each have a legacy. One that includes reaping souls and ruling your own kingdom, and the other that includes maintaining order among the demons. The balance of the universe depends on both of you filling those roles.”

  I grind my teeth at River’s incessant need to butt in where he’s not wanted.

  “He’s right, love. I can’t stand in the way of your destiny any more than you would stand in the way of mine.”

  “I’m not asking you to. We can do this together. Don’t push me away,” I cry.

  He sighs. “I went about it the wrong way back there, but you’re stubborn as hell, and I knew you wouldn’t go any other way. Never in a million years did I think you’d actually do that, Victoria.” He levels me with a reproachful stare. “What the hell were you thinking?”

  I drop my arms from around his waist and step back, glaring up at him. “I was thinking that you deserved a taste of your own medicine.”

  He chuckles, shaking his head. “So vindictive, angel,” he teases, but the humor falls away and in its place is shame. “I’m sorry I put you through that.”

  I roll my eyes, trying to lighten his angst. “It pissed me off, Luke, but it didn’t hurt me. Although, for the record, you’re lucky that it wasn’t Lilith running her hands all over you. There would have been bloodshed,” I warn, and he offers me a sad smile.

  “Please don’t make this any harder, Victoria. Go to the reaper kingdom. It’s important, or Heaven never would’ve stepped in like they did.”

  “He’s right about that,” River says, once again intervening in a private conversation. “Without direction, the souls would wander the earth. It would be mayhem. Every now and again, one slips through the cracks and poltergeist situations happen. People get hurt. We need our queen.”

  “I’m not your queen. I didn’t sign up for this.”

  “Neither did Camille, but it’s your calling. You might not have asked for it, but it doesn’t make it any less important,” River presses.

  “Go, love. For me.”

  I search his face, and all I see is resignation. He won’t drop this until I’ve agreed.

  “I will go, but I won’t promise to stay, River.”

  “Thank you.” Luke mouths the words and I blow out a breath, angry to be giving in so easily. I want to fight, but I’m tired.

  And if I’m being honest, a small part of me wants to know Camille. If for no other reason than to debunk Michael’s claims.

  “When do we leave?” I ask.

  “Immediately. Lucifer, if you expect me to transport Bellamy to the portal, he needs to be ready.”

  Luke nods briskly, snapping his fingers. Lilith appears, and I refuse to look at her.

  “Satan,” she says, sounding surprised at the summons.

  “Take River to Lawrence. They’ll be leaving for the reaper kingdom at once.”

  Her eyes widen. “Yes, sir,” she says, turning to River. “Follow me.”

  I don’t watch them go, choosing to remain fixed on Luke. Now that we’re alone, I intend to make it clear that my trip to the reaper kingdom is not permanent.

  “I won’t marry him.”

  “Prepared to verbally duel with me, love?” he jests.

  “I’m not going to fight over something that’s not up for debate. My heart belongs to you, Luke. Only you.”

  He pulls me into his chest, crashing his lips to mine. The kiss is raw and built of desperation on both our parts. My nails rip down his back, marking his skin. He groans into my mouth, urging me on. My tongue wars with his for dominance, but I’d willingly concede if it weren’t so deliciously erotic.

  When we pull apart, our chests heave as I suck in lungsful of air.

  His forehead falls to mine as he continues to breathe heavily. “Victoria . . . come back to me.” It’s a heartbreaking request, filled with despair and insecurity. I long to erase all traces of doubt.

  “I love you,” I whisper, and his eyes close on an exhale.

  “And I you, angel.”

  “That’s all that matters, Luke. I will come back. I promise.” My eyes bore into his.

  “It’s time.” River says from the opening to the alcove, Law Bellamy at his side.

  “Keep her safe at all costs.” Luke levels River with a threatening glare.

  “I’ll protect her with my life, Lucifer.”

  Luke places one final kiss on my lips and disappears, leaving me with an emptiness I know won’t be filled until I’m back by his side. Forever.


  Hell is a barren wasteland.

  Jagged rock structures stretch from the ground toward the obsidian sky, looming down on us like giants ready to attack. A streak of lightning zigs and zags across the sky, illuminating statues that line the path ahead.

  Except they aren’t statues. My feet are moving before I have the sense to stop myself. Curiosity gets the better of me, as always.

  I’m standing directly in front of the first, and that’s when I realize these are tombs. A woman with flowing red hair is petrified in ice. Her face is frozen in terror, mouth open in midscream.

  I move down the line to the next and find another woman who resembles the first.

  “Who are these women?”

  “Witches,” River says. “Those that aided Heaven in the wars. If they were captured, they were mummified.”

  I blow out a breath. “Better than torture,” I muse.

  “No. It’s far worse,” Lawrence says, sliding up next to me. “They’re aware of everything that’s happening, but they’re cursed to simply watch in a state of stasis. For a witch, that’s their form of Hell.”

  “True. I can feel her wrath,” River offers. “She’ll be there until Hell needs her to do their bidding. Then, she’ll be returned to that tomb once more.”

  “Sick,” I say, shaking my head.

  That’s a gross understatement of what this place is, but I’m at a loss for words.

  I spin in a circle, taking in the landscape—or lack thereof. Lights line the walkway, but other than that, we’re shrouded in absolute darkness.

  “This is . . . not what I expected,” I mutter mostly to myself. River’s raised brow has me explaining. “I mean, I did expect this,” I say, motioning to the morbid tombs. “But where’s the hellfire? Why aren’t there demons lurking about patrolling the area?”

  It’s a dark land illuminated only by the pathway and lightning overhead. No fire. No moon. Nothing but miles and miles of rocky terrain, void of any color.

  “It’s only a small part of Hell. The worst, in my opinion,” River says, garnering a snort from Law.

  “I’ve heard there are beautiful lands here in Hell, but it’s all a trick. Once you succumb to the allure, the veil lifts and true Hell awaits.”

  I wonder how Law knows so much about Hell when I don’t. Being an angel, you’d think I’d know more about this place, but I wasn’t privy to much past Earth. If anything, as a virtue angel, I should know far more.

  Leeanna always said they sheltered me, and I never understood what she meant. Now, I do, and I resent it.

  “What kinds of allure?” I ask, hating to admit to these two how little I know.

  “It depends on your vice,” Law says, waggling his eyebrows.

  I frown up at him and motion for him to continue.

  “Beautiful women offering to keep you company, only to capture and torture you. A river of whiskey to drown in. Essentially, the seven sins acted out.”

  My nose scrunches in distaste. I’ve had enough of the seven sins to last me a lifetime.

  Luke warned you that you’d never be happy here.

  “You asked,” Law chuckles.

  “All that is true,” River cuts in. “But as long as you know that about this place, you’re safe. You simply don’t give into the charm. Keep your eyes trai
ned forward and keep going. Only the weak perish.”

  “Why would Luke choose this awful place to live in, if there’s more out there?

  “It’s the perfect place for security purposes. There’s really nowhere to hide in the Barrens, Victoria. There isn’t a need for a patrol here. They can see their enemies coming easily.”

  “The Barrens?”

  “It’s what this place is called. Each sector has a name, like anywhere else.”

  “How far do we need to go?” I ask, wondering what horrible places we’ll see along the way.

  “Not far, just to the edge of Abdiel’s territory. He was the horned demon who was with Nolda. He won’t give us any problems. He’s given you and me safe passage as a favor to Lucifer.”

  No surprise there. That one in particular was next-level creepy but calculating. He watched the room, taking everything in, while Nolda ran his mouth and indulged in the finery.

  “Why would he allow that? What’s in it for him?”

  “To gain trust. He’ll be the first to strike if Lucifer is ever to be overthrown, but he’ll hedge his bets for now.”


  Of all that was just said, that one word is the one I hold on to. It gives me a modicum of hope. If River hasn’t completely lost faith in Luke’s ability to remain in control, then I certainly won’t.

  “Where do we go from here?” Law asks, sounding impatient. “I don’t think it’s wise to stand around. They’ve likely discovered our absence and have demons searching now.”

  River nods. “We might be given safe passage, but that doesn’t mean Nolda isn’t lurking. With his ability to stay hidden, we need to be cautious.”

  “This is where we part,” River says. “You’ll want to head off to the east, beyond the two clusters of stalagmites in the distance.” He points to some towering rocks that seem miles off.

  “I’ll never make it there unseen,” Law surmises. “You only mentioned safe passage for you two.”

  River grabs my hand, pulling me away from the frozen people. “Not my problem.”

  “River,” I chastise. “We can’t leave him here to die.”

  “Like I said, not my problem.”


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