Capture the Night

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Capture the Night Page 10

by Zahra Stone

  I digested what he'd told me. Jordan had made it all look like a random act of nature. A very unfortunate one, but better than the alternative of revealing to the humans who we truly were.

  "Let's go." I needed time to think, to regroup, and examine everything that had happened here tonight, but that was hard to do with a fire raging behind us and sneaking around naked in the grounds of Everly Plantation. Brax led the way. Normally I'd bristle at him taking the lead, but tonight I was content to follow. Maybe I'd pickled some brain cells in the vat. Or perhaps it was because I enjoyed the view of his naked ass, what I could see of it in the dim light. Now and then, moonlight filtered through and splayed a dappled pattern across his shoulders and back, and I'd bite my lip to stop from tracing my fingers over his flesh.

  "What are you doing?" He'd stopped, and I ran smack bang into the back of him, my breasts flattening against his back, and I felt him go rigid.

  "What?" I squeaked, not unaffected by the sudden full-body contact.

  He didn't reply, and long moments passed. Neither of us moved, and I closed my eyes, resting my cheek against his back, breathing in the scent of him. My arms were limp by my sides, and I didn't protest when his hand reached for mine and our fingers entwined. This was life. This was worth flaming for, and it was a revelation, a stunning, terrifying revelation. I had feelings. Feelings for Brax that I swore I'd never have.

  "You'd better not be crying," he growled, making me jump.

  My head snapped up, and I realized I was, in fact, crying. I wasn't sure why, so I quickly wiped the tears away and lied. "No." Then I noticed the glistening trail of tears on his bare skin where my face had rested and quickly wiped away the evidence. "My eyes still sting from the vat."

  He didn't reply but began walking again, keeping a tight hold on my hand. There was no time to be distracted by his magnificent body as we reached the main building and all its floodlit glory. We had to get around the front and down the driveway without being detected. It had seemed easier fully clothed, our black uniform offering not only protection but camouflage. I felt like my white skin was glowing neon in the darkness, a sure-fire “come find me” beacon to anyone who happened to glance outside. Stopping, Brax turned to me, releasing my hand to cup my face.

  "Ready?" he whispered.

  "No. I'm feeling..." I didn't know what I was feeling. Different. Strange. All marshmallowy inside, and I didn't know how to deal with it. While we weren't exactly in a life-or-death situation right this second, we were in a perilous one, and I needed to get my head back in the game. Except. Brax. Naked. Lips so close, all I had to do was lean forward and taste them.

  "Your timing sucks, Katie Shelton." He dropped a hard kiss on my lips, swiveled, and pulled me behind him as he sprinted from shadow to shadow, pressing our unprotected skin up against the buildings as we made our way forward. I didn't feel the scrapes, didn't feel the bite of pebbles underfoot that should have made me wince.

  "Brax!" I skidded to a halt, panic flooding me.

  He immediately spun, looking over my head for a threat. Finding none, his eyes met mine. "What is it?"

  "Something's wrong with me," I whispered, my eyes revealing my distress.

  "You're hurt?" His eyes immediately raked over my body, searching for signs of injury, but I was shaking my head.

  "No. Not like that. Why can't I focus?"

  "You can't see?" He peered closer, his face inches from mine. I couldn't stand it. I launched at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing him. His hands settled on my hips, and his mouth opened, his tongue meeting mine in the most delicious caress. I felt the crackle of electricity dance over my skin, my passion unguarded.

  "I can't believe I’m going to say this." He wrenched his mouth away, and I gripped his hair, tugging his head back to me. "But you need to rein it in, Katie. You're going to get us caught. You're sparking all over the place; someone is going to see."

  His words were a bucket of cold water. I released him immediately and jumped back, turning so he couldn't see my face and the heat burning there. I wanted him so badly I could barely think. I wanted to consume him and make him mine, regardless of the fact that we were skulking around nude in the middle of the night after blowing up a distillery. This was dangerous. He was dangerous. Which only made me crave him more. It was as if a floodgate had opened, and everything that I'd kept buried had burst forth, unbidden and uncontrolled and feral.

  "Hey." He turned me back to face him. "I'm not saying no. I’m saying not right now, for as much as I want to push you up against this wall—now is not the time. But hold that thought. I'm getting us out of here as quickly as I can, believe me."

  I nodded, my mind a riot of doubt, lust, and confusion. I had no idea what was happening to me. All I could do was ride it out and pray this molten need didn't consume me first.

  Chapter Seventeen

  "Put this on." I caught the T-shirt Brax tossed at me and obediently pulled it over my head. It reached my thighs, and while it covered everything essential, by the way Brax's eyes devoured me, it didn't help, not really. Climbing into the passenger seat, I waited. He rummaged around in the back of the SUV and finally opened the driver's side door and slid in. I cast him a glance and snorted when all he had on was a small towel strategically draped over his lap.

  "What?" he asked, starting the engine.

  "Just wondering where you were keeping those keys." I grinned.

  He arched a brow and winked. "Someplace safe."

  I laughed, then turned my attention to the windscreen. Flames still leaped into the sky where the fire continued to rage. With all the rum to fuel it, I'd imagine it would take them some time to gain control, and again I felt bad for what we'd done.

  "Don't," Brax told me.

  "How are you reading my mind?" I said defensively, crossing my arms over my chest and forcing the hem of the T-shirt to ride up.

  "Because I know you. And you're beating yourself up that we started that fire. I'll look into it, make sure they have the appropriate insurance, and if they don't, we'll make it happen. The Secret Service has its perks. Now do me a favor and cover-up, will you?"

  He swung the SUV around and headed away from Everly Plantation. I sighed, stretching my arms above my head, forcing the T-shirt even higher.

  "Seriously though"—Brax glanced at me then back to the road—"cover-up. I’m trying to drive here."

  I lowered my arms and tugged the hem back down. It didn't go far. "You know before when I said there was something wrong?" I kept my eyes on my knees.


  "Well, it's still there."

  "What is? Are you in pain?" He threw a look my way.

  Plucking at the hem of the T-shirt, I replied, "Yes. I'm in pain."

  The SUV screeched to a halt, skidding on the road and throwing me forward until my seatbelt snapped me back into place.

  "Ow! Brax, what the hell?"

  His hands were all over me. "Where are you hurt?"

  “Oh, Brax,” I murmured, getting my breath back from where the seatbelt had winded me, “Not that sort of hurt! I want you so bad my whole body aches.”

  Brax ceased moving his hands over me and looked me full in the eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes of his like deep pools drawing me down into their depths, depths from which I never wanted to emerge.

  “Say it again.” He growled. “Say it again.”

  I could feel my temperature rising, tiny sparks of color replacing the world around me.

  “I want you, Brax, I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone before. Please…” I got no further before his mouth was on mine, his hands on my body, exploring, everywhere, not like before when he was checking if I was hurt. This was needing me as much as I needed him.

  The world dropped away, and it was just me and Brax, the heat from our bodies intertwining as passion enveloped us.

  "I don't know what's gotten into you, Katie Shelton, but I like it," his words dripped with satisfaction, and I smiled, my face bu
ried against his neck.

  The flash of headlights through the front windshield had my head snapping up.

  "Shit," Brax muttered. Scooping the T-shirt off the floor, I pulled it over my head while Brax covered himself with the towel. A car door slammed, and I heard Brax wind down the window.

  "You guys okay?" Jordan asked, and I slumped against my seat, an uncontrollable urge to laugh coming over me.

  "We're good," Brax answered.

  Jordan placed one arm against the top of the door and peered inside, grinned wolfishly, then said, "You're looking a little...tousled there, Brax."

  I burst out laughing. It was undeniable what we'd been doing. Christ, the scent of sex still lingered in the air, and Jordan was a dragon with unbelievable night vision. I was sure he'd copped an eyeful before we'd realized he was there.

  "Nice of you to stop and check on us," I choked out, my chest heaving.

  "That's me. Mister nice guy," he drawled.

  "Jordan!" Rae yelled from the car. "Leave them be. It's not like we've never done the same."

  "Oh, God." Brax wiped a hand over his face and turned torturous eyes to me.

  "Let's just go," I told him. "We need a fresh set of clothes, and I'm famished."

  "You shouldn't be, not after—"

  "Jordan!" Rae screeched, cutting him off, and with a reluctant sigh and a cheeky wink, Jordan spun on his heel, returning to his car. Brax hit the button to wind the window up.

  "In all seriousness, we need to regroup and discuss what happened tonight. The Red Witch and Gunslinger know about Ridgeway—and they seem to think you're connected. We need to get ahead of this before it all goes south."

  His reminder of what we were doing tonight, what was at stake, was a bitter pill to swallow. He was right—jumping his bones while on duty was not only unprofessional, it was dangerous. We were vulnerable. What if it hadn't been Jordan who'd come upon us but the Red Witch? Or the Gunslinger? We'd been oblivious, caught up in the rapture of each other. It was risky and stupid, and I couldn't believe I'd forgotten my training, had risked us both, for sex.

  "You're doing it again," Brax grumbled, turning the engine back on and continuing down the road. "Worrying. Beating yourself up. Blaming yourself. Flaming can be euphoric. You've never flamed before, and the first time can be a little disconcerting."

  "Rae didn't say anything about this." I waved my hand, indicating my body, which once again had a frisson of blue electricity dancing across it. "I feel like I can't get enough, that I'll never be sated."

  Reaching over, he entwined his fingers with mine. "It'll pass."

  The rest of the drive to SIA was spent in silence. I was hyper-aware of the connection I felt with Brax, but the blue sparks of electricity slowly subsided as time passed. But not my awareness. Something told me that from this point on, I would always be super aware of Brax Lane.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I spent too long in the shower, the hot water pruning my fingers, but I was sure I had rum leaking from my pores. Or maybe it was embedded in my nostrils because all I could smell was the overpowering scent of rum, and it was making me nauseous. Brax had offered to pick up a clean set of clothes from my apartment since he had to return to his hotel anyway. I'd stayed at the SIA offices and showered there, borrowing a pair of Rae's sweatpants and tank in the meantime.

  Coming downstairs, I'd veered into the kitchen, following the alluring aroma of coffee, when someone started banging on the front door.

  "Katie!" Duke shouted, "Katie, you in there?"

  Flinging open the door, I eyeballed him. It was four in the morning. What was he doing here at this time of day?

  "Take it down a notch or seven, Duke," I grumbled, letting him in.

  "Sorry. Wasn't sure you could hear me over all the reinforcements you've got going on here." His booted feet were loud behind me as he followed me into the kitchen.

  "Coffee?" Holding up the pot, I poured myself a cup.

  "Sure." Then he sniffed. Twice. "Is that smell you?"

  "Rude much?" I grumbled, knowing my suspicions had just been confirmed. I still stunk like a distillery.

  He pinched his nose. "What have you been doing?"

  "Ha fucking ha." Shoving a cup of coffee at him, I pushed past, smirking when he spilled it on his shirt.

  "Oh, I get it. It's one of those ‘need to know’ things. And I don't need to know," he said, following me into the main office area. Jordan and Rae were seated at their respective workstations, so Duke made himself at home at Brax's desk.

  "You got it." Blowing on the coffee, I raised it to my mouth and took a tentative sip. The jolt of caffeine was welcoming.

  "What are you doing out here at this time of day anyway?" I asked Duke, who'd now crossed his booted feet atop Brax's desk and was leaning back in the chair like he owned the place.

  Blowing out a breath, he shot me a glare. "Well, since you've been ignoring my calls, I figured I'd come out here and tell you in person."

  I automatically reached for my phone before realizing I didn't have it anymore; it had gone up in flames at the Everly Plantation. Along with my badge and pass card. Damn it. I scribbled a note to replace all three. And request another uniform.

  "And you were calling because?"

  He thumped his feet onto the floor and leaned forward. "I got a call tonight, something I thought you might be interested in."


  Rae and Jordan had remained silent up until now, but this had got their attention.

  "Oh right, now you want to talk to me." Duke huffed, and I looked at him closely, saw the tight line of his jaw, the narrowing of his eyes.

  "You were worried!" I barked, knowing I was right when he winced, "You were worried I didn't answer my phone, so you came to check on me."

  "Nawwww, that's so sweet," Rae teased.

  "Shut up. So, I care about my friends, so what." Duke crossed his arms, his discomfort apparent. I sobered. "Thank you, Duke, for checking on me," I said softly. "You're a good friend."

  "Yeah, well, you're still alive, so my worry was misplaced."

  Jordan's chair creaked as he shifted his weight. "Not entirely," he muttered.

  "What's that?" Duke cupped a hand around his ear, but I held up a hand to prevent Jordan from repeating himself.

  "You said you had news?"

  "Yeah, yeah." Successfully distracted, Duke launched into his story. "So, I was at Stanley's tonight, and I got a call from someone wanting to procure a particular artifact, the Amulet of the Alliance."

  Rae faked a yawn. "We don't need tales of your treasure hunting adventures, Duke. Give us something real."

  "Hey," he protested, "this is real. The Amulet of the Alliance holds the power of a coven of witches. Whoever wears it can harness that power."

  "So?" This time Rae studied her nails. I knew she was feigning boredom. I'd seen her do this before, but the twinkle in her eye gave her away.

  "So, Elva Petrov has commissioned me to procure the Amulet for her."

  "And this is important to us why?" This time, Jordan chimed in, not understanding what Duke's commissions had to do with the SIA or our investigation.

  "Oh my God, are they always this dumb?" Duke threw his hands in the air and turned to me. "You get it, don't you?"

  I nodded. Oh yeah, I got it. Aloud I said, "Elva Petrov is a witch. She wants the amulet. Now, why would a witch want an ancient relic like that? Why now? And I'd imagine your services aren't cheap, Duke, so I'm guessing Elva is getting desperate?"

  "Keep going." He grinned.

  "I'd say she wants to protect herself from the Red Witch. That she isn't strong enough without the Amulet."

  "Ding, ding, ding, give the girl a prize!" Duke hooted.

  Rae interrupted his celebrating. "Wait, I don't get it."

  "I suggest we bring Elva Petrov in and see what she knows. She wants the Amulet for protection; my gut tells me it’s related to the Red Witch, but"—I held up a hand to silence Duke—"this is just sp
eculation. She didn't specifically tell you that, did she?"

  "Well, no," he admitted.

  Rubbing a hand over my eyes, I glanced at the time on my monitor. "Guys, grab a couple of hours sleep, then go visit Elva Petrov. Bring her here for questioning. She may not be a powerful witch, but she's still a witch, and the interview room has a dampener."

  "Dampener?" Duke quizzed.

  "Like a force field that subdues supernaturals’ powers," I explained, smothering a yawn. "I'm gonna get some shut-eye too. It was a long night." I stood up, saying goodnight to Rae and Jordan, who preceded me out of the room.

  Duke rested a hand on my shoulder. "You do look like shit, Shelton. And whatever you rolled in? That shower didn't take the stench away."

  "Shut up," I grumbled, shuffling to the front door. I hit the button to open it, gasping in shock when Brax appeared on the other side.

  "Snap." He grinned, indicating the swipe card in his hand.

  I narrowed my eyes at it. "How do you have yours? Mine was totaled."

  "Because I didn't take it with me. Kept my phone, keycard, and other non-essentials in the car." He glanced over my head. "Duke."

  "Brax," Duke replied.

  "Thanks for dropping by Duke. I'm fine, as you can see. I'm gonna have to get a new phone, though, so any updates can go through one of the others. Do you have Brax's number?"

  "That's okay." Duke brushed past me. "I’ll call Rae."

  "See you," I called after him. He waved a hand, not looking back.

  Brax closed the door. "What was that all about?"

  I filled him on Duke's latest commission and our unexpected lead.

  "You think Elva wants the Amulet for protection?" Brax sounded surprised. "What if she's working with the Red Witch and wants it to bolster her power?"

  "What we know of the Red Witch is that she doesn't work with anyone, and especially not witches. She destroyed her own coven for their power. I doubt very much that Elva is working with her."


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