Captive: A Dark Romance (Slave for Love Book 1)

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Captive: A Dark Romance (Slave for Love Book 1) Page 5

by Violet Noir

A call from my head housekeeper interrupted my meeting with a client. I normally wouldn’t answer, but my assistant told me that she was hysterical. I got a sinking feeling in my gut and took the call.

  “Sir, I can’t find her anywhere,” she said. “I think she might have left.”

  “How is that even possible? How would she have gotten out?”

  “One of the housekeepers was careless with her keys. The girl stole them and left the house,” she said, choking back sobs. “I’m so sorry, sir. What do you want me to do?”

  “You’ll do nothing but fire the incompetent bitch that allowed this to happen. I’m going to the airport now. I’ll be home in a few hours.”

  On the way to the airport, I called my head of security. I had half a mind to fire him as well, but I knew I couldn’t fire my entire staff that day. I needed to find her and causing chaos in my home wouldn’t help me with that goal. But, after I found her was a different story. It was difficult to find loyal people who knew how to keep their mouths shut, but it wasn’t impossible.

  My pilot hadn’t been expecting me to leave that day, but my airport staff had the jet ready to go in an impressively short amount of time. Some of my employees were capable and responsive when I was angry.

  The few hours that we were in the air, I thought I might go insane. I hated that she was gone, and I hated myself for letting it happen. I’d given her too much freedom too soon, and I knew better than to treat a submissive that way. I’d neglected my responsibilities to her, and Tessa would pay the price for that. I’d be happy when I had her back, but she’d have to be severely punished.

  Or, I thought, maybe that’s what was wrong in the first place. Perhaps I’d dealt with her too harshly.

  No. That couldn’t be right. Tessa was a natural submissive. I hadn’t trained her properly and what she needed was to be brought to heel. I would do that as soon as I had her back.

  I held onto the hope that she was just hiding somewhere in the house. Perhaps she’d stolen the keys but hadn’t worked up the courage to leave yet.

  The plane landed, and my car was waiting. The head of my security team was in the limo, and my hopes that she was hiding in the house began to dissolve.

  “Have you searched the house entirely?” I asked.

  “We have, sir. I brought in everyone. We’ve looked in every room, every closet, and every cupboard.”

  “Search it again,” I said.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Send someone to her old house.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  When we arrived home, I helped with searching the property. I couldn’t just sit still, but she was gone. I had to find her fast. It wasn’t just that I wanted her back, but the real problem was that Alex wanted her.

  It made me sick to my stomach to think of what he’d do to Tessa if he got to her first.



  When I found out that Will was going to have me injected with a tracking device, I had to get away. It was my last chance to escape. Once he had a way to track me, I’d never be able to leave. He’d be able to hunt me down forever.

  I used the keys to get out of the house and then ran. I kept thinking that someone was following me, and I’d be grabbed by Will’s security guards at any moment. I almost tripped on the curb and fell twice when I looked back to make sure I was still alone.

  I kept going until I got to a flea market where hundreds of people were milling about. My clothes were casual, but I was still afraid that I stuck out. It felt like there was a spotlight on me.

  There was no going home. My stepfather would be furious about the way Madame Rose treated him, and I knew he’d be itching to take it out on me. Besides, it would have to be the first place Will looked for me.

  As I was pretending to look over a table of handmade scarves, I saw a limousine pull up on the street next to the parking lot where the flea market was held. My heart almost stopped beating, but I had one advantage. I’d kept to the middle of the crowd so that I had time and space on my side.

  My first instinct was to run, but that would have been too obvious. Instead I turned away from the men and began to casually, but quickly walk in the other direction. I had no idea where to hide, but I knew I needed to put some more space between me and the men sent to bring me back to Will.

  There was an opening to an alley at the end of the parking lot, so I turned down it and once I was convinced I was out of sight, I began to sprint.

  At the end of the alley, I turned onto a busy street and kept going until I’d reached a residential neighborhood. The houses were older, and there was another alley that ran between the backyards. Dogs in a few of the yards barked at me as I ran past. I cursed them under my breath for drawing attention to me.

  As I got close to the next street, I saw two men turn down the alley toward me. When they noticed me, I heard them yell for me to stop. The closest house didn’t have a fence, so I made an abrupt turn and ran as fast as I could through the yard.

  I was afraid that if I ran all the way out to the front of the house, they’d just drive up and find me. The men pursuing me had a vehicle, and I was outnumbered. I knew I couldn’t get away on foot, so I tried to hide instead.

  The house had a detached garage with a door leading into the yard. I was lucky that the doorknob turned, and I slipped inside before the men running down the alley saw me go in.

  It was a two-car garage and one of the spots was empty. There was an old truck parked on the other side, so I ran over and ducked behind it. I could hear the men in the yard. They were so close that I almost couldn’t breathe.

  And then, it was over. They were in the garage and right on top of me. Hands grabbed me and pulled me to my feet. The men dragged me out of my hiding spot and out to the street.

  I couldn’t scream because one of the first men who’d grabbed me had shoved a rag into my mouth. While they pulled me to the car, another blindfolded me. Seconds later, they’d shoved me into the back of the limo.

  There was nothing I could do. Once inside, someone bound my hands and feet. I tried to scream, but barely a whimper made it past the cloth in my mouth. I was done. There was nothing that could save me from Will’s wrath.



  One year before Tessa…

  “You’re going to stay right here,” I said to Patty.

  She’d been my submissive before I purchased Tessa. She was extremely quiet and very obedient, but at times, I got the feeling that she was up to no good. I’d decided on a little test.

  I left her kneeling by the pool and retreated into the house. I’d been working on leaving Patty for longer and longer periods over the previous few weeks. I’d left her kneeling that last time for so long that she urinated on herself. It wasn’t her submission I wanted, though. What I needed was for her to grow confident that I’d be gone for a long period.

  What surprised me was that I didn’t have to wait long. I guessed that Patty had gotten word to Viktor, on of my closest family associates, that I was leaving her alone by the pool. About twenty minutes after I went into the house, he came through the side gate. Normally, that gate would be locked, but I’d started leaving it unlatched when I began my experiment.

  Patty stood up and they both looked up at the house. When they thought they were in the clear, they went into the pool house. How they could not know that I had cameras watching the yard and the pool house was beyond me. It just goes to show that people will do stupid shit when they think they are in love.

  I watched them both disappear into the pool house and then clicked my monitor over to those cameras. They were going at it in seconds, and the worst part was, she was dominating him.

  It made no sense that Patty had come to me and agreed to be my sub if it wasn’t something she wanted. No one forced her. I hadn’t purchased her at auction. She was supposed to be with me because she wanted to be, and yet there she was cheating on me with one of my associates.

  I debated whether to go bre
ak them up or let the treacherous bitch finish riding his cock. If I interrupted them, I’d have had to deal with Viktor. I decided to wait until he left. Patty was my business.

  She might not have been auctioned, but she did sign a contract. That made her my property. I would do with her as I saw fit.

  Ten minutes later, Viktor slipped out of the gate and Patty took her place next to the pool. I turned off the monitor I was watching and made my way down the stairs.

  Rage coursed through my blood as I walked up behind her. I could still smell sex on her as I approached. She was either stupid or, as I had begun to suspect, only using me for my money.

  “Get up,” I barked, but I didn’t give her time to get up.

  My hand grasped Patty’s hair and I yanked her to her feet. “Master,” she pleaded.

  “Shut up.” I began to drag her toward the house. “You think you can just cheat on me? Who the fuck do you think you’re dealing with?”

  “I’m sorry,” she gasped.

  “Don’t say another fucking word.”

  Fury built like a tsunami inside of my chest as I dragged her to the dungeon. Half of me wanted nothing to do with her dirty cunt, and the other half wanted to fuck her hard so she’d remember who she belonged to.

  I bent her over the end of the bed and shackled her wrists to the posts. After I ripped her panties down, I kicked her legs apart. She was still wet and filthy with his cum.

  “You’re going to regret this, Patty,” I said.

  “I’m sorry,” she said again.

  I grabbed a switch from the wall and brought it down across her backside. She cried out, so I hit her again.

  “If you can’t be quiet, I’ll gag you,” I said.

  I got a ball gag from the drawer and put it in her mouth. My next move was to call Alex. He was my friend at the time, and I knew he had the stomach to help me deal with a cheating slave.

  “Hey, Alex,” I said when he picked up. “Patty was fucking cheating on me with Viktor. I need you over here ASAP.”

  “Be there in ten minutes, brother,” he said and hung up.

  When she heard Alex’s name, Patty’s body went rigid. As soon as I hung up the phone, she began bawling and trying to talk around the gag.

  For some reason, I took it out. I guess part of me wanted to hear what the cheating bitch had to say.

  “Please don’t bring Alex in,” she begged. “I’ll do anything. Please.”

  I whacked her buttocks with the switch again, and she cried out. Hitting her wasn’t nearly the release I’d hoped, so I grabbed her favorite vibrator from the drawer.

  After I switched it on, I held it to her clit until she was about to come. Then, I turned it up as high as it would go, and fucked her with it. Patty’s favorite vibrator was a black monstrosity that was about twice as big as even a large cock. I thrust it in and out of her as hard as I could without touching her skank pussy. When she was about to come again, I yanked it out, and held it to her clit.

  This went on for the whole ten minutes until Alex arrived. By the end she was shaking so hard that the bed was moving.

  “Oh god, please fuck me,” she begged. “Please make it stop.”

  “Oh, I’ll fuck you all right,” Alex said as he came through the door. “What are you doing, brother? You’re getting her off? Have you learned nothing?”

  “What are you going to do?” I asked.

  “Well, you said that she didn’t really like it up the ass,” he said and pulled out his cock.

  “Will, please,” she cried out again. “I’ll do anything.”

  “Good.” I growled. “Then what you’ll do is take Alex’s cock up your ass.”

  “That’s the spirit,” he said and moved toward her.

  “Alex, wait. You’ve got to use some lube.”

  “Why? Cheating bitches don’t deserve lube. She needs to take it raw.”

  “Alex, no. You could do real damage. I want her punished. I don’t want her permanently disabled.”

  “Fuck. Fine,” he said, and I handed him a bottle I’d retrieved from my stash.

  He put the bare minimum on his cock and then shoved it into Patty’s asshole. She cried out and then bit the sheets on the bed.

  I watched him do it. Not because I got off on it, but because I knew Alex. I’d called him because he could be a brutal master, but I had to keep him reined in.

  “I’m getting close,” he said as he pounded her ass. “You going to keep this one?”

  “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with her yet. Probably not much considering I’d be nothing more than sloppy thirds now.”

  “Will, please,” she begged.

  “Shut the fuck up, dumb bitch,” Alex said and slapped her ass even as he rode her harder. “I know what I can do with that mouth then.”

  He pulled out of her and climbed on the bed. Patty’s eyes widened in horror as it became obvious what he wanted.

  “Will,” she sputtered.

  “Suck it, bitch,” I said. “You’re lucky this is all you get. You deserve far worse. A little butt sex and ass-to-mouth is a small price to pay for a cheating, lying whore,” I said as Alex pressed his cock against her lips. She took it in, and he thrust until she choked. “Besides, you signed a contract that said you’d do whatever pleased me. Watching Alex fuck you like this pleases me.”

  It didn’t. I hated that she’d cheated on me, and had most likely been using me to get to my money the entire time. I hated that I had to let Alex fuck her the way he did, but I wouldn’t have been doing Patty any favors by letting her get away with disobedience.

  “I’m coming,” Alex announced as he face-fucked my soon-to-be ex-submissive.

  I watched her swallow another load of my friend’s cum, and I wondered how far I should let him go. I still hadn’t decided when he grabbed the cane off the wall and began to whip her.



  It quickly became clear that I wasn’t Will’s captive anymore. I woke up in a strange bed in the arms of a handsome, but cruel-looking man.

  I scrambled away from him and jumped off the bed. When I went for the door, I already knew that it would be locked, but I had to try.

  Why had I left Will? I couldn’t believe how stupid I’d been. All I wanted was to be back with him. I’d take the tracking device any day over the situation I’d found myself in. I felt even worse when I realized that if I’d gotten the tracking device, Will would be able to find me.

  Then, I remembered the bracelet. I’d completely forgotten about it once he’s slipped it on before he left. I reached for my wrist, and my heart sank. It was gone, and all I could do was hope that I’d lost it somewhere close to where I’d been taken.

  “I’m Alex Connor,” the man said. “You’ll find that the door is quite locked. You’re not going anywhere.”

  “My boyfriend is going to kill you,” I said in a voice far bolder than I really felt.

  “You’re hilarious, dear,” he said and stood up. “Will isn’t going to come for you, and he’s not your boyfriend. You ran away. Will doesn’t have the patience to deal with slaves who can’t obey.”

  “You know him?”

  “We’re old friends, Tessa. Well, we were until you. I tried to buy you that day, but Madame Rose is apparently more loyal to Will.”

  “He’ll kill you,” I repeated.

  “Well, if that’s the case, then I guess I should give him a reason,” he said and a sick smile spread across his face.

  I knew then how badly I’d screwed up. I was locked in a room with a man who had violence in his eyes. It was just something I could see reflected in the ice blue irises.

  “Get undressed,” he instructed.

  “No,” I said, trying to cover myself with my arms.

  The only clothing I had left on was my shirt, bra, and panties. He’d taken off the rest already. Alex crossed the room and slapped me so hard that I fell to the floor.

  A second later, he was on top of me. He pulled m
y shirt up over my head so hard that it hurt my nose and yanked my hair. Alex tore my bra and panties off and cast them to the side.

  His fingers found my nipples, and I turned my head to the side. I thought I was going to be sick. None of what he was doing was what I wanted, and I felt like I was cheating on Will. Dread gripped my chest, and I realized I had no way out. Alex was going to do what he wanted to do to me, and after, I was sure Will wouldn’t want me anymore.

  “Look at me,” he growled and gripped my chin. Alex pulled my face up so that I had to look at his face or close my eyes. “I know you want this. You know that I can play this gorgeous body far better than Will ever could. He has too many limits. I have none.”

  I heard him unzip his pants, and I knew I deserved what happened to me. I’d run away and brought this on myself. If I’d just trusted my master, I would have been safe. I closed my eyes, and Alex’s hand moved down to grip my throat.

  “Open your eyes, bitch.”

  I closed them tighter and his hand constricted around my neck in response. I couldn’t fight him, but he’d have to kill me before I looked at him.

  The pressure around my neck didn’t relent, but it was a blessing. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest and I could hardly take a breath. The world began to go black, and I let the darkness in. Alex might be able to do what he was about to do, but I wouldn’t be conscious for it. I wasn’t his.

  I belonged to another.



  One year before Tessa…

  Patty had long since collapsed onto the bed. Her breathing was labored, and she’d given up. It felt like there was a vice gripping my chest, but hadn’t that been what I’d wanted? Didn’t I want her punished so severely that she’d never forget?

  Her back and legs were bloody from being whipped until her skin was shredded, and Alex was still beating her. He’d gone too far. It was as if he’d gone crazy, and I had to stop him.


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