Bite the Big Heartache: Werewolf Shifter Romance (A Monstrana Paranormal Romance Book 2)

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Bite the Big Heartache: Werewolf Shifter Romance (A Monstrana Paranormal Romance Book 2) Page 12

by Lacy Andersen

  “There should be taxis outside the baggage claim,” Garret yelled over the sound of the dying plane engine. “Go get her!”

  He didn’t have to tell Billy twice. Jumping out of the plane, Billy sprinted through the airport and jumped into the first taxi he could find. A squat little gnome with a white beard sat in the driver’s seat upon a stack of encyclopedias. He had a stick in one hand to press the gas and the other hand on the wheel. Billy only questioned the sanity of jumping into such a vehicle for a mere second. He’d already survived a plane ride with Garret. How difficult would a taxi ride with a gnome be?

  “Lochness Broadcasting Studios, please, and step on it,” he said through the fiberglass barrier to the front seat. He winced at his choice of wording as the gnome wiggled his stubby little legs. “Or, I guess, as fast as you can.”

  The gnome grunted in a low voice. “Are you sure? They’re closed this time of night.”

  “Yes!” Billy threw a wad of cash through the opening. “That’s where I need to go.”

  At the sight of the green bills floating down to the passenger seat, the gnome’s eyes grew wide and shiny. He smiled, his cherry cheeks round and straining from the effort. Billy had to grasp the door handle when the gnome suddenly threw the car into gear and slammed his stick on the gas, shooting them into traffic and leaving behind a path of destruction and honking horns.

  It took about ten minutes for them to arrive at their destination. Lochness Broadcasting studios was a quad-level square building with steel framing and a brick veneer. Most of the windows appeared dark and vacant. That didn’t stop Billy from jumping out before the taxi had come to a complete stop.

  According to his watch, it had been nearly forty-five minutes since Stasia’s broadcast ended. He hadn’t seen her during his frantic run through the airport. If he had any luck at all, she would still be here.

  Nerves coursed through him when he thought about seeing her face-to-face. Would he tell her he loved her? Or would he simply race across the room and pull her soft body in close to his? He couldn’t be sure.

  He raced to the front doors just as a woman in black was leaving. She blinked in surprise when Billy raced right past her and shouted something at his back. He didn’t stop. There was a light on up ahead. He skidded to a stop in front of a large doorway. A spacious room with darkened spot lights and cameras greeted him. Soft yellow lights hung from the ceiling above, barely illuminating the scene. He recognized the background to Stasia’s live interview. This was where she’d filmed it.

  “Stasia?” He yelled her name, not caring who else heard. “Stasia? Are you still here?”

  An eerie, yet slightly familiar laughter came from the shadows. A round woman with thin legs hobbled toward him. He flinched at her sudden appearance and then immediately recognized the stranger. Madge’s witchy sister, Thea, stood in front of him, wagging her finger. If it hadn’t been for her thick black and gray hair, the two of them could’ve passed as identical twins.

  “You’re too late, boy,” she lectured. “Much too late.”

  His heart sank in his chest. “Did she leave for the airport already?”

  “No, Mr. Wolf.” She slapped him on the arm. “The stars predicted your arrival long ago. You sure took your time getting here, though, didn’t you? The young woman’s in through there.”

  She pointed at the door on the other side of the room. He gazed in that direction, feeling his lungs expand in a breath of fresh air.

  “What? No flowers?” Thea squinted at his hands as if she thought he was hiding a bouquet. “What kind of man chases after a woman and doesn’t bring flowers?”

  “I was kind of racing against the clock,” he muttered, suddenly feeling subconscious about his lack of gift and the shabby flannel shirt and jeans he’d worn.

  When it came down to it, he wasn’t exactly prince charming. Would Stasia take one look at him and change her mind?

  “I guess you’ll have to do.” She eyed him with a disapproving glint in her eyes. “Get in there, young man. Don’t make me sic my sister on you.”

  The witch cackled as he raced across the room, hoping against hope that she was right and his love hadn’t yet left the country.

  Not without knowing how he felt.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Billy approached the room that the crazy witch had indicated. A soft yellow glow surrounded the edge of the door. He pushed it open, not sure what to expect on the other side. It opened onto a metal balcony that lined the entire massive room and led off to several offices. Below lay a giant mess of desks half-hidden in shadows.

  A single desk lamp lit up the floor. And sitting next to it was a curvy figure with lovely caramel skin and dark curly hair. She leaned over an open drawer and pulled something from its depths, plopping it into the box that lay at her feet.


  The name rang inside his head like an anthem. He clasped the handrail and gazed lovingly upon her. Never had he felt like this. So out of control and yet, completely focused at the same time. Running across the balcony, he descended the stairs and made his way through the mazes of desks. All the while, his gaze was pinned to that yellow glow among the darkness.

  He slowed as he neared and opened his mouth to speak. Nothing came out. Words escaped him. He stared desperately at the back of Stasia’s head, willing himself to say the words he’d been playing over and over again in his head on this crazy journey over here. But his throat had closed up on him. He mouthed incoherent words and bit his tongue, praying that he’d get a grip before Stasia turned around and saw him standing there with a dumb look on his face.

  So much for being a tough alpha wolf.

  “Billy?” Stasia looked up from her desk into the darkness, as if she expected him to be lurking in the shadows. She swiveled in her chair and her eyes grew wide when she spotted him. “Is that you?”

  “Yes,” he said lamely.

  “I thought I was just imagining the smell of engine grease and cologne.” She smiled, the light glimmering in her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

  “I saw the interview.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “It was good.”

  He wanted to punch himself in the face. Was that what he’d come all this way to say? That he liked her interview? No! But his brainstem seemed to have disconnected from the rest of his body.

  “I’m glad you liked it.” Stasia rose from the chair and wrapped her arms around her torso. She chewed on her bottom lip. “I did it for you. It was all for you.”

  “I know.” He took a step closer, so that only inches separated them. “I heard what you said.”

  “You did?” Her gaze flickered to his and then to the floor. “Everything?”

  “Everything.” His hands finally began to work again and he reached out to lightly run his fingertips along her jawline. “Including the fact that you love me.”

  She ducked her head and blushed violently. Curls sprang loose from her bun. “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. It was unexpected.”

  “Then, I’ll ask again, do you love me, Stasia Pavlosky?” His deep voice trembled with emotion. “Did you really mean it?”

  Her big eyes searched his, trepidation and nerves crossing her face. “I do. I love you, Billy. I’m sorry it took me this long to realize it, but I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember.”

  A sigh of relief parted his lips. He ran his thumb over the curve of her bottom lip, cradling her cheek in the palm of his hand. The feel of her soft skin beneath his sent waves of electricity down his arm. He placed his left hand on her hip and pulled her closer until not an inch separated them.

  “I love you, too.” He rested his forehead against hers, feeling the warmth of her breath on his cheek. “And if you’ll still have me, I’d like to spend every day of the rest of our lives reminding you of that fact.”

  She shivered beneath his touch and sweetly sighed. A knowing smile tugged at the left side of his mouth as he leaned in, brushing his lips lightly
against hers. With a growl, Stasia wrapped a hand around his neck, stood up on her tiptoes, and hungrily met his mouth in a passionate kiss.

  Her soft curves pressed against his body and fire erupted in his gut, threatening to consume him. She tasted of cinnamon and chocolate and sweet red wine. He wanted to melt into her, give up all of himself, and never come up for air again. He could live on that kiss alone.

  With a final moan, Stasia pulled away, her cheeks flushed. Billy mourned the end of the embrace, but didn’t protest. He kept his hand glued firmly on her hip, his eyes on her lips.

  “Do you still mean what you said?” she asked breathlessly.

  He cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

  “In your letter. You said that nothing had changed between us and that you’d always love me.”

  “You read my letter?”

  “Ashley kept it all these years and finally handed it over.” Stasia curled her lips in an embarrassed smile. “I’ve read the thing so many times in the past day that I think I already have it memorized.”

  A teasing glint lit in his eyes. “Absolutely, your highness. I meant every word. Then and now.”

  She batted him on the shoulder. “I hate it when you do that.”

  “Do what, Princess?” On his lips was a grin, but something darker smoldered in his green eyes.

  “You’re set on teasing me for the rest of my life, aren’t you?” She put on a fake pout.

  He stared intently at her mouth, his chest rising and falling with uneven breaths. “That’s a promise.”

  Claiming her mouth once again with his, he didn’t pull away until the sound of footsteps approached. They turned to see a group of six people approaching, all of various ages and supernatural origin. Maya led the way, her six-inch black pumps clicking on the floorboards. The vampiress stopped before them, popped a hip, and clicked her tongue.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Her eyes shone with a fierceness that made Billy’s stomach clench. “Our werewolf princess and our hero locking lips? The audience is going to love that.”

  He felt Stasia tense next to him. Covering her hand with his, he squeezed it and moved closer to her side.

  “The board loved your segment,” Maya said, gesturing toward the remaining five people who smiled and nodded in agreement. “I’m afraid I underestimated you, Ms. Pavlosky. You’re a real asset to this team.”

  Stasia lifted her chin and took a deep breath. “So, am I to understand I still have a job here at Lochness Broadcasting Studios?”

  “Of course.” Maya laughed as if anything else would’ve been preposterous. “We’re just estimating, of course, but I think the segment you did tonight will break viewership records. Monstrana loved you. Their werewolf princess, digging up the real-life stories about heartache, tragedy, and scandal. I can’t think of a better tag-line, can you?”

  “No...I suppose not.” Stasia pursed her lips thoughtfully. Her honey eyes hardened and then she grimaced. “But of course, that would mean I’d have to work under you. The woman who flew across the country in the middle of the night just to fire me and threaten my entire family. That’s treason, I’ll have you know. I could have you arrested or expelled from Monstrana.”

  Maya’s already pale face gained a deathly pallor. She wobbled on her heels and reached for the nearest desk for support. “I didn’ know that I didn’t mean...”

  “To tell me that I was useless in your plans to take over the company?” Stasia leaned forward. She glanced at the board, who all listened with intent expressions on their face. “Because that message came through, loud and clear. No, I won’t work for you ever again, Maya. I won’t be your pawn. That’s a promise. I quit.”

  Silence followed Stasia’s proclamation. Billy could see the wheels turning in the boards’ heads and if he was reading their expressions correctly, it didn’t look very promising for Maya. He couldn’t be prouder of the woman standing next to him.

  “I have a new dream now,” Stasia continued. She squeezed his hand. “One that involves my throne and the man who will stand beside me as I take on those duties.”

  Her eyes shone when she looked up at Billy. His heart thumped in his chest as they exchanged glances. When he thought he couldn’t love that woman more, his heart seemed to expand another size or two.

  “Of course,” Stasia glanced bashfully at the board and smiled, “that doesn’t mean I can’t do a segment here or there for the studios. Provided that I never have to work with Maya again.”

  “I’m sure that will be easily accommodated,” one of the board women replied. She turned to Maya and gestured with her forefinger. “We have many things to discuss with Maya. Including, her future here at the company.”

  They led the shrinking vampiress from the room. As soon as the door shut behind them, Stasia hopped into the air and pumped her fist, shouting out senseless words.

  “Did you see that? Did you see me?” She beamed with pride. “I stood up to that woman. Didn’t even bat an eye.”

  “That you did, my princess.” Billy swept her up into his arms and she squealed in surprise. “Now, I believe there was a time long ago that you promised me a tour of your castle. At this moment in time, I’m particularly interested in only one spot.”

  “Oh, yeah?” She grinned at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Where’s that?”

  “Your royal chambers.” He kissed her on the neck, making her squirm with pleasure. “After that, I’ll go anywhere and do anything you wish.”

  “Anything?” She gave him an evil grin, her eyes twinkling.

  He didn’t know exactly what he was getting himself into, but he’d go to the ends of the earth for this woman. Of that much, he was sure.


  Chapter Twenty

  Stasia screamed and threw her hands into the air. Trees flew past her window at a dizzying speed and her eyes were starting to blur. This was the moment she was going to die. She just knew it. And it was all Billy’s fault.

  “Put your hands back on the wheel,” Billy yelled, reaching over the center console to help steer the swerving vehicle back into its lane. Sweat trickled down his forehead.

  A vehicle passing in the opposite direction honked its horn and the owner made an obscene gesture out the window.

  “Sorry!” he muttered to them as the car righted itself. “Seriously, Stasia, you can’t just abandon ship whenever you start to panic. Besides, I thought you wanted to learn today. This was your idea.”

  “I’d take a ship over this metal death trap any day,” she said, biting her lower lip. “At least I know how to swim.”

  “You’ll learn how to drive, too,” Billy insisted with a dry laugh. He pulled the car over to the side of the road as it rolled to a stop and put it into park. Safely in a motionless position, he raked his hands through his hair and sighed. “You’ll learn even if it kills me. I can’t be with a woman who doesn’t know how to drive. All the boys down at the shop would laugh at me.”

  “Is that so?” She unbuckled her seat belt and crawled across the center to sit on his lap. A teasing smile lit up her face. “Are you sure they don’t already make fun of you?”

  “Why? What have you heard?” Billy’s jaw went slack as he gazed intently at her mouth.

  “Oh, I don’t know...” She planted a warm kiss on his earlobe and then the angular part of his jaw, moving ever closer to his lips. “It was nothing, really. A passing comment. A tiny joke. Just something about you being house-broken.”

  A look of pure indignation crossed his face and Stasia burst out laughing. She pressed her mouth against his and wrapped her arms around his neck, soaking in his body heat and the spicy taste of his lips.

  “House-broken?” he mumbled through her kiss. “I’ll show them house-broken...”

  “Easy, wolf boy.” She pulled back and grinned. “It had to happen someday. At least, it’s with me. The girl of your dreams. Your future wife.”

  She flashed
the sparkling diamond encrusted ring on her left hand.

  He growled and yanked her toward his chest, crashing his mouth onto hers. When she was good and dizzy, he picked her up and deposited her back into the driver’s seat as if she weighed nothing more than a bag of flour.

  “Hey, now.” She crossed her arms and pouted. “I wasn’t done with you.”

  “And I’m not done with you.” He gave her a wolfish grin. “If we make it through the rest of this driving lesson alive, I’ll let you take your house-broken man out for some pizza and maybe, if you’re really lucky, I’ll even go to that club you’ve been talking about forever.”

  “Really?” A smile stretched from ear to ear on Stasia’s face and she bounced in her seat.

  She’d only mentioned the club at least a hundred times during the last year they’d been together. They’d spent most of that time traveling throughout the world, visiting werewolf packs and doing royal field work. It had been a great year. A wonderful year. They were just now getting settled back at the castle. Stasia, with her royal duties and occasional special live report at Lochness Broadcasting Studios, and Billy with his own classic car renovation shop. The wedding was only weeks away.

  “It’s the coolest spot. I haven’t been there since we shot Vic’s dating show. I can’t wait to dance.”

  “Only if you drive the whole way.” He held up a finger and raised an eyebrow. “Hands on the wheel at all times.”

  “Were-scout’s honor,” she said with a two-fingered salute, putting the car into drive. “Let’s get out of here.”

  The high-pitched horn of a passing car made Billy cringe. Stasia slammed on the breaks, smiled sheepishly at him, and checked her mirrors this time before pulling out onto the road. She couldn’t help but glance over at him from time to time, the breeze flowing through the open window over his shaggy hairstyle, making him smile contently. It was hard to look away. She loved that man.

  Never in her life did she think she could feel this way.


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