‘Between God and Marn’s (Kinoshita) 23–5, 142
Bigot, Georges Ferdinand 31
Biito Kiyoshi 61
Biito Takeshi 61 , 147
Bisson, Thomas A. 155
Black Fog Series (Matsumoto) 78
Bluer than Indigo 72
Book of Seasons, The 130–1, 132
Boy Champion Weekly, The 44
‘Bringing up Father’ (Macmanus) 28–9
Brown, B.F. 14, 137
Brown, Walker 163
Buddhism 129
‘Butterfly, The’ (Chch) 80
Candies 84, 89, 98
‘Capsule Man’ 120, 160
Carpet of Clouds 73
cartoons 30–1, 143:
female car toonists 41–3;
recurrent social themes 111–12;
‘Sazaesan’ 111, 113–14;
see also comics
Chamberlain, B.H. 145
Cheung Hong-Chung 129, 163
Christian culture 89, 92
Chshingura 69, 148
cinema see movies
‘circles’ 103–6, 108:
see also citizens’ movements
citizens’ movements 103–15:
anti-pollution 107–8, 114, 123, 128, 130;
circles 103–6, 108;
communal aspect of 105;
issue-oriented 109–11;
politicization of 109;
public safety issues 107;
revolutionary 114–15;
village tradition 106–7, 108
Clan of Poe, The (Hagio) 43
class structure 32–3, 36, 49, 117–18, 144, 152, 158–9:
ruling elite 6, 49;
uneducated 59, 60
Class Structure of Japan, The (Tominaga) 32, 144
clothes see dress
Collier, John Payne 59, 146
comics 28–45, 70, 144–5:
education and 45;
labour movement and 44;
proportion of publications 44, 144;
see also cartoons
Comics, The (Waugh) 28
‘Comin’ through the rye’ 99, 100
common culture 48–9
Communist International 104, 106
Communist Party see Japan Communist Party
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur 77
conscription 124
conservatism 154
constitution 3, 21
Correction Bureau of the Department of Justice 16–17
‘Crimes against International Law’ (Keenan and Brown) 14, 137
Christian 89, 92;
common 48–9;
foreigners and 82–4;
international 103;
mass 55;
post-war changes 116–24
currency 5
d’Amare, Ricardo 126
Dan Ikuma 81, 92, 150
dance festivals, summer 51
‘Dates with Punch’ 147
de Vivero, Don Rodrigo 46, 145
detective novels 77
dialectics 105
dialogue see manzai
Dore, Ronals P. 163
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 77
dress 122:
Western clothes 122, 161
‘Drunk who has come back home, The’ (Kato) 98, 99
Earthward bound (Takemiya) 42
Edo 46–8, 129:
see also Tokyo
Edo period 52, 53 , 117, 148, 163
Edogawa Ranpo 77
education 4, 6–7, 8:
comics and 45;
musical 79–80
Ei Rokusuke 146
‘Elegy of Seven-Mile Beach’ 101, 102
elite, ruling 6, 49
Emperor 3, 4, 142–3:
absence from war crimes trials 16;
humanity declaration 8;
responsibility for war 26;
unity symbolized by 122
Engel’s coefficient 118, 159–60
Et Jun 134, 135, 137
Et Shinpei 71
Evening Star, The 70
family spirit 120–1
festivals 51, 129
Fighting Record of the Invisible Organizers, The (Shirato) 34–6, 45
Fighting Record of the Invisible Organizers of Koga, The (Shirato) 34–6
final testaments 17–18, 24–5
folk songs, Scottish 79, 99–100
breakfasts 117, 118 ;
con sumption changes 117–19, 158;
during occupation 10, 11;
self-sufficiency 117–19, 158;
shortages 46–7, 117
‘Forty-seven faithful retainers’ 68 , 69, 70
French demonstration 110
From cave painting to comic strip (Hogben) 12, 137
Fujimura Michio 135–6
Fujiwara no Sadaie 50, 145
Fukuda Teiry 147
Fukushima Chro 137, 154
functional logic 105
gagaku (court music) 83
Gaki Deka (fictitious) 43, 44
Gemeinschaft 105
Gesellschaft 105
gift exchange 127
Gilber, W.S. 81
‘Glow of the fireflies, The’ 100, 101
Gods of the Flower Seeds, The (Shiba) 74
‘Gondola Song’ (Nakayama) 92, 94, 95
Good-natured Father (Nagaoki) 57
‘Great River Dramas’ 49, 67, 68 , 74, 148:
forty-seven faithful retainers 68, 69, 70;
Meiji restoration in 70–1, 74, 148, 149
guidebooks 125–33
Hachirgata farmers 119–20
Hagio Moto 43
haiku poets 132
Hall, Robert King 155
Hamada Hikoz 30
Hanabishi Achako 56, 57
Hani Gor 151
harakiri 129
hardwork ethic 69
Harimoto 69
Hasegawa Machiko 42, 111
Hata Ikuhiko 155
Hatoko’s Sea 70, 72
Hayakawa Ktar 146
Hayashi Chikio 158
Hayashi Fusao 21, 141, 151
Hayashi Shonosuke 55
Hayashi Takeji 152
Hayashiya Tatsusabur 146
health care 10–11
Hearn, Lafcadio 37
Hepburn, Dr 30
Here Goes Ryma (Shiba) 74
heroes on television 69
hichiriki (instrument) 83
Hida Kageki 164
Hidaka Rokur 153
‘Hietsukibushi’ 86, 91
Higashikuni, Premier Prince 5
Hinata Yasushi 152
Hirano Ken 134
Hirasawa Sadamichi 78
Hirota Kki 22–3, 142
History of Modern Japan-Changing Signs of the Times (Yanagita) 116, 120, 153
Hogben, Lancelot 12, 137
hokku (poem) 125
Hokusai cartoons 31
home-brewing 153
Honda Shgo 134
Hoover, President 1
Hryji Temple 30
Hoshino Yoshir 123, 161
human rights (jinken) 152
Hussey, Commander Alfred R. 3
hymns 89, 92
hyottoko (funny face) 50
Ibuse Masuji 133, 164
Ichikawa Hakugen 144
Ichimura Uzaemon XV 83, 84
Ickes, Harold L. 3
Ienaga Sabur 22, 141–2, 161
‘If you go to the sea’ (Nobutoki) 97
Iinuma Jiro 120, 160
Ikeda Hayato, Premier 7
Ikeda Riyoko 43
Ikeda Yasabur 145
Ikky (Zen priest) 31
Ikuma, Dan 81, 92, 150
Imaizumi Sadasuke 164
Imamura Taihei 153–4
‘Imay’ 89, 92
‘In support of the Greater East Asian War’ (Hayashi) 21, 141
Inaba Michio, 44, 145
inductive logic 105
industrialization policy 120
bsp; innovation 123, 126
Inoue, Marquis 48
Inoue Hiroshi 147
Inoue Hisashi 74, 163
Inoue Kiyoshi 135, 142
internal consistency, logic of 105
Internal Military Tribunal for the Far East see Tokyo War Crimes Trial
Inui Takashi 150
invasion, sanctions against 14–15, 20
Invisible Organizers 34–6
Irokawa Daikichi 153
Ishimure Michiko 153
Isoda Kichi 135
Isomura Eiichi 47
It, Prince 48
It Hirobumi 164
Ito Toshio 151
Itsuki Hiroyuki 74
Izawa Sensei 150
Izawa Shji 79–80, 100
Japan Chisso Company 108
Japan Communist Party 8, 9:
citizens’ movements and 103, 104, 106, 109;
monopoly on truth 9–10;
purge of 8, 136
Japan Handbook, The (Tames) 129, 131, 163
Japan Proletarian Cultural League 103
jinken (human rights) 152
jokes 55, 56
journalism 77–8
KOP 103
Kabashima Katsuichi 29, 30
kabuki actors 52, 83
Kabukiza Theatre 67
Kades, Colonel Charles L. 3
Kaik Takeshi 75–6
Kajii Jun 144
kamikaze 129
Kamisaka Fuyuko 138
Kamishima Jir 165
Kamo Momoki 164
Kaneko, Petty Officer 17
Kanohara, Private (fictitious) 23–4
Kata Kji 144
katami see mementos
Kato Hidetoshi 159
Kat Shichi 48, 129, 163
Katsushika Hokusai 31
‘Katyusha’s Song’ (Nakayama) 93, 150–1
Katzenjammer Kids 28
Kawade Shob 153
Kawai Eijir 151
Kawazoe Noboru 145
Keenan, Joseph B. 14, 23
Keene, Donald 83
Kim Dae Chung 78, 150
Kimura Gor 20
Kimura Ihei 11, 12
Kimura Minori 43
Kimura Tsunehisa 64, 65
Kinen Jigykai 150
King 49
King Hall, Robert 155
Kinoshita Junji 23–5, 142
Kishi, Premier 7, 9, 109, 114
Kishida Gink 30, 143
Kishimoto Shigenobu 159
Kitahara Hakush 94
Kitamura Hideo 147
Kitar of the Grave (Mizuki) 38
Kitayama Shigeo 151
Kobayashi Ichiz 43
Kobayashi Takiji 36
Kobayashi Tomi 153
Kodaira Yoshio 10, 137
Kodama, General 71
Koenaki Koe no Kai 153
Koizumi Fumio 81–2, 84, 150, 151
Kojima Noboru 142, 155
Kokontei Shinsh 53
Kon Wajir 145, 161
Konno Toshihiko 136
Konroe family 84
Shinto shrine in 132, 164
literature written in Japanese by 131–2, 163–4
Kuno Osamu 114, 154
Kuno Takeshi 143
Kurahara Koreto 103–4, 108
Kuroiwa Ruik 77
Kurosawa 92
Kuwahara Takeo 158
Ky Utako 57, 59
Kyho 48
Kyokutei (Takizawa) Bakin 130, 163
land reforms 8
‘Last Testament of the Century’ 17, 25, 138
Lat (cartoonist) 128
Leckie, Gordon W. 163
lending bookshops, 34, 37
libraries see lending bookshops
literature 76–7, 125:
by Korean residents 131–2, 163–4;
poetry 125, 130, 132;
see also journalism
Little Bears (Swinnerton) 28
‘Little Community, The’ (Redfield) 13, 137
Live Corpse, The (Tolstoy) 94
‘live talkers’ 67
‘Living’ (film) 93
Lockheed bribe case 78
logic 105
loyalty tests 64
lullaby 86, 90
‘Luminous Moss’ (Takeda) 23, 142
MacArthur, General 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 10, 13, 69, 154–5
Macmanus, George 28, 143
Maddo Amano 148
Maeda Isamu 146
Maeda Toshihiko 153
Maintenance of public order act 7
Makabe Hitoshi 153
Makiguchi Tsunesabur 131
Makise Kikue 153
male-female relationship 11, 12
Manchurian Incident 55, 135
manga see comics
manzai 49–54:
art of the ineducated 59, 60;
based on contemporary events 56–7;
counter-acting unity 70;
history 146;
jokes 55, 56;
late Edo period 52;
marriage counselling show 57–9;
Mikawa 52 ;
performers in Sensh Scroll 51 ;
post-war development 57–9;
radio and 55;
Two Beats 61
marches 80, 92
marriage counselling show 57–9
Maruki Iri 141
Maruki Toshi 141
Marunouchi 12
Maruyama Masao 16, 137
Mason, Luther 79
mass culture 55
mass media 55, 70
mass society 30
Master of Gensenkan, The (Tsuge) 40, 41
master-servant dialogue see manzai
mathematical logic 105
Mathematical Statistics Research Institute 140
Matsudaira Sadanobu 46
Matsui Sumako 94
Matsumoto Seich 77–8, 149
Matsuura Sz 137
Meigetsuki (Fujiwara) 50
Meiji, Emperor 164
Meiji period:
early 47–8, 54;
food in 117;
restoration in Great River Dramas 70–1, 74, 148, 149
mementos 121–2
middle class see class structure
Mihashi Kazuo 151
Mikado, The 81, 82
Mikawa manzai 52
militarism 131:
checks on 123–4
Mimura Fumio 135
Minamata disease 108, 110, 114
Minami Hiroshi 147, 150
Minamie Jir 146
Mishima Yukio 129
Misora Hibari 69
Misumi Yko 101
Mita Munesuke 150, 159
Mitsuaki Usami 129, 163
Miyako Chch 57, 58 , 59
Miyako Harumi 69
Miyao Shigeo 143
Miyaoka Masao 153
‘Miyasan’ 80–1, 92
Mizuki Shigeru 37–9
‘Monument of the Stupid, The’ 27, 143
Morikawa Tetsuro 149–50
Morimura Seiichi 77
Morishima Michio 124, 163
Morita Yoshinori 146
Morita Yoshiyuki 155
Morse, E.S. 47, 145
movements see citizens’ movements
movies 68:
‘live talkers’ 67
‘Mr Elephant’ (Dan Ikuma) 92, 93
Murakami Yasusuke 159
Murasaki, Lady 125
early Western-style melodies 92–7;
education in 79–80;
gagaku 83;
hymns 89, 92;
‘Imay’ 89, 92;
lullaby 86, 90;
marches 80–1, 92;
pentatonic scale 92, 93, 97;
post-war Western-style 97–100;
traditional 81–3, 85–92;
Westernization of 79–84;
work songs 81, 86, 91;
see also popular songs, singers and song contest
‘Musical structur
e of Japanese popular songs’ (Koizumu) 84
NAP 103
NHK see television
Nagai Hiro’o 146, 147
Nagaoka Hiroyoshi 153
Nagaoki Makoto 55, 57, 146
Nagashima 69
Nagata Hidejiro 132, 164
Nakai Masakazu 104–5, 114
Nakamura Shikan 46–7
Nakano Osamu 120, 147, 160
Nakano Shigeharu 133, 164
Nakata Yoshinao 97
Nakayama Shinpei 93, 94
Nakazono Eisuke 150
Nanking massacre (1937) 14
Nanto Yuji 57, 58
Nara 30
Narita Tamez 95
Narita, airport at 49, 108, 120
Naruse Mukyoku 146
National Geographic Magazine 30
Nebuta Festival 129
‘New Deal’ 1, 2
‘New History of Japan, A’ (Ienaga) 22, 141–2
New Men 21
New York American 28
nihilism 36
Niijima Jo 30, 143
Nishibe Susumu 159
Nishihira Shigeyoshi 140
Nishiyama Taikichi 78
Nobutoki Kiyoshi 97
Nogi, General 71
Norman, E.H. 126
Nosaka Akiyuki 74
Nozoe Kenji 153
occupation 1–12:
health and welfare 10–12;
lifestyle changes 11;
sense of justice and 11, 13–27;
terms of 4–5;
‘truth’ during 9;
see also surrender, terms of
Oda Makoto 153
Oda Nobunga 35
Oda Nobutsune 29
ishi Kuranosuke 69
Okamoto Hiroshi 147
Okamoto Tki 36
Okazaki Katsuo 5–6
ki Yone 153
Okinawa base 21, 78
kubo Hisao 137
Okura Mitsugu 67
mura Masujir 71, 81
On the Eve (Turgenev) 93
Onuma Yasuaki 142
Origin of Shigisan (Toba) 31
Orikuchi Shinobu 49, 145
okina (honourable old man) 50
Osanai Kaoru 67
Oshima Yumiko 43
Oshin (TV programme) 148
tori Keisuke 57, 59
Outcoult, R.F. 28
Ox against the storm (Strong) 106
Ozawa Shichi 146, 147
Pal, Radharinod B. 20–1, 139
parody 74, 148
pentatonic scale 92, 93, 97
picture-card show 33, 34
Pink Lady 84, 86
poetry 125, 130, 132
Poetry Contest of the Thirty-Two Anisans 51
Police Reserve Force 8
pollution see anti-pollution movements
popular song 79–102:
see also music, singers, song contest
population 123, 128, 161–3
Population Institute 123
posture 67–8
Postwar Period in Literature, The 129
Potsdam Declaration 6, 9, 13, 134–5
privacy 120
Prosperity of Edo, The (Terakado) 46
public maintenance law 7
public safety issues 107
Punch, Mr 59–60
Punch and Judy (Collier) 59
A Cultural History of Postwar Japan Page 17