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Ferocity Page 3

by T. L. Reeve

  “You need some sleep,” Kenny murmured. “You’ve been going over this stuff night and day for a week now.”

  “Because I won’t lose this place. It’s my home.” She met his gaze. “I can’t allow her to run this place into the ground and lose the respect our family cultivated over the last five decades. Hearts and Paws is my—our legacy.”

  "You can't fight Maisie if you're drop-dead exhausted." He took the folder from her and placed the loan document inside it before closing it. "Get some sleep then call Dave. I'm sure he'll help you figure this out."

  "What are you getting out of this, besides a pity fuck?"

  He frowned. “Don’t ever fucking say that again. I told you how I feel about you. What we just did won’t ever be a ‘pity fuck.’ We have a connection. Always have. You’ve been too stubborn to see it, Scar.”

  No. She kept to herself because it’d been so much easier when she did. People weren’t her specialty, and neither were the animals in the sanctuary anymore. “You don’t know what you’re saying, Kenny. You’re still buzzing off the alcohol.”

  “Are you saying I’m too inebriated to understand what just happened?” He stared down at her with such intensity, she cringed. “Didn’t think so. I’m good and sober, love. Trust me. I don’t fuck while drunk. I like when my partners can consent before jumping in my bed.”

  She winced at his tone. “Sorry.”

  “Damn right you are.” He grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Never forget it either.” Kenny slammed his lips down on hers in a searing kiss. As quickly as it started, it was over, and he strode from her. “Call Dave. I’ll take you to his office when you’re ready.”

  She placed her trembling fingers to her lips. Stupid man. Stupid body. She allowed herself to enjoy five minutes of peace, only to treat Kenny like shit the minute she’d gathered her tattered emotional blanket around her. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can’t I be normal?

  Later that morning, she placed a call to Dave. She tossed and turned more than she slept even though she’d showered to remove some of Kenny’s scent on her. She wouldn’t admit part of the reason why she couldn’t sleep was due to the smell of his aftershave, it lingered along with the images of them having sex on the break room table. I’ll never walk in there again and without seeing us on that table. Mortification rolled through her. Stop it. She’d done nothing wrong. Yet, it’d been a habit to berate herself as she had in the past. Like her parents had done before their death.

  “Scarlett,” Dave said in greeting. His deep rich voice warmed her. “What a pleasant surprise. What can I do for you?”

  “I really can’t talk about it here, but can I come to your office?” she asked, glancing out over the sanctuary from her office window.

  There, near the lion cage stood Kenny and Edward or ‘Ed,’ for short. Kenny hired him a couple of years ago and so far, the guy had been a perfect fit for the sanctuary, but he didn’t talk to her much. Kenny assured her it was due to his condition—shyness. Of course, she doubted it. She placed another person’s unwillingness to talk to her on her shoulders and blamed the wicked scar on her face. While she continued to watch them, they laughed about something and a foreign warmth bloomed deep within her. As she turned to look at the blue notebook, she caught a glimpse of Kenny staring up at her with the goofiest of grins. The asshole. Why did he have to be so damn happy?

  “Scarlett... Scar?” Only those closest to her used the nickname Dave has bestowed upon her.

  “Huh? Oh, sorry.” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I’m a little distracted today.”

  He chuckled. "I can tell. I said I can see you for lunch. I'll order in for us. How does Francesca’s sound?”

  “Perfect,” she sighed. “You should know, Kenny will be with me. He’s bringing me.”

  “Sounds great,” Dave replied. “I’ll clear my schedule then. I’m glad you called, Scar. I’ve missed your company.”

  She grinned at the sincerity of his voice. “I have too. It’s been way too long. But, uh, can we keep this to ourselves, please?”

  “Sure, Scar. Should I be worried?”

  The hint of concern in his tone had her rushing to answer. “No. Not at all.” Liar.

  Once he saw the contract, he’d lose his shit. “You know how I feel about stuff... People.”

  He sighed. “Yeah. I wish you’d see yourself how Kenny and I do.”

  “Well, it won’t happen any time soon,” she muttered.


  “Nothing. I said I can’t wait to see you,” she stated, covering her ass.

  “Me neither. See you in a couple of hours.”

  Dave hung up just as there was a knock at her door. She tilted her head. Edward was standing there. His bright green eyes flashed a hint of mischief and a bit of unpredictability. Scarlett sat up a bit as he approached. He, like Kenny, was handsome. His skin had been sun-kissed from working outside while he’d been employed with the sanctuary. He was muscular too, more so than Kenny and Dave. His sandy-blond hair fell over his brow in loose wavy curls, giving him a boyish appearance.

  “Miss Leon,” he said, his deep voice surprising her. “Kenny wanted me to tell you to be ready at noon. We will be accompanying you to Mr. Youngblood’s office.”

  “Oh,” she said, confused momentarily. “You’re coming with us?”

  “Yes, ma’am if that isn’t a problem.” His gaze didn’t quite meet hers.

  “Look at me,” she said.

  He raised his gaze to hers.

  “Now, that’s better. It’s only a scar, Ed. Nothing to be afraid of.”

  He recoiled and made a sour face. “I’m sorry if you believe I am afraid of you, Miss. I’m not. I’ve heard from workers you don’t like people staring at you.”

  She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. “I’m sorry, Ed.”

  “Not a problem.” He grinned and it transformed his features from boyish to downright handsome. “I think you’re sexy as fuck. Kind of intimidating. Saw you staring out over the sanctuary earlier. I get now why Kenny calls you the Queen Lioness around here.”

  She ran her tongue along the inside of her teeth. “Does he now?”

  Edward nodded. “Damn right he does.”

  She laughed. “I’ll see you a little before noon, Ed. Tell Kenny to keep his mouth shut and to be ready.”

  “Will do, boss lady.” He gave a quick wave then hurried from the office.

  If she had to guess, he was in his mid-twenties which gave him a bit of a younger affability. Maybe she did intimidate him and maybe he was just trying to stroke her ego. Either way, she smiled as she continued to put together the information she’d gathered about the loan.

  “Auntie Scarlett?” Her niece knocked on her door before stepping into her office. The younger version of her mother, Maisie, folded her hands in front of her.

  “Hey, sweet girl,” she said. “What can I do for you?”

  “Can we have lunch together?” Samantha had come from the product of a one-night stand. Maisie never said who the guy was or what happened, other than she wouldn’t give the precious girl up for adoption or abort her. At the time, she believed her sister, now... Maisie used the little girl more as a prop than loved her as her daughter.

  “I’m sorry, Sam, I have a work lunch.” She stood then walked around the desk. “But I heard your mother has another one of her charity things tonight so if you want, we can have dinner and watch scary movies.”

  The girl glanced up at her with sparkling grey eyes. “I’d like that.”

  At ten, the little girl had always called Hearts and Paws home. She ran around the place with such a carefree spirit, Scarlett wished she still had. Like Scarlett and Maisie, Samantha had tutors who came to the sanctuary to homeschool her as well. In a way, Scarlett hated it for her niece. She deserved to be with kids her age, not stuck around a bunch of adults—that was another bone of contention between Maisie and Scarlett.

  "Great. I'll see you
at five for dinner." She hugged Samantha and tucked one of her curly wheat-colored locks behind her ear.

  “Pizza?” Her niece folded her hands in front of her. “Please? Mom doesn’t let me eat it very much.”

  “Pizza it is. I’ll have one of the workers pick it up for us, okay?”

  Samantha nodded. “Thank you, Auntie Scarlett.”

  “You’re welcome, precious girl.”


  Scarlett stepped out of the elevator into the lobby of Dave's law firm. The different lines on the phones rang while both of his receptionists answered them one by one, putting them on hold before returning to the first call. The sitting area had been mostly empty except for an older couple. When they glanced up at her, they turned away. Nothing new there. She strode past them to the front reception area without a second thought. The receptionist on the left hung up the phone then glanced at her before quickly lowering her gaze.

  Both Kenny and Edward made a derisive noise.

  Scarlett shook it off. She was used to it. “I’m here to see Mr. Youngblood.”

  “Name?” The woman still wouldn’t look at her.

  “Scarlett Leon,” she answered.

  The receptionist clicked a few keys on the keyboard in front of her. "Sorry, no appointment listed here. You'll need to call back later and make one."

  She tilted her head. “Dave knows I am here.”

  “Computer says otherwise.” The phone rang again, and the receptionist answered it, effectively cutting her off.

  “Fuck this,” Scarlett muttered.

  “What are we doing, Miss Scarlett?” Edward hedged.

  “Going back to Dave’s office.” She shrugged. “He knows we’re here.”

  Kenny laughed. "I love it when you're a badass." He placed his hand on the small of her back, guiding her down the hall to the large office with the bay windows overlooking Colorado Springs. A thrill shot up her spine as the memories of what they'd done the night before, sprung to life.

  "Miss... Miss, you can't go down there! I'll have to call security." The receptionist leaned over the counter and shouted.

  “Then call them.” Scarlett shrugged. “Dave knows I’m coming.”

  At the mention of his name, his head popped up and he gifted her with a brilliant smile. He stood then and buttoned his jacket as he made his way to her. “You look radiant as always.” Dave wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. “God damn it’s good to see you away from that forsaken sanctuary.”

  “Watch it. I happen to love my sanctuary.”

  Dave nuzzled her neck and chuckled. “Yeah, well...” He motioned for them to follow. “Come on, we have all afternoon and I want to know what you’re being so secretive about.”

  “Mr. Youngblood,” a man called out and Scarlett pivoted with Dave.

  The security guard had two others flanking him, each one a little more intimidating than the last. The grim set of his face denoted the fact he’d been called up there most likely by the stupid receptionist who’d arbitrarily decided Scarlett shouldn’t be there. Shitty people do shitty things. It's not about you, Scar, she told herself.

  “Yeah, Tommy?” Dave stepped forward. “Is there an issue?”

  The man shook his head. “We were called about a disturbance.”

  Dave glanced over his shoulder at Scarlett and winked. “Well, as you can see, there isn’t a disturbance here. Just the co-owner of Hearts and Paws, here discuss business, which she had an appointment for.”

  Tommy nodded. “Sorry, Miss.”

  Scarlett raised her hand and gave him a dismissive wave.

  “Who called you up here Tommy?” Dave continued down the hall to the security guards.

  “I did, sir,” the woman who’d disregarded everything Scarlett said, stated.

  "Ah, Delores. You're fired." Dave looked at Tommy. "Make sure she gathers up all of her belongings. I'll call Charlotte in payroll and have her check drawn up immediately. Don't leave her side."

  “B-but Mr. Youngblood, I didn’t realize—”

  “No,” he answered. “You didn’t. Miss Leon is one of my dearest friends. If you’d have looked at the digital planner we use here, you’d have seen my schedule for the afternoon was cleared specifically for her.”

  “I-I’m sorry, sir.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re sorry you got caught. There’s a difference.” He glanced at the second receptionist. “Denisha, call over to HR and ask them to post for a receptionist job. Let them know it’s a rush.”

  The woman nodded. “Right away, sir.”

  With everything settled, Dave returned to Scarlett’s side and they continued to his office. “Sorry about that.”

  “It is what it is,” she answered then introduced Edward. “I don’t know if you know who Edward is, but he’s one of our workers at the sanctuary.”

  “I know, Ed,” Dave said.

  She glanced at Kenny then to Edward. “You do?”

  "Uh-huh," Dave answered. "We have boys' weekends sometimes."

  “He knows my Pops,” Edward said with a roll of his shoulders.

  “Small world we’re living in,” she muttered. “Anything else the three of you want to tell me before we get to work?”

  Dave, Kenny, and Edward looked at each other.

  “Yeah,” Dave said. “We intend to make you ours, Scarlett Leon.”

  She took a step back. “What?”

  Kenny came up behind her. “You heard the man. Last night was just the beginning of what we have in store for you.”

  She laughed. “You’re all crazy. Good one. You got me.” The aroused determination in Dave’s blue eyes matched the same look in Edward’s. “Oh fuck off, the three of you. What the hell are you getting at here?”

  Dave lifted his head in the direction of his office. “Come along Scarlett. There’s much to discuss over this working lunch and we’re already losing valuable time.”

  She gazed at the office, not but a few feet from where she stood then at the men surrounding her. None of them made a lick of sense. Make her theirs? What the hell? Had she gone to bed and woke in some alternate universe? "You're all freaking me out a little." She motioned to Edward. "We barely know each other."

  "I hope to change that, Miss Scarlett. Please have lunch with us. I don't want to continue this conversation out in the open."

  She frowned. No, neither did she. “Fine. Lunch.” She glared at Dave. “We have business to discuss and not this tripe of being in a relationship. Scarlett Leon doesn’t do relationships.”

  Kenny chuckled, easing her toward Dave’s office. “Not before, but you will now.”

  She snorted. Bet me.

  Chapter Three

  Dave chose the conference table to the right of his desk. It gave them room to eat while they went over whatever Scarlett had found. Once their lunch arrived, they dug into it and when they were halfway done, Scarlett opened the folder and pulled out a contract, one he’d never seen before.

  “Where did you get this?” he asked, taking the folded-up paperwork from her.

  “Accidentally found it last night,” she said. The pink tinging her cheeks told him a whole different story.

  “Might have taken advantage of the situation,” Kenny added.

  “You were like a tom cat looking to score, more like it,” she quipped.

  Edward laughed.

  “It was in this register,” Scarlett said, pushing the notebook to Dave. “I’ve looked through it twice and I have no clue where it might have been hiding.”

  Dave opened the document and began reading it. It was a standard five-year fixed-rate loan, using the sanctuary as collateral. He blinked. Had he read that right? He looked over it again, coming to the terms of the loan once more. "Who signed it?"

  “Maisie,” Scarlett replied. “Shouldn’t it have had both of our signatures? Shouldn’t you have looked at it first before she signed anything?”

  He nodded as he continued to read. Maisie not only put the sanctuary up for colla
teral, but also the family home in Boulder, and the small gift store/online store they ran to make extra money. It didn’t make sense to him why Maisie would be so stupid or careless. As it stood, Hearts and Paws operated part of the year in the black, the rest of the time, like the coming winter, they’d be working in the red, depending on credit to purchase most of their supplies. God forbid if one of the big cats got sick, it would bankrupt them for sure.

  “First and foremost, what did this money go toward?” He placed the paperwork on the desk before taking another bite of his lunch.

  Scarlett frowned. “I have no clue. We’re operating on a short budget as it is.” Kenny nudged her and she pursed her lips. “Maisie also mated a pair of tigers. She swears the lion was already pregnant when we brought her in and the other set of lions, well... I suspect Sheba and Thadeus were brought together as well.”

  “How many more cats does that make?”

  “Seven,” Kenny answered. “And counting.”

  “What?” Scarlett dropped her fork. “What are you talking about and counting?”

  Kenny rubbed his forehead. “A cheetah is pregnant.”

  Scarlett pushed away from the table. Rage replaced the arousal pouring through her veins. “What do you mean, a cheetah is pregnant?”

  “We found out this morning. Fabien confirmed it.” Kenny shifted in his seat. “Normally, I’d think Maisie was being eccentric, but this... I think she’s gone Cruella de Ville on us.”

  “Big cats aren’t dalmatians,” Edward said. “And there’s not a hundred and one of them either.”

  Dave barked out a laugh.

  Scarlett frowned. “How far along?”

  Kenny shrugged. “At least a month or two? She could have them any day now. Fabien wasn’t sure.”

  “You’ve got a problem, Scar,” Dave said.

  "You think. The timing of these ‘pregnancies' almost syncs up exactly to when Maisie received the loan."

  "Longer," Dave uttered. "For the cubs and kits to arrive after the paperwork had been signed, Maisie would have had to have been tracking their seasons for at least a year, if not more. I think the luck came with the already pregnant lioness."


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