The Sixth Strand

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The Sixth Strand Page 112

by Melissa McPhail

  Viernan hal’Jaitar—Radov’s Consul and wielder (see the Fifty Companions)

  Taliah hal’Jaitar—(deceased) daughter of Viernan; a mor’alir Adept

  Nassar abin’Ahram—Commander of the forces at Ramala

  Leilah n’abin’Hadorin (called Lily)—Radov’s disavowed daughter, Princess of M’Nador

  Korin Ahlamby—Leilah’s betrothed

  Dore Madden—an Adept wielder serving the Prophet Bethamin (see Fifty Companions)

  Raliax—(deceased) a Saldarian mercenary

  Demetrio Consuevé—an Adept Nodefinder

  Leyd—a zanthyr

  In the Akkad

  Emir Zafir bin Safwan al Abdul-Basir—Akkadian Emir, Unifier of the Seventeen Tribes

  Rajiid bin Yemen al Basreh—Prime Minister of the Akkad

  Farid al Abdul-Basir—Nodefinder son of Zafir, a prince of the Akkad

  Trell’s Officers and Converted

  Loukas n’Abraxis—a combat engineer from Avatar

  Tannour Valeri—an assassin from the Vestian Sorceresy

  Rolan Lamodaar—an expatriated prince from M’Nador

  Raegus n’Harnalt—a commander among the Emir’s Converted

  Gideon val Mallonwey—Captain in the Dannish army

  Lazar hal’Hamaadi—al-Amir of the fortress of Khor Taran

  Nyongo Kutaata—a Shi’ma warrior

  On Trell’s Earlier Travels

  Yara—an old Kandori woman

  Lord Brantley—(deceased) Earl of Pent, liegeman to the Duke of Morwyk

  Ghislain D’Launier—a famous courtesan in Rethynnea

  Haddrick—an Adept truthreader and pirate of Jamaii, cousin to Carian vran Lea

  D’Varre—Guildmaster of the Nodefinder’s Guild of Rethynnea

  The Royal Family of Dannym

  Gydryn val Lorian—King of Dannym

  Errodan Renwyr n’Owain val Lorian—Queen of Dannym

  Sebastian val Lorian—Prince of Dannym, firstborn son and heir to the Eagle Throne

  Trell val Lorian—Prince of Dannym, the middle son

  Ean val Lorian—Prince of Dannym, the youngest son

  Ryan val Lorian—brother to Gydryn, Dannym’s Ambassador to Agasan

  Fynnlar val Lorian—son of Ryan, the royal cousin

  Ysolde Remalkhen—the Queen’s Companion; a Fire Princess from Avatar

  Creighton Khelspath—ward of Gydryn, blood-brother to Ean (now a Shade)

  The Peerage of Dannym & Their Households

  Gareth val Mallonwey—Duke of Towermount and General of the West

  Tad val Mallonwey—heir to Towermount

  Gideon val Mallonwey—Captain in the Dannish army, cousin to Tad

  Katerine val Mallonwey—daughter of Gareth

  Lisandre val Mallonwey—daughter of Gareth

  Loran val Whitney—Duke of Marion and General of the East

  Killian val Whitney—heir to Marion

  Melisande d’Giverny—(deceased) mother to Alyneri

  Prince Jair Haxamanis—(deceased) Prince of Kandori, father of Alyneri

  Alyneri d’Giverny—Duchess of Aracine, an Adept Healer

  Farshideh—(deceased) a Kandori midwife, seneschal of Fersthaven

  Stefan val Tryst—Duke of Morwyk

  Eugenia val Tryst—wife to Stefan

  Darryn val Tryst—son of Stefan and Eugenia

  Morin d’Hain—Spymaster

  Donnal val Amrein—Minister of the Interior

  Mandor val Kess—Minister of Culture

  Vitriam o’Reith—(deceased) truthreader to King Gydryn

  Kjieran van Stone—(deceased) Agasi truthreader; bound to Darshan

  The King’s Men

  Rafferty Makenna—Captain in the king’s army

  Sir Kendrick Perry—a knight of the King’s Own Guard

  Ramsay val Baran—Captain in the king’s army

  Tavon val Forbes—Combat engineer in the king’s army

  Rhys val Kincaide—Lord Captain of the King’s Own Guard

  Lachlan val Reith—Captain in the king’s army

  Jasper val Renly—a captain in the Dannish army in M’Nador, elder brother to Bastian

  Bastian val Renly—a lieutenant in the King’s Own Guard, younger brother of Jasper

  Others of Note

  The Karakurt—a female truthreader, leader of an infamous ring of assassins

  Pearl—the Speaker of the Karakurt’s will

  Thrace Weyland—an Adept truthreader and purveyor of information

  Jaro Orulan—a weirwarden of Vest

  The Sormitáge Ranks

  (in ascending order)

  The Docian Collar: yoked to the honest study of elae. Adepts wear the Docian collar from their earliest years until they pass the Catenaré Invocation Trials, often a span of five to eight years.

  The Catenaré Cuff: chained to the dutiful service of elae. Adepts wear the Catenaré cuff until they pass the Maritus Invocation Trials, usually a span of three to four years.

  The Maritus Bracelet: married to the courageous exploration of elae. Adepts wear the Maritus bracelet until they’ve completed their Maritus thesis and passed the Devoveré Invocation Trials for their strand, usually a span of five to ten years.

  The Devoveré Ring: devoted to the just and virtuous practice of elae. Adepts are awarded their Devoveré ring upon successful completion of the Devoveré Trials.

  A stacked Adept– referencing an Adept who has gained more than one ring in the discipline of a single strand.

  A bracketed wielder – referencing an Adept who has gained a Devoveré ring for each strand of elae and thereby wears a ring on every finger of his or her right hand. A bracketed wielder has ascended from Docian to Devoveré on every strand of elae.

  A rowed wielder – having gained a bracket on both hands. A rowed wielder has ascended first from Docian to Devoveré in every strand, then again ascended through the same ranks specializing in the wielder’s craft of Patterning, learning to apply the Laws and Esoterics to each strand of elae, as well as building his or her repertoire of associated patterns.

  The Laws of Patterning


  1. KNOW the effect you intend to create.

  2. What applies to one applies to all.

  3. Create newly each effect.

  4. Positive determinism is necessary to achieve the intended effect.

  5. A wielder is limited by what he can envision.

  6. Energy responds to positive thought. Corollary: Patterning is most effective at the level of thought.

  7. A wielder succeeds in the alteration of energy, space and time in inverse proportion to his agreement with the material universe.

  8. All patterns are the result of effort channeled along a specific vector; thus, patterns are the product of force.

  9. Do not counter force with force; channel it.

  10. Energy cannot be unmade, merely transformed.

  11. All things are formed of patterns.

  12. A pattern need not be perfect, but the wielder’s concept of it must be.

  13. Intention monitors solidity, solidity monitors structure.

  14. Exact duplicating forces, in opposition, will nullify structure.

  15. Talismans magnify intent.

  16. Talismans form the bridge of cause and effect.

  17. The use of talismans must focus force without limiting scope.

  The Esoterics

  Absolute Being is the entire concept of actuality. Corollary: Absolute Being is the exact form, material composition and position in space as modified by time.

  Patterns lie within the boundaries of Absolute Being.

  The wielding of Form must encapsulate Absolute Being.

  Time results from the application of an intention that matter and space will persist. Thus, time and space are monitored by Absolute Being.

  Absolute Being must equal the scope of a wielder’s concept of effect.

  Absolute Being is necessary to the creation of s
pace. Corollary: Energy cannot exist without Absolute Being.

  Solidity is monitored by Absolute Being.

  Absolute causation is fundamental to Absolute Being.

  Pure concept always overwhelms linear translation.


  A wielder is limited by what he can envision himself envisioning.

  Space, energy, time and form are the result of thought applied as intention.

  Energy can be unmade only within the space of Absolute Being. Corollary: a wielder can unmake his own energy but not the energy of another.

  Exact duplicating thought, with the same energy, in the same time, will nullify reality and actuality.

  Doubt of intention results in diminished effect on a gradient scale.

  Intent determines causation.




  20. The strands are divisions of energy as applied towards creation of life, form, time, thought, elements. Thus, all Laws of Patterning follow also the laws of energy.

  21. Actuality is monitored by the wielder’s point of view. Reality is monitored by collective thought agreement.

  22. Illusion becomes reality when a) collective agreement is achieved on the existence of the illusion and b) when enough agree that the illusion should persist.




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