The Age of Napoleon

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The Age of Napoleon Page 132

by Will Durant

  Boynton, Harriet, 473–74

  Bozzaris, Marco (1788?–1823), 498

  Brandenburg, electorate of, 593

  Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, 610, 611

  Brazil, 222, 532

  bread riots, 8–10 passim, 24, 62–63, 84, 695

  Breitkopf and Härtel, publishers, 580, 624

  Bremen, 236, 588, 592, 694

  Brentano, Antonie, 579

  Brentano, Bettina, see Arnim, Bettina von

  Brentano, Clemens (1778–1842), 579, 629

  Brentano, Franz, 579

  Brescia, 102

  Breslau, 613, 616, 717–18

  Brest, 60, 202, 309, 523

  blockaded by Britain, 80, 210

  Girondist revolt at, 62

  invasion force assembles at, 107, 189

  Breteuil, Louis-Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de (1730–1807), 17

  Breuning, Eleonore von, 568, 572, 573

  Breuning, Lorenz von, 568

  Breuning, Stephan von, 577

  Brézé, Marquis Henri-Évrard de (1766–1829), 16–17

  Bride of Abydos, The (Byron), 461, 506

  Bride of Lammermoor, The (Scott), 506

  Bridgetower, George Augustus Polgreen (1779–?1840), 574

  Brienne, battle of (1814), 722

  Brienne military academy, 92–93, 113, 242, 243, 246, 322, 722

  Brighton, Royal Pavilion at, 370, 378

  Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme (1755–1826), 272

  Brindisi, 543

  Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre (1754–93), 20, 33

  and anti-veto demonstration, 37

  in Convention, 47, 52

  death of, 66

  in Legislative Assembly, 35, 37

  and the Rolands, 36, 149

  and Mme. de Staël, 35, 148

  Bristol, port of, 342

  and slave trade, 368

  Britain, see England

  British Empire, 508, 518, 536

  British Institution for the Development of the Fine Arts, 376

  British Museum, 377, 383

  Brittany, 15, 44, 60, 85

  Broglie, Duc Léonce-Victor de (1785–1870), 180, 301, 307

  Broglie, Maréchal Duc Victor-François de (1718–1804), 17

  Brongniart, Alexandre-Théodore (1739–1813), 280, 682

  Brook Farm, 262

  Broquin, Mme., 135

  Brothers Karamazov, The (Dostoevsky), 631

  Brougham, Henry Peter, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778–1868), 362, 370, 408

  Browning, Robert (1812–89), 449

  Brueys, François-Paul (1753–98), 111–12

  Brummel, George Bryan “Beau” (1778–1840), 368

  Bruné, Guillaume (d. 1815), 753

  Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand (Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand), Duke of (r. 1780–1806)

  death of, 209, 747

  employs Constant, 304

  Gauss helped by, 608

  heads invasion of France, 44, 46, 55

  leads Prussians at Auerstedt, 209, 595–96

  manifesto of, 38–39, 43, 45, 420

  and philosophes, 619

  at Valmy, 46, 747

  Brunswick-Lüneburg, duchy of, 587

  Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, duchy of, 588

  Brunswig, Countess Therese von, 578

  Brussels, 37

  French capture of (1792), 50

  jails in, 244

  Wellington’s army at, 744

  Brutus, Decimus Junius, Roman Consul (A.D. 138), 35, 129

  Brutus, Lucius Junius, Roman Consul (509 B.C.), 35, 129, 141

  Brutus (Voltaire), 138

  Brye, 745

  Bucharest, Peace of (1812), 671, 697

  Buckingham House, 378

  Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de (1707–88), 322, 326, 328

  Bug River, 670

  Bulgaria, 669

  Bülow, Friedrich Wilhelm von (1755–1816), 719, 746–48

  Buonaparte, Carlo (1746–85), 91, 92, 93

  Buonaparte, Letizia, nee Ramolino (Madame Mère; 1750–1836), 91–92, 220–21, 230, 242, 247, 281

  appeals on N.’s behalf, 220, 550, 763

  death of, 221, 770

  at Elba, 220, 735–36

  Buonaparte, Napoleone, see Napoleon I

  Buonarrotti, Filippo (1761–1837), 14, 90

  Bürger, Gottfried (1747–94), 505, 630

  Burgos, 229, 539

  Burial of Atala, The (Girodet=Trioson), 314

  Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 178, 386, 508, 513–15

  attacks Revolution, 339, 514

  on Church of England, 359

  conservative philosophy of, 333, 514–15, 654

  and F. von Gentz, 624

  Mackintosh replies to, 504, 515

  and Marie Antoinette, 560

  Wordsworth on, 444

  Burkhardt, Christina, 647

  Burlington House, 386

  Burney, Charles (1726–1814), 150

  Burney, Fanny (1752–1840), 150, 410

  Burns, Robert (1750–96), 416, 503, 505, 513

  Burun, Radulfus de (fl. 1066), 454

  Bussaco, battle of (1810), 538

  Bute county, Scotland, voters in, 502

  Buzot, François (1769–94), 36, 47, 57, 67

  Byron, Ada (1815–52), 465, 499, 501

  Byron, Allegra (1817–22), 477, 481–82, 487, 488, 489, 494

  Byron, Annabella, Lady Byron, nee Milbanke (1792–1860), 461–62, 463–67, 494, 499, 500–501

  Byron, Augusta (sister of Byron), see Leigh, Augusta

  Byron, Augusta Ada (dau. of Byron), see Byron, Ada

  Byron, Catherine, nee Gordon of Gight (1765–1811), 455, 459

  Byron, George, cousin of poet, 459, 466

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788–1824), 155, 374, 454–61, 476–80, 486–91, 494–95, 497–500

  birth and education, 455–56

  on Canova, 555

  character and appearance, 489–91

  and Chateaubriand, 318

  and Claire Clairmont, 400, 467, 476–77, 481–82, 488

  and Coleridge, 437, 440, 446, 456, 466

  correspondence, 408

  death, 499–500, 501

  disability, 455, 505

  and Elgin, 377

  on Goethe, 623

  grand tour of, 457–59, 670

  in Greek Revolution, 497–99

  at Holland House, 370, 450, 459

  on Italians, 551, 553

  in Italy, 478–80, 486–89, 494–97

  and Augusta Leigh, 455, 462–67 passim, 490, 499, 500

  Luddites defended by, 345, 460

  marriage of, 463–67

  memoirs of, 464, 487

  and Murray, 300, 409

  and Oriental romances, 377, 461, 506

  religious views of, 456, 490, 508

  and Romanticism, 489, 492

  and Shelley, 472, 476–78, 480–82, 486, 488–89, 490, 494–95, 496–97

  and Southey, 450–51, 456, 489

  and Mme. de Staël, 300, 477

  in Switzerland, 476–78

  Thorwaldsen’s bust of, 667

  on women’s clothes, 369

  and Wordsworth, 446, 451, 452, 456, 536

  Byron, Capt. John (1756–91), father of poet, 454–55

  Byron, John (1723–86), grandfather of poet, 454

  Byron, Sir John (fl. 1535), 454

  Byron, William Byron, Lord (1722–98), 454

  Byron (Marchand), 454*

  Byzantine Empire, 669

  Cabanis, Pierre-Jean (1757–1808), 120, 142–44, 266, 330

  Cabarrus, Thérésa, see Tallien, Thérésa

  Cabrera, island of, 224

  Cadell, Robert (1788–1849), 507

  Cádiz, 203, 523, 533, 537, 539

  Cadoudal, Georges (1771–1804), 172, 176, 190, 192–93, 195, 196

  Caecilia Association, Frankfurt, 583

  Caen, bread riots in, 8

  Girondins in, 34, 57

Caius Julius (100–44 B.C.), 105, 124, 193–94; 247, 543

  Café de Foy, 17, 136

  Cagnola, Luigi (1762–1833), 554

  Cahier Rouge (Constant), 302

  cahiers, 11–12, 130

  Cain (Byron), 472, 487–88

  “Ça ira,” 29, 137

  Caird, Edward (1835–1908), 658

  Caird, John (1820–98), 658

  Cairo, 109–12, 170, 174*, 188

  Caisse de l’Extraordinaire, 27

  Calabria, 113

  Calais, invasion forces at, 522

  Calais Pier (Turner), 383

  Calas, Jean (1698–1762), 32

  Caleb Williams (Godwin), 399–400

  California, Russians in, 672

  Caliste (Zélide), 303

  Calvert, Raisley, 409, 421

  Calvi, Corsica, 519

  Calvin, John (1509–64), 146

  Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques (1753–1824), 162, 191, 221, 234

  and law code, 162, 180, 181

  Cambrai, Terror in, 68

  Cambridge University, 354, 362–63, 392, 397, 503

  Cambronne, Comte Pierre-Jacques-Étienne (1770–1842), 747

  Camilla (Burney), 410

  Campan, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette, nee Genêt (1752–1822), 24

  Campbell, Thomas (1777–1844), 459

  Campoformio, 108

  Campoformio, Treaty of (1797), 105, 107, 114, 126, 175, 571, 588

  and Peace of Lunéville, 177

  Cam River, 444

  Canada, British conquest of, 380

  canals, in France, 261

  Canary Islands, 520

  Candeille, Amélie-Julie (1767–1834), 73

  Candide (Voltaire), 305, 629

  Candolle, Augustin de (1778–1841), 660

  Cannes, 307, 736, 737

  Canning, George (1770–1827), 165, 300, 360

  orders bombardment of Copenhagen, 526, 625

  Canova, Antonio (1757–1822), 301, 550, 554–56, 611, 667, 683

  statue of Pauline Borghese, 92, 555, 771

  Canterbury, Archbishop of (1783–1805: John Moore), 369

  Cape of Good Hope, 733

  capillary attraction, 388

  capitalism: in England, 341–42

  in France, 5, 126, 153–54

  Marx’s dialectical view of, 649

  Owen and, 346, 347

  Caprara, Giovanni Battista, Cardinal (1733–1810), 237, 281, 282

  Caracas, Venezuela, 609

  Caraccioli, Marchese Domenico di (1715–89), 543

  Caracciolo, Admiral Francesco (1752–99), 545

  Carbonari insurrection (1821), 489

  Carey, Ann, 372

  caricaturists, 378–79

  Carinthia, 233, 558

  Carlton House, 358, 378

  Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 299, 417, 626

  on British factory workers, 344

  and “dismal science,” 346, 402

  and Feast of Federation, 29

  and hero worship, 92, 656

  on Robespierre, 14

  on 1793 Constitution, 57

  “Carmagnole, The,” 134*, 137

  Carmarthen, Lady Amelia D’Arcy Osborne, Marchioness of (d. 1784), 455

  Carmarthen, Francis Osborne, Marquess of (1751–99), 455

  Carniola, 233, 558

  Carnot, Lazare (1753–1823)

  Committee’s “organizer of victory,” 59–60, 62, 63, 64, 84, 323

  in Directory, 88, 95, 97, 106

  escapes 18th-Fructidor coup, 106, 323

  in Hundred Days, 741

  and invasion of Ireland, 509

  as mathematician, 59, 323

  and N., 95, 160, 172, 245

  in Provisional Govt. (1815), 751

  religious views of, 73

  and Robespierre, 61, 80

  on Talleyrand, 165

  Caroline of Brunswick, Princess of Wales (1768–1821), 358, 374

  Carrier, Jean-Baptiste (1756–94), 68–69, 71, 80–81

  Cartagena, 609

  cartographers, 609

  Cassel, 576, 590

  Casteggio, battle of (1800), 173

  Castiglione, battle of (1796), 103

  Castle of Otranto, The (Walpole), 416

  Castle Rackrent (Edgeworth), 410

  Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount (1769–1822), 526, 732–33, 753

  Cateau-Cambrésis, 752

  Cathcart, Sir William Schaw, 1st Earl Cathcart (1755–1843), 716–17

  Catherine of Württemberg, Princess (1783–1835), Queen of Westphalia as wife of King Jérôme Bonaparte, 218

  Catherine II the Great, Empress of Russia (r. 1762–96), 543, 558, 604

  arts under, 681–83

  court of, 674

  education under, 674

  expansion policy of, 672

  and Freemasons, 673

  and the French Revolution, 676, 677

  and the Jews, 680

  literature under, 684

  and the philosophes, 6, 670, 674, 677, 683, 684

  and Poland, 513

  and Turkey, 201, 513, 670

  Catholic Church and Catholics:

  IN AUSTRIA, 183, 559, 562, 563–64, 565, 601

  IN ENGLAND, George III and, 360, 512

  movement for full emancipation of, 360, 447, 460

  restrictions against, 354, 358

  IN FRANCE, 3, 4, 8

  under Bourbon Restoration, 730–31

  cahiers of (1789), 11

  under Louis XIV, 359

  losses of during Revolution, 27–28, 32, 34, 42–43, 124, 125, 126–27, 152, 154, 544

  N.’s restoration of through Concordat, 182–85, 254, 258, 264, 266

  reorientation of toward Papacy, 185, 550

  in States-General, 13, 15–16

  IN GERMANY, 183, 188, 588, 601–2

  IN IRELAND, 507–11

  IN ITALY, 541–47 passim, 548–50, 551


  IN SPAIN, 224, 537

  Cato, Marcus Porcius, the Elder (234–149 B.C.), 35, 129, 140

  Cato, Marcus Porcius, the Younger (95–46 B.C.), 35, 129, 140

  Caulaincourt, Armand-Augustin-Louis de (1772–1827), 252, 688

  ambassador to Russia, 234, 696

  in Hundred Days, 739, 750

  negotiator for N. with Allies, 716, 717, 725, 726

  questions N.’s policies, 251, 697, 698, 699

  in Provisional Govt., 751

  travels with N. in Russian debacle, 702, 704, 707, 710, 711

  cavaliere servente, 461, 486, 551

  Caverne, La (Lesueur), 137

  Cavour, Conte Camillo Benso di (1810–61), 590, 660

  Cecilia (Burney), 410

  Cenci, The (Shelley), 482

  Central Asia, 610

  Cephalonia, 105, 498

  Ceres (planetoid), 608

  Ceylon, 733

  Chabot, François (1759–94), 76

  Chabry, Louison (b. 1772), 25

  Chains of Slavery (Marat), 20

  Chalgrin, Jean-François (1739–1811), 280, 284

  Chalier, Marie-Joseph (d. 1793), 70

  Châlons-sur-Marne, Academy of, 130

  Chamber of Deputies (Restoration), 331, 730, 741

  Chamber of Peers (1815), 742

  Chamber of Peers (Restoration), 730

  Chamber of Representatives (1815), 742, 743, 750–51

  Chambers, Ephraim (1680–1740), 409

  Chambers, Sir William (1726–96), 377

  Chambéry, 332, 730

  Chamfort, Sébastien-Roch-Nicolas de (1741–94), 5

  Chamisso, Adelbert von (1781–1838), 626

  Champagne, 8, 40, 46

  Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompère, Comte de (1756–1834), 214, 225

  Champaubert, battle of (1814), 722–23

  Champ-de-Mars (Field of Mars): demonstrators killed on, 32, 51, 67

  festivals on, 28–29, 79, 742–43

  Championnet, Jean-Étienne (1762–1800), 116, 545

/>   Champollion, Jean-François (1790–1832), 110

  Champs-Élysées, 135, 136, 206, 280

  “Chant du départ” (Chénier), 146

  Chant du départ (Méhul), 137

  Charlemagne, King of the Franks (r. 768–814) and Emperor of the West (r. 800–814), 193–94, 242, 558

  and the Empire, 207, 587

  and the Papacy, 542, 548

  Charleroi, 80, 744–45, 749

  Charles I, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1625–49), 53, 360

  Charles II, King of England, Scotland, and Ireland (r. 1660–85), 360, 454

  Charles III, King of Spain (r. 1750–88), 222, 513, 534, 541

  Charles IV, King of Spain (r. 1788–1808), 222–24, 534, 535

  Charles IV and His Family (Goya), 222

  Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1711–40), 541

  Charles IX, King of France (r. 1560–74), 138

  Charles IX (Chénier), 138, 146

  Charles X (Charles-Philippe, Comte d’Artois), King of France (b. 1757, r. 1824–30), 18

  abdication of, 754, 774

  character of, 730

  and conspiracy against N., 190, 191

  as émigré, 19, 729

  Marat and, 20, 24

  Charles XIII, King of Sweden (r. 1809–18), 661, 662

  Charles, Hippolyte (1752–1837), 100, 120

  Charles Augustus (Karl August), Duke of Saxe-Weimar (r. 1775–1815 as duke, 1815–28 as grand duke), 619, 620, 638

  court theater of, 614–15

  at Erfurt, 226

  and Goethe, 46, 226, 614–15, 622

  and Mme. de Staël, 293, 298

  and U. of Jena, 622, 647

  at Valmy, 46

  Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia (r. 1796–1802), 97, 98, 333

  Charles Eugene, Duke of Württemberg (r. 1737–93), 326

  Charles Frederick, ruler of Baden as margrave (r. 1738–1803), as elector (1803–06), as grand duke (1806–11), 192

  Charles John, Crown Prince and later King of Sweden, see Bernadotte, J.-B.-J.

  Charles Louis, Archduke, see Karl Ludwig Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick, see Brunswick, Charles William Ferdinand, Duke of Charlotte, Princess (1796–1817), 358

  Charlottenburg, 611

  Charlotte Sophia (1744–1818), Queen of George III of England, 381

  Charpentier, Constance-Marie, nee Blondeau (1767–1849), 245

  Charpentier, Julie von, 632

  Charrière, Isabella de, see Tuyll, Isabella van Charterhouse School, 362

  Chartreuse de Parme (Stendhal), 219, 551

  Chateaubriand, Aimée-Thérèse (Mme. J.-B.-A. Chateaubriand d. 1794), 312

  Chateaubriand, Apolline de, nee de Bedée (d. 1798), 309, 312, 313

  Chateaubriand, Armand de (d. 1809), 230, 320

  Chateaubriand, Vicomtesse Céleste de, nee Buisson de La Vigne, 311–12, 314, 319

  Chateaubriand, Vicomte François-René de (1768–1848), 266, 289, 308–21, 336

  in America, 310–11

  appeals on brother’s behalf, 230, 320


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