The Age of Napoleon

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The Age of Napoleon Page 136

by Will Durant

  at Bartenstein with Alexander (1807), 211

  humiliated at Tilsit, 596, 668

  and the rebuilding of Prussia, 597–98

  rejects national bank, 601

  compelled to sign alliance with N. (1812), 697

  at Dresden with N., 700

  withdraws to Breslau as Alexander advances (1813), 713

  “An mein Volk” appeal, 714

  at Lützen, 716

  in drive on Paris, 724–25

  in London (1814), 609

  at Congress of Vienna, 732

  in Paris (1815), 752

  Frederick William IV, King of Prussia (r. 1840–61), 631, 645, 700

  Freemasons: in Austria, 563–64

  in France, 6, 15, 33, 332

  in Germany, 602, 619

  in Papal States, 550

  in Portugal, 531, 532

  in Russia, 673

  in Spain, 534

  free will, 331, 392, 398, 441, 651

  Freiberg, Saxony, 593, 608, 613

  Freischütz, Der (Weber), 613–14

  Fréjus, 114, 119, 728, 771

  French Academy (Académie Française), 128, 266

  French Academy, Rome, 139, 279

  French Empire, 197–336

  French Revolution (1789–99), 3–155

  abolition of slavery under, 79, 130, 153

  art under, 128, 139–41, 280, 283

  background and causes of, 3–12, 151–52

  beginning of, 16

  classes under, 118, 124–26

  commerce and industry under, 126

  economic crises under, 24, 55–56, 62–63, 89, 118, 125

  education under, 42, 79, 115, 127–28, 154

  law codification under, 130–31

  literature under, 144–51

  manners and dress under, 134–37, 271, 272, 369

  morality under, 114–15, 117, 118–19, 129–34, 269

  music under, 137

  philosophy under, 142–44

  press and censorship under, 20, 24, 32, 33, 83, 86, 90, 115, 128–29, 152

  population under (1791), 26

  religion under, 27–28, 42–43, 71–74, 79, 83, 84, 86, 105, 118, 126–27, 129

  results of, 152–55

  science under, 128, 142–43, 154

  theater under, 137–39

  wars of, see French Revolutionary Wars

  see also Convention, National


  Legislative Assembly

  National Assembly

  French Revolutionary Wars (1792–99): France declares war on Austria, 37, 312, 560

  operations in eastern France, 42, 44, 46

  French conquest of Rhineland (1792), 49–50, 569

  annexation of Savoy and Nice, 49, 97, 98, 333

  conquest and annexation of Belgium (1792), 49–50

  “natural boundaries” policy, 50

  formation of 1st Coalition (1792–93), 50, 53, 517, 661

  France begins war on England and Holland, 53, 344, 420, 423, 517

  1793 campaigns in Holland and Rhineland, 53–54, 62, 64, 74

  peace overtures, 55, 75, 114

  Franco-Swedish alliance, 55

  Portugal at war with France, 593

  French levy en masse (1793), 63–64, 74, 267

  Bonaparte recaptures Toulon, 74–75

  British blockade, 80, 89, 126, 142

  campaign of 1794, 80

  submission of Holland as Batavian Republic, 85

  Peace of Basel (1795), 85, 87, 97, 114, 126, 593, 594

  England and Austria continue war against France, 85, 97, 425

  French conquests in Italy (1796–97), 97–105, 544

  cession of papal enclaves to France at Tolentino (1797), 104, 542, 544

  Franco-Portuguese peace, 114

  submission of Austria in Peace of Campoformio, 114, 126, 588

  submission of Papal States and Naples (1798), 108, 114, 520, 544, 545

  submission of Switzerland, 108, 114, 659

  Bonaparte’s Egyptian-Syrian expedition (1798–99), 108–14, 115, 670

  formation of 2d Coalition, and campaigns of 1799, 113, 116–17, 119, 170, 521, 670, 676

  Malta taken from French by British (1799), 114, 178

  see also Napoleonic Wars

  Frères des Écoles Chrétiennes, 264–65

  Fréron, Élie (1719–76), 69

  Fréron, Louis-Marie-Stanislas (1754–1802), 33, 47, 69, 71, 80–81, 83

  Freud, Sigmund (1856–1939), 380, 415

  Frick Collection, 384

  Fricker, Edith, see Southey, Edith

  Fricker, Sara, see Coleridge, Sara

  Friederike Louise of Hesse-Darmstadt, Queen of Frederick William II of Prussia, 594

  Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Princess, statue of, 611

  Friedland, East Prussia, 593, 641

  battle of (1807), 211–12, 256, 276, 295, 525, 596, 668, 687

  Friedrich Ludwig of Hohenlohe, Prince (1746–1818), 209

  Friedrich of Brunswick, Prince (1771–1815), 747

  Friend, The (magazine), 439

  Fries, Jakob Friedrich (1773–1843), 655

  Frithjofs Saga (Tegnér), 662

  Fronde rebellion (1648–53), 25

  Fulda, bishopric of, 588, 591

  Fulton, Robert (1765–1815), 261, 342, 346

  Füssli, Johann Heinrich, later Henry Fuseli (1741–1825), 380, 660

  gabelle, 8

  Gag Bills, 425, 517

  Gainsborough, Thomas (1727–88), 372

  Galicia, 233, 558, 733

  Galilei, Galileo (1564–1642), 290, 553

  Gallego, Juan Nicasio (1777–1853), 534

  Gallenberg, Count, 577

  Galleria Borghese, 92, 555, 771

  Gallican Articles, 184, 185, 550

  Galvani, Luigi (1737–98), 551

  Gamba, Count Pietro (d. 1827), 489, 494, 496, 497–99, 500

  Gamba, Count Ruggero, 487, 489, 494, 496, 497

  Garat, Dominique-Pierre-Jean (1764–1823), 137

  Garde du Corps, royal, 17, 24, 25, 52, 331

  Garde Française, 17, 18, 19

  Garde Nationale, see National Guard

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe (1807–82), 552, 590

  Gamier, Charles (1825–98), 298

  Garrick, David (1717–79), 371, 374

  Gaudet, Deputy (fl. 1792), 47

  Gaudin, Martin-Michel-Charles (1756–1841), 164, 250

  Gaul, 5, 105, 193

  Gauss, Karl Friedrich (1777–1855), 607

  Gautier, Théophile (1811–72), 155

  Gavi, 172

  Gay-Lussac, Joseph-Louis (1778–1850), 266, 323

  Gaza, 112

  Gazette de France, La, 20, 287

  Geist der Zeit, Die (Arndt), 627

  Gembloux, 747

  Genappe, 476, 749

  General Post Office, Paris, 261, 286

  Geneva, 171

  annexed to France, 169, 207, 659

  music in, 553

  revolution in, 149

  taken by Allies, 721

  Geneva, Lake, 29, 172, 477

  Génie du christianisme, Le (Chateaubriand), 183, 309, 311, 313, 314, 315–17

  Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité (1746–1830), 136, 185, 272

  Genoa, 91, 261, 541

  under French, 103, 105, 108, 117, 544, 546

  Masséna besieged at, 170–72

  Genoa, Doge of (fl. 1805), 202

  Genovese, Antonio (1712–69), 543

  Gentz, Friedrich von, publicist (1764–1832), 296, 561, 619, 624

  Gentz, Heinrich, sculptor (1766–1811), 611

  Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne (1772–1844), 108, 266, 326, 327

  Geographical Society, London, 386

  geography, 386, 387, 609

  Geological Map of England and Wales (Smith), 387

  geology, 387, 609

  geometry, projective and synthetic, 323

  George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1714�
�27) and Elector of Hanover (r. 1698–1727), 355, 592

  George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland and Elector of Hanover (r. 1727–60), 354

  George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland (r. 1760–1820) and ruler of Hanover (r. 1760–1815 as elector, 1815–20 as king), 193, 355, 367, 380, 519

  and the Bourbons, 178

  character of, 357

  Catholic emancipation opposed by, 357, 360, 510, 512

  and Hanover, 178, 189, 592

  insanity of, 357, 358, 374–75, 510, 512–13, 527

  and Louis XVI’s death, 517

  popularity of, 357, 527

  rejects N.’s peace overtures, 169–70, 200–201, 339

  and sons, 357, 358

  George IV (George Augustus Frederick, Prince of Wales), King of Great Britain and Ireland, and of Hanover (r. 1811–20 as prince regent, 1820–30 as king), 273, 349, 357–58, 391

  becomes regent, 358

  and Brummel, 369

  death of, 378

  and Fox, 357, 512

  marriages of, 358

  N. appeals to for asylum, 756–57

  and Nash, 378

  portrait by Lawrence, 381

  unpopularity of, 358, 374

  George, Mile. (Marguerite Joséphine Weimer 1787–1867), 283, 284

  George, Stefan (1868–1933), 627

  Georgia, 686

  Gérard, Étienne-Maurice (1773–1852), 723, 745, 747

  Gérard, François (1770–1837), 273, 281, 282

  Géricault, Jean-Louis-André-Théodore (1791–1824), 282

  German Confederation (1815 ff.), 733, 740

  Germany, 587–658

  art in, 610–12

  class divisions in, 600, 628

  commerce in, 600

  drama in, 600–618

  and the Enlightenment, 588, 602, 619, 628–29, 632, 658

  feudalism in, 596, 600, 619, 637 (see also feudalism and serfdom, abolition of)

  and the French Revolution, 600, 603–7 passim, 619–28 passim, 630, 638, 643, 645, 656, 658

  and the Holy Roman Empire, 188, 587–90

  industry and technology in, 125, 600

  Jews in, 600, 602–4

  literature of, 298, 416, 593, 600, 619–35

  morals in, 604–5

  music in, 565, 612–14

  N.’s provinces in, 590–92

  newspapers in, 624

  philosophy in, 298, 602, 603, 617, 636–58

  population of (19th cent.), 125

  religion in, 588, 601–2, 604, 625, 634–35, 641

  science in, 607–10

  Mme. de Staël and, 292–93, 296–99, 305–6

  theater in, 614–16

  women in, 604–5, 620, 633, 634

  War of Liberation in, see Liberation, War of

  see also Confederation of the Rhine and names of individual states

  Germany and the French Revolution (Gooch), 620*

  Geschichte des Abfalls der Vereinigten Nederlande (Wieland), 622

  Geschichte des Herrn William Lovell, Die (Tieck), 630

  Geschichten Schweitzerischer Eidgenossenschaft (Müller), 660

  Geschlossene Handelsstaat, Der (Fichte), 640

  Ghent, 308, 740, 752

  Giaour, The (Byron), 461, 506

  Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 6, 362, 468, 477

  and Mme. Necker, 146, 147

  Gibraltar, 108, 178, 457, 520

  Gideon, Sampson, 360

  Gifford, William (1756–1826), 500

  Gillet, Nicolas-François (d. 1791), 683

  Gillman, Dr. James (fl. 1816), 446

  Gillray, James (1757–1815), 379

  Giorgione (Giorgio Barbarelli; 1478?–1511), 139

  Girodet-Trioson (Anne-Louis Girodet de Roucy; 1767–1824), 314

  Gironde département, 34

  Girondins: in Assembly, 34–37, 41, 45

  Charlotte Corday and, 57, 59

  in Convention, 47–51 passim, 53, 55, 69

  fall of, 56–57, 63, 66–67, 144, 145, 160

  and Louis XVI’s trial and execution, 50, 51, 53

  and Marat, 49, 54, 55

  and religion, 43, 72

  restoration of, 83

  uprisings of, 62, 67, 70

  and White Terror, 85

  Wordsworth and, 420, 421

  Gjengengeren og han selv (Baggesen), 666

  “Glad Day” (Blake), 379

  Glasgow, 342, 347

  Glasgow University, 503, 504

  Gleichenstein, Baron von, 577

  Glenarvon (Caroline Lamb), 500

  Glinka, Fyodor Nikolaevich (1786–1880), 687

  Glogau, 716

  Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714–87), 137, 553, 582, 612

  Gneisenau, Count August Neithardt von (1760–1831), 596, 598, 749

  Gobel, Jean-Baptiste (1727–94), 73

  Godoy, Manuel de (1767–1851), 208, 222–24, 534, 608

  Godunov, Boris, Czar of Russia (r. 1598–1605), 685

  Godwin, Fanny (1794–1816), 366, 400, 481

  Godwin, Mary (dau. of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin), see Shelley, Mary

  Godwin, Mary Jane Clairmont, 400, 474, 475–76, 481

  Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft, see Wollstonecraft, Mary

  Godwin, William (1756–1836), 386, 397–400

  atheism of, 358, 397

  and the Clairmonts, 400, 467, 475

  death of, 400

  debates with Malthus on population, 400–402

  determinism of, 397–99

  on education, 361, 398, 399

  and elopement of daughter with Shelley, 474–76

  and French Revolution, 513, 518

  in Joseph Johnson’s circle, 366, 409, 413

  marriage to Mary Wollstonecraft, 366, 400

  philosophical anarchism of, 353, 398, 401, 638

  Shelley, correspondence with, 470, 471, 492, 495

  Shelley influenced by, 397, 399, 468, 493

  and Shelley’s financial aid, 400, 474, 476, 481

  and Wordsworth, 400, 421, 452

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749–1832), 242, 533*, 587, 603, 620*, 622–23, 633

  and Bettina von Arnim, 579–80, 605

  and Beethoven, 579–81, 582

  and Byron, 488, 490, 491, 623

  classicism of, 623

  contemporaries’ assessment of, 616, 623, 625, 631, 632

  Constant’s visits with, 305

  on the Cuvier-Geoffroy debate, 327

  and Fichte, 638, 640

  and the French Revolution, 622–23, 638

  and Hegel, 646, 657

  meets N. at Erfurt, 226–28, 623

  his opinion of N., 239, 623

  on the Nazarenes, 612

  and Romanticism, 416, 618, 622–23

  and Schiller, 615, 622, 623

  and Mme. de Staël, 292–93, 299

  at Valmy, 46, 622

  Voltaire and, 658

  in War of Liberation, 623, 714

  and the Weimar theater, 614–15

  Goethe, Katharina Elisabeth, nee Textor (1731–1803), 292

  Gohier, Louis-Jérôme (1746–1830), 117, 121

  Goldsmid, Abraham (1756?–1810), 361

  Goldsmid, Benjamin (1753?–1808), 361

  Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–74), 370

  Golitsyn, Prince Nikolai Borisovich (d. 1865), 583, 584

  Goncourt, Edmond de (1822–96) and Jules de (1830–70), 278

  Gondouin, Jacques, 280

  Gooch, George, 620*

  Gordon, Lady Margaret, 377

  Gordon of Gight, Catherine, see Byron, Catherine

  Görres, Joseph von (1776–1848), 624–25

  Gosselies, 744

  Gotha, 296, 615

  Gothic revival, 140, 377

  Gothics (Swedish poets), 662

  “Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser” (Haydn), 571

  Gotthard, J. F. (fl. 1796), 627

  Göttingen, University of, 307, 591, 597, 606, 630

  Coleridge at, 432–

  Gauss at, 608

  the Schlegels at, 632, 633

  Gould, Colonel, 748

  Gounod, Charles-François (1818–93), 137

  Gourgaud, Gaspard (1783–1852), 751, 752, 754–57 passim, 763

  at Brienne, 722, 763

  and Napoleonic legend, 774

  at N.’s state funeral, 775–76

  at St. Helena, 758–59, 763, 764, 768, 773

  Goya y Lucientes, Francisco José de (1746–1828), 222, 223, 224, 282, 533–34

  Gracchus, Tiberius Sempronius (163–133 B.C.) and Gaius Sempronius (153–121 B.C.), 35

  Gradus ad Parnassum (Clementi), 553

  Grand, Mme., 107

  Grande Armée, 202, 225, 268, 280, 774

  in 1805 campaign, 203–4

  in Russian campaign, 323, 526

  in Spain, 225, 228–29, 231, 241, 561

  Grand National Consolidated Trades-Union, 350

  Grasse, 736–37

  Grattan, Henry (1746–1820), 370, 508, 509

  Gravina, Admiral Federico Carlos de (1756–1806), 523–25

  Gray, Thomas (1716–71), 146, 416

  Graz, 217, 618

  Great Britain, see England

  “Great Chain of Being,” 403

  Great Fear (1789), 21

  Great Sanhedrin (1806), 276–77, 681

  Great Terror (1794), 80, 117

  Greece, 457–58, 501, 669–70

  see also Greek Revolution

  Greek Revolution (1821–30), 497–500

  Green, Thomas Hill (1836–82), 658

  Greene, Nathanael (1742–86), 394

  Greenwich Observatory, 387

  Grégoire, Abbé Henri (1750–1831), 275

  Gregorian calendar, 206

  Grenier, Paul (1768–1827), 751

  Grenoble, 34, 51, 323, 736–38

  Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron (1759–1834), 170, 693

  Greville, Hon. Charles, 519

  Grey, Charles Grey, 2d Earl (1764–1845), 360, 693

  Grillparzer, Franz (1791–1872), 565, 586

  Grimm, Friedrich Melchior von (1723–1807), 684

  Grimm, Jacob (1785–1863), 519, 614, 629

  Grimm, Wilhelm (1786–1859), 614, 629

  Gros, Antoine-Jean (1771–1835), 104*, 237, 281, 282

  Grosbois, Château de, 136

  Grouchy, Emmanuel de (1766–1847), 742, 744–50

  Grove, Harriet, 468

  Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 568*

  Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre (Fichte), 638

  Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts (Hegel), 652–55

  Grundtvig, Nikolai Frederik Severin (1783–1872), 665

  Guadarrama Pass, 229

  Guastalla, duchy of, 220, 546, 772

  Guérin, Pierre-Narcisse (1774–1833), 237, 282

  Guiana, 84, 106

  Guibert, Comte Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte de (1743–90), 93, 148

  Guicciardi, Countess Giulia, 571, 577, 578

  Guiccioli, Count Alessandro, 486–87

  Guiccioli, Countess Teresa (d. 1873), 486–87, 489, 491, 494, 496–98, 501


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