Dane (Rise of the Pride, Book 8)

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Dane (Rise of the Pride, Book 8) Page 17

by Theresa Hissong

  The bite of pain in her scalp only lasted a second before her back met the warmth of Cole’s chest. Her hand reached for Dane, but he was there…his chest against her breasts. The closeness…the connection between them made them pause.

  Cole pulled a handful of her hair to tilt her head to the side. Dane’s eyes glowed amber as he watched. His gaze locked on the male over her shoulder, and she panted heavily as Cole slowed his thrusts.

  “Kiss him,” she heard herself say.

  Dane didn’t speak as he leaned over her shoulder to take Cole’s lips. She was locked between them, her head still tilted to the right. She could hear them, but not see them. The snarls coming from them caused her panther to purr. The rumble in her chest vibrated as they shared a moment between them.

  “Mark her,” Dane growled as he released Cole.

  Cole’s snarl behind her was the only warning before his canines sank into her neck. Her orgasm raced through her body like an out of control train. Dane’s hand cupped her breast and he took the nipple between his teeth, biting down just enough to cause a spike of pleasure to race to her clit.

  When he pulled back, his eyes were wild, his nose partially shifted. Cole began to thrust again and she wrapped her free hand around Dane’s cock. She was surrounded by her males, and she didn’t want it to stop. There was a protectiveness and love in the way they surrounded her. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to shift and run with her mates, but Dane’s panther wanted more of their time together.

  He flashed his sharp canines a second before striking the swell of her breast. The second orgasm caused her body to sink from the exhaustion. The men scrambled as she fought to bow down before Dane. The moment she was on her forearms, she wrapped her lips around his cock and lapped at his seed when he shouted her name.

  Landon stood in the attached bathroom to his room at the Shaw pride. He had his back to the mirror, trying his hardest to see the wound. No matter how he twisted to look over his shoulder, he still couldn’t see all of the damage to his back. The E the cartel had carved was now a scabbed-over mess. It would scar, but he hoped with a lot of care, the remnants of his time in captivity would heal and go away.

  Twisting again, looking over his other shoulder, he saw the top of the letter easily. The rest of it was deformed from the angle of his body. A sadness rolled over him. He’d never be able to have a boyfriend. The thought of a lover behind him, seeing the damage, sent chills up his spine. No man would ever want to look at that while making love to him.

  His best option would be to move forward with his business. He had everything in place to open the veterinary clinic on the outskirts of town, so he’d focus on that for now. He didn’t have time for a lover anyway. He’d finally gotten his life together, received his degree, and had moved on from the hatred and mental abuse from his family.

  It was his time to continue his life, and the only way he knew how was to care for the animals he loved so much. At least, they wouldn’t shun him for being himself.

  Talon picked up his cub from the bassinet next to his mated bed. Liberty was just finishing up in the bathroom. It was time to meet at the circle to announce the arrival of the second cub to him and his mate.

  They’d kept the pride away, not even telling Liberty’s sister or his own brothers the sex of the cub. It was the alpha’s right to make the announcement, just as it was the mate’s right to name the child.

  “Ready?” Liberty asked, running her hand through the ends of her hair. Seeing his mate healed and ready to take on the next phase of their lives made his heart swell with pride. The gods had brought her into the pride’s life, and she’d taken to his world with ease. She was a queen, a leader to the people who lived on their property.

  “I am,” he said and kissed her forehead.

  Liberty opened the bedroom door and waited for him to walk out. Ember was in her room playing as they stepped across the hall. “Are you ready to show the pride your baby brother?”

  “Yes!” Ember cheered and tossed her doll into the box that held all of her toys.

  The pride had gathered at the circle, awaiting the alpha and his mate. The Guardians parted the crowd as they approached. Ember quieted and tightened her hold on Liberty’s hand. The older Shaw cub must’ve sensed the importance of the night, or she was already gaining her alpha abilities at her young age. He didn’t feel any power from his daughter, but that didn’t mean anything. She was going to be an alpha one day, and he hoped the rituals he taught her, and his son, would carry on for generations after he was gone.

  “My pride,” Talon began, his eyes glowing amber. His cub was asleep in his arms as he lifted the child over his head, the baby blanket falling away from the cub’s face. There was an audible gasp through the crowd as the blue cap on his head was exposed, revealing the sex. “I have a son, and he has been named Declan Shaw!”

  The cheers rang out into the night as the pride celebrated. His Guardians began a chant, an ancient prayer of protection. Talon waited until his men were done, dropping to one knee to signal the end of their ritual.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Mom, I want you to meet two very special men in my life,” Olivia opened with something easy. “This is Dane Walker and Cole Bryant.”

  “Well, hello,” her mom said, walking over to hug both of them. Olivia blushed when Dane looked a little uncomfortable. “I’m Harriet Stone.”

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” Cole stated, stepping back to take Olivia’s hand. Her mother smiled at the gesture, but quickly frowned when Dane copied Cole’s action, taking her other side.

  “Is there something you’d like to tell me, Olivia Jane?” her mother asked in a scolding manner. Anytime her mother used her middle name, it made a burning fear race up her spine. Just like the time in high school when her teacher had called her mom to let her know that Olivia had skipped class.


  “Mom, a lot has happened since you left to go on your cruise,” Olivia began. “Can we just have a seat? I’ll tell you everything.”

  “Yes, we can sit,” Harriet clipped. “And yes, you will tell me everything.”

  So much for thinking her mother would be open to their relationship. Olivia should’ve known better.

  Dane and Cole sat on either side of her as she took to the center of the couch. Both of her mates returned to holding her hand, not just out of love, but for support. Dane’s hold was the tightest, and she knew it was from his own experiences with his family. They’d disowned him.

  “Mom, as you know, I’ve been working at the werepanther-owned bar.” Olivia paused to swallow down the lump in her throat. God, she was so damn nervous. “Cole, Dane, and I have become great friends over the last year.”

  “It looks to me that you are more than friends, Olivia,” her mom frowned, leaning forward. “Oh, my heavens. Why are your eyes ice blue?”

  “Well, about that,” Olivia stammered. “I was in an accident while you were on your cruise.”

  “Olivia! Why didn’t you call me?” Harriet placed her hand on her chest as she swayed in her seat. “Are you okay? What happened? Who hit you?”

  “Woah, momma. Hang on. Let me finish,” she huffed. Her mother had always been a bit overprotective.

  “Tell me,” she urged.

  “I had very bad injuries,” Olivia admitted. “I almost died, but Dane saved me…by changing me into a panther.”

  “A…what?” Her mother blinked, shook her head, and blinked again.

  “Mom, you cannot tell anyone this,” she urged. The pride had expressed how important it was to not let the secret out that a human could be turned. If that happened, they’d have a riot outside the gates of the pride’s land.

  “Who the hell am I going to tell?” Harriet asked. “I don’t talk to anyone around here anyway.”

  “That’s true,” Olivia chuckled.

  “Okay, finish.” Her mother was getting agitated, and Olivia understood. She’d be upset if her mother had told her she’
d almost died, been changed into a shifting animal, and then showed up with two men.

  “The ways of the pride are not only secret, but sacred,” Olivia said, her voice holding another warning that what she said was to stay inside the walls of the house. Harriet nodded for her to continue. “The shifters find their mates by touch. Dane touched me when he saved my life, and felt the mating pull toward me. During my…transition, Cole also touched me, and I felt the need to be with him just as Dane had when he touched me. I can’t really explain it, but know this, the gods who created the shifters wanted the three of us to be together.”

  “And is this…mating like a marriage to the humans?” Harriet asked the question to Dane and not Olivia. Thank god, because Olivia didn’t know if she could answer every question her mother was sure to throw out.

  “Mrs. Stone,” Dane said, clearing his throat. “Our kind mate for life. This isn’t a fling. It will never be a fling. I love your daughter with all of my heart. I also love Cole with the same fire. My heart belongs to them both.”

  “Cole was turned as well,” Olivia interrupted.

  “So, you’re all shifters?” her mother asked.

  “Yes,” Cole replied, sitting closer to the edge of the couch. At no time did either of her mates release their hold on her hands. “I want you to know…I love her. I’ve loved Liv since the first day she stepped foot into the bar for her job interview. Now that I look back on the past year, something inside me must’ve known, because I was so drawn to her.”

  Harriet sat back, her eyes bouncing between the three of them. Olivia squeezed Cole and Dane’s hands, telling them to be at ease. Her mother was the type of woman who weighed her words before she spoke them, but rest assured, what she said was the truth.

  “If you love her, and have vowed yourself to my daughter in the ways of your world, I accept that.” Harriet paused to hold up her hand when Olivia began to speak. “I do not want to know any other details to your relationship. I can figure that out on my own. There is only one more question.”

  “What is it, momma?”

  “When are you going to marry my daughter and make an honest woman of her?” Harriet asked as she stood from her seat. “I’ll make coffee.”

  And just like that, Harriett Stone approved of the relationship her daughter had with two men.

  “That went over so much better than I anticipated,” Olivia said, sagging into the couch.

  “The matings will be announced at the Fall Equinox,” Dane offered as a peace treaty to Olivia’s mother. Dane knew where his mate got her spunk from. Mrs. Stone was outspoken, and he loved that about the woman who’d raised Olivia. “We will have a human wedding then.”

  “Wait, we will?” Olivia gasped. Dane chuckled and took her hand.

  “Cole and I discussed it last night while you were asleep.” Dane shrugged. “If you’ll have us, Harold is ordained, and he will give the human vows.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” she smirked, “Because that is not asking…that’s telling.”

  “No,” Cole chuckled and shook his head. “We are not asking you here. That will be done when you least expect it.”

  “Ahh, great,” she blushed. “I don’t like surprises.”

  “Yes you do, child,” her mother laughed, rolling her eyes. Harriet leaned toward Dane and pretended to whisper. “She likes vanilla in her coffee, and fuzzy socks in her stocking for Christmas.”

  “Mom,” she growled.

  “You three get out of here, and come see me in three weeks,” Harriet said, pushing Olivia toward the door. “I’m going to the Grand Canyon next week. I’ll call you when I get back.”

  They said their goodbyes and headed outside. It was the last week in August, and the heat outside was still unbearable. They’d been going non-stop since the night Landon had been kidnapped. Thankfully, the male was healing and would be back on his feet soon. Olivia had confided in him and Cole that she’d been counseling Cole’s brother occasionally when the male needed someone to talk to, but she felt she couldn’t help him as much as someone who was actually trained to do so.

  “I should check on Landon,” Olivia said as they reached the pride’s land. Savage was at the gate and waved them through. Dane drove up to the Guardian dorms and parked.

  “We can always get him the help he needs,” Cole said, looking up at the window to his brother’s new room. Even though he was human, he was offered a room at the dorm until he was healed enough to head home on his own. Dane noticed how Landon would close in on himself when the mention of returning to his and Cole’s home alone was brought up.

  “I don’t mind helping him.” Olivia hesitated, taking a deep breath. “Plus, he refuses to seek a professional. He says he likes talking to me.”

  “If that’s what it takes to get him to talk about what happened, then let him talk,” Cole replied. “He won’t talk to me, or anyone else, for that matter.”

  “I’m sorry,” Olivia frowned, placing her hand on Cole’s arm. “Do you want me to tell him he needs to talk to you?”

  “No.” Cole shook his head and smiled softly. “Being in the military and seeing the shit I did, a lot of the soldiers had varying levels of PTSD. They found the people they needed to talk to, and some of them were unconventional. If Landon feels safe talking to you, then I won’t get in the way.”

  “Okay,” she replied. “I guess I will go up to his room for about an hour.”

  “We can find something to keep us busy.” Dane winked, pulling her in for a kiss. “Be at the pride for dinner. It’s Sunday.”

  The pride had taken to having large Sunday meals together, and everyone was welcome. Since Talon had introduced his son to the pride, everyone was pumped to feast with the alpha and his family.

  “So, want to go check on something with me?” Dane asked Cole as he kicked at a rock that had made its way from the gravel parking area to the grass that surrounded the dorms.

  “Sure, what are we doing?” Cole asked.

  “Come, I’ll show you,” Dane offered and began to walk.

  Booth and Storm had cleared the lot for the home Dane wanted to build amongst the mated cabins the past week. It was close to Kye and Evie and had access to the trails that ran through the property. It was heavily wooded, and Dane had asked they not remove a lot of trees. He wanted their home to be surrounded. He knew Olivia liked cozy things, and her favorite color was an ocean blue from the time he’d helped her with the groceries at her old place.

  “What is this?” Cole asked as they approached the lot. The first thing they’d cut was a long driveway, leading to where the cottage would be built. The clearing for the home couldn’t be seen from the road, and that was the way Dane wanted it.

  “It’s the spot for our home,” Dane offered, reaching for Cole’s hand. “Let me show you.”

  “Dane, this is…” Cole’s silence worried Dane for a moment until he took a chance and looked into his mate’s icy blue eyes. What he saw there was everything he’d hoped for since realizing he’d fallen in love with the male.

  “I haven’t even told Olivia yet,” Dane said. “I had the plans drawn up two weeks ago, and Booth and Storm have been working to clear the spot. Come…let me show you.”

  Once they crested the small incline of the driveway, the land leveled out, and markers had already been placed where the foundation would be poured. Wooden stakes were hammered into the ground and an orange thread wrapped around each one to make a square. Dane looked to his left and was surprised to see the well for their water had been dug, and a spout was already in place.

  Huge oak trees spread wide to shade the entire area even with the number of trees they’d cleared for the cottage. A small piece of machinery sat under one of the trees and was the only thing that looked out of place. Birds fluttered around above their heads, and off in the distance, Dane heard a few of the young panthers racing down the trails.

  “This is amazing,” Cole said in wonder. He tilted his head to the sky, watching
as the leaves on the trees swayed with the warm breeze. “It’s so quiet.”

  “It’s ours,” Dane replied. “We will start our family here.”

  “We need to plan a wedding first,” Cole teased and reached for Dane. The male cupped his face, and the press of his lips sent magic up his spine. Dane would never get over the fact Cole was his mate. He’d not only become his best friend over the last year, but now a lover.

  “It’s getting late,” Dane said with a sigh. “Let’s get our mate, have dinner, then make love for the rest of the night. Tomorrow, we will show her this place, and I’ll have Booth bring over the blueprints to see if there is anything you or Olivia would like changed.”

  Olivia stood at the large table in the Guardians’ dorm, staring at the most amazing rendition of a home she’d ever seen. Her mates surprised her that morning with news that Dane had secretly planned a home for the three of them to live in deep in the woods on the pride’s land.

  “I still can’t believe what I’m seeing,” she squealed.

  “Is there anything you’d like to change?” Dane asked. His hand rested over hers where it sat on the bottom corner of the sheets. She didn’t want them to roll up when she let go, so she kept it there, locked in place, so she could gaze at the blueprints a little longer.

  “No, not at all,” she replied. Cole took the seat to her left and placed a cup of coffee in front of her. “I don’t want to stop looking at this.”

  “We have to get this back to Booth so he can actually build it or we won’t have a home,” Dane teased.

  “Fine,” she chuckled and moved her hand. Dane took the papers, rolling them up before wrapping two rubber bands around the ends to keep the sheets in place. “When can I see the land?”

  “As soon as you’re done with your coffee,” Cole promised. “We can check it out before we head into work.”

  “I better get ready then,” she cheered.


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