Without Warning: A Billionaire Romance (Playboys of New York Book 5)

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Without Warning: A Billionaire Romance (Playboys of New York Book 5) Page 12

by JA Low

  She shushes me. “That night I met you, as messed up as it was, there was a weird connection between us. You felt it, and so did I.” I don’t disagree with her. “And we just kept running into each other as if the universe keeps trying to push us together.”

  I agree with this statement as well.

  We have so many friends in common I don’t understand how we have never met.

  “I don’t want to put pressure on you or anything,” Ariana quickly adds.

  “Sweetheart...” lowering my voice, I reach out and pull her onto my lap again. “Everything you’re feeling, I’m feeling, too.” Reassuring her, my thumb caresses her cheek. “I was worried I might have been coming on too strong because of this connection I get around you.”

  She chuckles. “Guess it’s good we’re on the same wavelength.” I lean in and kiss her ever so slowly until we are practically panting for round two. “I think you should ask my friends for help.”

  “No, I can’t.”

  “Why not?” she asks.

  “Because I… I just can’t.” Which is a really pathetic excuse, I know, but I can’t think of something concrete right now.

  “Not a good enough answer,” Ariana calls me out.

  “I can’t put them in danger, Ariana.” Pushing a strand of hair from her face, I give her a small smile.

  “The thing is… my friends have some badass connections.” She gives me a wink. “Did you ever hear about what happened with Chloe?” she asks.

  I shake my head.

  “She was kidnapped by her ex-best friend while Noah was halfway across the world.” My eyes bug out at her story. I would never have guessed. “It turned into a real shit show, but because of Noah and Anderson’s connections, they were able to find her before the police. And just in time, too. So, please, Rhys, trust me on this. They will get to the bottom of this, I promise.”

  The fact that Ariana wants to help me blows my mind. I have no idea how I got so lucky in finding this woman, but once this is all over, I’m going to lock her down.

  “You ready to face the million and one questions?” Ariana asks as we rise from the sofa.

  “Yes,” I reply confidently while linking my fingers with hers, and we walk out of the boathouse together. As soon as we round the corner, we can hear the catcalls and whistles all the way down the yard.

  “My friends are weird.” She grins.

  I can handle them. As long as I have Ariana by my side, I can handle anything.

  “I knew it.” Emma squeals as we reach the entertainment area.

  Audrey gives me a huge smile acknowledging Ariana and me.

  “We’re together,” Ariana announces, and everyone goes crazy again. “But… we need your help.”

  The room falls silent as Ariana’s friends all look at each other.

  “You told her?” Audrey whispers beside me, and I give her a curt nod.

  “Is everything okay?” Lenna asks.

  “With me, yeah, but with Rhys, it’s not. I told him you guys were trustworthy and might know how to help.”

  Confusion reigns. I can tell by the blank stares and the grimacing.

  “Of course, Ari,” Stella states.

  “How can we help?” Noah adds.

  So, I tell them exactly what I explained to Ariana earlier. Everyone listens intently, giving me their full attention throughout the story.

  “Well, fuck me,” Emma adds, breaking the awkward silence. “You’ve got yourself in one massive pickle.” Emma gives me a reassuring smile.

  “And you have no enemies?” Anderson asks.

  “None that I know of. My brother hates me, but I can’t imagine he would try and take my company. He’s not smart enough for that.” These words make a couple of them chuckle.

  “Stanford’s an idiot. But this is too much even for him,” Audrey backs me up.

  “What about your dad?” Ariana asks.

  I shake my head. I can’t believe my father would do this to me. He’s a bastard, sure. But this?

  “He wasn’t happy when you bought his first project up in Montauk,” Audrey adds.

  “That was you?” Logan questions.


  “That was a coup, man, grabbing that space,” Logan praises.

  I give him a nod of thanks before saying, “I don’t think Dad would be behind this. I’m his son…” Looking over at Audrey, she doesn’t seem as convinced, which has my mind turning.

  “Do you have a private investigator?” Anderson asks.

  I explain to Anderson about who I’m using and what they have found out so far. He nods, but I can see he’s mulling over something.

  “To be blunt, you need someone better,” he tells me. “My bud, Jackson Connolly, who’s out in LA, he’s the best going around. He deals in security, private investigating and other stuff, and he has all my business.”

  “That’s who I was talking about,” Ariana adds while tugging on my hand.

  “I’d love any help I can get,” I tell him.

  “Great. Wanna go to LA in a couple of days, then?” Anderson asks.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Yay, road trip.” Emma claps. “Oh, hang on… no, jet trip,” she corrects herself before bursting out laughing.

  “See, I told you it would all work out.” Ariana looks up at me with those chocolate eyes, and that one look makes everything that little bit better.

  Leaning over, I kiss her.

  Ariana’s friends erupt in hoots and hollers, but she simply flips them all off like there is no one else in the room but us.



  We are on our way to LA. It’s been a couple of days since Rhys surprised me at Emma and Anderson’s housewarming party, and we’ve been inseparable since. I’ve stayed over at his house every night since then too. Having one hundred percent of Rhys’ time, which generally leads to a heap of orgasms, leaves me with no room to complain. The man is good.

  It’s been nice coming home from work, stumbling into his apartment, and cooking dinner together. Extremely domesticated but also feels incredibly right. I know we’ve had serious conversations about us at Emma and Anderson’s, and even though it’s a little too soon to feel the way we do, it feels right. We both agreed we would stop worrying about what everyone else might think about how fast our relationship is moving and go with what’s right. And in this moment, Rhys feels right.

  “I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” Moving to the seat beside Emma on the plane, Anderson and Rhys are locked in a serious conversation about his divorce.

  “It’s for selfish reasons.” She chuckles. “I get to go to LA.”

  “I know. But thank you, anyway.”

  Emma reaches out and grabs my hand. “Babe, you’re family. And now you’ve decided Rhys is the one, then he’s part of our family too.” Let’s not get too carried away, saying Rhys is the one. I haven’t thought that far ahead yet. “You look really happy. I can totally understand why. Rhys is hot.” Emma grins. “And the way he looks at you as if he can’t quite believe you’re his, it gives me all the feels.”

  I had no idea he looked at me like that.

  “He’s a great guy,” I add.

  “We need to get all this ex-wife drama sorted. Then you two can live happily ever after.” How much champagne has she had to drink?

  “I agree on the ex-drama.” Laying my head back against the plush leather seat, I try and explain it to Ems. “It feels like so much more.”

  “It’s very cloak and dagger.” She grins.

  “Mysterious and dangerous,” I add.

  “I’m a little worried for you,” Emma confesses, which does surprise me a little.

  “Why, babe?”

  Emma lets out a heavy sigh. “Someone is going to great lengths to try and take Rhys down. Like these people are playing the long game, and what happens if they turn their attention to you?”

  “I’m going to assume you will raise hell if they do.” I give her
a reassuring smile.

  “Damn right, I will.” She chuckles. “I can still worry, though.”

  I stand and join Emma. She wraps her arm around me as I rest my head on her shoulder.

  “I’m worried, too,” I confess.

  I’ve never said anything to Rhys because he doesn’t need the added stress, but I agree with everything Emma’s said. What happens if these people do go after me? I don’t have any skeletons in the closet that I know of, but I do have a new business, so they may try and ruin that reputation.

  “Jackson will hunt these fuckers down and make them pay,” Emma states through gritted teeth. “Then you and Rhys can live happily ever after.”

  That’s what I hope will happen, but I have an inkling it’s not going to go down quite that easily. “Worse case, in a couple of months, I’m going to have a pretty awesome boathouse, so you could always come and live with us if everything goes to shit.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I reply with a giggle.

  Hours later, we’re touching down in LA and head toward our accommodations. Emma and Anderson insisted that we stay at their Hollywood Hills home instead of a hotel. We have a meeting with Connolly & Co. tomorrow, which I’m a little nervous about. I really hope they’re able to help Rhys find out who the hell is messing with him. I know Jackson’s done some amazing things before when he found Chloe, I just hope this is an easier job for him.

  “Oh, wow, Ems. This house is amazing.” Stepping out onto the deck that juts out over the canyon, the lights of LA are twinkling in the distance. Palm trees sway as a breeze rolls through the area.

  “Thanks. It’s great having somewhere to crash when I’m here for work,” she calls out from the kitchen where she and Anderson are shuffling around preparing drinks.

  “The weather’s nice,” Rhys comments as he walks up behind me and places his hands on either side of the banister from behind. The weather back in New York has turned, and there’s a frigid chill to the days now. His lips meet my neck, which send shivers down my spine. “I promise to get to the bottom of all this, Ariana,” Rhys states.

  I turn in his arms, so I’m facing him. “I’ll be right beside you every step of the way.”

  “I know this is a lot to take on right at the beginning of a relationship.” Rhys gives me a weak smile. “I honestly don’t know what I have done to deserve you.” He leans forward and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck and let him. Wolf whistles echo from behind us, and we separate.

  “Cut it out, you two.” Emma grins, bringing out a couple of glasses of champagne and scotch for the boys. We all say “cheers” and fall into an easy everyday conversation.

  A little while later, Elise, Anderson’s sister, arrives with takeout for us. I haven’t seen her since Vegas, but what I wasn’t expecting was to see a hot, dirty blond guy trailing behind her.

  Anderson and Emma rush to greet their guests, then I come over and hug Elise, who’s looking amazing since the car crash, the same one that scarred Emma and broke Stella’s leg. It broke Elise’s, too, and she was laid up in bed just like Stella.

  “Guys, this is Jackson Connolly.”

  Rhys and I turn to each other, a little surprised, as we thought we were having a meeting with him and his team tomorrow.

  “He’s my boyfriend.” Elise grins.

  Jackson shakes his head, but I can see the way he’s looking at Elise it’s with love.

  “It’s a social visit tonight.” Jackson shakes Rhys and my hands. “But I do want to chat about some things if that’s okay?” Jackson asks Rhys.

  “Of course. Anything,” Rhys replies.

  Jackson nods and takes the bag of Mexican food that’s in his hand and places it on the kitchen table.

  Emma fusses around getting plates, and then we help ourselves.

  The night continues just like any other with my friends, with loads of jokes and way too much champagne.

  “Do you mind if I grab the guys for a moment?” Jackson asks.

  Emma and Elise wave him away, and I nod my head in agreement.

  Rhys places a kiss on the top of my head and joins the other two guys downstairs in the den.

  “He’s cute.” Elise raises her glass in my direction.

  “Thank you. You did good, too.”

  “The man is a savage.” Elise giggles.

  “Anderson hired him to babysit his sister. Instead, he fucked her brains out.” Emma snorts.

  “Damn right he did. I mean, I was stuck in bed for ages. There was nothing else to do. I also needed to keep my cardio up, and that was the easiest way I could do it.” Elise chuckles.

  I forgot these two together are insane.

  “As if I could keep my hands off of that man.” Elise points her thumb behind her which makes us all laugh, or maybe it’s too much champagne that causes the reaction. “Sounds like a prickly situation with his ex.” Elise changes the subject, her voice lowering to almost a whisper.

  I nod my head in agreement.

  “Tell me you’ve googled the shit out of him?”

  This makes me smile. “I have. And what he’s told me all checks out regarding his ex cheating on him with his best friend,” I explain to Elise. “But what wasn’t on the internet is the fact that his ex had been fucking his brother.” Elise gasps. “And another ex of hers as well as his best friend.”

  “What the ever-loving slut,” Elise states.

  “Apparently, she’s a sexaholic,” I add sarcastically. Not that I’m knocking people with sex addiction, just that it might be a convenient excuse for her being a shitty person.

  “Who has time for all that?” Emma adds.

  I would have to agree. How did she have time to be with all these men.

  “She’s a phenomenal multitasker, that’s for sure,” Elise jokes.

  “I want this all over and done with, so Rhys and I can have a shot,” I confess to my friends.

  “Don’t you worry, Jackson is a whiz at finding bad guys.” Elise smiles. “He’s going to do everything in his power to find out who’s trying to take your man down.”

  I sure hope he can and soon.



  Anderson ushers us to his den, which is downstairs, then he pours us all another scotch as we take a seat in the bachelor pad style man cave.

  “Now we are alone. Let’s talk about what the hell is happening with your ex?” Jackson asks.

  His words make me chuckle even though it’s nothing to laugh at. It’s a fucked-up situation, that’s for sure.

  “Anderson’s given me the basics of what’s happened. I’ve also googled, but I haven’t pushed any further due to us not having a meeting,” Jackson explains.

  “I never realized how fucked-up this entire situation was,” I explain before taking a sip of my scotch. Appreciating the delicious burn of the amber liquid sliding down my throat, then continue, “I thought it was an open and shut case of a marrying a gold digger. Now, I’m finding out it’s so much more than that.”

  “Do you have any enemies?” Jackson asks the million-dollar question.

  “I never thought I did… until this.”

  Jackson nods his head in understanding, taking in my words.

  “Your sister did say on the weekend that your father isn’t happy with you,” Anderson adds.

  Jackson turns and looks at me.

  “That’s because I bought a building he wanted for personal reasons, but that’s years after my wedding and many years after meeting Madison.”

  Thinking my father is behind this is ludicrous.

  “And you think that’s the only reason?” Jackson pushes.

  “I sided with my mother in the divorce, and I refused to take over his company.” I explain the many reasons why my father and I don’t get on, but in the end, that’s just petty family bullshit.

  “And your brother fucked your wife,” Anderson adds.

  Jackson’s head turns, and his eyes widen over that little tidbit of inform

  “Yeah, he did. As did my best friend.” Taking an angry sip of scotch, thinking about the fact that my brother did that to me, I may no longer be in love with Madison, but it still fucking hurts that he hates me that much he’d do something like that. And he took immense pleasure in it too. Shady motherfucker. “She was also sleeping with her ex, who happened to work at the law firm who was handling our divorce.”

  With each incident I explain, I feel more and more like a damn schmuck.

  How did I not see the writing on the wall?

  “And he’s the one who didn’t file the paperwork correctly,” Jackson asks. I nod my head in agreement. “And has anyone spoken to him?” Jackson looks over at me.

  “He’s missing.” My stomach sinks as I say the words.

  “He’s missing?” Jackson reiterates my words, and all I can do is nod my head. “And your ex hasn’t heard from him?” I shake my head. “Fuck.” He whistles. “Not looking good. But don’t worry, we will find him.” Jackson grins. “What else?”

  “Madison’s brother is in jail. She said that whoever is behind this is blackmailing her. And she believed them because they were able to get to her brother in jail. They roughed him up pretty good because she looked terrified,” I explain.

  “Right.” He takes a sip of his scotch. “I’ll look into the brother and your ex a little more. It might have something more to do with them, more so instead of you,” Jackson explains.

  That would be fucking fantastic if it was the case because knowing the I have someone who hates me this much that they want to destroy me is a little hard to comprehend.

  “I’ll also look into your father and brother,” he explains. “Is there anything else that sticks out?” Other than a conspiracy against me. No. “I can’t say this tomorrow.” Jackson gives me a grin. “But as you’re friends with Anderson here, and we are practically family—”

  “Like hell we are,” Anderson grumbles as he takes a sip of his scotch. “I’m still pissed that you took advantage of my little sister the way you did.” He shoots him a dirty look.


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