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#Zero Page 34

by Neil McCormick

  Dimitrios Bogiatzoules

  Wendy Boland

  Dita Bouviar

  Wendy Broadhurst

  Scott Calhoun

  Anto Casey

  Gennaro Castaldo

  Stephen Catanzarite

  Chalk Press

  Tom Chaplin

  Jurga Cipaite

  Mary Cipriani

  David Cleland

  Gina Cloe

  Paul Cocks

  David Comay

  Paula Cook

  Andy Cowan

  John Crawford

  John Crone

  Mark Crossley

  Ted Cummings

  Tim Cunningham

  Angelo D’Arezzo

  Linda Dahl

  Nick Davey

  Richard Dawes

  Mike Day

  Turner Deckert

  Dianne Delahunty

  Noel Delahunty

  Talie-Orfée Després

  Alison DeWolfe

  Naomi Dinnen

  Bernard Doherty

  Kacey Donston

  Peter Dowd

  Ruth Drake

  Graham Dumble

  Sandra Dunnington

  Liz Eades

  Gloria Else

  Claudia Espinosa & Brian Aby

  Gary Farrow

  Robin Elin Fennell

  Gary Finch

  Abbey Fisher

  Maria Flynn

  Richard Ford

  Maddy Fry

  Vicky Fullick

  Nick Gatfield

  Mark Gourley

  Aaron Govern

  Mareike Graepel

  Fernanda Araujo Guedes Pereira

  Ian Hall

  Sarah Hall

  Courtney Hamilton

  Rieko Hara

  Helen Harbison

  Sue Harris

  Ian Hartley

  Imogen Heap

  Anthony Heath

  Jennifer Herl

  Tom Hickox

  Sonia Hines

  Mary Hogan

  Gavin Hogg

  Rob Holden

  Pete Holidai

  John Holland

  Sarah Holmes

  Brad Hood

  Claire Horton

  Tom Hostler

  Liam Hudson

  Stacey Jaros

  Anne Jenkins

  Cameron Jenkins

  Jason Jestice

  Eugene Jordan


  Rick Jude

  Andres Kabel

  Seth Kalichman

  Alicia Kamenick

  Michelle Kaminski

  Harry Kantas

  Hannah Keeney

  Christine Kelly

  Dean Paul Kelly

  Gary Kemp

  Dan Kieran

  Tassoula Kokkoris

  Paul Kramer

  Rupert Lang

  Jill LaPoint

  Michael Lasley

  Sherry Lawrence

  Bob Lawrie

  Frazer Lawton

  Mike LeZoo

  Alon Loewy

  Luke Lowings

  Dermot Lucking

  Fabiano Mad

  Vidhya Magendran

  Landy Manderson

  Greg Mason

  Andrew Massey


  Conor McAteer

  Chris McCormick

  Ivan McCormick

  Jim McCormick

  Juliet Blue Bennett McCormick

  Louise McCormick

  Stella McCormick

  Susan McIntyre

  Tom McRae

  Euan McRorie

  Daniel Menahem

  Allison Menjivar

  Kas Mercer

  James Middleton-Burn

  James Minshull

  John Mitchinson

  Ed Montano

  Trevor Montgomery

  Pete Morgan

  Tom E Morrison

  Donald Moxham

  Beth Nabi

  Carlo Navato

  Tim Neufeld

  Linda O’Brien

  Andrew O’Hagan

  Fintan O’Neill

  Emily, Jon and Axl Owen

  Scott Pack

  Hanna Pallua

  Kathy Papasotiriou

  Joanne Louise Parker

  Scott Pattison

  Margit Paul

  Alan Perks

  Christian Petersen

  Adrian Phelan

  Melissa Pierick

  Christopher Pleydell

  Justin Pollard

  Malcolm Porter

  Petra Posa

  Marco Prehn

  Andy Prevezer

  Janie Price

  Rose Ramos

  David Ramsay

  Leo Regan

  Alan Riegler

  Erik Rosema

  Jil Runkel

  Alberto Russo

  Tal Sagorsky

  Aaron Sams

  Sabine Schieweck

  Sonja Schiftar

  Paul Schofield

  Wesley Schultz

  Alan Searl

  Jasmine Sharp

  Tom Sheppard

  Sara Silver

  Eileen Smee

  Jennie Smith

  Joyce Smith

  Donna Springer

  Fergus Stankard

  Nick Stewart

  Niall Stokes

  Susannah Stubbs

  Evey Sully

  Adam Sutcliffe

  Beth Talisman

  Rob Task

  David Taylor

  Dale Tedder

  Alan Teixeira

  Mike Scott Thomson

  Annette Trento

  Siobhan Tucker

  Colin Tunnah

  Alexander Turner

  Olaf Tyaransen

  Tony Vanderheyden

  Philippa Varcoe

  Wim Verburg

  Tim Vernon

  Lori Vinton

  Angela Vredenburg

  Steven Walker

  Dave Waltman

  Michelle Watson

  Selina Webb

  Florence Welch

  Rob Wheeler

  Dylan White

  Margo Wickens

  David Williams

  Steve Winter

  Andy Wright

  Martin Wroe

  Lisa Zagami

  Oliver Zimmer

  Joni Zurawinski

  First published in 2019


  6th Floor Mutual House, 70 Conduit Street, London W1S 2GF


  All rights reserved

  © Neil McCormick, 2019

  The right of Neil McCormick to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  While every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright material reproduced herein, the publisher would like to apologise for any omissions and will be pleased to incorporate missing acknowledgements in any further editions.

  Text Design by Ellipsis, Glasgow

  Printed in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK)

  A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library

  ISBN 978-1-78352-662-8 (trade pbk)

  ISBN 978-1-78352-664-2 (ebook)

  ISBN 978-1-78352-663-5 (limited edition)



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