Earl Campbell

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Earl Campbell Page 36

by Asher Price


  Fainaru, Steve, 246

  Fainaru-Wada, Mark, 246

  Fair Housing Act, 107

  family background of Campbell, 9, 41–44

  father figures in Campbell’s life, 8–9, 139, 215

  Fears, Zephyr, 15, 20

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 224

  Fiesta Bowl, 157

  fight songs, 210, 214–215

  First Baptist Church, 38

  Fisher, Ed, 193

  flak jackets, 194

  Flynn, Alvin, 49

  Fondren neighborhood, 202

  Football News, 152

  Ford, Gerald, 143

  Ford, Marion, 77–79, 81, 83, 88

  Ford, Marion G., Jr., 79

  Fort Worth Arlington Heights High School, 63

  Forty Acre Follies (Frantz), 76

  Foundation for Community Empowerment, 160

  Fowler, Ed, 228

  Fowler, Melvin, 199

  Frantz, Joe, 76

  Frazier, Joe, 206

  Freedmen’s Bureau, 19

  Freeman, Denne H., 105

  free speech lawsuits, 37–38

  French, Clement, 81

  Friggin, Stephanie, 127

  Fritsch, Toni, 209

  Frost Bank Tower, 100–101

  Fuller, Leon, 154

  Furstenberg, Diane von, 218, 219

  Future Farmers of America, 58


  Gallagher, Gary, 136–138

  game films, 198

  Garner, James, 147

  Garvey, Ed, 229–230

  Gautt, Prentice, 89

  Gaye, Marvin, 138

  Gay Political Caucus, 227

  gay pride parade, 122–123

  gay-related immune deficiency (GRID), 227

  Gee, Everett, 68–69

  gender politics, 227–228

  General Electric, 25

  Gent, Peter, 5–6, 188–189

  George, Eddie, 244

  GI Bill, 84

  Gifford, Frank, 201, 245–246

  Gilley, Mickey, 180

  Gilley’s: and decline of Houston economy, 234; described, 180–182; and drug use, 220–221; and Oilers players, 184–185, 222; patrons and Oilers fans, 181–185, 187, 207–208; and political change in Houston, 226; and race issues in Houston, 187, 197, 224; and Urban Cowboy, 211, 217–218, 221

  Gillman, Sid, 178

  Givans, Clinton, 84

  Glanville, Jerry, 10

  Golden, Cedric, 34, 48, 256–257

  Goldstone, Dwonna, 83, 128

  Goldthwaite, Texas, 199

  Goldwater, Sam, 44

  Goodwyn, Larry, 96–97

  Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, 25

  Goss, Vernon, 39–40

  Gould, Elliott, 167

  GQ, 211

  Grace Baptist Church, 19

  Graglia, Lino, 241–242

  Grambling State University (Tigers), 111, 187, 210

  Gray, Leon, 175, 189, 195

  Great Depression, 87

  Great Migration, 32–33

  Great Society (LBJ), 107–108

  Greene, “Mean” Joe, 103, 208–209, 214, 229

  Gregory Gym, 156


  Haggard, Merle, 185, 237, 243

  Hall of Negro Life (Texas State Fair), 158–159

  Halston, 177

  Hamilton, Donald, 43, 254

  Hamilton, Texas, 199

  Hamilton County, Texas, 199

  Hamm, Jack, 208

  Hardie, Thornton, 87

  Harper’s, 95, 123

  Harris, Cliff, 197–198, 213

  Harrison, Dwight, 212

  Hartmann, Douglas, 206

  Hartsfield, Larry, 60, 62

  Haskell Institute, 150

  “Hate Bowl,” 162–165

  Hayes, “Bullet” Bob, 5–6

  Hayes, Lester, 222

  Hayman, Conway, 30, 193

  hazing, 131

  Heard, Robert, 240

  Heath, W. W., 86, 90–91

  Heines, Martin, 252

  Heisman Trophy: and AFL players, 173; and Ann Campbell’s obituary, 247; anniversary celebration of Campbell’s win, 244; awarded to Campbell, 169–170; Campbell as contender for, 155, 162, 165–169; displayed at Ann Campbell’s home, 170, 192; and Earl Campbell Day in Tyler, 22; first African American winner, 90; New York City ceremony, 50; and physical toll of football, 243–244; professional careers of Heisman winners, 199–200, 236; and race issues, 239, 251–252; and Switzer on Campbell’s talent, 8; UT candidates and winners, 119, 131, 251–252

  Henderson, Texas, 52

  Henderson, Thomas “Hollywood,” 195, 220

  Hewlett, Lan, 135

  Hickman, R. C., 23

  Hill, Calvin, 221

  Hill, Isaiah, 199

  hippies, 121–122, 124–125, 138, 150

  historically black colleges and universities, 110–111, 189

  HIV/AIDS, 227

  Hoaglin, Fred, 172

  holdouts, 223

  Hollis, Oklahoma, 87–88

  Holloway, Sterling, 84–85

  Holmes, John B., 85, 166

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 140

  Honeysuckle Rose (film), 211

  honky-tonks, 183, 208. See also Gilley’s

  Hook ’Em Horns (Freeman), 105

  Hope, Bob, 136

  Hopwood decision, 255–256

  horticultural practices, 44–48

  hot links, 182

  Houston, Sam, 12

  Houston, Texas: class divisions in, 203–204; climate, 172, 173; impact of air conditioning in, 202–203; oil economy, 182–183; origins of, 226; political changes in, 226–227; poverty and class divisions in, 181–182; racial politics of, 204, 226–227; and suburbanization, 201; and Texas chic, 175–177, 180

  Houston Chronicle, 78, 79

  Houston Hall of Fame, 29

  Houston Oilers: AFC Championship games, 213–215; and the Astrodome, 173–175; background and struggles of, 172–173; and Campbell’s MVP award, 9; Campbell’s number retired, 237; Campbell’s trade to New Orleans, 235–236; and contract negotiations, 173; decline of, 229, 235; and draft of Campbell, 180; and Gilley’s, 183–185, 187, 207–208, 222; and Houston’s party culture, 220–221; impact of Campbell’s talent on, 8, 10, 176, 212–213; Monday Night Football victories, 1–4, 221–222, 246; and Phillips’s coaching style, 178–179, 215–216, 222–223; and players’ strike, 231–232; and pranks of Campbell, 30; and race issues in Houston, 187, 224–226; threat to move team, 228–229. See also Phillips, Oail “Bum”

  “Houston Oilers No. 1” (fight song), 210

  Houston Orthopedic and Spine Hospital, 244

  Houston Post, 172, 185, 206, 213, 234

  Houston Ship Channel, 183

  Hubbard Junior High, 253

  humor of Campbell, 30

  Hunt, Lamar, 172–173

  Hurd, Michael, 56, 86, 98, 111, 127, 134


  I-formation, 154, 161, 197

  “The Importance of the Automobile to Our Community” (Akers), 151

  Indianapolis Colts, 212

  Indian schools, 150

  Informer, 79–80

  Ingraham, Rick, 120, 154, 156–157, 160–161, 166, 169, 259

  injuries and health problems of Campbell: arthritis, 243; and Astroturf, 174–175; and Campbell’s relationship with Phillips, 215–217; and changes in Oilers strategy, 232–234; and contract negotiations, 225; “drop foot,” 243; and flak jacket protection, 194; hamstring injuries, 139, 144, 236; knee injuries and surgeries, 8, 217, 235, 242, 243; and nerve therapy, 217; and protectiveness of Campbell’s family, 31; toll of football career, 242–243; and trajectory of Campbell’s career, 11

  Integrating the 40 Acres (Goldstone), 83, 128

  integration. See desegregation and integration

  Iran hostage crisis, 223

  Ivins, Molly, 40, 123


  Jackson, Alfred: on Campbell’s big plays, 3; on Cam
pbell’s football talent, 157, 164–165; on Campbell’s poverty, 190; on race issues at UT, 93, 100–101, 134–135

  Jackson, Jesse, 221

  Jackson, Reggie, 167

  Jackson State University (Tigers), 111

  Jamail, Joe, 148, 166

  Jeffers, Leroy, 78

  Jenkins, Walter, 106

  Jennings, Waylon, 124, 185, 195

  Jester Hall (dormitory), 120, 128

  Jet, 186, 187

  Jewett, J. L., 78

  Jim Crow, 35, 74–75

  John Henry myth, 5

  John Reagan High School, 64

  Johnson, Billy “White Shoes,” 189

  Johnson, Lady Bird, 106, 114

  Johnson, Lionell, 143

  Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 36, 91, 106–109

  Johnson, Michael, 54, 60

  Johnson, Ron, 216

  John Tyler High School: Campbell’s early years in football, 54, 56–57; Campbell’s friends from, 168; Campbell’s senior year, 58–65; and college recruitment of Campbell, 116–117, 119; and desegregation of Tyler school system, 28, 33, 34–35, 37–38; football state championship, 9, 99, 110; regional final against Conroe, 62, 240

  Jones, Jim, 230

  Jones, Mike, 152

  Jones, Stan, 244

  Jordan, Barbara, 4–5, 113, 125

  Joyce, Edmund P., 166

  Juneteenth, 18

  Justice, William Wayne, 33–34, 35–41, 53–54, 248


  Kaepernick, Colin, 145, 188

  Kansas City Chiefs, 71–72

  Keith, Don, 102

  Kennedy, John F., 106

  Kennedy, Robert, 71

  Kidd, Sam, 15, 20, 45, 61

  KIKK radio station, 235

  Kilgore, Texas, 34

  Kilgore College, 23, 34

  Killer (bouncer), 220

  KILT radio station, 208

  Kinder Institute, 227

  Kiner, Steve, 196

  King, Billie Jean, 174

  King, Lynn, 57–61, 64, 65, 168

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 11, 71, 102, 121, 240, 257

  Kinzie, Bill, 15, 47

  Kinzie, Earl Christian, 14–17, 41, 201

  KLBJ radio station, 252–253

  knee injuries and surgeries, 8, 217, 235, 242, 243

  Knievel, Evel, 174

  Korean War, 84

  Koy, Ted, 150

  Kralj, Nick, 74, 103

  Kristofferson, Kris, 124

  KTBC radio station, 86

  Ku Klux Klan, 19–20, 74, 183, 199, 224

  Küntzi, Christian, 14


  LaCroix, Butch, 54, 57

  LA Free Press, 122

  Laird, Bruce, 212

  Lamar College, 178

  Landry, Tom, 195–196

  Lansdale, Joe Richard, 37

  Latham, Aaron, 184, 218

  Latino community, 226–227

  Lauren, Ralph, 180

  LBJ High School, 242

  LBJ Presidential Library, 106, 109

  leadership of Campbell, 156–157

  League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions, and the Battle for Truth (Fainaru-Wada and Fainaru), 246

  Leaks, Roosevelt, 119, 131, 151

  Lee, Dorothy, 27

  Leland, Mickey, 125

  Lemon Tree Club, 121

  Lewis, Jerry Lee, 180

  Lewis, Thorndyke, 52

  Loewen, James, 199

  Lone Star Café, 177

  Lonestar Nurseries, 44

  Longview, Texas, 27, 55–56

  Looney, Douglas, 160, 164

  Lopez, David, 226–227

  Los Angeles Rams, 180, 200

  Los Angeles Times, 7

  Loser Takes All: Bud Adams, Bad Football, and Big Business (Fowler), 228

  Louis, Joe, 224

  “Luv Ya Blue” motto, 4, 208, 210

  lynchings, 19

  Lyons, Bill, 113–114, 116, 119, 135


  Madden, Wales, 92

  Maharani (head shop), 122

  Maher, John, 102, 206

  majority-minority demographics, 5

  Manning, Archie, 229

  Manning, Eli, 229

  Manning, Peyton, 229

  Maraniss, David, 240, 241

  marriage, 202

  Marshall, Thurgood, 24–25, 76

  Martin, Don, 252

  Martin, Harvey, 233

  Martinez, Caesar, 259–260

  Mauck, Carl, 10, 175, 184, 197, 207–208

  Mayfield, Earle, 20, 21

  Maysel, Lou, 94

  McCaffrey, Christian, 205–206

  McClintock, David, 163

  McCown, H. Y., 76, 77, 83, 84, 89–90

  McEachern, Jenna Hays, 146, 168, 254

  McEachern, Randy: and Akers’s coaching style, 154; on Campbell’s football talent, 129–131; marriage, 146; national championship game, 170; and the Red River Shootout, 160–161, 164

  McGregor, Laura, 23, 42, 51–52

  Means, James, 104

  meat business of Campbell, 239, 242–243

  Meat on the Hoof (Shaw), 100, 108

  media coverage: AP article on UT racism, 95, 100–101, 105, 108, 114–115, 240; and civil rights activism at UT, 95; and Heisman Trophy coverage, 162, 165–170; on UT recruiting problems, 105

  medical issues. See injuries and health problems of Campbell

  medication, 243–244

  Medina, Frank, 149–151, 155–156

  Mellard, Jason, 183

  Melontree, Andrew, 16

  Memorial Stadium, 81, 132, 134, 142

  memory problems of Campbell, 8–9

  Menil, Dominique de, 218

  Mexican-American Studies program, 127

  Miami Dolphins, 1–4, 175, 187, 200–201, 208, 246

  Michigan State University, 104, 111, 167

  Mielly, A. Rogers, 91

  Miller, Paddy Joe, 157

  Million Air Club, 133

  Minnelli, Liza, 177

  Mislaid (Zink), 203

  Mississippi State, 88

  Mitchell, Bettye, 39, 248–250, 249

  modesty of Campbell, 137

  Monday Night Football, 1–2, 200–201, 208, 221–222, 246

  Monk, Kevin, 165

  Monsanto Corporation, 174

  Montana, Joe, 170

  Moon, A. C., 20

  Moon, Warren, 206

  Moore family, 48

  Moore Junior High, 28, 53–54

  Morris, Jan, 182–183

  Morris, Mercury, 204

  Morris, Willie, 3, 33, 82, 87, 130, 144–145, 158

  Morrison, Van, 123

  Mother Earth (club), 122

  Mount Olive Baptist Church, 149

  Mozell, Reuna, 50–51. See also Campbell, Reuna (wife)

  Murillo, Luis, 147

  Murray, Jim, 7

  MVP award, 9


  Naked Sun (film), 194

  Namath, Joe, 193

  naming of Earl Campbell, 14–17

  national anthem protests, 145

  National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), 24–25, 126, 205, 257

  National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 155, 246

  Negro Achievement Day, 158

  Negros Associated for Progress, 94

  Nelson, Corky, 54–57, 58–60

  Nelson, Willie: and Austin counterculture, 122–124; and Campbell’s love of Texas music, 185, 195; and Gilley’s, 180, 185; Royal’s friendship with, 138, 147, 185, 235; and Texas chic, 177–178

  nerve therapy, 217

  New England Patriots, 236

  Newman, Bruce, 162

  New Orleans Saints, 187, 215, 232, 235–237

  New Republic, 102

  New York Daily News, 230

  New York Giants, 216, 232–233

  New York Times, 38, 226, 228

  NFL-AFL merger, 173

  NFL Hall of Fame, 50, 103, 170, 200, 215

  NFL Players Association, 221, 229�

  NFL Rookie of the Year, 9, 64

  nicknames of Campbell, 44, 194–195

  Night the Lights Went Out In Georgia, The, (film), 211

  Nixon, Richard, 99, 109

  Nobis, Tommy, 150

  North Dallas Forty (Gent), 186–187, 188–189

  Northington, Leo. Jr., 121

  North Texas State University (Mean Green), 140

  North Toward Home (Morris), 82

  North Tyler, Texas, 248

  Nothing Strikes Back, 122

  Nowotny, Arno, 78


  Oakland Raiders, 222, 245

  Octopus Garden, 122

  Ohio State University (Buckeyes), 160

  oil industry, 25, 172–173, 176, 202–203, 234

  Olian, Mo, 190

  O’Neal, Leon, 95

  Orangebloods, 6, 152–153, 166

  Orange Coats, 93–94

  Our Invaded Universities (Dugger), 146

  Out of Control: Confessions of an NFL Casualty (Henderson), 220

  Owens, Chachie, 138

  Oxycontin, 243–244


  Painter, Theophilus S., 75

  Papadakis, John, 102

  Paper Lion (Plimpton), 188, 205

  Pasadena, Texas, 183

  Pastorini, Dan: on Campbell’s competitiveness, 4; on Campbell’s talent, 200, 245; and contract negotiations, 173, 191; and Gilley’s, 183–184; last game as Oiler, 214; Monday Night Football victories, 1–4; and racial dynamics of Oilers, 197; and successful Oilers seasons, 207, 209; toughness of, 193–194; traded, 222

  Payton, Walter, 31, 204

  peach growing, 44

  Pearson, Drew, 213

  Penders, Tom, 255–256

  Penn State University (Nittany Lions), 167

  People, 203

  pep rallies, 39, 56, 163, 208

  perfectionism of Campbell, 129, 259–260

  Perry, Fred, 100

  Peters, Robert, 37

  Phillips, Alberta, 256

  Phillips, Edrina, 177

  Phillips, Oail “Bum”: and AFC title games, 209–210, 213–215; background, 177–178, 182; on Campbell’s rookie year, 11; and Campbell’s trade to New Orleans, 235–236; criticisms of, 222; and drafting of Campbell, 179–180; early years with Oilers, 178–179; famous Monday Night Football game, 2; fired from Houston, 221–222, 225; fired from New Orleans, 236; loyalty to Campbell, 215; and Miami Dolphins game, 200–201; named Oilers head coach, 194; reliance on Campbell, 197–198, 211–212, 215–216; and signing of Campbell, 189; support of Campbell, 194; team-building efforts, 196–197

  Phillips, Wade, 179–180

  Phillips Petroleum, 172

  PIBBY (Place in Blacks’ Back Yard) policy, 203–204

  Pittsburgh Post, 172

  Pittsburgh Steelers, 103, 208–210, 213–215

  Places of Their Own: African American Suburbanization in the Twentieth Century (Wiese), 201–202

  Plano High School, 62

  Plimpton, George, 188, 205

  Poindexter, Albert Sidney, 19

  politics in football, 188

  Porterfield, Billy, 181


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