Tease Me, Baby: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Silver Creek High Book 2)

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Tease Me, Baby: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (Silver Creek High Book 2) Page 15

by Belladona Cunning

  Two weeks. Two more weeks is all I have until I turn eighteen. Then … that bitch is mine. I try to stop the growl before it surfaces, but I must not have stopped it fast enough. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Asher turn his attention toward me. I’m immobile, still sitting on the couch as he towers over me. I know he can see the open hostility in my eyes, and the pure need to kill in the way my body tightens and softens.

  “Asher, darling,” she coos sweetly, but even I can hear the underlining threat in her words. And if I can hear it, then so can he. “Be a dear and go on upstairs like I said. Jessalyn will be with you shortly.”

  “Ma’am?” he says, and I think I detect a hint of warning in his tone. Or is that disbelief? To be honest, I’m not too sure. I’m too busy trying to play catchup between the both of them.

  “Run. Along. Now.” My eyes train on Debra’s. She’s pissed.

  What did she expect? She all but threw me at the boys months ago, expecting me to do many things with them. Of course, she didn’t know how connected we were already, but that probably wouldn’t have stopped her in the first place, either. She’s a conniving, little, pretentious bitch, and she will use me as any means necessary to get what she wants. She probably doesn’t even remember what happened between Callum and I freshman year. That is how into herself she is.

  I feel that familiar tug on the back of my mind. It picks now to come at me, when I really don’t need it to begin with. Thinking about anything that happened in the past isn’t good for me. I’m doing what Karma basically begged me to do, so thinking about that will get me nowhere, fast. It will only make me fester in an agony of my own making.

  A light touch on my wrist has me popping out of a memory trying to resurface. I come to stand beside him. He slides his arm around me protectively, as if he has a fifth sense shit is about to go down. If he is thinking that, he’s not far off the mark.

  Instinctively, I melt into his side, tension sliding away like a flood of water down the drain. I didn’t even realize my body was so tight with anxiety until he pulled me into him. But it shouldn’t surprise me any, because that’s how I always am with Debra around. I can never get a moment’s peace.

  I’m vaguely aware of him pocketing something before his next words, literally, steal the breath from my freaking lungs. So much so, I almost choke on my tongue.

  “Debra, I have been as polite as I can.” His hold on me tightens, and his voice deepens with dominance. “You need to remember your place within our fold and in this town. If you do not, either myself or my father, will force you to fall in line. Is. That. Clear?”

  Who the fuck is this guy and what did he do with the handsome boy that beams at me with open affection? My eyes shoot up to his, seeing his darkened with rage. His jaw clenches tight, the muscles in it popping as his eyes narrow.

  I have to say, when Debra doesn’t even mutter a peep, I get fucking giddy. Like, higher than the clouds and drunk on sex, giddy.

  “She’s my daughter,” she seethes, and my eyes shoot to hers. There’s a deadly light glimmering just beneath the surface.

  “That may be, but she isn’t your property. She does not have to do as you say; Jess is nearly an adult. Now you will leave this house until I say it is okay for you to return.”

  There is no way in Hell Debra Savoy will take orders from a teenager, I don’t care how wealthy and influential his family is. She didn’t make it this far in her measly, little life for everything to revert now. I mean, she tricked my father into impregnating her with me. She did all of this because she’s a mean, frigid bitch.

  Nope. No way will she stand for this, and I will be the one taking the brunt of her anger later. Mother of God, Asher!

  “Do I need to make a call?” he threatens when she makes no move to leave. His voice is practically a growl rasping out of his throat. It’s incredibly sexy, and also quite terrifying.

  As if a blanket of strength has fallen off her shoulders, I see Debra cower right in front of him. My eyes widen marginally, mouth opening and closing like a fish. But he’s just a teenager like me. Yes, he’s taking over the “empire” all their families built together, but he’s still a few years away from that. He shouldn’t have this much power for such a young age.

  Her eyes snap to mine. “I will return at dinner. Be prepared.” What she’s really saying is, “be ready for the beating of my life,” and I can’t even pretend to stand here and say it doesn’t worry me. Because it does. The last time left me with the scar currently calling my hairline home.

  Asher laughs then, the sound chilling me to the bone. “And you still believe you have a say in the matter. Get the fuck out of here before I really lose my cool with you,” he finishes on a growl.

  Without another word, Debra jumps up from her perch on the chair, then turns on her heel to disappear up the stairs. I start to say something, but a reassuring hand on my back keeps me silent.

  Now, I’ll tell you—Debra Savoy does not admit defeat against anyone. She’s the type to argue until she is blue in the face, thinking she’s right even if she’s wrong. So, to have her practically tucking her tail and running off like a cowered animal, it leaves me with a plethora amount of questions circling through my mind.

  Something isn’t right here. In this house, this town, or the school. For four guys to have just as much control as their parents is frightening. No one should be able to act the way those two just did; like their roles are reversed and Asher is the adult while Debra is the child.

  For several minutes, we wait. We hear nothing in the house that leads me to believe Debra is getting her things like Asher said. But he doesn’t seem to care, because he appears as calm as a clam. Then, I hear her heels click-clacking on the second floor, and I break out of my trance. I’ve been looking at her spot for the last little while, not really believing that it was that easy to get her to relent.

  I watch, open-mouthed, as she comes back down the stairs with a scowl firmly in place. She meets my eyes, hers narrowing, before rising to look at Asher over my head. They stare at each other a beat, our breathing the only noise in the otherwise silent room, before she twists her head and marches in the door’s direction.

  It isn’t until she’s gone, with her purse and keys, that I allow myself to relax. Then, I watch through the bay window as she huffily pushes open the garage side door, then opens it, maneuvering her car out of the driveway and sailing off.

  Truly, I expect all of this to be a massive prank. I wait, and wait, and wait, but nothing ever changes. It’s still me and Asher alone in my house. Him, standing far too close to me. He’s practically holding me up, because you can literally knock me over with a feather.

  Tipping my head up to him, I see none of the malice that his voice held moments before. Instead, he’s staring at me as if I’m a treasure that needs protecting and he’s deemed it his job. A warm feeling expands inside my chest, thawing the wall of ice I keep surrounding my heart even more.

  “What was that?” I ask.

  All he gives me is a secretive grin in return.


  Later that evening, we’re both in my room studying, the earlier catastrophe already forgotten. We don’t talk to one another. The only thing that is happening is our gazes keep clashing every so often, as if our attention seeks the other out. It’s safe, predictable.

  I’d be lying if I said I haven’t noticed the ease of camaraderie between us. Asher just seems to get me, and I him—we don’t have to talk or fake our way through conversation. We just are.

  Still, that doesn’t mean I haven’t read the same sentence a dozen times over. The same words that will not stick in my head no matter how many times my eyes scan over them.

  I’m distracted, unfocused. Well, unclear when it comes to my homework, that is.

  All I see is him, with his hunched shoulders and languid posture. I nearly drool when I see him scrawl down notes, the veins and muscles in his forearm shifting with the movement. There just has to be somethi
ng said about a man that pushes his shirtsleeves up to his elbows, like he’s preparing to get down to business. Even if it’s only homework he’s doing, it’s still hot-as-fuck. The pure charisma of this guy beguiles me, leaves me panting and wanting for just the smallest taste. It also doesn’t help that I know exactly what those fingers can do to my nipples, or what his mouth and tongue can do.

  “You’re staring hard over there, sweetheart,” he coos, and then I see a slight smile twisting his lips. He makes no other outward appearance that he notices my gawking. It’s like he revels in the feel of my eyes ghosting along his body, and they are. There’s no denying it.

  “So, what if I am?” I retort, wryly.

  He chuckles, jots down another note, then twists in his seat around so he faces me. “Remember what I said earlier?”

  I do, but I’m going to play this out, see where he goes with it. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Are you sure about that?” He quirks a brow.

  I pretend to think about it, tilting my head back in concentration, tapping a lone finger against my chin. “Yup, I’m sure. Why don’t you jog my memory?”

  At this point, I know I’m playing with fire, and I’m absolutely fucking giddy with readiness. The look of pure mischief in his eyes rally something inside me, a part of myself I usually keep on lock down unless I want to make certain thoughts disappear. But this time, I can’t blame it on the thoughts or memories. The only person I can blame it on is myself. Every cell in my body is firing on all cylinders, and I’m achy and needy.

  I watch, as if in a trance, as Asher softly bites down on his bottom lip. He loves doing that, and I can’t deny I love it, too. His eyes rake over my frame, accessing me in a way that has my thighs rubbing together. He catches the movement, a subtle grin forming on his lips. Then, he tosses the pen down onto the table with a flick of his wrists and stands to his full height. His action has the grace of a panther on the prowl. His body, while muscular and huge, shifts and sways with ease.

  The guy has swagger like no one’s business, and just watching him is like its own brand of torture.

  Once he reaches the end of my bed, my heart skips inside my chest when he reaches down and plants his tightened fists on either side of my ankles. His stare is penetrating, caressing my skin in a sensual dance of seduction.

  “Take off your pants, Jess.” He leers at me. My stomach tightens with arousal as I spy the vein in his neck pick up in pace.

  “Why would I do that?” I play coy.

  His eyes flick up to mine, filled with so much heat I tremble under his gaze. One of his fists loosen and his fingers wrap around my left ankle, eliciting a heated gasp from between my parted lips. Tightening his hold, he pulls me toward him. He doesn’t even seem to break a sweat or struggle, which really turns me on. He’s all virility and dominance. It sets my blood to simmering within my veins.

  When our faces are within an inch of each other, my eyes rake over his face. An imperceptible shiver races up my spine when I spy the murky cloud of desire darkening his irises. His jaw is taut with tension; nostrils flared as if he can smell my arousal.

  “Well, sweetheart,” he says, his voice gravelly and deep with yearning. “It’ll be kind of hard for that delectable pussy of yours to ride my face, otherwise.” Then he leans forward, nipping my jaw with his teeth. My eyes briefly close, a soft gasp escaping my lips “But if you’re wearing lace panties, leave them on.”

  I gulp. “W-Why?”

  “Mmm—” He leans forward, trailing his tongue along a sliver of skin near my ear, then he whispers, “If you’re a good girl and do what I say, I’ll show you why.”

  Quaking, I nod my head. I feel him smile against the side of my face, it’s predatory, primal. It makes provocative images rise to the forefront of my mind.

  He’s methodical in his movements, divesting me of my clothing. Each piece of cloth he takes off my body, he has to look his feel before he moves onto the next piece. It causes goosebumps to pimple along my flesh, my skin begging for more of his touch. But all he gives are light caresses that leave me wanting more.

  With more sensuality than I have in my entire body, Asher slides onto the bed next to me and turns onto his back. He tosses my pillows onto the floor, then shoots a salacious grin my way. He beckons me toward him with a soft tilt of his head, fire leaping from his eyes as he watches me do his bidding.

  My eyes train on his as I straddle his clothed chest, the pressure from his hard muscles combined with the roughness of his shirt, strokes my fire higher as it comes in contact with my aching clit.

  My body visibly vibrates from the sensation. Euphoria tingles within the pit of my stomach as I start slowly grinding against his chest. My eyes roll back into my head as it tilts back on my shoulders, my hands dropping to rest on his muscular stomach behind me.

  Asher growls. “Put that pussy where it belongs, sweetheart.”

  Before I can utter a word, his vice-like grip wraps around my upper thighs and he hoists me over his waiting mouth. Instead of going in easy like most guys I’ve been with, Asher is nothing of the sort. He plants his open mouth against my core and sucks. My mouth falls open as I pant heavily, my eyes dropping to his pleasure-filled face.

  If this is what Asher was talking about, then I’m changed forever. The coarseness of the lacy thong as he presses his mouth against them, has me somersaulting with pleasure. When he flattens his tongue and takes long, leisurely strokes, my legs tremble as pleasure courses through my body.

  I rock against his hungry mouth, shivering in delight when a growl reverberates inside his chest. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips, but quickly dies soon after when his lips wrap around my lace-covered bud.

  “Ah, fuck,” I grunt out and take one of my hands, pushing it into his hair, sucking in a sharp breath.

  I’m lost in pleasure. My hand tightening, back arching, as he continues to toy with my pussy. The coarseness of the lace thong mingled with the soft, flicking motions of Asher’s tongue, is enough to have me teetering dangerously close to the edge. I can feel it rising, mounting. My body convulses and trembles as I grind my pussy into his waiting mouth.

  His hands tighten on my thighs, anchoring me to his face. But when he takes my clit into his mouth and sucks, hard, I can’t reel in the pleasure that courses through me.

  “Asher!” I hum in the back of my throat, my hips rocking faster and faster. His hands griping the skin of my thighs with such force it will leave bruises. “Lick that pussy. Oh, God, fucking yes.”

  He grunts and groans underneath me, but nothing is stopping me now. I feel my climax racing toward me like a freightliner, and I know within moments a blissful shatter will wash over me. It’ll make me feel as if I’m a new person.

  “Yes! Yes!” I cry out loudly. “Oh, please! I’m so close!”

  I’m so lost in passion I don’t hear the front door open. So, misplaced in the way Asher makes me feel, I don’t hear the trampling of heavy footfalls racing up the stairs until it’s too late.

  My door, having been shut before, shatters as someone kicks it in. A loud screech flies out of my mouth as terror overtakes me. I tumble over the side of the bed, falling onto the unforgiving floor with a loud thud. My knee smarts when it comes into contact with the base of my bed. My heart is beating a million miles a minute, and I don’t know if it’s from Asher or whoever just invited themselves to the party.

  Who kicked my door in? Also, why is Asher just lying there like a pouting kid that got his candy taken away?

  I get up onto my knees and peer over the bed. The sight that greets me nearly has me retreating until I remember this is my room and they are the ones trespassing.

  Callum is standing in the opening of my doorway, his chest rising and falling with hastily pants of frustration. Nostrils flare, eyes narrow, as he takes in the scene. Instantly a deadly aura exudes from his body.

  “Goddammit, Asher!” Callum thunders.

  “Are you fucking kid
ding me right now?” Asher grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. “You couldn’t wait two minutes, could you?”

  “You’re the one that texted us, asshole!” Ellis peeks around the corner of the door, eye widening.

  “I texted you all hours ago!” Asher tosses up his hands and jerks to a seated position on the bed. “If there was any real danger, we’d be fucked right now!”

  “If both of you stand there and tell me this motherfucker is getting some, I’m tempted to kill someone,” I hear Quinn quip just behind him.

  Why the fuck would they think there’s a danger? The only danger here is me not getting mine, and I will be one crazy bitch if that doesn’t happen. Now that Asher has me worked up, my clit and body will thrum hours from now if it’s not relieved.

  “What are you all going on about? Why are you all here?” I get to my feet, caring nothing about my nakedness. Rage is making me courageous. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see nothing is going on. Unless you count Asher eating me out as danger, then get the fuck out of here so he can finish the job!”

  As if on cue, my clit thrums painfully. Groaning, I shift my weight back and forth, crossing my arms over my naked chest. They sure are taking their sweet ass time figuring out what they want to do. I don’t care if they stay, go, fuck each other—it doesn’t matter. But in about two seconds, my ass will climb back on top of Asher so he can finish me off.

  Callum takes one, long look at me, his eyes gluing themselves to my saturated thong. He’s battling with himself, but what he says next has me nearing a rampage, “Get your pants back on, little mouse. We need to figure out why Asher sent us an SOS message.”

  “Are you serious?” I growl, barely refraining from stomping my foot.

  Callum narrows his eyes at me in challenge, but it doesn’t have the desired effect. I do the same to him, even going as far as openly daring him to make me do something I don’t want to do. There is no way he’s going to tell me what to do. I don’t care if Asher texted him and said the sun was falling out of the sky and heading toward my house; he has no right to order me around and leave me unfulfilled.


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