Intern: A Steamy Office Romance

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Intern: A Steamy Office Romance Page 10

by Harlow Layne

  Even with everything that’s been swirling in my head on the drive home, I’m shocked to see Tyson’s SUV where we left it yesterday. Parking inside the garage, I know that Tyson will know I’m home. No matter where you are in the house you can always hear it when the garage opens. It’s not loud, but it’s no sneak attack either.

  Once inside, I quietly look around the first floor, but there’s no sign of Tyson, or that he’s been downstairs. Usually he leaves a coffee cup on the counter or a bowl from his granola in the sink, but there’s nothing. Taking off my heels, I silently make my way upstairs. My office is the first room I come to, but as I peer in its empty except for a few boxes of Tyson’s things he has yet to unpack.

  My jaw drops open when I find Tyson asleep on top of the bed in only his underwear. It’s now a little past two o’clock, meaning I’ve been gone for seven hours. Had he been in bed this whole time? Obviously, he was up when I left and at some point called in to work.

  I’m not sure what to do. Do I wake him up and try to talk to him? After this morning I’m less inclined to try, afraid of what might come out of his mouth.

  “Sadie?” Ty questions quietly, bringing me out of my musings. “Is it…” he trails off, turning to look out the windows to see its still daylight and early in the afternoon. “What are you doing home?”

  Crossing my arms over my chest, I stay standing in the doorway. “I could ask you the same question.”

  He yawns and rolls onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. He’s quiet for so long that I start to think he’s not going to answer me.

  “Sadie, I’m sorry about this morning and hurting you. I… you’re right that I’m afraid of what this could mean. If its… I might…” He takes a deep breath all the while still not meeting my eye.

  “Oh, Ty,” I make my way across my plush carpet needing to be by his side, fighting back tears.

  It’s not until I curl up against his side and wrap my arms around him that Ty turns toward me, burying his face in my hair.

  “I’m sorry I yelled at you. Even though it’s no excuse, I was so exhausted. When I saw the hurt in your eyes, I hated myself which only further escalated matters,” he murmurs into the side of my head.

  “Are you feeling better now?” I tighten my hold on him.

  His only response is to shrug his big body.

  “Did you sleep the whole day?”

  “No, after I came out of the bathroom and realized that you’d left, I knew what I needed to do,” he answers, his voice sad and quiet.

  “What did you need to do?”

  “I called my doctor and made an appointment. After that I went back to bed to hope and pray… and mope,” he admits.

  “No matter what the result, I’ll always be here for you.”

  Pulling out of my arms, Ty looks down at me with furrowed brows. “I can’t ask you to do that. If I… if I’m sick. You don’t know what you’re promising until you’re in the thick of things. If you think I’ve been tired this week, you haven’t seen anything yet. For you to see me like that…” he trails off staring down at the bed.

  “Hey,” I place a hand on his firm chest. “We don’t know anything yet. When’s your appointment? I want to be there when you go.”

  “That’s okay,” he shakes his head. “You’d have to miss work.”

  “You’re more important to me than work, Ty.”

  “Why are you home early?” he ignores my statement, and I let it slide. For now.

  “Amanda informed me that you called in sick, and it wasn’t like I was getting any work done after this morning. I literally stared at my computer screen all day,” I shrug acting as if it was no big deal. “Plus, I wasn’t sure if you called in so you could move out while I was at work.”

  His face softens even as his brows furrow. “You really thought I’d move out while you were at work?” he questions, not hiding the hurt in his tone.

  Shaking my head, I shrug. “After this morning, I didn’t know what to think. I thought that if you were going to call in sick, I’d be the first to know about it and not the last.”

  Hanging his head, Tyson takes my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over my pulse point. “Fuck, I… I fucked up. You most definitely should have been the first person I told I wasn’t coming in. Sadie,” he looks at me with hopeless, light green eyes and chokes on his words. “What if I’m sick?”

  “Then we’ll get through it, one day at a time. Our company has great insurance and you won’t go into debt paying for treatments.”

  “I wish I had your optimism, but all I can think about is how hard it was the first time around.”

  “Hey,” my hands cup both of his cheeks and my thumbs stroke along his cheeks. “We don’t know anything yet. Let’s stay positive until we know for sure. Deal?”

  “Deal,” he answers back with zero conviction.

  Somehow, I need to get his mind off the fact that he very well could have cancer again. Mine too. Even though I’ve been worried, I’m not ready to contemplate what it could mean if Ty’s cancer has come back.

  “How about a change of scenery? Are you hungry? I could order whatever you like, make a fire, and we could snuggle up under a blanket and watch a movie or something.”

  “That sounds nice,” he answers, glumly.

  Getting up I head to go downstairs but stop, looking over my shoulder when Ty calls my name. “I really am sorry for this morning and making you think there was a possibility I might move out without talking to you first. I’ll try my best to make sure it never happens again. Promise.”

  Tears prick the backs of my eyes. “Thanks.”

  I walk out before I tell him I love him. When I tell him for the first time, I don’t want him thinking it is out of pity.



  We sit in silence. Our bodies tense as we wait for the doctor to call with my test results.

  He’s late.

  The call is late.

  We were told they’d have my results, and he’d call right after two o’clock. I’ve watched the time tick by second by second, minute by minute for the past half hour, waiting to find out if my world is going to be turned upside down or not.

  “Hey,” Sadie places her hand on my bouncing knee and then laces her hand with mine. “It’s going to be fine. I promise you. I have a good feeling about this.”

  “Then why is he taking so long to call?”

  “Why do doctors always take so long to do anything?”

  “You’re right.”

  “I’m glad you’ve seen the light,” she jokes, cracking a smile before her face falls into a serious mask. “Before the doctor calls with your results, I want to tell you something. I’m not sure if now’s the right time or not…” She looks around her office briefly before her gaze comes back to mine. “One thing this scare has taught me is to not waste time. You never know what tomorrow will hold.”

  Sadie’s scaring the shit out of me.

  What could she possibly have to say, right now?

  Bringing my hand up to her mouth, Sadie kisses my palm. “I can see even more worry in your gorgeous eyes. How is that possible,” she murmurs to herself, smoothing her thumbs over my brows. “I’m just going to say this, okay?”

  “Please,” I blurt out in desperation. Hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

  “Tyson Aaron Jacobs, I love you. My heart is full to bursting with what I feel for you. I wanted…”

  My lips crash into hers, cutting her off. Our teeth clash and tongues duel as if fighting to say who loves who more.

  But she doesn’t know I love her.

  Breaking our kiss, I pull back and gaze into her shining whiskey colored eyes.

  “My sweet, beautiful Sadie,” I start, but stop when her cheeks bloom pink. It still amazes me how such simple words affect her. “I love you. I think I’ve loved you since the first time I saw you in the hallway here, and I promise you that I’ll never stop.”

  “Really?” she squeaks
out, her eyes bright.

  I can’t help but throw my head back and laugh. Only Sadie could make me laugh at a time like this.

  A slow smiles spreads across her face and up to her sparkling eyes as she watches me try to gain control of myself.

  Pulling her into my lap, I pepper kisses down her nose and along her sultry lips. I pull back enough to lock eyes with her. “Don’t act like you didn’t know. I’m pretty sure I’ve done the worst job on the planet trying to hide my feelings for you.” I shrug. “Only so you wouldn’t run away before you felt the same.”

  Hands on each side of my face, she smiles brightly at me with shining eyes. “How did I get so lucky? It still baffles me that you’re even remotely interested in me and now… you love me,” she says the last on a breathy sigh. “At least I got it right before I turned forty.”

  My heart is doing flips in my chest. She got it right. With me.

  “Damn right you got it right,” I growl against her full pink lips. Her tongue sneaks out to lick her lips, but I suck it into my mouth unable to stop myself. I need her more than I’ve ever needed anything in my life.

  My hands travel up the back of her shirt just as my phone starts ringing, and they instantly stop.

  This is it.

  Wrapping one arm around her to keep her in place, I need her right here with me, I lean forward to pick up my phone from the table and answer. “Hello?”

  “Is this Mr. Jacobs?”

  “Yes,” I answer, trying to swallow the rock that’s lodged in my throat.

  “Sorry it took me so long to call you, Mr. Jacobs. I had a patient run long, delaying me. I didn’t want you to wait until tomorrow. I know you’re anxious to know your results and wanted to put your mind at ease instead of keeping you worried for another day.”

  Did he say, ‘at ease’? That’s a good thing, right?

  “Thank you, Dr. Walters. What do you got for me?”

  “Well, the good news is you don’t have cancer.”

  Relief washes through me. I can feel my body sag against Sadie’s and like the beautiful person she is, without question, she wraps her arms around me and holds me tight. Supporting me.

  My forehead rests against her shoulder as I speak into my phone. “Are you sure? Why have I been so tired then?”

  “There is something that’s causing your symptoms. Luckily, we took enough blood to run quite a few tests. Although it’s rare in men and especially at your age, you have hypothyroidism. I’ve already called in a prescription for you at your pharmacy, and I’ll need to see you in my office in one week for some more blood work. Feel free to look it up on the internet, and I’ll answer any questions you have for me when I see you. I want you to know that it’s very manageable, but until we get the proper dosage and the right medication you’ll be coming in every week or two for blood work. You might want to check with your health insurance to see if they require a lab to draw your blood when it’s not included in your well visit. Other than that, do you have any questions?”


  My mind is blown with the news that I don’t have cancer. I thought for sure that it had come back, and I was dying.

  “Not right now,” I stammer out. “I’m sure I’ll have some when I come in.”

  “Good, I advise you make a trip to the pharmacy before it closes and take your first dose tonight. I don’t think you’ll have any side effects, but if you have any problems don’t hesitate to call me.”

  “Thank you, Dr. Walters. I’ll do that.”

  “Have a good rest of your day and the rest of your week. I’ll see you soon.”

  “You too,” I reply before he hangs up.

  I don’t have cancer! I don’t have fucking cancer!

  I’m not dying!

  Patting my face, Sadie frowns down at me worry etched across her face.

  How long have I been sitting here unresponsive?

  “Ty? Are you okay?” Her worried eyes bore into mine. “What did the doctor say?”

  “I’m fine. Better than fine,” I let out a dry laugh. “I don’t have cancer.”

  “Oh my God that’s such great news,” she breathes out.

  Wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug, I feel Sadie start to shake. I can’t tell if she’s laughing or crying, or what she’s doing until I feel wetness start to seep into my shirt.

  “Hey,” I try to pull her back so that I can look at her, but she only buries her head into the crook of my neck and holds me tighter. “I promise I’m okay. I have some thyroid problem that I have to start taking medicine for, but that’s it.”

  I don’t say what I’m thinking. I’m not dying. That I’ve been afraid I’m dying since before I went to the doctor.

  “I’ve been so scared,” she sobs into my shoulder. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  It both kills and elates me that she was so worried about me. I start to sway as best as I can on the stiff couch, trying to calm her, but in the process all my fears of what could have happened start to surface. Wetness wells up in my eyes, blurring my vision.

  Will the fear of a reoccurrence ever go away?

  I don’t even notice when Sadie sits up in my lap or when my own tears started to fall. It isn’t until her delicate fingers start to wipe away the moisture that’s coating my cheeks that I’m brought back to the here and now.

  “Baby,” she kisses my lips chastely. “You’re okay.”

  The only thing I can do is nod my head. The rock that was in my throat earlier is back and brought a few of its friends to take up residence, making it impossible for me to speak.

  “Okay,” she says softly, nodding her head. She stands from my lap and when I start to pull her back to me, Sadie maneuverers me until I’m lying on the couch where she promptly joins me by placing her body on top of mine and wrapping her little arms around me.

  We lay like that for minutes, hours, days. I don’t know how long, but the entire time, Sadie never lets go of me.

  The only thing I know is I need to marry this woman.

  The tips of my fingers inch up her thighs until they’re met with the hem of her sexy as fuck short skirt. I slide up her skirt until the globes of her ass cheeks meet my hands where I squeeze and knead their firm flesh.

  Slowly, Sadie sits up and starts rocking against my growing erection. I bunch her skirt around her waist, pulling her panties to the side so that my thumb can start to slowly circle her clit.

  She rocks against me faster until I’m afraid I’m going to cum in my pants and grip her waist. “I need to cum deep inside of you, not in my pants like a teenager.”

  Without saying a word, she rises to her knees and starts to deftly unbuckle my belt. In a matter of seconds, she has my cock in her tiny, soft hands, stroking me once, twice before gliding it through her slick folds.

  I can’t stop the moan that grows from deep in the pit of my stomach as she coats my cock with her juices. With my dick at her entrance, Sadie takes me painstakingly slow, inch by inch. I let her set the pace. After today and everything we’ve been through, I want to savor the moment and going by her movements, she feels the same way. Taking pleasure in the fact that Sadie loves me. Worshipping the woman in my arms.

  When I feel her walls start to pulse around me, my body starts to tingle from my scalp all the way down to my clenched toes. Before I can silence her with a kiss, Sadie calls out my name in a loud moan of pleasure. I stiffen, seizing her hips in my grip as I release inside of her. When every ounce of me has been milked from her tight pussy, I pull her down in a searing kiss. Hot, desperate, and most of all, I can feel her love for me.

  Sadie pants against my waiting mouth when we break apart for air. I plant kisses on every inch that my lips can reach. My hands smooth over the silky ivory skin of her back, arms, and ass.

  Burying her head in my shoulder, Sadie starts shaking with laughter. What the hell?

  Only minutes before we’d been in the throes of passion and now, she can’t stop laughing. When she hasn’t stop
ped for over a minute, I’m dying to know what’s so funny.

  “Sadie?” I ask tentatively, pausing one hand at the nape of her neck and the other at her hip. When her laughter turns into fits of giggles, I’m lost.

  “I’m sorry,” she sputters out, struggling to sit up from laughing so intensely. “I’m sorry. It’s just one of those times…” she laughs into her arm. “When you can’t stop.” A bark of laughter escapes her clenched lips. “And the more you try the more you laugh.”

  That’s easy to see, but I don’t know why she’s laughing like a mad lady. With each brush of her backside against my semi-erect cock, I’m starting to get hard again. I’ll happily take her again in her… oh shit. We’re in her office. We’ve been in her office for who knows how long. Hours? And just made love like we were in the privacy of our own home.

  Not her office.

  Her laughs die down and she nods. “I think you figured it out. We’ve been outed by ourselves.”

  Not the way we wanted it to happen.

  At least, Sadie had informed her superiors of our relationship a couple of weeks ago after Amy threatened her, but I know what she’s worried about. The looks from everyone, and everyone wondering if I got my job by fucking my boss.

  “It could have been better timed,” I admit.

  She plants her forehead to my shoulder and shakes her head. “I never wanted anyone to hear us having sex. They’ll probably install cameras in here after they heard us.”

  “Baby, they already know about us and yes, this wasn’t the best use of our work time, but I don’t think they’ll install camera’s in here. We’ll just have to lay low for a while before I ravage you again in your office. We can find somewhere else.”

  I feel her turn to look up at me and when I look down at her, Sadie’s pouting. Fucking adorable. What isn’t on this woman?

  “Now I’m going to have to be an even bigger bitch to you. Ugh,” she rolls her eyes. “I don’t even want to think about what everyone will be saying.”

  “Don’t worry about what they’ll say. Are you ashamed of your relationship with me?” I’d been wanting to shout it from the rooftops that I was with the hottest woman in the world but had kept my mouth shut in respect for Sadie, and that she would know when the right time would be.


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