Dominating Lesbians Box Set

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Dominating Lesbians Box Set Page 5

by Tara Cummings

  I look up at her with trembling breath. “I…did.”

  Her smile grows a little more satisfied. The moment I feel her fingertips press against my pussy from the other side of my panties, I grab ahold of the table next to us. The two women stay completely silent, but their own smiles are growing bigger.

  Ms. Cline leans down and presses her lips to the side of my ear. “Is it because you like it, Naomi?” Her words land hot against the side of my neck, sending chills down my spine. Her fingers press against me a little harder until I let out a whimper. Before I realize it, I’m starting to widen my stance for her.

  “Yes, I think so.” I breathe out, looking up at her for some kind of guidance. I don’t know how much I’ll receive though. Ms. Cline is in complete control of the situation. I know I can just turn around and walk away if I wanted to, but I don’t.

  I want to stay.

  “Have you ever been with a woman before?” She asks with amusement laced over her words.

  I shake my head as she pushes my panties aside and traces her fingertip up my wetness. It wasn’t until she started touching me down there that I realize just how wet I’ve gotten.

  “It seems as though you like it.” Ms. Cline says pointedly as she pulls her hand out from underneath my skirt and wraps her lips around her fingers. Her cheeks hollow as she sucks my juices off, staring at me while she does. I barely notice the two women shifting in their seats as they continue to watch like two silent mice.

  “Judging by how wet you are down here,” Ms. Cline pushes her hand back against my pussy. My knees almost buckle. “I think you want more of this.”

  My palm slaps against the top of the table for balance. I need to grab ahold of something to stop myself from falling over.

  “Do you like this, Naomi?” She whispers on the side of my neck before scraping her teeth along my skin like a vampire. More shivers race through me. I clutch onto the edge of the table so hard my knuckles turn white.

  “Yes.” I groan the moment she eases the tip of her finger inside of me. My mouth falls open in a silent whimper as her finger pushes into me. I bend my knees a little, easing more of her finger inside.

  “Oh, a little eager are we.” Ms. Cline laughs. I hear a couple of quiet laughs come from the guests on the other side of the table, but I barely pay any attention to them. All I can think about is Ms. Cline’s finger starting to thrust back and forth inside of me. Nice and slow. “Bend over, put on a show for our guests.” Ms. Cline says as she pulls her hand away and spins me around to face the table.

  Before I know it, her hand slaps between my shoulder blades and bends me over the table. I let her pose me however she wants. All I really want is to feel her fingers inside of me again. I’d be willing to do anything she asks for that. I glance at the women sitting across the table as Ms. Cline hikes my skirt up over my hips. The sudden naked feeling on my ass sends goosebumps prickling up the back of my neck.

  “I always knew this ass would look better without the skirt.” Ms. Cline laughs as she grabs a handful of my backside. I clench my eyes shut and lay flat onto the table. I can’t believe this is happening. My mind barely registered how absurd this situation is. Before I knew it I’m bent over and presenting my pussy to her. She has a way of manipulating situations.

  Or maybe I have a way of giving in to easily.

  Her hand dips between my thighs and her finger slicks along my wet folds.

  “Fuck…” I breathe out, poking my ass up a little higher as I stand on my tiptoes.

  “You see Naomi, the thing about fucking other women is,” her fingertips gently press against my clit, making me groan even louder, “we know what we want.” I start to roll my hips back and forth. It’s my way of encouraging her to keep going. Plus, the feeling of her fingers slicking back and forth on my clit is starting to make my toes curl.

  “Men just can’t pleasure a girl like a woman can.” My skin is flushed. The outfit I’m wearing shows the top curve of my breasts, and they’re both a bright red now. Both the women shift in their seats with their eyes locked onto me. I can’t bother staring at them though because my eyes are fluttering shut as Ms. Cline slips her fingers inside me again.

  I thrust my hips out from the table, desperately wanting her to finger-fuck me a little deeper. But she’s still maintaining her nice and slow speed.

  “I’ve always known you’ve been a bit of a slut, Naomi.” She chuckles and watches my ass press back against the palm of her hand. She leans down and presses her mouth against the back of my ear. Her breasts press against my back and pin me harder against the table until the edge grinds into my hips. I don’t care about the pain, the feeling of her fingers inside of me is all I can think about. “I’ve seen you sauntering around the place, staring longingly at erotic paintings. You’ve always wondered what if that was you?”

  My palms fall flat against the wood. That familiar feeling of pleasure and heat starts to swirl inside my core. I’m so fucking close.

  “You’ve always wanted to know what its like to just get taken. Like a slut. Like a dirty submissive.” I can barely make sense of her words warming the back of my neck. My entire world feels like its spinning and building to an inevitable orgasm. “Isn’t that right?” I ignore her question until her other hand pinches my ass so hard I squeal.


  She twists her pinch until it becomes a searing pain. I try to lurch away from her, but she’s got too good of a grip on me. “Yes, Domina.” She corrects me.

  “Yes…Domina.” The word rolls off my tongue and in an instant a bolt of pleasure shoots down my legs. My knees buckle and if I wasn’t leaning on the table I would have crumpled to the ground. I shake and tremble. Breathy whimpers skip out of me as all my skin flushes a pleasurable red color.

  The two women sitting across from me smile on as I pant for air. Ms. Cline slowly draws her hand away from my pussy and brings her wet fingers to my lips.

  “Lick it off, slut.”

  I don’t think or question her, I simply wrap my lips around her fingertips and suck them clean. The horny scent of my pussy sends my head spinning even more, but I groan and happily lick her clean.

  Ms. Cline gives me a reassuring pat on my ass before pulling my skirt back down in place. “That’s a good girl, you can go back to work now.”

  I stand up on wobbly legs and brush a few creases out of my skirt. All three women just stare, waiting for me to leave. I don’t know what to do, so I thank Ms. Cline and slowly make my way out. My head still feels foggy from pleasure and lust. A part of me feels like I should be angry about what happen, like I was taken advantage of. But I don’t feel that at all.

  The truth is.

  I loved every second of it.

  Chapter 2

  “Are you out of your fucking mind!” Britney looks at me in shock.

  My teeth sink into my bottom lip as I stare at the keycard laying on the small wooden table. It’s several hours after the incident in the lounge with Ms. Cline and the guests. The two women have already left and Ms. Cline has gone to bed. I still haven’t told Britney about what happened. I’m not sure I ever will.

  “This is my chance.” I say, looking back at Britney. That card is the key to get into the Black Room. Ms. Cline has never left it just laying around the house before. She’s already in bed. No one is awake but Britney. I’ll probably never get this chance again.

  “What if she finds out?”

  “She won’t find out.” I handwave away Britney’s comment as I grab the keycard off the table. It’s a little weightier than I expected. My eyes open wide as I rub it in my hands.

  “What has gotten into you tonight?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I guess I’m just feeling bold.”

  Britney continues to shake her head. “Okay look, I won’t tell her I saw you take it, but I’m not going to be a part of this. I’m going to bed. You’re on your own.” She holds her hands up.

  “Thanks for not saying anything.” I say wi
th a smile as she makes her way out of the room.

  I take a moment to stare longingly at the black keycard in my hand. Tonight has been a night of firsts. It only seems appropriate that I got this opportunity. I slink out of the lounge and into the quiet hallways of the Cline Mansion. A couple of minutes later and I’m standing at the end of the bright white hallway with the black door.

  I have the key.

  And no one else is around.

  I glance over at the painting and stare at the woman with her mouth open in pleasure. Only a few hours ago I was her. Erotic lust, sex, and heat washed over me until I came. I’ve never put myself on display in front of others like that.

  A part of me just wants to keep chasing that high. I can still feel the after glow from a few hours ago. Now I get to see what’s on the other side of that black door. And like I said before, I think I already have some kind of idea.

  My feet carry me forward, past the painting and into the brightly lit hallway. This is the first time I’ve stepped this far without a broom in hand. The black door grows bigger, looming over me as I walk closer to it. I step up to it, slowly turn around to make sure no one is watching me, and let out a long sigh to release the tension in my body.

  “Well, here it goes.” I brush the card over the keypad. There’s a click and the red light turns green. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I shake my head as the doubt starts to build inside of me. Britney was right, this is a completely crazy idea.

  I grab the handle and pull. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the darkness, but I’m immediately met with a twisting staircase with dim lights along the wall to light the way. I start making my way down and the heavy black door clicks shut behind me. I’m not sure, but I think I hear it automatically lock.

  Now my entire world is almost completely dark as I continue making my way down the twisting stairs. It’s maybe one or two flights before I get to the bottom.

  I hop off the last step and look up.

  My heart lurches and I stop breathing. The large room is dimly lit with purple and red lighting. Ropes, chains, paddles, and handcuffs line the walls. It looks like a gym filled with various exercise machines.

  Only they aren’t exercise machines at all. They’re sex contraptions and pieces of furniture. I step forward with my mouth open in shock. I run my fingertips over a leather padded X as I look around. I’ve never seen anything like this before. I knew this was going to be some kind of ‘sex room’, but I never expected this.

  “Holy shit.” I mutter under my breath as I turn and look at a shelving display off to my left. It’s filled with all kinds of sex toys, dildos, vibrators, and whips. Anything you would ever want was on display.

  “Looks like I caught a mouse in my trap.”

  I nearly jump out of my skin and trip over one of the machines. I spin around in a panic to see Ms. Cline walking out of a dark corner next to the stairs. A sinister red light washes over her as she steps forward. The first thing I notice is what she’s wearing. She isn’t in her cocktail dress from earlier tonight or in what she wears to sleep.

  It’s leather. A smooth, reflective leather outfit that clings to her body and shows off all her curves. Her breasts are pushed up high. This is the tallest I’ve ever seen her since she platform high heels on.

  “I’m…I’m sorry Ms. Cline, I…”

  She holds her hand up to silence me. “I don’t have time for your excuses. And didn’t I tell you to call me something else?”

  I pause for a second, hand pressed flat over my heart.

  “I’m sorry….Domina.” My breath catches in my throat as soon as I say it, but there’s also a little twinge between my thigh. It’s like a reminder of how my body felt the last time I used that word.

  Her face slowly turns up in a smile as she steps a little closer. A part of me feels like I should be scrambling to the staircase and running past the black door. But a bigger part of me wants to stay—wants to feel those feelings she gave me earlier.

  “You should be sorry. I’ve never had a maid break the rules this badly before.” She steps so close until her leather clad breasts brush against mine. I breathe in her scent and my heart pounds. I can’t even summon the courage to make eye contact with her. All I can do is stare at the ground like a puppy dog in trouble. “But you couldn’t help those little slut feelings of yours, could you?” Her words purr off her tongue as she reaches down and grabs the inside of my thigh again. Tingles radiate from where she touches me until heat pools inside my core. I lean forward against her, but she quickly grabs ahold of my shoulder and holds me away from her.

  Ms. Cline brings her hand up and delicately brushes the backs of her fingers along my cheek. “Don’t think this is going to be easier for you, my slut.” I finally look up at her. She’s got a pleasant smile on her face, but there’s a sharpness in her gaze. Her tone suddenly turns more serious. “Get undressed. Show me that slutty naked body of yours.” She steps away and puts her hands on her hips.

  I quickly do as I’m told. She’s my boss. I’ve always done what she’s told me to do, but this time is different. There’s an eagerness to please her that’s taking over my body. Before I even realize what I’m doing, my fingers are unfastening my skirt and letting it fall to the ground. As soon as I’m completely naked, Ms. Cline eyes me up and down like she’s appraising me. “You are just as perfect as I knew you would be, but you still break the rules. And sluts that break the rules get punished.” She lets out a low mocking laugh that sends chills throughout my body.

  She snaps her fingers and points to a padded leather bench next to me. “Bend over, slut.” The bench slopes downward with the head portion closer to the floor. It’s perfect for leaving the subject’s ass pointed high up into the air. I glance back at Domina skeptically for a moment. “Now!” She barks, snapping me into action.

  I fall into place on the bench, ass poked up high and on full display for her. She smiles and grabs a handful of my ass. I whimper as she gives it a nice squeeze.

  “So plump, so wet.” Her fingers dip just between my thighs to feel my pussy. I grab ahold of the bench frame as she tickles along my clit. Feeling her touching me like this is almost enough to send me over the edge. Her fingers brush up and down my wet folds until I start to feel that heat coil and swirl inside my core. I whimper and groan for her, trying to push my ass back against her touch, but the angle makes it practically impossible.

  She finally steps away and walks toward the shelfs on the wall. When her hand leaves me, I let out a complaining groan. It felt so damn good, now I feel empty.

  “Don’t get used to feeling good, my slut. Remember, this is about punishment.” She laughs as she walks back with a paddle and a pair of handcuffs that glint underneath the dim light. She fastens them around my wrists and locks me in place to the bench. My heart jumps as I listen to the clicking of the cuffs as the grip around my wrists. Now I really am trapped.

  She picks up the paddle, spins it in her hand, and looks at me with a smirk. “Tell me slut, have you ever been spanked before?”

  I look at her with nervous eyes and quickly shake my head. “No, I haven’t.”

  Without warning she pulls her arm back through the air and crashes the wooded paddle down on my ass. “No, Domina.” She corrects me. The pain is already prickling down the backs of my thighs.

  “No, Domina!” I blurt out.

  Her fingers slip between my thighs again, barely dipping inside of me.


  “I know how much you like getting finger fucked like a dirty whore, but your punishment isn’t over yet.” She quickly pulls away and the paddle comes thwacking down on me again.

  I hiss through my teeth in pain. My backside feels like it’s on fire. Domina laughs as she watches me struggle against the handcuffs. The metal chain clangs against the frame of the bench. Her hand presses right up against my pussy lips again, daring to push inside of me. My entire body goes still. Maybe if I don’t move she’ll give me what I w

  “You want me inside of you, don’t you slut?”

  “Yes, Domina.” I remembered her title and I’m rewarded with just a little penetration of her fingertips. I try to thrust my ass up, but the cuffs dig into my wrists enough to make me stop.

  “This isn’t the way I want to fuck you though. Not for a slut’s first time.” She snickers as she pulls her hand away and brings the paddle crashing down onto me again.

  “Shit!” I yelp as my ass turns a bright pink.

  Then she bends down to unfasten the handcuffs on the bench. I get a good view of her breasts as she does. I’ve stolen glances at them more times then I can remember, always in form-fitting cocktail dresses. But I’ve never seen her dressed like this. She’s like a completely different woman now. And I feel completely different toward her. My body reacts differently toward her.

  She’s not my boss anymore.

  She’s my Domina.

  She grabs the chain on the cuffs and pulls me off the bench and to a standing position. I can still feel the prickly pain on my ass as she pulls me toward a wall opposite from the bench.

  “I think we’ll have a little fun over here.” She says, leading me toward a large hook and chain on the wall. My heart thumps so hard I think it might leap out of my chest. I follow behind her as she leads me, watching her plump ass sway back and forth inside her leather outfit. I’m tempted to try and reach out and grab it, but I don’t dare move a muscle. It’s only now that I realize I haven’t really touched her at all. She’s only touched me. That longing builds up inside of me like a flame.

  It’s an ever-present reminder that she’s in charge. Her desires will be met, not mine. She yanks my arms up over my head and fastens the hook around the chain on the cuffs. My arms stretch above my head and my breasts heave with each nervous breath.

  “Perfect.” She purrs as she reaches up and gives one of my nipples a playful pinch. I squirm as my nipple buds erect underneath her touch, but it’s hard to control my movement since I’m practically dangling from the hook above me. My feet have to stretch below me to make contact with the floor. Domina’s hand presses between my breasts and slowly trails downward. “You like being tied up and used, don’t you my slut?” She asks with a smile. Her fingertips tickle the small tuft of trimmed hair above my pussy.


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