Respectable Riot (Riot MC, #6)

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Respectable Riot (Riot MC, #6) Page 19

by Karen Renee

  For the first time, no way he could think about anything but that woman on the back of his bike. She didn’t feel right back there. No. She felt fucking perfect back there, in a way he never knew was possible. Her lilting laughter mixed with the roar of the wind was better than music. What kind of man did it make him if he was willing to run at the first sign of problems?

  Then again, what kind of idiot did it make him if he set himself up for heartache again?



  BEAST WALKED THROUGH the back door to the clubhouse and dropped his backpack in his room. He needed a drink, the stiffer the better. Rounding the corner to the common room, he was surprised to find Liar at the bar.

  “What’re you doin’ here, man?”

  Liar gave him a mild side-eye as Beast perched on a barstool. He waited that out while getting the attention of the prospect behind the bar. “Crown, neat.”

  Liar shook his head. “Can’t believe you. You’re just like the song “Respectable” by the Stones.”

  Beast felt anger brewing in his gut. He was as big a fan of Mick and the boys as Liar was, and there was no way anything good could come of that comment.

  “What are you on about, jackass?”

  Liar chuckled. “She’s respectable, right?”


  “And everything you’ve been doin’ or thinkin’ it’s been an effort to make her get out of your life. It’s just like that song.”

  Beast shook his head. “You’re over-analyzing this, man.”

  “Whatever. Just to say, don’t throw somethin’ good away. That would be a fuckin’ shame.”

  He sighed, but got back to his original topic. “What are you doin’ here, man?”

  Before Liar could answer, Blood sidled up to Beast and slapped his back. “Outstanding. Everybody’s here for church. Not happy you didn’t stay out of town, but since it wasn’t a direct order, Volt’s lettin’ it slide.”

  Twenty minutes later, the men around the table fell silent as church was called to order. Blood laid out the latest issues facing the Club.

  “Upside to this, is that Grind has made his plays. There’s not much more he can do through Trent Palmer.”

  Beast sat up straighter even as his gut twisted. There were many reasons he needed to distance himself from Janie, but this just sealed it. The Riot brotherhood had helped him through so many rough times in his life; there was no woman worthy of putting that in jeopardy. “I’m done with Janie. No way I’m gonna make shit worse for her and have those same actions bring the club low and cause hardship.”

  He felt Cal glaring at him, but Patch shaking his head stole his attention. “No weasel politician forces us into or out of situations,” the older man said.

  “Damn right,” Cal agreed and Beast turned to him seeing the glare was in full effect. “Ain’t the first time we been faced with hassles. Won’t be the last, much as I wish it would be.”

  Beast shook his head. “Doesn’t seem worth it. This divorce bullshit could drag on for months. I don’t need to be caught up in that.”

  Patch looked at Cal. “He’s lookin’ for excuses.”

  Cal grinned. “Pussies usually do.”

  Beast inhaled, his nostrils flaring. He shot a look at Liar, wondering if he’d shared with Cal. “I am not a pussy.”

  “You got a shot at her?” Major asked.

  He wanted to say no, but he knew he did. His chin lifted briefly.

  “Then why the hell aren’t you gonna take it?” Patch asked.

  “I don’t know,” he groaned, then asked, “Why are we talkin’ about this shit in church anyway?”

  Cal, Volt, and Blood chuckled.

  “Phase two, the bullshit,” Patch muttered.

  Beast sighed. “Don’t like bitches with baggage. That doesn’t make me a pussy. Plus, it means I’m forcing a bunch of bullshit problems on the club.”

  Cal interjected. “The problems have already been forced on us, and it was before you got in with her.”

  Beast ignored him. “I take that shot and move on, I’m a royal prick.”

  “And that’s stopped you before?” Liar asked from across the table. That surprised him, seeing as how Janie and Andrea were possibly tighter than the two of them.

  “Your ass told me not to hurt her just last night.”

  “And that’s stopped you before?” Liar repeated his question.

  “Enough about Janie,” Volt ordered. “Major, you get the ATF dealt with today regarding that gun?”

  Major nodded.

  Volt looked to Turk, who sighed. “Had no luck with the damn Health Inspector. The Flat Iron’s still closed until further notice. My guess, that asshole has firmer ties with the more local departments.”

  “Right. Keep at it. Bernstein and Logan reported we shouldn’t have any issues with the storage units, so they’re on The Flat Iron next, which will help you.”

  There were nods and chin lifts around the table, but even though there was agreement, Beast could feel unease building.

  “Now, anybody who isn’t directly involved with Hock or the restaurant, we’re goin’ on the offensive.”

  The unease immediately dissipated. Volt continued. “Me, Blood, Razor, Beast, Vamp, Cal, and Roll will be goin’ after Grind. Prospects are in on that in a limited capacity. James is tryin’ to get us a bead on Grind with his phone, but the asshole’s been on nothin’ but burners since the fuckers were invented.”

  “That’s the damn truth,” Razor muttered.

  “Speakin’ of, Razor, can you give us any insight into Grind? Just ten months ago you were still one of them, so...”

  Razor dragged a hand down his face. “Well, he’s always been a paranoid fucker. Only way a brother got a room in the clubhouse was if the brother was President, VP or Sergeant at Arms. Everyone else had to keep places off property.”

  “What kind of bullshit is that?” Yak muttered.

  “I’m not sure Grind has a place outside club property.”

  “Seriously?” Roll asked.

  Razor grimaced. “Man has no honor. Doesn’t mind livin’ off his brothers, but more, he’s always had five, sometimes six women at a time. How they don’t know about each other is a mystery...or maybe not, seein’ as how he’s clearly a manipulator.”

  “Stays with them,” Roll surmised.

  Razor nodded. “Never more than three nights, tops.”

  “Well, it’s good there’s seven of us. Stakeouts aren’t aggressive, but hell if I’m sendin’ us after Grind without our shit tight. Now, brothers who weren’t mentioned as bein’ in on these stakeouts, you’re free to go.”

  Blood shut the doors after half the men left the room.

  When he sat down again, Volt asked, “Razor, any chance you know where Leatherneck sweet-butts hang outside the club?”

  Razor’s lips thinned. “I might have a couple ideas, but in the past ten months plenty could’ve changed with those bitches.”

  “You’re right, but once we find one, I’m thinkin’ we send Beast in with a prospect. They won’t know he’s with us necessarily, and he can figure out who Grind’s pieces are.”

  Vamp leaned back in his chair with a loud sigh. “And then we wait for him? I know I’ve asked this shit before, and Volt, you’ve always had a decent plan up your sleeve, but seriously. Why aren’t we just gonna confront Grind on his own turf?”

  Beast thought that was a damn good question. Kicking the man’s ass sounded far better than waiting for him to walk out of some skank’s apartment.

  Volt held Vamp’s eyes for a moment. “If it weren’t for the dead bodies, I would be down with that. But bottom line, we took out Bush and Prank. To be blunt, it was sheer dumb luck we were able to divert the blame from Riot.”

  Cal groaned and exchanged a look with Blood, telling Beast there was more to the story than he realized.

  Volt ignored Cal’s groan. “Bottom line, his club’s down two brothers and they haven’t retaliated. He�
�s got to make some show of force, and targeting all of our investments should’ve drawn us out immediately. We go to their compound, no way he isn’t ready for that shit. Don’t know about you brothers, but I don’t want to be ambushed.”

  “No doubt about that. Though, Vamp, I agree with you wanting to go after him outright, but the slow route makes more sense. I mean why has a MC president pulled in a politician? Yeah, he knows he’s weak, and maybe he’s clocked the connection of Janie to Andrea, but he’s got to have some other motive working here,” Blood said.

  Beast couldn’t hold his tongue any longer. “So what is the plan here? Are we gonna take him out?”

  Volt looked to him. “I’m glad you asked. We find some of their sweet-butts, gonna send you in with a prospect without your cuts. They shouldn’t know who you are, and then you guys ply them for information. Once we know where Grind is at, we can follow him. Personally, I’d like to dish back more than a little bit of what he dished to Janie.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Beast muttered.

  “Thought you’d say that. So, Razor, let him know where to head to. Beast take Ted with you. None of those women should recognize you, and either you or Ted can figure out where we need to be.”

  They left the room after Razor told Beast he’d have the best luck approaching some clubs near Mayport on Thursday, because it was Ladies’ Night.

  BEAST SHUT THE DOOR to his room, running his hand down his face. This was turning into more and more of a cluster. Earlier that afternoon, he had walked Janie up to her condo, and even after hours on his bike with her, he was just as conflicted as he was that morning. She kissed him for once, and it sweeter than any kiss from any other woman he ever had. There were no promises made, he didn’t say he’d be back later, though he probably should go back. It wasn’t exactly her business that he had to go sit around a bar chatting up skanks in an effort to find Grind.

  Yet, he felt like he owed it to her to be up-front.

  He sat on his bed and raked his hands through his hair. “Jesus,” he muttered.

  Trying not to think of Janie, a thought hit him. He wanted to shove it aside because it was just that bad, but it was also just that good. He had to get another opinion about it. He yanked his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed Volt, hoping the brother wasn’t back on his bike.

  “Beast, I’m in the building, what the hell do you want?”

  A rapid exhale through his nose disguised his chuckle. “I got what’s possibly a bad idea, but I had to run it by you first.”

  “You want to run a bad idea by me?”

  “Sort of. Turk tell you about Stephanie? His neighbor’s sister? She wanted to dance for us.”

  “Yeah, but what’s that got do with anything?”

  “He said she can take care of herself. I’m wondering if it wouldn’t help if we have her tag along tonight. She’s got a bike, and might help us get more information from those sweet-butts.”

  Volt was silent for a long while. “You’re right. It’s a bad idea, but I like it. You can talk her into it, take her with you. But, do not give her any more information than is absolutely necessary. She does not need to be brought to their attention.”

  “Copy that,” he said and hung up.

  He pulled up Janie’s cell info. She answered on the second ring. “Hello?”

  “Janie, I’m not gonna be able to get back to your place.”

  “Well, that’s okay because I wasn’t expecting you to, Beast.”

  The way she said that, he wanted to engage, but he had to get this done. “I’m sending a prospect to camp out on your couch.”

  She blew out a dismayed chuckle. “What the hell for?”

  He shook his head. “Don’t argue with me right now. Just let Ron in when he gets there. I’ll take you to breakfast in the morning.”

  She sighed. “This is an awful lot of trouble for something–”

  “No, Janie. It’s not for ‘something’, it’s for someone, you. And it isn’t any amount of trouble; it’s what we would do for any woman in the sights of Grind. I gotta take care of some shit tonight. See you in the morning.”

  IT WAS LAST CALL, WHICH meant two o’clock was fast approaching. Beast was worn out, but if the three bitches huddling together with heads bent around Stephanie was any indication, then bringing her here was a stroke of brilliance. He moved from his bar stool to stand behind Stephie.

  “Ladies. I hate to interrupt but, since it’s last call, this place’ll be closin’ down soon, and I want to get my groove on with my woman, if you don’t mind.”

  Stephie looked up at him, and it was good he knew she was putting on an act. Otherwise, he’d have thought she actually wanted him. They moved to the dance floor, as the band started a new song. He pulled her hips to his and she slid her hands around his neck.

  He leaned down toward her neck as if he was going to kiss it, but murmured, “You get any decent information?”

  Following his lead, she leaned into his neck. “Yeah. He’s got some chick on the westside, but he called Tanya this afternoon and essentially gave her the sign he’s gonna be by her place tomorrow.”

  “She out here somewhere?” he asked, leaning away from her.

  Stephanie raised her chin with the beat of the music to disguise her nod. “Off Kernan.”

  He looked past her as he wondered how in the hell they’d find out her exact address, which was why it surprised the fuck out of him when Stephanie’s lips fit to his. Her hands were in his hair, and her tongue was prodding his lips. He pulled back, resting his forehead on hers, “Stephanie,” he warned.

  “Someone’s got to sell this shit,” she said as she shied away. “They were all hen-pecking over you. And, Tanya’s staying on her own at the Oaks apartment complex off Kernan, so I may not have the exact unit number, but you got more than enough to find this guy.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks, babe. You ready roll, or what?”

  “And not finish our dance?”

  He gave her a look. “Someone’s got to sell this shit, and a man like me’s got other things on his mind if you’re the woman he’s dancing with.”

  THE ALARM WENT OFF at quarter to seven and Beast wondered what the hell he was thinking yesterday. Promising Janie breakfast this morning was not his best move. She was not the kind of woman he would bail on though, so he rolled out of bed and got ready for the day.

  He texted Ron before he left the compound to let him know he was on his way. The prospect was in the parking lot when Beast parked.

  “She okay?” he asked as he swung off his bike.

  “Yeah. Never been in such a fancy pad, but all was quiet.”

  “Good. Later, man.”

  Before he could walk to the lobby door, Janie came outside. He shook his head because they were headed to breakfast, but even though she would say it was casual wear, she looked like she walked right out of a damn catalog. When she was even with him, he gave her a stern glare.

  “Couldn’t cool your jets for the ninety seconds it would take me to get to your door?”

  Her head tilted. “That’s just a waste of three minutes or more. I’m hungry, and we’re headed to Grumpy’s, aren’t we? It might be a Friday, but any place good for breakfast gets crowded, and fast. So, why waste time?”

  He fought grinning at her, but shook his head again.

  When she was done watching him shake his head, she said, “Well, let’s go. I’m parked over here.”

  He caught her hand holding the keys as she started past him. “Oh, no, Clumsy. I’m driving.”

  “No way—”

  “Yes, way, Janie.”

  She leaned toward him. “You’re not authorized, Beast.”

  He jerked swallowing his laughter. “Babe, hate to break it to you, but you’re not authorized to drive me.”

  “That is sexist,” she said.

  He took advantage of her gearing up to give him what-for and snatched the keys from her hand.

  “Let’s go, Countr
y Club. Coulda swore I heard you say you were hungry.”



  I SAT IN THE PASSENGER seat of the rental car and tried not to fume. My arms were crossed over the seat belt strap and I did my level best to ignore Beast’s forearm draped across the back of my seat as he backed the tiny car into a parking spot at Grumpy’s. His arm moved so he could put the vehicle in park, but then that arm was back, only directly on my shoulders.

  He leaned into me. “Don’t be mad, Janie. It’s cute and all, but I haven’t had near enough sleep for your silent anger.”

  I turned to him and was slightly surprised at how close he was. “Why haven’t you had enough sleep?”

  His eyes roved my face. “It’s club business, but I had to troll a bar last night to get a bead on the man who hit you.”

  I felt my eyebrows furrow. “But you know who he is. How do you not know where he is?”

  A sideways closed-lip smile twisted his face. “Some men, the biker lifestyle appeals because there is no judgment. Grind doesn’t conform to so-called normal living, meaning he doesn’t have a set address, hon. It’s a toss-up as to where he can be found, and so we did what we had to do last night to try and find him.”

  “Oh,” I said, and then my stomach entered the conversation by growling louder than I’d ever heard it before. My eyes slid to the side as I grimaced. “Sorry about that. Like I said —”

  He winked at me. “You’re hungry. Don’t sweat it, Clumsy. Let’s get you fed.”

  Fifteen minutes later, we were seated at a table and the waitress had just put down our drinks and taken our breakfast orders. I watched Beast doctor his coffee while I sipped my orange juice. Before I could ask him about trolling a bar last night, I felt a presence at our table. I looked up to see Trent looking down his nose at us.

  “Jane. I must say, it’s odd to me that our irreconcilable difference is my refusal to have a child with you. Yet, here you sit with a man who is not only a criminal involved with a notorious gang, but in addition some slut was kissing him at a Mayport bar just hours ago. The real kicker, though, is he’s also a deadbeat dad.”


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