LAND of the FREE (A Dystopian Society in a Post-Apocalyptic America) (Mystical Slayers Book 1)

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LAND of the FREE (A Dystopian Society in a Post-Apocalyptic America) (Mystical Slayers Book 1) Page 15

by Michael W. Huard

  "Oh, I am sure we can figure something out. She is a lawyer, correct? Hmmmm," spoke Resin. President Marcou sipped his wine, awaiting the genius master plan. Resin stood and made his way over to his boss. He picked up a wine glass and poured himself a drink.

  "We could hire her for work, or lure her in with some cause we know she fights for? Something like that would get her in here again."

  The president contemplated his assistant's suggestion. "I need something more, I want to loosen her up. I want to make her happy so I can fuck her. I want her to be my own little pet fuck toy. Is that bad of me, Cador?" asked the president of the world.

  Resin Cador himself was still contemplating. He needed a little time to look over the records from the last meeting. "Let me grab some folders, sir, I will be right back."

  Resin also passed the bot cleaning lady on the top floor. He was fascinated by robots. They were his true passion. Their existence and expansion was limitless. One day, he hoped to be involved in everything new in this magnificent expanding field. He arrived at his office. It took him no time to read the transcript of Zaey's last visit to Y-Wood.

  She worked for a small, budding company and nothing more so it appeared. Y-Wood could own them tonight if they wanted to. He researched her profile with his wrist implanted search engine at lightning speed, using the Corporation servers. If she had a background, the assistant would find it. Strangely enough, Zaey had very little information to be seen. Lawyer, came in from Australia, did some modeling as a teen, and lost her family in a tsunami years ago. He was satisfied and set a plan in motion.

  On returning to the big guy’s office, Resin explained. "Let's hire her as a company lawyer for one big project. That will get her through the door. Secondly, and to do as you say "loosen her up" we offer her a modeling deal for the neural implant we are about to launch on beauty and intelligence." He smiled enthusiastically at his brilliant idea, hoping his CEO would approve.

  The president liked what he heard. "I knew there was a reason I handpicked you to be my new assistant. Make it happen. And make it happen immediately!" Marcou raised his wine glad in salute to Resin.

  There was one thing that assistant Resin did actually want for himself. Never before had he been in a situation where he could actually get it. His courage was higher than ever today. So, he took a leap of faith. "President Marcou, there is one thing I have been meaning to ask you, personally."

  Marcou eased back a bit, surprised at the sudden bravado of his assistant. The boss waited for Resin's demand, twiddling his fingers and brandishing an expression to encourage the assistant to get on with it.

  "I too have had, shall we say, an urge. A woman has my admiration as well. She is a robotics genius, a forerunner in her field. And I wouldn't mind sharing her knowledge, and perhaps having her be . . . as you so well put it . . . my little intimate friend. Like your desire of the lawyer girl, Zaey, not so much for her tight little butt, I'm sure, but for her brains . . . and, well, her fucking massive real tits." The assistant found himself laughing at his own comments. President Marcou was not sharing the laughter.

  "Do you even know her name?" he finally asked.

  "I do. It's Sinaye, sir. And she’s one of best in the robotics field and—"

  The president cut straight across him, "Enough about her boobs. We can make big breasts. How the hell are we going to get her here, so that you may sample her brains and whatever else it is you are planning?" Resin rubbed his hand over his sweating bald head.

  "Let me take care of that. Your craving for Zaey gave me an idea. She represented sentient robots research in her meeting here. Why not have her come in at the same time we bring in an expert in the robotic sector? That way, we each get our desires fulfilled. They can both assist on the new implant launch, or even help us deal with the numerous law cases we have pending. I will work it all out, sir," assured Resin.

  President Marcou could not care less about some so-called robotics expert with a killer body and equally killer brains. But if she made Resin work harder in return for his little demand to get the pretty lawyer in house, it would not hurt. He would need an upgrade or two, perhaps three. A heart valve cleaning for sure, spinal strengthening, and of course his penile pump implant would also need a power boost. A plan was set in motion. Resin left the room.

  Little did these Y-Wood world leaders realize, they were about to freely invite two Q-Jin into their headquarters. Things were about to get very interesting.

  The president found a quiet space to run all his thoughts through his advanced brain. His thinking took him to the hunt. He reached in his desk and removed a set of Chinese chime balls. He fidgeted with them, soothed by the relaxing sounds they made.

  The great hunt was a creation of Arn Marcou, but not without a little outside manipulation. He was a narcissistic old man, prolonged by technology, always wanting to progress and still be relevant. Robotics had become the norm, and the advancements never stopped. Marcou believed that people were not needed. In reality, he had been brainwashed into this way of thinking. His boss, who had never been publicly announced and was virtually an unknown, continued to convince him that this was the case. She was referred to as the "Queen of Y-Wood". Marcou actually liked the idea of having no males, for the simple reason that the pretty women of the world would still find him attractive and interesting as a human male. Other human or part-human male board members were taught, advised, and altered to think the same as Marcou. They would become the dominant, special ones of the world. The only ones able to procreate. They thought nothing of what the future may otherwise hold. He fiddled with his chime balls again.

  Y-Wood's great hunt had begun. There was to be no definition of the plan and no one would speak of it. People on Earth knew nothing, other than male children were to be taken at birth, and female children needed to be registered immediately. The law now stated that male children were no longer free to live with their parents unless fully authorized by a designated member of the Y-Wood Corporation.

  The male children were either killed, used in experiments, or turned into associate half-clones who would work for the Corporation. The law was disgusting. Even President Marcou struggled with it until his queen, the real boss, passed a law which banned bots and associates from firing on pretty girls. This gave Marcou a small but delightful feeling of power over the Queen. He would have hated to see a pretty young girl shot and killed. After all, he was to be one of very few important male beings left on Earth. He knew the dreams and hidden goals of every man in this universe, even if they wouldn't admit to it themselves. It was to have as many beautiful women as possible, all needing them, wanting them, and seeking them out. Marcou assured himself it was a male thing, one that had stood the test of time through the centuries. Even though his assurances were based on years of brainwashing, he would never dare go against his real boss, the Queen of Y-Wood.

  Chapter 15

  Field Commander Berlin Purcell was a rugged fellow who appeared taller than his true medium height. He did have hair, albeit very little. He liked to spike what little hair he had left, while shaving the back and sides. He typically looked like a quintessential portrait of a marine sergeant from eons ago.

  Today was the day that he and Galax, his super robot, were due to take a trip. Galax was the prized joint creation of Purcell and the Y-Wood Corporation. His frame was made of the most elite metals, his computer system of the highest technology, and everything about him was the best a billion dollars could put into such a machine. He was a marvel, and Field Commander Purcell was very proud of his creation. A creation he had been heavily involved with.

  The pair, along with several other soldier bots, flew over their destination city. Their vessel landed on a runway deep in the heart of San Diego, California. The west coast locations were the furthest from the Corporation's base in Boston, and were always the most rebellious. The commander looked forward to the resistance.

  The smart people around Old America ha
d learned to know their place. The ones who had joined the world leader lived a decent life. Those who disobeyed, or those who hid in the shadows, would pay for their misdemeanors. The laws were well known. The rich got richer, the poor got poorer. Those were the laws. You will obey or die!

  Today was not only a mission to teach respect, which the Marshall would truly enjoy, it was also a hunt. A hunt for male children as per the new project for Y-Wood. This was not going to be a pretty day, but changing the world sometimes did get ugly.

  Drones had spotted clusters of people in the vicinity who appeared to be breaking the law in more ways than one. The newest law, to report all births to the Corporation, was not being obeyed by anyone in this rural area. Examples had to be made. They would be forced to obey. The field commander knew that someone was directing this mission from above. He or she probably even superseded Marcou. Field Commander Purcell and his men marched down the street, looming in on the guilty sector of this society.

  Purcell announced the arrival of himself and his top military men through his megaphone, "Everyone, exit your houses and hidden cellars. Proceed out to the street with your families. Any who choose to stay in hiding will be prosecuted. We will search you out."

  People were looking out of their windows. They were fighting the urge to hide, reluctant to obey. Families with newborn children scrambled about, desperate for their children to remain undiscovered. Some people ventured out into the street, mostly those with nothing to hide, but also those who were keen to keep Purcell and his men out of their homes. The latter needed to hide the fact they were not fully compliant with Y-Wood's laws about water and oil use inside the home. But this hunt was not about utility laws; this hunt was about the new law. The no-new-baby-males law, unless authorized by the Corporation. The people could only hope the robot soldiers would quickly move on.

  "That's good," commanded Purcell. "See, it's not that difficult," he continued to call out through his loud speaker. "Now, come on, everyone else out." A few more came crawling out of their homes, but others remained hidden. The streets were now filled with citizens, young and old, male and female.

  The field commander motioned for soldier bots to begin searching each and every building in the neighborhood. Those who had remained in their homes, those who had resisted, were shot on sight. Laser shots could be heard from inside a number of the homes. Galax, the super robot, remained at the side of his general.

  A few California citizens had tried to fight back, but it was hopeless and frustrating. Cries of pain and sights of death now littered the streets. Those in hiding with children were dragged outside. Only the smartest and most prepared citizens managed to remain out of sight. Those with young children were given the field commander's full attention. People soon realized that he wasn't here about water or oil today.

  All the male babies were seized and taken away by the bots. Screams of anger, sadness, and untold pain echoed from the mouths of distraught parents. A solid hulk of a man rushed at Purcell when his newborn son was dragged from his wife's unyielding arms. "I'm going to rip your fucking head off," he yelled as he charged for Purcell's throat. Galax intercepted his advance. In one simple extension, the dazzling robot elbowed the angry father square in the face. His jawbone shattered, and he fell unconscious onto the road. Galax resumed his folded arm stance, moving back to beside his general.

  Another baby boy was pulled from his mother's arms. The feisty mother screamed at the top of her lungs, "Why? What are you doing? Please, don't take my son! No, please, I beg you to stop this madness!" The bots paid her no attention and she too charged at Purcell. Galax, once again, stepped in front.

  The mother pounded on Galax's chest. She dug, clawed, kicked, and spat on him. The robot withstood her assault. She paused, faking exhaustion, and then made a dash to get around the giant robot to go after her son. Galax grabbed her, lifted her up, and threw her twenty feet to his right into a low stone wall. The sound of her backbone breaking against the stone sent a shiver through the crowd of horrified citizens. This is what happened to those who tried to resist.

  The baby boys were all gathered. The count was well into double figures, just from this one sector of rural San Diego. The legion of bots and leaders marched back to their spacecrafts with baby boys in their arms. The people of the city all watched helplessly as the Corporation made their departure. Many parents huddled together and cried, their hearts broken, all hope lost.

  A young couple was standing on a street corner as the last of the bot army left the area. The women held tightly onto her beloved daughter. She looked to her companion who was shaking his head and trying his best to stand tall so as not to collapse, "This is sheer madness," she said. "Just when I thought the world couldn't get any worse . . . I mean, this can’t be happening! There has to be someone who can save the human race." She broke out in tears. Her fellow citizens began to weep and everyone hung their heads in despair. America would never be free again.

  Once the army of bots and smuggled baby boys were loaded onto the ship, General Purcell and Galax headed off on a smaller craft to a nearby beach. Purcell wanted to see the ocean.

  They eventually reached a sandy shore overlooking the sea. A thick tree which looked centuries old, displayed a carving which read "Black's Beach". The general sat by the water with his super friend. "The ocean has a calming effect, don't you think, Galax?" he asked.

  The metal man looked at his boss, "I guess it does. It’s beautiful." Galax looked back out across the sea.

  Purcell laughed to himself, "With all the destruction I've seen, the wars, the planet usurping, the struggles . . . the ocean always speaks to me."

  Galax marveled at the water, which stretched out far beyond even his extended vision. "What shall we do with it?" he asked his commander. "What purpose can it serve us with?"

  Purcell looked back to his friend, "Sometimes in life, certain things, or in this case, places, were just meant to be. They were just meant to exist. Some things were simply not made to be under our control," he added.

  The two of them sat in silence for a while. Galax broke the quiet, "I think I like the ocean too."

  Chapter 16

  Raegan, as she would do every so often, took the piloting reins as the women packed into their plane. Blu had taught her the tricks of being a great sky captain. This flight, this trip to where Blu was killed, would serve as a tribute to her. All the women needed this trip.

  Their flying machine was far from new, yet all the mechanics were still good. The Q-Jin sisters felt safe enough to fly it to Maine as it was not a long flight. They buzzed up the coastline, gazing out of the tiny windows at the awesome view below. Maine was completely surrounded on one side by the ocean. Their timing was good, as the Maine weather at this time of year was very pleasant. The women could relate to the landscape here, the wilderness, the trees, the sea, and the vast open spaces that this area had to offer. It reminded them of days long ago, when people would live off the land and still prosper.

  The first stop was a place known as "Bailey Island". Lots of research indicated that they needed to visit this specific location. A few buildings were still dotted around the area. A long, long time ago, the area would have been a hotbed for tourism. Nowadays, it was a desolate place with only a few hidden inhabitants who kept much to themselves.

  Raegan was aiming for one spot in particular as the plane landed with only a few bumps to spook the passengers. Raegan was happy, if not slightly surprised, that it had gone so well. The hills and rocky terrain in this area did not make for an easy landing platform. Raegan rallied the sisters together, "Grab your packs, ladies. We've got just a bit of a walk to get to where I want us to spend the first evening of our trip," she announced. Adventure came naturally to her passengers and they exited the plane with enthusiasm. They were to begin their first vacation in quite some time, and for some, their first vacation ever.

  Sinaye, Mahira, Jansa, Chaya, Zaey, Envy, and Raegan hiked their way up
a hilly, desolate road. A winding path led them down to a dirt trail where the smell of the sea beckoned them on. The coastline was a great place to get away from the ever-watching eyes of the Corporation. The Mystical Slayers had their own hideout in Maine. It was a small base further up the coast which served only as a working station, but still, it was their home while they were here. Maine had become a very special place for the sisterhood, especially in recent times.

  The trail opened up across a higher peek in the hillside where the vast expanse of the ocean came into view. It was breathtaking. Boulders and rocks were strewn all around the edges of the cliffs, and there were various vantage points to look out over the majestic sea. Lower down the cliff face was hidden cubby holes and see water pockets which could only be accessed by daring climbers who were able to execute the tough decent overlooking the water. The sisters enjoyed the clean ocean air and spectacular views. The ocean was speaking to their souls, and it was a rare feeling of great freedom for the women.

  Everyone dropped their packs and set off to explore. "This place is amazing," yelled Jansa. The others shouted back in agreement. Envy urged everyone to venture out onto the rocks. Mahira darted out first, challenging the others to join her. Envy was already playing catch up with the dexterous gladiator, and the others followed with excitement and laughter.

  A large ledge on the cliff face was their ultimate destination. It would require good balance and climbing skills to get there. All the women reached the ledge which was like massive sofa made of rock. They all sat in a line and stared at the open ocean and blue sky before them. This peaceful experience was enjoyed by all the sisters.

  Raegan was please to see all the sisters together. There were of course two very special sisters missing from the group today. Raegan paused in a moment of remembrance. She dearly missed her friends, Wynne and Blu.


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