Winter's End

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Winter's End Page 6

by Rebecca James

  Slowly, feeling the alpha’s gaze on him, Canaan unbuttoned the sea green shirt he’d chosen because it brought out the color of his eyes.

  The thought occurred to him that Duncan might be planning to take an omega and to keep Canaan on the side. That rankled, and Canaan jutted his chin before dropping his pants and stepping out of them.

  He flushed at how hard his cock was. Just hearing Duncan’s voice could do that to him, but having the alpha ordering him around assured it.

  “Lean over the back of the couch,” Duncan said quietly.


  Duncan growled a low rumbling warning, and Canaan did as he’d been told as gracefully as he could, letting his torso pull him forward until his forehead touched the cushion and his feet were off the floor. As embarrassing as it was to have his bare ass in the air, knowing Duncan’s eyes were fixed on him made the beta even harder.

  “I don’t like being ignored,” Duncan said, and it took Canaan a moment to figure out what he meant, especially with all the blood rushing to the beta’s head the way it was. The muscles in the back of his legs stretched uncomfortably as he tried to touch the floor with his toes, and the back of the sofa dug into his hips.

  Still, the discomfort wasn’t enough to keep him from mouthing off. “It was obvious when you met the new omegas that you were interested in them. I figured I’d give you some time to get to know them, as a courtesy.”

  Duncan ran his hand over Canaan’s ass in a rough caress, and Canaan’s body tensed, less from the touch than because the alpha still didn’t deny that he might be interested in the new omegas.

  Silence reigned a moment, and then Duncan surprised Canaan by ordering him to stand.

  Dizzy, Canaan obeyed, reaching for the back of the couch to steady himself when he was on his feet. The alpha stood with his muscular arms crossed over his chest, watching him.

  “You sound jealous when you talk about those omegas,” he finally said.

  Canaan frowned. “I’m not jealous.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “That isn’t an answer.”

  When Canaan didn’t say anything more, Duncan circled him slowly.

  “I didn’t order you here as an alpha,” he said, confusing Canaan even more.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I didn’t use my alpha tone. You weren’t compelled to be here. You came because you wanted to.”

  Canaan chuckled mirthlessly. “Spoken like a true alpha. It’s not like I could disobey you.”

  “Leave if you want to,” Duncan said, and Canaan started to, then paused and waited.

  “I was under the impression when you started this up between us that you were interested in being the outlet I needed. The one I’d previously been relieving with my friends in Echo Valley,” Duncan said.

  “Okay, yes. That much is true.”


  Canaan wet his lips. Duncan rattled him. Made it difficult to think straight.

  “But…I don’t like being taken advantage of. If you would rather be with someone else, please say so.”

  “You think I wouldn’t?”

  Canaan sighed. “I just don’t want to be blindsided, that’s all. I’ll admit I enjoy what we’ve been doing. I don’t understand why, but it’s true. I just…I don’t want to play second-fiddle to anyone.” He risked a glance at Duncan, who looked like he was running what Canaan had said through his mind.

  “Fair enough. If I’m tiring of what we’re doing, I’ll let you know with plenty of warning. But I expect you to do the same.”

  Canaan couldn’t imagine tiring of submitting to the alpha’s intoxicating authority, but he nodded in agreement.

  “Aloud,” Duncan ordered.

  “I agree to let you know when I am tiring of our…arrangement.”

  “Good.” Duncan nodded. “Now back over the couch. I’m going to fuck you hard.”

  A ripple of pleasure ran through Canaan, and he turned and draped himself over the couch again, ass high in the air. He felt the alpha’s approach. Knew Duncan was studying every piece of him. The light touch of the alpha’s finger down Canaan’s left thigh made him shiver.

  When Duncan spread Canaan’s ass cheeks and licked his hole, the beta moaned. The sound seemed to excite the alpha, because he suddenly attacked, slurping, sucking, and spearing Canaan’s tight hole until the beta was squealing in a way that would be embarrassing at any other time.

  Canaan gripped the edges of the couch cushion, shivering under the onslaught. By the time the alpha pressed his cock to Canaan’s opening, it was wet, slack, and utterly ready.

  Even so, Canaan screamed when Duncan began fucking him almost viciously, shoving Canaan’s face into the cushions with every massive thrust. It hurt and felt utterly delicious. Exactly what Canaan needed after their break.

  The fucking seemed to go on forever until Canaan began to see spots before his eyes from hanging upside down like he was. His cock was hard but nowhere near ready to come. The occasional swipe against the chair’s upholstery only teased him.

  When Duncan finally tensed and came, Canaan groaned at the feeling of being filled with the alpha’s warm spunk. Face smashed to the cushion, he listened to Duncan’s labored breathing gradually even out, and then gasped when Duncan withdrew. Canaan pulled in another sharp breath when the alpha cleaned his hole with his tongue before gently helping Canaan to stand.

  When Canaan turned, he stumbled, and Duncan caught him.

  “Sit down. I’ll get you some water.”

  Canaan fell onto the couch. His ass hurt, but he felt good.

  No, he felt great.

  Slowly, he smiled.



  Over the following month, Gabriel remained busy helping Elliott and Keith acclimate to the pack. The two new omegas shared a room in the omega den until they could be mated. Gabriel went into heat and had to stay in one of the extra rooms. Neither Elliott nor Keith commented on it, even when Justin arrived to spend his heat with the first omega, which Justin sometimes did now that he and Milo were trying not to have anymore pups for a while. They had their hands full. Gabriel’s cheeks burned when he realized the two new omegas must have heard about his banishment to the omega den during his heats.

  The morning Gabriel and Justin’s heats ended, the two omegas sat with Christopher, Elliott, and Keith on the back porch of the omega den drinking lemonade and talking. Justin asked the new omegas if they had any ideas about who they’d like to mate.

  “I like Jeff,” Keith said. “He and his beta mate are hot.”

  Gabriel knew the pack alpha had been too busy with the opening of the new greenhouse and construction on the other new homes to speak to Grant and Scott about the new omegas.

  Christopher snorted. “Yeah, but the beta’s name is Keith.”

  “I can just imagine you calling out your own name during sex,” Elliott said with a laugh. “Puts a new spin on loving yourself.”

  “Not a good enough reason to cross them off my list,” Keith pointed out. “We can always have nicknames for each other.”

  “I can’t stop thinking of Duncan,” Elliott said with a dreamy sigh. “He’s so—gah! Gods, we’ve been rogue for so long—I can’t wait to be mated. Any idea when it will be?” he asked Gabriel.

  “Grey’s been busy, but I’m sure it will be very soon. He knows you’re eager. But you might as well put Duncan out of your mind,” Gabriel told him.

  “What’s he got against omegas?” Elliott asked. “You said before that he doesn’t like them.”

  “I think he finds us too needy or something. Duncan’s very gruff. He makes me nervous.” Gabriel shuddered, remembering the time he’d waiting outside the dining hall for an opportunity to talk to Duncan about Canaan. It had been frightening talking to the alpha, and then, when Grey had found out what Gabriel had done, he’d been very angry and had gone to confront Duncan. They could have fought, but
luckily they hadn’t.

  “Is he really with that bony beta that teaches the little kids?” Elliott asked.

  “Canaan. And…yeah.”

  Gabriel didn’t understand the relationship between Duncan and Canaan, but he had noticed that both werewolves seemed content with what they were doing. Gabriel had seen Canaan leaving Duncan’s house and vice versa on several occasions. Hell, he’d seen them doing a lot more than that. He’d been surprised Canaan, who was stubborn, seemed responsive to whatever the demanding alpha suggested. But Gabriel had never witnessed them eating together in the dining hall or doing anything recreational together other than sex, so he wasn’t sure what the exact nature of their relationship was.

  “Does Grey have someone in mind for us, or are we going to choose?” Elliott asked, looking worried. “I’m afraid I’ll make the wrong choice. Aren’t you, Keith?”

  Keith nodded. “We don’t know anyone well enough. It’s a huge responsibility.”

  “I understand. That’s the way it was for us when we came from Angel Hills. We met everyone, and all the alphas put their names in a book under our names if they were interested, and we had to talk to them and decide for ourselves. It was awful.”

  “And the pack alpha chose you?” Elliott asked, wide eyed.

  “Yeah.” Gabriel felt himself blushing. “He and Ian chose me. I’m still unsure why.”

  “Because you’re beautiful and sweet,” Christopher said, nudging the omega. “Stop putting yourself down.”

  Gabriel blushed harder. He didn’t want to go into the insecurities he’d had then about submitting. It had all worked out, and that was what was important.

  “To answer your question, yes. Grey has someone in mind for you, and you can rest assured a lot of thought went into his choices. He cares very much about his pack,” Gabriel said proudly. “At the same time, though, he wouldn’t force you. In the end, it’s your choice.”

  Elliott leaned forward, eyes bright. “Which alpha is he thinking of for me?” he asked excitedly.

  Gabriel supposed there wasn’t any harm in telling.


  Elliott sat back and looked like he was trying to remember. “I met him at the gathering?”

  “No, he was with a hunting party,” Gabriel said.

  “He’s about twenty, tall, blond. Pretty gray eyes,” Christopher described the alpha. “He’s funny and nice. You’ll like him, I’m sure.”

  Elliott looked pleased. “I hope I’ll meet him soon.”

  “What about me?” Keith asked, looking a little nervous. Gabriel knew what it was like being in his shoes. Mating someone you’ve barely met was a difficult thing to do. Gabriel wanted to put the other omega at ease.

  “Another young alpha named Grant.” He turned to Christopher. “Keep this information to yourself for now, okay?”

  Christopher nodded.

  Gabriel described Grant to Keith, who relaxed at the description. “I’m kind of glad he’s younger. He won’t be as rigid as older alphas can get.”

  Elliott nodded in agreement, and both started talking about how nice it was to be in a pack and how much they looked forward to the security of a mate. As he listened, Gabriel could see how Grey’s choices were good ones for the new omegas and his pride for his alpha mate increased.



  Looking in the mirror hanging over the bathroom sink, Emory grunted.

  The fact he could make the noise proved his vocal cords hadn’t been damaged beyond repair, so what was the problem? Maybe with some practice he could do it. He’d been afraid so long that he couldn’t, he’d barely tried. Clearing his throat, he attempted to say, “Roanan,” but the word came out sounding like the dying breaths of a goose.

  Clamping his mouth shut, the omega left the bathroom and went looking for his mate. Lake and Landon were in the living area playing a game of cards. They glanced up when Emory walked in. Emory tried to convey his question of where Roanan was, but by the looks on the twins’ faces, they weren’t getting it.

  “He wants to know where Dad is,” Josh said from the doorway.

  “Oh.” The confusion on Landon’s face cleared. “He’s gone to Uncle Ian’s to help him with something.” He laid down a card that made Lake huff and furiously flick through his hand.

  “Is there something I can do for you, Em?” Josh asked.

  Emory had been mated to Roanan a few months but sometimes still felt like a guest in the house where the kids were concerned. Only a few years older than Josh, Emory didn’t exactly feel like a father figure to the three boys, and his inability to communicate effectively made everything so much more difficult than it had to be. Thankfully, Roanan seemed to understand him well enough, especially since their mating bite. Emory suspected Josh read him more easily than the twins because they were both omegas, but it was still a struggle at times. And it was a pain in the ass to carry a pen and paper everywhere he went.

  Tears filled the omega’s eyes. He was so tired of not being able to communicate like everyone else. It hadn’t mattered when he had been out in the forest alone, but now he intensely felt the frustration of being mute.

  Adding to his misery, Emory missed his old pack. In the forest, he’d been too busy staying alive to think, and since coming to Angel Hills, it was as though he’d been in a fog. Now he was emerging from it and beginning to really grieve for all he’d lost. On several occasions, Roanan had tried to question Emory about his past, but the omega had balked, not able to bring himself to write it all down. Now he was beginning to feel differently.

  “I’m sure Dad will be back any time,” Josh said, looking uncomfortable in the face of his new stepdad’s tears.

  Emory nodded and tried to smile. He walked out the front door to the garden by the wall and got to his knees, pulling ripe beets from the ground and brushing the dirt off them. Working in the sun and dirt was therapeutic, and his mind drifted, thoughts eventually leading to the horrific ending of his pack. He couldn’t have been the only one to make it out alive, but he’d never seen anyone in the forest until he ran into Gabriel. Had others made it out and gone in a different direction? His heart ached thinking about it.

  “Hey.” Roanan’s voice startled Emory out of his thoughts. He smiled up at his mate, whose answering grin made Emory’s heart flip over. His alpha mate was so handsome, strong, and patient with him. Emory had loved Roanan practically at first sight. The omega found it hard to believe Roanan really wanted him, but every day the alpha showed Emory he did. Emory knew his mate would help him if Emory would just share.

  Roanan stepped inside the gate in the wall and got to his knees beside Emory, silently helping the omega twist Brussels sprouts off their long stalks before picking the yellow leaves from the plant so new sprouts would grow. When Emory began pulling carrots from the ground, Roanan fetched a basket from the table on the porch and began filling it with the vegetables.

  “Did you have a good nap?” he asked Emory after they’d worked a while in companionable silence.

  Emory nodded. He wanted to tell the alpha there were things he was ready to discuss with him, but there was something else Emory needed to say first. He had a suspicion he might be carrying. Emory wished he could tease his mate, or whisper the words lovingly into the alpha’s ear, but those weren’t options for him. Writing it down seemed anticlimactic. Pretty soon, Roanan would be able to scent Emory’s pregnancy, and that would take it out of the omega’s hands. Emory wanted to tell Roanan himself.

  “What is it?” Roanan asked, and Emory realized the alpha had stopped working and was watching him stare into space.

  “Em. Tell me.”

  Emory bit his lip. After a couple seconds, he pointed to his neck and leaned forward.

  Confusion written on his face, Roanan got closer and pressed his nose to Emory’s skin. He breathed in, stilled, then breathed in again, running his nose from Emory’s jaw all the way down to his collarbone. Emory shivered.

�Gods. Em…You’re with pup?”

  Emory raised his brows in question—Am I?

  A grin broke over Roanan’s face. “Yes! You’re carrying!” He enveloped the omega in a tender hug. “After fifteen years, I’m going to be a daddy again! You’ve made me so happy.”

  Relief flooded through the omega. He hadn’t been sure how his mate would take the news since Roanan already had three older children.

  “Come on. Let’s tell the boys.” Roanan stood and helped Emory to his feet. Emory playfully slapped the alpha’s hands away. He wasn’t made of glass, for Fenrir’s sake! He blushed at the careful way Roanan helped him inside.

  “Boys!” the alpha shouted, and Lake and Landon appeared from their room. Josh hurried out of the kitchen, a cookie in his hand.

  “What’s going on?” Josh asked.

  “You’re going to have a new baby brother,” Roanan said, grinning from ear to ear.

  Emory watched his stepsons carefully but didn’t see any resentment.

  “Cool,” Josh said before walking back into the kitchen.

  “Uh, congratulations,” Landon said. “I never thought about having a baby brother.”

  “Me neither, but I guess it’s cool.” Lake shrugged.

  When the twins had gone back to their room, Roanan gathered Emory into his arms.

  “I love you,” he whispered into Emory’s ear. Pulling back, he looked into the omega’s face. “Is this what’s been bothering you?”

  Emory shook his head.

  Roanan studied him a moment. “Let’s go sit out back. I’ll get us something to drink.”

  In the shaded yard, Emory moved two lounge chairs side-by-side and sat down in one. He smiled when Roanan joined him, handing the omega a glass of lemonade.

  Emory looked into his mate’s dark eyes, trying to convey he was ready to talk about everything, and amazingly, Roanan seemed to understand.

  “Did you run away from your old pack?” the alpha asked quietly.

  Emory shook his head.

  “Did you have to leave?”


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