Dangerously Damaged: A Contemporary Dark Bully Romance (The Shadowed Souls Series Book 3)

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Dangerously Damaged: A Contemporary Dark Bully Romance (The Shadowed Souls Series Book 3) Page 8

by Abigail Cole

  The rest of the world melts away, the movement of his mouth on mine pulling every morsel of raw emotion to the surface until I’m left tingling and breathless. His tongue darts across my bottom lip as I break to inhale, my hand snaking up to pull him back down forcefully. Our tongues tangle as if they never thought they’d get this chance again, feverishly fighting for more and more. My discomfort is a distant memory, only me and him in this moment I never want to end. For one brief minute in time, he’s wholly mine. Pulling back slowly, Garrett kisses the tip of my nose and smiles with that dimple popping, heart stopping smile I could happily drown in. Damn, I might get stabbed more often.


  Avery moaning in her sleep distracts me from the hardback in my lap, Meg’s name falling from her lips. I’d woke hours ago in my makeshift bed on the floor, restless and unable to drift off again. Luckily, this particular guest room in Axel’s home has been used as the storage space for all his dad’s possessions. Boxes of classic literature, ornaments, even some of the finest suits I’ve seen line the opposite wall. Ignoring the morbid truth that someone’s life can be packed up and stashed away as if they never existed, I’d gone in search for a reason to stay beside Avery while she slept and found the entire works of Truman Capote in perfect condition. Axel doesn’t speak of his father often, but I do know he was beyond rich and surprisingly humble about it.

  Another shuffle and groan sounds to my left, Avery gripped in the throes of the nightmare she’s had every night since Meg was taken. Placing the book onto the floor beside me, I kneel up to soothe the crease from between her eyebrows with my thumb. Her face relaxes on a deep exhale and she leans into my touch for a moment. If she were awake, she’d have lurched back and refused any comfort I could offer. That’s why I offered to sleep on the floor beside her, close enough to protect her but far enough away to not let anything happen in the night. She’d only hate herself for it in the morning.

  Once her breathing has deepened again, I take one last look at the serenity in her features. Long eyelashes fan her pale cheeks, her golden hair shining in the early morning rays. Get some rest my angel. Grabbing a fresh set of clothes from my bag, I sneak out into the corridor and close the door with a soft click. The bathroom is only the next room along but I stroll slowly, letting my eyes roam over the interior bathed in daylight after arriving in pitch black last night. I’d stayed in mansions before, but this one is by far the grandest.

  Wooden beams line the ceiling in a geometric pattern that matches the marbled flooring beyond the bannister. A glimmering chandelier sits central above the winding staircase, its crystals bathing me in a shimmering sea of light. Pointed archways frame either end of the hallway adding to the thick, wooden doors giving the building a gothic feel. Trailing my finger along the mahogany bannister, paint fumes travel to me through the maze of corridors. The butler who showed us to our room last night briefly spoke of the recent renovations in an irritable tone that matched the way he spoke about his employer and her new husband.

  After a quick wash and change in an equally lavish double bathroom, I go in search for breakfast. Not that I’m hungry in the slightest, but I promised myself I needed to make the effort and restore my strength if I’m going to stand a chance of protecting Avery. Twice now I’ve been beaten down and rendered useless. My masculinity took a bashing the first-time round, but I refuse to sink any further into the rabbit hole. I need to be better. Her life could depend on it.

  Turning towards the wide staircase, a door at the end of the hallway catches my eye. Not because its white unlike all the rest which are a range of the deepest and richest browns, but because there’s a small rectangular sign on this one. Creeping forwards, curiosity filling my veins, the sign comes into focus. A starry background sits behind a suited astronaut with ‘Axel’s Room’ scrawled in the centre. My heart squeezes and I have to turn away, the innocence of the boy who endured so much torture behind this door making me feel sick.

  Shuffling sounds just as the door swings open, an exhausted looking Garrett appearing in the doorway with a towel clutched in his hand. His hair is long enough to cover his eyes when he allows it to flop forward like this, a yawn pulling his mouth wide open. Scrubbing a hand over his face, he pulls the door closed behind him and almost crashes into me. Jumping out of his way, he continues up the hallway without looking back. My gaze flicks to the door handle, wondering if Axel might be awake yet.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Garrett shouts back to me, entering the bathroom and slamming the door shut. What an asshole. I don’t know why I’m surprised Garrett is still as much a possessive dick as always, maybe I figured he’d have realized by now we’re his family and we’re not going anywhere. But no, Garrett takes what he wants, pisses on it like a dog marking his territory and then leaves it chewed up and worthless to anyone else. I hope Axel manages to escape with his heart intact, but he’s a grown ass man and it’s not my problem. I’ll just be here to pick up the pieces.

  Jogging downstairs and emerging in the kitchen, a whole team of staff lift their heads to greet me kindly. A guy around my age with a top knot hiding beneath a netted cap grins at me while stirring a huge pan of pasta. Beside him, a group chat easily as they make subs in a production line and another pair are preparing tubs of salads on the far end of the middle island. It doesn’t escape me they all seem to be of college age, cementing my suspicions that Axel’s mom is still every bit the predator she used to be. A busty brunette in a maid’s outfit I’m sure is from a sex shop strides past, giving me a seductive side glance as she walks past.

  “You guys know its barely 8am, right? Forget pastas and salads, where’s the bacon and pancakes?” I slip on an effortless smile and slide into a stool opposite Top Knot. It’s been too long since I was social, and I hope I’m pulling off the easy-going friend-to-all I used to be. Top Knot grins wider while a girl to his right balks, quickly turning to whip out some flour and eggs. “No, I didn’t mean- “

  “It’s cool man, whatever you want – we can do. Anything for a friend of Axel’s, we’ve heard so much about him. He’s like Steve Jobs and we’re his apples.” Okay, that’s officially strangest thing I’ve ever heard. Feeling eyes on me, I glance around to the others who quickly drop their awe-filled gazes and giggle like schoolgirls, even the men. “To answer your question, its Sunday. We prep lunches and meals for while we’re at college during the week and return on Fridays to stay. Although Sharon requested extras to be made for while you and your friends are staying.” I narrow my eyes at his first-name basis with Axel’s mom, feeling like I’m missing something obvious.

  The girl beside him lifts a saucepan onto the hob and pours in pancake batter. Other than the maid, they are wearing their own clothes with the additions of plastic gloves and hair nets. A white t-shirt hugs her curvy frame with a Gucci logo displayed across the front. A heart shaped diamond hangs from her neck that dangles forward as she checks the pancake I’m now going to have to eat out of politeness.

  “This weekend job must pay really well,” I say, gesturing to the Rolex sitting on Top Knot’s skinny wrist with a splash of pasta sauce flicked across the glass face. The permanent smirk on his face remains but no more words pass his lips, the twinkling of a secret held within his eyes. Dax slips into the stool beside me, sliding his arm around my shoulder to pull me in for a quick hug. I enjoy the contact more than I should, my chest instantly loosening with his presence. I hadn’t realised how unnatural it’s been without Axel initiating the hugs and gentle touches between us, or the growing void we are all drifting in.

  Throwing my inhibitions out the window, I reach over and drag his head down onto my shoulder. Snaking my fingers into his Afro, his muscles relax on a contended sigh. Several pairs of eyes shoot our way, but not with judgement. Hints of jealously and encouragement flare to life in the staff’s faces, Top Knot frozen in place with a look of longing to join us. I clear my throat to pancake girl, jolting her back into action to serve up my stack of pancak
es and push them towards me while nibbling her bottom lip. I move the plate between Dax and I, sharing the fluffy goodness with him in silence.

  The staff refocus on their tasks, busying themselves with the various meals before packing them into individual portioned boxes. Each container has a white sticker with today’s date placed on top and is stacked into the double doored refrigerator neatly. Dax is still slumped against my body as they all finish up and mostly leave. A few hang back, Top Knot included, clearly waiting for some kind of invite to join us which I can’t help but snarl at. The sound leaving my throat has them scattering like cockroaches after a light has been switched on, leaving us in peace at last.

  “How is she?” Dax mumbles, not needing to say her name for me to know who he means. There’s a lot to be seen from the outside of a conflict, the pining stares and misconstrued intentions. Each squandered opportunity to fix their issues and petty words covering their true feelings. I also notice how Avery is desperately trying to ignore the attraction and the way Dax refuses to beg for her forgiveness. All of which have nothing to do with me and I won’t be dragged into their squabbles like a referee whose team is falling to shit.

  “Ask her yourself.” I mumble, slipping from the stool and leaving him to mope alone. Turning the corner, I come face to face with a snooping butler that I recognise. His thinning dark hair is combed over, a grey speckled moustache lining his upper lip. He’s the only member of staff I’ve seen who is above college age, his pressed white shirt, black slacks and shiny shoes showing years of professionalism. I raise an eyebrow and square my shoulders, waiting for him to stop spluttering over himself.

  “Oh, er – excuse me, Sir. Mrs Barrett has requested your presence.” I frown, wondering why Axel’s mom thinks I would come running because she clicked her slender fingers.

  “Are you sure it’s me she wants?”

  “Unless you know of another ‘stacked blonde’ staying here at the moment?” He air quotes with a roll of his eyes, his posture speaking volumes of his attitude towards Sharon. I tap my chin with my index finger, pretending to be lost in thought.

  “Maybe she means Avery, that girl is tougher than bull picking a fight with a red brick wall.”

  “I’m willing to bet my life she means you,” he mumbles before turning and leading the way. Forced to follow, I drag my feet and take the opportunity to glance out of the floor-to-ceiling windows lining this side of the mansion. A perfectly green setting lies before me, rows of automatic sprinkles spraying across the manicured lawn. At the far end, a metal cage is just visible which houses the tennis courts. Passing through an extravagant and barely used living area, hammocks swing gently in the breeze on the patio. The butler leads me through the spider web of hallways, passing various rooms before turning sharply and opening a door at the far end.

  The space inside is dim, electric lanterns descending alongside a hidden staircase. Sulphur tickles my nose and a brush of humidity makes me thankful I opted for a simple vest and shorts combo. The butler ushers me towards the steps before closing the door, leaving me in almost complete darkness. Squinting and trying not to fall, I feel each step with my bare foot before stepping down until I find myself in an underground chamber.

  The room has been decorated to look like a cave, the bumpy walls and curved ceiling painted stone grey. Sounds of the rainforest echo from hidden speakers, insects chirping and frogs croak between the hollow droplets of rain. Two leather massage tables sit to the left, below shelves of small bottles and rolled towels. Artificial vines have been draped around blue lights which reflect on the water filling the centre of the room. At the back of the round jacuzzi Axel’s mom is eyeing me hungrily.

  “I thought you could use some relaxation. I can see from a mile off how tense you are.” She licks her cherry red lips and unashamedly tracks each my biceps with her pale brown eyes. Fighting the impulse to cross my arms defensively, knowing it would only make me appear more muscular than I really am, I stand loosely with unhidden hatred filling my features. If I wasn’t worried she would kick us all out and Axel would be trapped in a house alone with her again, I wouldn’t have been able to restrain my tongue from spilling every curse word and name I have rolling around my mind at her.

  “I’m good.” I shrug and turn to leave, splashing behind telling me she’s rushing to stop me. I manage to jerk back before her wet, slender hand lands on my shoulder, growling for her to step back. In no versions of this world would I have ever found her attractive, regardless of the things she’s done. A black bikini top barely covers her huge, clearly fake, breasts, her stomach unrealistically slender. Her thigh is covered with black ink in the shape of a large cat, it’s body on the prowl and fangs exposed in a hiss. I’m almost certain it’s supposed to be a cougar. Shudder.

  “You seem so stressed. Why don’t you let me help relieve you?” she tiptoes to whisper into my ear but is careful not to touch me. Yet.

  “What about your husband?” I try to play the loyalty card, not that I thought it would work. Her chest brushes mine before I take a step back in time, bile rises in my throat.

  “Oh, don’t mind him, he’s banging his secretary.”

  “You are his secretary,” I deadpan. She giggles like life is some big fucking joke. She can screw who she wants, abuse who she wants and will never face any repercussions.

  “Handsome and intuitive, what a catch. Seriously, have a massage on me.” She winks, sashaying her hips across the room to stroke the massage table. Her talons lightly scratch the leather, the cocky smile her face showing she actually thinks I’ll be persuaded. Reaching over the table, pushing her ass high into the air, she pushes a button on the wall I didn’t notice. The sound of a door opening reaches my ears although I can’t see it from this angle, a man appearing a moment later. He doesn’t spare me a glance, his eyes trained on Sharon. His dark skin is well oiled, muscles flexing with each step in nothing but a tiny pair of purple briefs. Oh, for the love of emasculation, tell me that’s not his uniform. I can’t hold back any longer, the audacity of it all overwhelming me.

  “You really are a vile creature, you know that?” The falter in her practised smile makes me smirk in turn as I leave her behind. Jogging up the stairs, I shake off the vibes of overaged smut and shift my mind back to the girl I care about instead. The only one that really matters. We’ve got work to do to save her sister and get out of this house as soon as possible. It’s time to wake up Avery.


  “You don’t have to wait on me hand and foot, you know,” I tell Rachel yet again after she plants a tray of breakfast on my lap. Lashings of bacon and thick sausages sit upon a bed of fluffy scrambled egg with crispy hash browns balanced on top. My mouth is watering just from the heavenly smell as I push myself upright against the headboard. I woke naturally a little while ago from the best sleep I can remember having, and I don’t think the memory foam mattress is the only reason for that. Back in the black dress with white collar and apron she likes to wear during the days, Rachel has a skip in her step and huge smile spread across her face as she rounds the bed to fluff my pillow.

  “I know, but I’ve missed this so much. Please don’t take it away from me.” She mock flutters her thick eyelashes and pouts her lips, causing me to smile. Rolling my eyes, I stab a sausage with my fork and push it between my teeth as she releases a school-girl worthy squeal. I didn’t miss the double meaning in her words, her natural motherly nature having been suppressed since she lost Sydney all those years ago. I can’t fathom how she has managed to pull through such a loss and not withered up inside like I would have.

  While I eat, she potters around my room. First, opening the black-out curtains to almost blind me with the sun’s rays, then scooping my worn clothes from the cream carpet. I’ve never been one to tidy up after myself since I was mostly raised by staff looking for a pay rise or had a wealth of girls at college eager to please me. Rachel disappears into the en-suite and a shadow catches my eye by the triple wardrobe, green orbs
gleaming out of the undefined shape. Following the figure’s eyeline, I glance down to the two rounded tablets on my tray beside a glass of orange juice. Indecision pulls me in two directions, not seeing the harm in keeping my mom around now I’ve made my peace with her presence and wanting to pretend I’m a normal guy that isn’t going insane.

  “Rachel,” I call, unable to keep up the pretence they are vitamins any longer. Her ponytail swings as she bounces back into the room, halting at my uncertain expression. “Why have you been drugging me?” I point to the pink pills and watch the frown pull at her lips. Slowly sitting on the edge of the bed, she turns to me with so much grief in her eyes, I can barely stand to look.

  “Oh, my darling boy, I hope you won’t be angry with me.” She sighs and hangs her head, a tear trickling down her cheek. Pushing my tray aside, I pull her into my arms so her head rests upon my shoulder and reassure her that will never be the case. “They are antidepressants from my personal stash, I’ve been on them for longer than you’ve been alive,” she huffs a laugh.

  “So why are you giving them to me?” I whisper, still not understanding.

  “I love having you here, you know that right? But a part of me wishes you never came. You’re too pure for this place, but joining Ray is a lifelong commitment which will eat away until there’s nothing left. I’ve seen it happen to so many, all traits of their personalities drained until they are mindless drones with ‘Perelli’ branded on their asses. I thought if I could intervene before you started to be affected by the terrible doings that happen here, I could shield you from the same fate.” Stroking the tears from her cheek, I simply hold her as those words churn in my mind. Rachael has told me before she stays out of Ray’s business, but clearly, she is still touched by it. Before she even knew me properly, she saw someone worth saving and fuck if I don’t love her all the more for it.


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