Tamer- King of Dinosaurs 5

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Tamer- King of Dinosaurs 5 Page 26

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “I have a confession,” she whispered.

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said. “I don’t want to go back.”

  “We have to,” I chuckled, “They all need us to bring back the copp--”

  “No, Victor, that is not what I mean” she interrupted me. “Back back. I don’t want to return to my homeworld.”

  “Neither do I,” I said.

  And then neither of us spoke until we made our way through the forest path we had chopped out and hit the beach.

  “Last night alone together,” Liahpa said to break the silence finally. “I’m glad I could come with you.”

  “Me too,” I said as I squeezed her again. “I try to spend as much time with everyone as I can.”

  “I know you do. I’ve seen it. You are good to us. On my world, we often had multiple lovers. At one time, I had six women that I was sleeping with at once, but I still wish I could have you to myself all the time.”

  “At once?” I asked as I raised my eyebrow?

  “Two of them were always together, so I slept with both of them,” Liahpa said with a shrug, “but the other four I juggled. They all knew about each other though. I know what they felt now since I’ll have to wait my turn.”

  “It’s not--” I started to say, but then we both gasped when we saw a flash of light about a quarter of a mile ahead of us on the beach floor.

  “Get low!” I hissed, and we both flattened ourselves on Tom’s back while I had the rest of the dino’s form a line behind him.

  The light from the setting sun was still bright enough to see, but there was a bit of ocean mist rolling in from the water. Still, my cyborg eyes were sharp, and I made out the details of the light. It looked like some sort of mystical blue portal, and I saw six figures step out of the doorway, and look around the beach.

  I couldn’t really make out their features, but they looked broad in the shoulder, and I guessed that they were men. They did glance in our direction, but they looked back toward the jungle quickly, so I guessed they just thought we were a lone triceratops walking on the beach.

  The six figures moved toward the jungle, and the blue portal closed behind them. The figure at the end glanced south down the beach away from us then north toward us, but he didn’t pause as he stepped into the tree line.

  “Who are they?” Liahpa asked.

  “They are from the ugly black flying asshole’s tribe,” I said.

  “They are? How do you know?”

  “Because they are heading right into the path that will take them to Quwaru’s cave.”

  Chapter 15

  “What should we do?” she hissed.

  “We have to ambush them,” I said as I reached back to grab the Cricket Bat of Doom.

  “Wait, are you sure? There are six of them. Shouldn’t we try to go around and--”

  “Nope,” I said. “Grab your axe.”

  “Victor,” she started to say as I slid off Tom’s side.

  “They have a way to travel long distances rapidly,” I said as I commanded the troodons to run to the side of the jungle. “The flying guy must have told them where Quwaru’s cave is, and he probably told them where our camp is. Once they see the cave is empty, they are going to report back to their leader, and then the next stop will be our fort.”

  “But they could already be there,” Liahpa hissed as she floated off Tom with her soul ring axe in her hands.

  “They could be,” I said, “but this is all we can worry about right now. There are six of them, and we can’t let them return. I’ll have the troodons attack two of them, then you and I will take out the other two. We are going to run there since Tom will make too much noise.”

  “I’m with you,” she said. “I’ll be by your side until death, Victor.”

  “Same.” I smiled at the beautiful woman, and then I turned to run across the beach after my troodons.

  The run helped a bit with the terror twisting my stomach into knots.

  Yeah, I had dinosaurs, and yeah, I had a super strong woman with an axe of ass kicking, but there were six of these guys, and I knew that even if we got the jump on them, we could only take four with a surprise attack.

  And the last two would probably counter attack.

  I didn’t have another choice though. If one of these men could open up a portal that could take a group of them across Dinosaurland, my friends and I would never be safe again. It didn’t matter how many dinos I tamed, or how high our walls were, they could just come in and murder us as soon as they knew where we were. I suddenly understood that the flying bat asshole who had grabbed me was probably more of a scout than an abductor, and I had probably made a huge mistake by building our fort out in the clearing of a redwood forest.

  Nothing I could do about it at the moment, though. Right now, all I could do was to ensure that these six men never returned alive to tell their boss anything. If I could kill the one whose power it was to make the portal, the chances they could attack our fort by surprise would be way less.

  Back before I arrived in Dinosaurland, I would have probably passed out after sprinting a quarter of a mile, but now I did it across sand with a wicked spiked bat in my hand, and without really breathing that hard. We quickly reached the edge of the path through the jungle toward Quwaru’s cave, and I motioned for Liahpa to move to the other side of the jungle so that we both wouldn’t be found if one of us stepped on something loud.

  Then I had my troodons move up like silent assassins, and I crawled after them.

  The men were also sneaking through the jungle, but they were staying on the path instead of walking beside the trees. As with most men on Dinosaurland, the six men were extremely muscular and intimidating. I could only see the backs of the last four walking. The man at the back and right had long gray feathers rolling down his spine bristles. The man on his left had what looked like tiny moth wings all over his skin, and they flapped frantically with each step he took. The next man up in line had a head that rose a good foot above everyone else, and it looked square like a hammer while his neck was thin like a hammer’s handle. The fourth man I could see walked on four thick legs, but each of them moved in pairs with each stride, almost like the outside limbs didn’t really matter.

  “Wait,” the man with the moth wings on his skin hissed, and the six men stopped and turned toward him. The movement allowed me to see that the man at the front looked like a square chinned male model, complete with long flowing locks of golden blonde. The dude looked like an even handsomer version of Fabio, but the guy standing next to him had vertical slits for eyes, a massive maw of razor-sharp teeth, and gray skin that seemed to shift like an optical illusion when he made the slightest move.

  “What?” the golden-haired male model hissed. They all wore pants that looked like they were made out of a gray cotton, except this guy wore thick white robes that almost dragged on the ground.

  “I feel something,” the mothwing man said. “I think there is someone here. I can sense--”

  I didn’t give the asshole a chance to finish. I was thirty or so feet away, and not quite in range to get the jump on them, but my troodons were in position, and they jumped out from the side of the jungle and tore into the six men.

  Scoob and Shag sank their teeth into the man with the shifting skin and shark-toothed face, then he screamed as everyone turned toward him, but then Fred, Velma, and Daphne bit into three of the four legs the one man had.

  The golden-haired male model, hammerhead, mothwing-skinned, and gray feather dude all gasped and stepped away from the thrashing troodons. It meant that everyone but the blonde guy’s backs were to me, so I figured that now was the best chance to get my attack in.

  So I jumped from behind the tree where I hid and sprinted the thirty foot gap between us before I could remind myself that I probably wasn’t much of a match for any of these guys toe to toe.

  Then there was a silver and white flash on my right as Liahpa sped past me like a racing motorcyclist.
  My athletic lover only made one swing with her soul ring axe, but that was all she needed. The blade passed through the torso of the man with the long gray feathers and the man with the hammer-head in one smooth cut, and both of the over muscled goons screamed as the top parts of their bodies were separated from their bottom part.

  Then the air filled with spraying blood as I slammed my Cricket Bat of Doom into the head of the mothwing asshole.

  His skull crushed like an old peanut shell under my bat, and his brains splattered to the sides like an exploded pudding cup. My troodons were still wrestling with the four legged asshole, so I took another running step and used the momentum from my first swing to hit that asshole in the face. I’d never played Cricket before, or even seen it on television, but the combination of heavy wood and sharp teeth on the outside caused the guy’s head to fly off his body and sail into the jungle.

  It was at least a base hit.

  Liahpa moved to make a second swing against the shifting skinned man that Shag and Scoob were attacking, but it looked like Scoob had gotten the guy’s throat, and the muscular man’s screams suddenly cut off, so she jumped at the Fabio looking dude with the long glowing locks.

  And I stared in horror as he raised his hand toward her.

  I wanted to scream for her to look out, but my words weren’t fast enough, and all I could do was watch as the world seemed to slow down to a crawl and I pulled my Cricket Bat of Doom back to try to get my own hit against the last fucker.

  Then a blinding flash of light slammed into my face, and I couldn’t see anything for a few seconds.

  But I could hear a loud clanging sound.

  And laughter.

  Lots of deep throated laughter.

  “Idiots,” the thick baritone voice said, and I blinked my eyes open to see that the golden haired man was standing inside of this pulsating white globe that expanded out about two feet from his body. “You thought you could defeat Indor the Justicar with your simple weapons?”

  I didn’t reply, but Liahpa swung her axe, and the weapon bounced off the globe as if was made of thick metal. It made the sound I had heard while I was briefly blinded, so I figured that she hadn’t been caught by the flash of light in the eyes.

  “I can’t seem to break it,” she hissed as she swung her axe into it with the same clanging sound.

  “Of course you cannot, simpletons.” The man crossed his arms over his broad chest, and I raised my Cricket Bat of Doom so that I could poke at the shield. Sure enough, it felt just like something solid hung in the air, even though I could see the asshole just fine.

  “There has to be a way to break it,” Liahpa said as she bounced her axe off the shield again.

  “This one is fiesty,” the man hissed as he stared through his globe at Lihapa. “Indor will enjoy you.”

  Liahpa ignored him and took another swing.

  “Shit,” I sighed as I looked down at the ground. It actually looked like the barrier passed through the dirt beneath the man’s feet, and I saw that he was wearing what looked like metal armored boots.

  Then I noticed through a gap in his robes that he also had thick armor on his legs.

  “Yes, Indor will enjoy her. Then he will let all the others have their turn. First, they will use their dicks, but then we will penetrate her with other things.”

  “Shut up,” Liahpa growled as she bounced her axe off his barrier again.

  “I can do this all day, fools,” the handsome man said with a sneer. “We know all about your camp and your people. She will take you, and then Indor will get first pick of the prizes.”

  “Wait, are you Indor?” I asked as I tapped on the barrier with the palm of my hand.

  “Yes,” he said. “Indor the Justicar is the most powerful war-priest in the nation of--”

  “Are you talking in the third person?” I asked.

  “What?” His eyes narrowed, and he crossed his arms.

  “You are talking about yourself as if you aren’t yourself,” I said as I continued to tap on the barrier. “It’s kind of an idiotic way of talking.”

  “You insult Indor? I will make you pay, you pathetic worm of a man.”

  “Ehhh, I doubt it,” I sighed as I circled around behind him. “I think this barrier is the only ability you have. Maybe you can keep it going, but if you could use it offensively, you would have done it by now. Unless you are scared of us.”

  “Indor is afraid of no man, and especially no woman.”

  “I’d be afraid of her,” I said as I nodded to Liahpa.

  “There is only one woman I am afraid of,” the man said, and then his lips curled up into an evil looking sneer. “Victor Shelby.”

  I froze and tried to keep my face as calm as possible, but I must have failed, since his smile just got larger.

  “She knows your name, Victor. She’s coming for you, and you’ll know fear unlike anything you have ever felt.”

  “Who is your boss?” I asked.

  “Not a boss,” he scoffed. “You think Indor the Justicar would follow a boss? No, puny man. I only follow a goddess. The goddess of death. The goddess of fear. The goddess of primordial terror! You will know her. You will fear. You will serve, and your women will be given to us for plunder. You’ll watch us violate them, and then you--”

  “Hey, I don’t think this keeps air out,” I interrupted Indor while he was talking and looked at Liahpa while I tapped on the barrier with the pommel of my bat.

  “Hmm,” she said as she reached down and picked up a handful of dirt. She flung it at the barrier, and we both stepped in close to see what happened.

  Some dirt passed through, and we both looked at each other.

  Then I pointed back toward the cave where the long drop into the river was.

  “You fools cannot harm me,” Indor hissed. “My Just Shield will not allow your attacks to affect me, nor will it allow me to fall from my post. I once held off the horde of Abildeel for twenty days by standing at the entran--”

  “Tell me more about your boss,” I said.

  “She is the goddess of fear and terror,” he spat, “and that is all you will need to know for now, Victor Shelby. For once you know her, your fragile mind will be broken and then reshaped as she wants, and for her purposes.”

  “How does she know my name?” I asked.

  “Your women,” Indor spat as he turned back to Liahpa. “They will be taken. They will be given to us. Then their true purpose will be revealed.”

  “True purpose?” Liahpa asked as her red eyes narrowed.

  “Women are weak,” he spat. “Only useful for pleasure. Be that on our dicks or with the beatings we will bestow upon them. Our goddess takes pleasure in such--”

  “No,” Liahpa growled. “You aren’t going to beat us.”

  “Beat you?” he laughed. “Indor the Justicar has already won, foolish girl. There is nothing you can do to me while I am inside of my Just Shield. I will return to my Goddess, and then we will have our way with your body until your mind breaks into a thousand--”

  “Shut up! You are just the kind of man my people despise!” Liahpa growled, and then she dropped her axe, squatted next to the force field, and clasped her arms around the pulsating barrier.

  Then I saw her entire body tense.

  “Idiot!” he laughed. “You can’t move me. It is--”

  Indor’s low voice cracked as his bubble shifted in Liahpa’s arms, and his eyes went wide as it began to slide away from the ground. I’d seen Liahpa naked in all sorts of different positions, and while her body looked incredibly athletic, she was a little less bulky than Sheela, and I wouldn’t have thought she was the stronger one.

  But as she tore Indor’s bubble out of the ground, I could see hundreds of firm muscles strain in her back, ass, and legs. She let out a scream of raw power when she finally lifted the bubble over her head, and then she began to walk toward the gorge where the cave was like Atlas carrying the globe on his shoulders.

  I picked up h
er axe and then followed her with my troodons in tow.

  “Wait! How? Release me, idiot woman!” Indor’s voice had raised at least two octaves in pitch, but we both ignored him as we stepped out of the jungle and into the clearing.

  The cliff leading down to the water was only twenty yards away, and Liahpa’s bare feet actually made six inch deep prints in the ground when she stomped across it.

  Then she reached the edge of the cliff, and her knees bent.

  “Wait! No! I’ll--”

  I was about to tell Liahpa that we should try to get more information out of him, but my lover was actually still screaming as she carried him, and I kind of felt like she was having a “Hulk smash” kind of moment. She tossed the globe down the wall of the cliff, and the forcefield made a horrific cracking noise as it shattered like a crystal chandelier that had just fallen onto a marble floor.

  Indor let out a terrified scream, bounced off the side of the edge of the cliff, and then hit two small ledges on his way down to the water below. For half a second, I thought he might live and manage to swim away, but then he hit the side of his head on a last outcropping of rock, and his body didn’t move when it finally plopped into the water at the bottom of the ravine.

  Liahpa and I stood at the edge for another half of a minute in silence. He didn’t come back up, so I guessed that the blow to the head had actually killed him, or the heavy armor it looked like he wore was keeping him from swimming.

  “As you would say, ‘fuck that asshole.’” Liahpa turned to me, and she didn’t look angry anymore. She was actually smiling, and I saw her blink her eyes as if she was pulling up her Eye-Q. “That was very cathartic, and my strength is now twelve.”

  “Remind me never to make you mad,” I laughed.

  “You can’t ever make me mad,” she said as she stepped toward me.

  Liahpa had seemed invincible only a moment ago, but her body trembled against me when I held her. She leaned her head on my shoulder, sighed, and then took a deep breath.


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