2288: The Skotadian Experiment

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2288: The Skotadian Experiment Page 30

by Douglas Howell


  “Sir, this ship is in no state for combat.” Lieutenant Commander North informed both Captain Maxwell and Iverson.

  “I think that my people will disagree with you on that.” Captain Iverson responded.

  “Be that as it may, but by Lenkov’s standards this ship will not survive in a fire fight with multiple ships.” North responded.

  “Multiple ships!?” Iverson responded out of shock.

  “Yes. Do you seriously think that Dark Core will come after us, and by us I mean my ship and crew, with a single ship?” Maxwell asked Iverson. Xavier got the point and he could only shake his head.

  “So what shall we do then?” Iverson asked Maxwell.

  “Lieutenant Commander?” Maxwell asked North.

  “All non-essential personnel must leave the ship. The only robots that must, and let me reiterate this, that must remain on board can only be the repair robots. My team must be allowed to retrofit any part deemed necessary for the survival of this ship. Non-essential power must be diverted to both shields and engines.” North responded. Iverson didn’t like the sound of that. It basically told him that the ship and crew will face certain death. Nevertheless, he reluctantly agreed.


  “Get over here!” Infernus ordered his acolyte who was now fully grown into his new monstrous body.

  “What did you want . . . master?” Michael Christianson responded.

  “Take a look at this. I can’t believe that these monkey-fuckers are marching lock, stock, and barrel to their own demise. It is so beautiful to watch the other Dark Core members feud amongst themselves. The media losing all creditability. The monkey-fuckers not taking anything seriously. Not even the conspirators see the real truth!”

  “So do you think that Omori is right?”

  “Right about what?” Infernus asked not wanting to hear the response.

  “That we are all living in some type of Matrix. And only the founder is living outside of this so-called Matrix?”

  “Why do you do this?”

  “Begging your pardon . . . master?” Whatever Michael Christianson has become, stated in a almost power play tone of voice.

  Infernus didn’t respond. He could only look at his acolyte with contempt and then go about staring at the monitors. But still he couldn’t help but to periodically look over his shoulder at his so-called acolyte. They both needed each other and yet they both had the greatest amount of contempt for one another. Michael took shear enjoyment out of toying with the mentality of Infernus. Yes he is a monster who creates monsters. But what he can “see” is that what Infernus never can—the power of love. But in Michael’s case it is the rage of never being able to find a good woman to settle down with. So he must vent his rage upon Infernus who will never understand, let alone care, about why his so-call acolyte is behaving the way in which he is.


  “Who, or what, are you?” Ramirez asked Omori within his dream state.

  “I could ask the same about you, Alex.”

  “Why do you keep coming to me?”

  “Like the Efiáltis, you call out to us, and we come. So I should ask . . . why did you call out to me? Who, or what, are you? Alex.”

  “I’m afraid to know.”


  “Were you ever afraid to know?”

  “You should ask Maria for she draws near.” Omori responded. And with that Ramirez woke up only to see Maria come near.

  “What did you wanted to see me about?” Maria asked him.

  “Were you ever afraid to know who, or what, you are?”


  “What about Omori?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m just asking.”

  “No. And neither did she.”

  “Why?” Ramirez asked in a trance like state.

  Maria then came near and placed her right hand near him to analyze his SIN to see if it was corrupted or compromised. Her SIN then informed her that someone was trying to access his SIN to either directly or indirectly control him.

  “Intruder alert! Intruder alert! Base comprised! Enemy is using air-stealth!” The male AI informed the base personnel.

  “Maria . . .” Ramirez was saying to her as she was leaving. “. . . you still haven’t answer me. We are still waiting for a response.”


  “Michael, what in the hell are you doing?” Infernus asked his acolyte.

  “I think you know who we are.” The grey-Efiáltis leader responded.

  “No I don’t. Shouldn’t you be with your people?”

  “Perhaps. But they are no more.”

  “What!? How did all of your kind get wiped out!?”

  “My kind?”

  “The Efiáltis! Who do you think I meant!?”

  “As you should know there are four different types of us. I am what we call Anatolí. And . . .” The grey-Efiáltis leader was saying.

  “East? Why Greek for east?” Infernus interrupted him asked.

  “We thank you . . .” The Efiáltis’ leader was saying as both his eyes and his horns was glowing in a indigo color. “. . . for letting us out of our prison/home. And now see your destiny as we have laid it out for you.” An indigo color slit of light appeared between the eyes and the horns of the leader and it was at least one inch (2.54 centimeters) from his face. It was at that point that Infernus was trying to fight off the control that the Efiáltis was trying to wield over him.

  “I make my own destiny.” Infernus responded in a trance like voice.

  “I know that you do. And that is why I am here. To help you see your own destiny be fulfilled. I am not against you but . . . with you. Trust in your own destiny.”

  “I do.”

  “We know. We’ve always known about you. You are now a prophet.”

  Do Not Weep For Me


  Dark Serpent was traveling as fast as he could on foot with Ramirez in a one-seat scout reconnaissance helicopter, Maria Sadowayj was in a communicational helicopter with the ability to hack all communications, and 1st Lieutenant Illes was in a one seat RD&A (Robotic Drop & Assault) Transport helicopter, giving pursuit. Unfortunately for them he gave them the slip and they got split up.

  “I can’t reach 1st Lieutenant Rymer!” Illes informed them.

  “Are you sure you two go way back?” Ramirez asked.

  “Yeah, me and George go way back.”

  “You guys still haven’t told me why neither one of us should go to the cloning facility that Rymer is at.” Maria said to both of them.

  “Javier Castillo is there.” Illes responded.

  “Who’s that?” Maria asked.

  “Civilian military overseer for the region.” Illes responded.

  “Will he be a problem?” Maria asked.

  “No but procedures will.” Ramirez responded.

  “Unfortunately but true.” Illes added.

  “Like what?” Maria asked. Being on the Hammer of Doom for eight years made it hard for her to catch up on those little nuances.

  “Never mind about that. Captain Maxwell is desperate for this victory. Don’t forget that the civilian military overseer Peter J. Mazzinghi will be arriving at that lab complex soon. You know . . . I’m kind of glad that Maxwell won’t be there since he is spending too much time up there on Iverson’s ship.” Ramirez responded.

  “First of all . . . what’s wrong with Mazzinghi? And . . .” Maria was asking them.

  “Simple, he’s a proud member of the American Special Service Organization.” Illes responded. Ramirez said under his breath, “Ain’t that the truth.”

  “So why should being a member of that organization pose a problem?” Maria asked.

  “He means as in the A.S.S.O. as in asshole.” Ramirez informed her.

  “Oh. So why is it a good thing that Maxwell should be on Iverson’s ship?” Maria asked. She thinks that she might know but she wants to hear one of them mention it.

��Captain Maxwell is Pisces and as such he has a bad habit of drinking like a fish. And as for Iverson . . .” Ramirez was saying.

  “And what?” Maria asked him.

  “What I think he is trying to say is that we have no idea.” Illes responded.

  “So, let me get this straight, the fate of this world lies between a drunk and a unknown drunk?” Maria asked them.

  “I wouldn’t worry about that. When Maxwell’s drunk . . . he’s a damn good officer. And you take that to the bank without it bouncing.” Illes mentioned.

  “So what about Captain Iverson?” Maria asked.

  “Don’t know. Hey . . . what’s that?” Ramirez responded.

  “What’s what?” Maria asked him.

  “Is that a glitch?” Ramirez was asking himself.

  “What are you talking about?” Maria asked him.

  “Don’t worry about me. Just complete the mission.” Ramirez responded sounding a bit detached from his surrounding.

  “Wait a minute! Alex! What’s going on!? Alex!?” Maria was trying in vain to get to him. But sadly he was lost in his little world.


  Lieutenant Colonel Leon Daniel of the PDF (Planetary Defense Force) just arrived at the city of Aruka. Just like any member of any planetary system’s version of PDF, he is a local boy. He wasn’t born on Golden Hyperion, he arrived there when he was eight, but to him it is still a home that is worth fighting for. Although he lives on the far side of the moon, he wasted no time in getting to Aruka. He’ll do anything it takes to protect his home world, even though this is his first military engagement and he’s not as skilled as those who were trained by those military branches with far deeper wallets and the resources to boot.

  It was General Julius Howell III who asked him to take the command. The Intel that Leon received scared the living shit out of him. Like so many other people on Golden Hyperion he’d learned what was going on through that of the media. The American people may have to deal with a corporate media, but those who live under the yoke of Skotadi have to deal with a Skotadian media. He spent the whole trip worrying about his wife, eight year old daughter, and the mission. Despite his religious convictions, he finally understood why career officers drink as much as they do.

  He’d spent the whole afternoon going over maps, local Intel, armaments, logistics, mustering up the local militias, discussing possible tactics with his subordinates and then finally sending everything to Julius for final review. But it was during the evening that he got his biggest headache—dealing with the mayor who was showing signs of being in election campaign mode. Worst still, the mayor had the audacity to bring the media with her. To make matters even worse, if what the local rumors about her are true, then her private life would get in the way of Leon’s religious convictions. Leon was a straight shooter who can be quite blunt at times, running the risk of putting others in embarrassing situations. It is his wife Claire who was savvy enough to get him out of those situations. She too was a member of the PDF but she couldn’t come with him since local laws prevent a parent to depart for military duties when they have a underage child. For those who know her best, they would say to call the mayor a bitch would be a compliment.

  “What’s the matter sir?” One of Leon’s subordinates asked him.

  “I bit my tongue off because I was talking to the mayor. She’s wants to be the one in control. The one to make all of the decisions regarding the defense of the city. You would not believe the number of times that I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from calling her a bitch. She not only had the nerve to bring the media with her . . . but also to want them to be there as she quote-discuss the operation to save the city from the enemies of our peaceful community-end quote, with me.” Leon responded in the most bitter of tones. He then took a sigh of relief and said, “I need to pray off this negativity.”


  “Who, that red demon whore Infernus? Nope. I smell a rat.” Captain Maxwell said to Captain Iverson.

  “Why can’t you accept it?”

  “Accept what? No, the only thing that I can accept is that he faked his own death. We should look at that possibility.”

  “I thought that you already did. And you know as well as I know that everyone will be scrutinizing every little nuance for the remote chance that he did fake his own death. I’m sorry, but I do believe that he’s dead.”

  It was all the media could talk about, the death of Infernus. And how did he died? Just ask Captain Levine he’ll tell you[36]. How Infernus stole the Captain’s Yacht off of Levine’s ship. Override everyone’s ship sensors. And how he, Captain Levine, was hot on his trail. That he would never let this monster escape. What convinced everyone that it was no hoax, and not one of Infernus’ many android body’s that he has lying about, was the fact that Levine contained his own SIN. Isaac Maxwell is the only person upon that world at that point in time who believed that it was a very clever hoax. That will never change even when he dies of old age.


  “My dearest wife . . .” The message from Leon Daniel to that of his wife opened up with. “. . . I do not know how to break this to you within my trouble heart but I fear that this may be my last letter to you. There are extenuating circumstances beyond my control that warrants that my duties have become a bit problematic. Oh, dearest Claire do not weep for me. For I within the deepest part of my heart and soul I will be thinking of you during this trail and tribulation that has mercilessly have fallen upon me. Do not grieve for me my love. For there is a chance, no matter how small that chance may be, that I, may find my way with honor back home to you. What a joyous day that will be for me to see your smiling face once more as I return home with honor to you. But because of these extenuating circumstances I do not know if I may return home to you. I just want you to cheer up my love and to be strong, not only for yourself, but also for our dear little one. Smile for me my love.”

  The message did not have the intended result that Leon had hope for. He may have known his wife quite well, but nobody is a perfect mind reader to that of their spouse. No matter how close they are. By “extenuating circumstances” Claire knew who he’d meant. She, unlike Leon, was a news junkie and if it wasn’t for him she probably would watch the news all day long. And she would not allow that Arukan bitch to get away with the lost of her husband. Claire had her parents come and pick up their granddaughter as she left to be with her husband. She knew that she was breaking the law and she didn’t even care. She just wanted to put that Arukan bitch in her place.


  “What’s so funny ma’am?” The Senior Ensign asked Vaistll.

  “Oh nothing. I just learned that Ramirez never spent any time in the snow.”

  “Begging your pardon ma’am, but neither have most humans.”

  “What!? You’re kidding!”

  “No ma’am, I wouldn’t.” She responded, not knowing what all the fuss is about. So what, she will never experience what it’s like to be in a freezer. Big deal. Little did the Ensign know but Lenkov and Omori would have sided with Vaistll over the matter. But it should go to show just how much the Earth is dead.

  “Never mind. As soon as the weather permits someone needs to go get his helicopter and deliver it to Sector FD-(Fuel Depot)002.”

  “Yes ma’am.” The Senior Ensign responded. She never sent anything because she knew that Ramirez would have programmed the robotic helicopter to go there when it can. (She did check to see if it left, which it did.)


  Shortly before Claire Daniel landed at the Arukan airport the situation was resolved between what is considered everyone’s duty, and that of the mayor. Within several minutes after she’d met up with (and “debated” why she came) with Leon. Captain Maxwell received the message from Iverson concerning the movements of the Efiáltis.’ Maxwell then forwarded it to Julius Howell III who then relayed it to Leon. It was at this point that he’d received other news from the local militia that suggested that the Efiáltis’ are traveling t
hrough the swamps if true, then their target is the Arukan docks. (He actually feared that they may try something like that but he’d got overruled—guess who overruled him.) Unfortunately what he’d knew that the docks are lost.

  Needless to say that the mayor was none too trilled about not only Claire showing up (and breaking the law) but also the ideal of losing the docks. For without those docks the city is financially ruined. And so are her prospects of being re-elected. The mayor had back herself into a corner politically and the only way out for her is to take on, in any way that she’d can, Claire. But she will soon enough learn that is no easy task. The mayor chances at re-election was ruined at the very moment that she’d opened her mouth and dare to take on someone far more capable than she is. But first, she has to strike Claire’s nerves.

  “Ma’am . . . I hate to inform you of this . . . but the mayor wants you arrested.” The police commissioner informed Claire.

  “What?!” Claire almost yelled back.

  “She’d said that you broke the law by coming here.” The police commissioner responded.

  “Not as a private citizen!”

  “I know that ma’am.”

  “So what are you going to do?”

  “Nothing ma’am. I just wanted to inform you. That’s all.” The police commissioner responded and then left without saying a word. She too was burned by the mayor. One too many times. So much so that she’d developed an ulcer.

  If the mayor is good at one thing, she is good at making friends out of political hacks and enemies out of everyone else. To the voters she is a darling. She has this certain “mystique” about her. After all, who could the voters trust more? The one who submitted to the authorities or the one who stood up to them? Of course there is a reason why she “stands up against the authorities and will not back down.” Just ask the police commissioner. But the mayor has too many connections to be taken on so lightly. How else could she have gotten the job? But she’s not so important that her position is considered sacrosanct. Which is one reason why her re-election is so important to her. Her backers are backing out of their support for her.


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