Hunt for the Necromancer - Book 1

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Hunt for the Necromancer - Book 1 Page 1

by Wes Havoc



  Title Page







  Final Page

  Hunt for the Necromancer

  Copyright© 2018 by Wes Havoc

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.


  BOOK 1


  "The secret to fixing a broken heart," Marc grinned, giving me a sidelong glance, "is to jerk off 'til you don't remember her name."

  I arched an eyebrow. Marc had been a close friend of mine for ages, but sometimes I worried about his sanity. "I dated Amy for two years, man. I'd have to jerk off until I blacked out to forget her name. And even so, I'd have to pass out and hit my head or something."

  "Precisely," his smile grew as he snapped his fingers, pointing at me. I rolled my eyes to his lack of sense. "She treated you like shit, Aaron. Besides sex, there's nothing for you to miss about her."

  I shrugged, looking away to avoid thinking about the subject. My ex had a pretty shitty personality, but as we dated, I learned to sort of accept and appreciate her quirks. I liked having her by my side, even if she was complaining or insulting me, which became quite common. It was part of who she was and when we love someone, we love them as a whole. Right?


  Marc would shake his head at me every time I said that for the past couple of years. Throughout the last months, he went as far as to point me her "quirks" or "endearing limitations" were, in fact, signs of a doomed relationship. She indeed told me what to do and what not to do all the time. I couldn't go out with my friends - even if it was for courses in my professional area. Because of that, I had to watch my friends getting pay raises and promotions while I stalled. She also had a saying in my hobbies. Amy hated me gaming, so she forbid me and took my VR console away, to be sure I wouldn't "jerk off without her permission".

  That part I never told Marc. Even I, under that spell of believing an awful girlfriend was better than no girlfriend at all, found that part absurd. After she broke up with me and gave the VR console back (I had to ask for it a couple of times), I grasped her reasoning - she was the one using it, a bunch of erotic games under her user with hours upon hours of gameplay.

  I tried to swallow the knot on my throat. The only thing I knew was that she used me hard. "I don't know, I can't even say it was for the sex. We didn't fuck all that often."

  Marc's brows rose. "Wow, then it's worse than I expected."

  "I honestly thought it was just her way..."

  "It was," he nodded feverishly. "Her way of being an abusive bitch who held your life back for two full years." He sighed, pulling a pizza slice from the plate between us. It was Friday night and Marc insisted on paying for a pizza over our favorite place as soon as I told him about Amy. "Look, you know what I think. I've always been honest with you. She's been shitty since day one. I tried, Aaron, I did." He rose his hands in surrender, holding the pizza. "But she worked hard to be an annoying bitch. You've always known I disliked her snob face."

  I smiled. "You at least have to give it to her: she's hot."

  He shrugged. "Never said she wasn't. I said she was a snob. What's the use of being hot if she's a fucking snake, Aaron?" He frowned hard.

  I laughed, biting a piece off my pizza. "Chill, man. I'm the one who's been cheated on and dumped. No need for a heart attack over her."

  "You're too good, Aaron." Marc shook his head ruefully, looking downward as he covered his heart with his wrist as to not let go of his pizza. "You deserve better. Way better." He snapped his head up, pointing the pizza at me. "That's why you're going to accept my offer."

  "You're not taking me to a whorehouse, are you?" I cocked a brow. I was never fond of the idea of jerking off or fucking someone in front of others. I liked to think I was more towards conventional, but Amy did the favor of throwing another word my way: boring. It was glued to the back of my mind. The way her voice was full of contempt as she flicked her hair over her shoulder before she left.

  Marc grinned, "Fuck, no. It's way better, and cheaper. Remember the game I told you about, The Completionist?"

  I did remember him mentioning it some time back though I wondered about when did Marc start to think games were better than real sex. "Um, you want me to jerk off to a video game?"

  He rolled his eyes. "That's not you speaking. That's Amy. And she was the one with like a thousand hours of gameplay in erogames." Erogames were, of course, erotic games, which seemed to have had an impressive increase in sales these past years. Marc's lip tipped up in a smirk. "Or do you think she was playing them for the plot?"

  I twisted my lips. I still hated to think about all of that - it was just another chance to prove me an idiot. "So is that some kind of vendetta over her?"

  "No! No, man! Who cares about Amy? I'm just saying - games these days are fucking awesome. Huge worlds, huge tits, and complete immersion. And The Completionist takes the cake." He rests his back against the chair. "My offer is: you let me give you the game and in exchange, you'll play it this weekend. Just a couple of hours. Just to let it go for a while."

  I watched him for a moment. Marc had always been a good friend, and I knew he was doing what he thought was the best for me - even if it involved wacking off to a pixelated pair of boobs. I wasn't a teenager anymore, and the fact that it became quite common for people to have both a relationship and play erogames like The Completionist always puzzled me.

  Because of my Amy-regulated hobbies, I completely missed the VR revolution. She was basically the one who used it while we were together. I was still getting used to the idea the whole VR and porn things was not something wrong or offensive.

  "Alright, let's see what it has to offer. But just for a couple of hours. I have to catch up with you guys if I want any pay raise this century."

  * * *

  I parked myself on the couch, sighing after re-installing my VR console where it belonged in - my TV stand, in my living room, not Amy's. Putting my feet up the coffee table, I lowered the glasses over my face, its soft edges pressing against my cheekbones and forehead, isolating me in the darkness for a moment. With a voice command, I willed the console on and light inundated my vision.

  The VR glasses took the whole field of my vision and all I could see was its main screen. A soft theme song played on my earphones as I got myself re-acquainted with the whole shebang. I moved my hand around, watching the cursor following it. It was strange and awesome at the same time.

  First things first - I deleted Amy's user. It didn't matter if she had a bunch of games already paid for (probably with my credit card). I didn't need to be reminded of her hypocrisy.

  Secondly, I opened my own user and my inbox. It was, as expected, overflowing with old promotions. I selected them all but the first and deleted them, clicking the only email I left unspoiled. Its title read what I already expected.

  Marc sent you a gift! Click here to receive it.

  I followed the instructions, clicking on the download link and letting the internet do its job. As The Completionist downloaded, I tabbed to the messenger within the console, waving my hand to click on Marc's name.

  It was a stra
nge thing to be back within the VR experience. I'd wave my hand around and the cursor would follow my movements even if I was not seeing the hand properly. A flick of my fingers would click, a swipe motion would send notifications away. But even with all that, the immersion was still something I could not get my head around. I'd always be aware that I was still sitting on my couch. Before Amy came around and I watched the first porns within VR, I still had to use my own hand to get the stimulation I desired.

  A part of me was skeptic - and I knew that part had a lot to do with Amy. That part said a guy had to be desperate to jerk off with only the stimulation the VR sent to his brain.

  Another part of me, the part I knew was just me, couldn't wait to try it out.

  "Downloading the game. Thanks, man," I voice-typed.

  Unsurprisingly, his answer came a moment later. "You're gonna love it. VR for the win!"

  I chortled. "Still unsure about how convincing this game will look like. Is it this good?"

  "If you had played The Conqueror as I told you to, you'd know better than to question the power of immersive porn."

  "I've had immersive porn. They were great, but not all that."

  "Man. You didn't have the chip. Remember? You got it with The Conqueror."

  Oh, yeah. The chip. The Conqueror game became the leader of the VR revolution with the launching of this super-immersive technology. Something in the chip made everything completely different. I may have forgotten about that.

  "Stop being such a skeptic. Believe in the power of tits!"

  With a beep, a small notification popped up on the corner of my screen. Shaking my head as I laughed of Marc's true faith in the game, I clicked the notification open.

  The Completionist is ready to play. Additional packages will be downloaded as long as the software is active.

  Not bad. This way, I wouldn't have to wait for the too-many gigabytes to download before I could play it. I flickered my fingers over it, allowing the game to load.

  The slightest electric current massaged my scalp, and every single hair in my body stood up. My vision went black and there was no glint of light even if I blinked and forced my eyes to adjust.

  A strange sensation took me - my feet were not grounded anymore. I was sure I was floating, my limbs lighter than I've ever felt them. I ordered my hand up, shaking it in front of my face, but I couldn't see it. I could barely feel it.

  I swallowed, my heart palpitating as time stretched in the darkness. I wondered if getting stuck in-game was still a thing - I've heard about some people years back, but never really checked if the rumors had any truth to them. A moment later, a blue light flickered to my left. I turned to watch it floating around me, leaving a trail of neon blue. It disappeared and as I blinked, the words The Completionist were written in the dark space enclosing me.

  With another blink of an eye, I had a body once more. I was standing in a dimly lit, empty room that certainly was not in my house anymore. I lifted my hands to my face, glad to see them answering to my command. But they were not the same pair of hands I was used to. Looking down, I gasped, surprised to see I now had a six-pack and toned arms. It surely was both strange and amazing to be in a body like that without having to spend hours in a gym.

  Dropping my hands, I let myself look around, analyzing the darkish room I was in. The wooden walls discerned it as more of a shack than a house, poorly furnished and cold. The only light came from a lantern by one of the corners of the table. Over a decrepit table, I could see a number of objects. Shivering, I approached, stretching my hand to what seemed to be a dark tunic. As I hovered my hand over it though, the word Warlock floated over my fingers. I pulled my hand back slowly, watching the other objects with a raised brow.

  Set with the dark tunic, there was an old book with a jeweled skull pierced to its leather cover. Beside it, a gray, hooded tunic with a staff that more seemed like a tree branch. As I hovered my hand over it, the word Wizard floated over my fingers. There was also a set of daggers with the word Thief over it, along with a nice black jacket and I eyed it for a long moment, mostly because of the dark, leathery coat that would look amazing. But if there was one thing I knew about myself was that I'd be a terrible thief.

  Finally, I reached my hand towards a simple linen tunic and a sheathed sword. It was plain, nothing to write home about, typical level-1 item, the word Knight flickering above it. I could've clicked over each class to see which attribute was stronger in each one but I already knew it from the beginning. I've always been a knight, be it a dark knight or a paladin, the idea of fighting for what I believed held great appeal to me. I didn't even think about the fact I was probably going to freeze my balls off in that shirt; I just grabbed it.

  You're choosing the class: Knight. Are you sure?

  I selected the button that had "yes" written over it.

  You cannot change the class later.

  I side-smiled, selecting "I am sure". I expected something to happen, but nothing did, so I pulled the shirt over my head and fastened the belt around my hips, the sword weighing against my thigh. I paused my hand over the pommel, suddenly curious about what would the game do if I tried to choose one of the other classes now.

  But the clothes were there no more - the table clean and bathed in the orange light of the lantern. I chuckled, turning to the door.

  Outside, I expected to see an expanse of grass, twinkling under starlight. Even if my tunic was too thin, the cold was not bothering me anymore. I wished to find myself a river and drink some of its water. See what I could slash and what I couldn't. I liked to test this kind of thing.

  But the vision before me as I stepped out of the shack was certainly not the beautiful scenario games usually introduced their new players to. There was grass indeed, and starlight. But not that far in the distance, there was a city.

  And it was on fire.

  * * *

  I sprinted, holding the sword by my side so it wouldn't hit my leg as I ran. I could see a forest to my right that went far and wide to the horizon and, behind the city, further up and among the trees, what looked like a hill with some kind of castle above it. I squinted but couldn't make it out among the shadows of the night.

  The city had some two and three stories stone buildings, but the majority was made of wood, now ablaze. I frowned, wondering what the hell was this game - an erotic one, at that - up to. Amid flames, a shadow crossed the sky above the city. I could hear the screams as I hastened my steps, thankful for the stamina the game clearly boosted.

  I directed my steps to the entrance, from where a couple ran in my direction. The man's face was contorted in fear as he looked over a shoulder. The woman covered her eyes with her hands, tears staining her face. From the look of their monochrome, they were innocent villagers running from whatever set the place on fire. I pulled my sword, the sound of the metal swishing through the air making my heart pump.

  A shadow crossed the nearest wall mid-air. I looked up, waiting for some kind of bird or monster. A hippogriff maybe.

  But that was when I saw my first pair of perfect boobs in-game.

  The flying creature was a freaking woman. Scaled purple wings batted as she landed some feet to me, grinning. Her wavy, blond hair reflected the light of the fire that devoured the house beside us by the road, her strands falling smoothly over her shoulders. She wore a tight black dress that ended just under her crotch, the material so thin I could perfectly see the marks of her nipples over the round mounds of her breasts. The dress was so short, in fact, that I was impressed it wasn't riding up her hips already. She paused her hands over her hips, catwalking closer to me.

  If it weren't for the pair of horns and the long ears, I would definitely say she's the hottest woman I've ever seen. But now-- hottest demon? She had long canines, but not long enough for a vampire.

  She batted long lashes at me, cocking her head. "Such an easy prey," her voice was music as she mused. "I could probably eat you whole before you stopped drooling."

jerked out of my fantasies, my dick suddenly disinterested. "What the hell are you?" I clutched my sword between my hands, raising the blade between us.

  She licked her bottom lip. "Your doom."

  I shivered, aroused and terrified at the same time. Another set of screams rose from the street behind her.

  "I love to hear you humans scream," she groaned, her hands slowly running from her hips to cup her amazing breasts. "It makes me so freaking hot."

  I breathed in and out, trying to focus on slashing a hot demoness. If I didn't, I was sure I'd quickly find out how dying felt like in here. I turned the grip over between my palms, the weight reminding me - it was a game. I was supposed to be in control.

  She took a step in my direction, letting her hands fall from her boobs. I swung the sword and she laughed, taking another step. My heart thundered as I swished it once more.

  She grinned, pointy teeth pressing against her lip. "Poor thing. Do you even know how to use that?" She stretched her neck, touching it with long nails. "Here. You must cut my head off." I took a step back, and she laughed so hard her shoulders shook. "Oh my. That's boring. Guess I'll just kill you and go back."


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