The Land Where Sinners Atone

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The Land Where Sinners Atone Page 30

by Mason, V. F.

She covers my mouth with her palm, her eyes burning with desire despite her objection. “Stop it.”

  Biting on her skin, I earn myself a groan as she snatches her hand back, so I murmur, “Eager, are we?” She shakes her head at me. I sway us around gently, resisting the urge to push my knees between her legs, intensifying the pent-up passion inside us both, so she won’t be able to think about anything but my mouth devouring her pussy as she cries out in ecstasy over and over again.

  The only thing stopping me is the idea of all those fucking people hearing her moans of pleasure or seeing her desire-filled face, as all those belong only to me, and no one else has this privilege.

  “Zachary, you have to stop. People are staring,” she whispers, her nails scratching at the skin on the back of my neck, warning flashing in her eyes, but when do I ever listen to it anyway?

  “That’s precisely the point, love,” I say, and I’m about to bend down to steal a kiss from her, not giving a fuck who is watching. Let them snap as many pictures as they want, and if the unsub is around, ready to pounce…

  She is mine and not his or hers, so let the sick fucker suffer before he makes a useless attempt to take her away from me.

  This time around, he won’t get her; I’d rather die than let him hurt what’s mine.

  However, an amused voice breaks into our little world and says, “We should keep this show PG-rated. If I may have this dance, future sister-in-law?” Charlie hooks his fingers on Phoenix’s elbow, wanting to spin her around to him, but my grip on her only tightens.

  “Charlie, get your fucking hands off her,” I bark, noticing a few eyes on us, but they quickly avert their gazes, sipping their champagne, and some of the couples even join us on the dance floor, clearly not wanting to miss the opportunity to get in the headlines tomorrow.

  Keeping the smile intact, he grits through his teeth, “Dad wants to talk to you.”

  My insides bristle whenever he calls my dad his, even if it’s fucking irrational. I don’t give a damn. “Well then, tough, because I’m not leaving Phoenix alone.”

  “That’s why he asked me to watch over her.”

  Phoenix places her hands on my chest, bringing my attention to her, and says, “You have to go. I’ll be okay.” I’m about to protest, but she uses her fingers once again to shush me. “Trust me on this one.” Everything inside me screams against this idea. How the fuck am I supposed to protect her from unforeseen disaster if I’m gonna be with my dad?

  But then how can a man resist this trust?

  Palming her head, I tilt it back and lean down to give her a deep, probing kiss with my tongue entwining with hers and dancing a little duet of its own. Her body melts against mine, and she moans, angling herself so I can take it deeper, but instead, I step back. “Keep an eye on her. Otherwise, I’ll end you,” I address Charlie, who chuckles, finding the idea laughable it seems, but he really shouldn’t.

  We might have a cold peace due to my father interfering every single time to fix any brewing conflict, but Phoenix is one person I will never, ever budge on.

  With one last glance, I look around for my father and notice him motioning for me at the entrance, and I don’t have to guess where to go, since Dad never changes his habits.

  If Anthony King summons you, it means he is about to rip you a new one in his office.


  “I hope you don’t mind,” Charlie says, sweeping us all around the parquet, and only then I realize the music has changed to a light waltz, and I adjust my movements accordingly. “I asked the musicians for something else. I figured it would have been too weird for me to be hugging you the way Zach just did.” He wiggles his brows. “We don’t need any rumors. Although, I’m the more fun brother.”

  I’m still a bit uncomfortable in their company. After all, they are strangers, and besides, my earlier suspicions still make me a bit wary. Probably it’s all in my head and has no merit, but I can’t be too careful with my experience. “It’s okay. I know how to dance the waltz. Sebastian taught me.” The minute this statement slips past my lips, I instantly regret it and groan inwardly. What brother wants to be reminded that the ex-wife of his future brother-in-law is marrying into the family?

  Everyone might act like they’re not bothered by this, but I don’t believe it. Shouldn’t they at least be concerned for Felicia’s sake?

  Not to mention, based on the earlier encounter with Zachary, they probably hate his guts as much as mine, all things considered.

  Charlie must read the horror on my face, because he chuckles loudly, taking a swift turn that for a second makes my head dizzy but then slows his movements once again. “Honey, everyone knows about your past. You don’t have to hide it.” Sway, sway, sway. “Felicia knows what she signed up for when she agreed to marry him.”

  “I doubt she signed up for seeing my face at every family function.”

  Charlie shrugs, still not losing the rhythm of the dance. “Well, if you get together with a divorcee, you gotta expect that sometimes the past will show itself. Besides, we asked if he is really what she wants, and she said yes.” The music gradually slows, and he spins me around, our fingers lacing as he twirls me again before resuming the steps. “Once we make a choice, we have a responsibility to own up to it, don’t you think?” There is an odd note coating his tone, but I don’t have time to dwell on it much as the music ends, and the audience claps at the musicians, and Charlie lifts his elbow to me. “Let’s go and properly introduce you to the family, shall we?”

  “The earlier introduction wasn’t proper?” I ask in confusion, taken slightly aback by his behavior and not knowing how to react to it. I half expected them to sneer in my direction and act all high and mighty, but instead, they’re almost… welcoming?

  Charlie rolls his eyes. “Fucking no—excuse my language please.” We walk slowly to where his entire family is still standing engaged in some conversation, based on how emotionally Lydia wiggles her fingers. “Zachary was lashing out as always and the situation got messy.”

  “Well—” If he starts to badmouth Zachary, I won’t be able to keep my mouth shut from defending him. Someone has to, based on what he told me.

  No matter what or for how long I’m going to be part of the King clan, I will always be on his side.

  “No need to get the claws out, honey.” Charlie pats my arm. “We love Zach, even if he hates us. He is family, after all.” What? How could he possibly say that if they have no relationship to even speak of? “Although sometimes he is more like a black sheep.”

  “He has his reasons.”

  “If he just gave us all a chance, he’d see he doesn’t have to hold on to his reasons anymore.”

  Before I can reply to that, we join his family, and Olivia greets me with a warm smile. I blink at how at ease she is, such a contrast to what she was with Zach just minutes ago. “You dance very beautifully.” She compliments me before motioning to a waiter. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Just water please.” Although I need a drink of alcohol, I won’t dull my reactions now with the unsub on the loose. If she or he is here that is; all our theories are just that, after all.

  Theories that might not come true while the unsub plans his next attack, surprising us when we least expect it.

  I catch Sebastian’s stare on me and shift awkwardly, hoping he won’t start any conversations with me, because it will be beyond bizarre with all eyes on us.

  Despite spending most of my adult life with Sebastian, right now I feel nothing toward him, not even an ounce of jealousy at seeing him with Felicia.

  I can only hope she makes him happy, because underneath it all, he is a good and honorable man. His giving up on me doesn’t mean he is an asshole who deserves to burn in hell.

  “I love your dress,” Olivia says, coming closer to touch the material. “Silk is a tricky cloth, but Frankie does wonders with it.”

  “I hope she will design my wedding dress,” Felicia says and gives me a tentative smile
that I return, thanking the server when he brings me a bottle of water. “Although her waitlist is insane. She doesn’t make any exceptions, so our names mean nothing.” Her brows furrow. “How did you get this one? I haven’t even seen it in her catalogue.”

  Lydia barks a laugh, popping another cherry in her mouth and washing it down with her champagne. “Zachary knows her man. So I think it’s safe to say she makes some exceptions.” She places her hand on her hip, giving me the stare that should probably make me feel guilty, but it only adds to the overall confusion I experience in this family’s company.

  Considering Zachary’s feelings toward them, shouldn’t they at least have some reservations, since essentially I killed Angelica… even if it was against my will?

  Or doesn’t it matter to them very much, and they trust Zachary’s judgment to make a good choice?

  Guilt washes over me at my earlier thoughts that one of them might be an unsub. Them not having a great relationship with Zachary doesn’t instantly mean they are on the hunt to kill him.

  Lydia addresses me. “Promise me that we at least won’t find out about your wedding from the news.” My cheeks heat up at that, and everyone shares a collective laugh—everyone but Sebastian, who studies me intently, albeit still staying close to Felicia.

  “I didn’t really expect a proposal either,” I confess, and Olivia smiles, looking into the distance.

  “Anthony proposed out of the blue too. One moment, we were talking about different car models, and the next, he was kneeling in front of me, holding this ring.” She wiggles her left hand with a big sapphire. “I guess like father like son.” There is so much warmth in her words it leaves no doubt she truly loves her husband. “When a King wants a woman, he doesn’t wait.”

  Charlie exclaims dramatically, “I’ll have to tell Nathan that I don’t love him, since I’m not proposing anytime soon.”

  Lydia huffs. “That’s because you know he won’t say yes until he finishes school.” I blink at this and then study Charlie critically, wondering how old he is to date a student.


  He couldn’t possibly date his own student, right? That’s super forbidden!

  “I’m thirty-two, and my boyfriend is twenty-five, so everything is legal. He doesn’t take my classes,” he tells me before firing back at Lydia. “And for your information, he’ll say yes. The dude is helplessly in love.”

  Felicia laughs and slaps him on the shoulder. “Why are you not proposing then?” She leans closer to whisper loudly, “Is it because you aren’t so sure? Or because you know he’ll refuse, as an engineering career is his top priority right now?”

  He gives his sisters an annoyed glance before spitting, “I hate you two.” They burst out laughing, with their mother shaking her head at them, though grinning as well, and for a second, I feel out of place.

  For this family shares such affection with each other like I’ve never known before. How could Zach have willingly refused being part of this?

  Is it possible that sometimes when we want to guard our hearts from more pain we lose vital connections in life that could have made it better by a thousand times, if only we were brave enough to hold on to it instead of running away in a different direction?

  Zachary rejected his father’s family, because he already experienced the great loss of losing a parent. It was easier to push them away and blame his father, instead of opening himself up to new people who could have helped him if he’d let them.

  Is this what I’m doing? Guarding my heart when it has the chance to heal?

  “Enough, you two,” Olivia addresses her daughters and then points at Felicia’s legs, shifting everyone’s attention there. “What happened here, darling?” Her knees are scraped, as if something cut them, and her cheeks heat up when she leans on Sebastian, who innately wraps his arm around her.

  “The cupboard in our kitchen broke and several plates shattered. So, when she tried to scoop them all up, she cut herself.” Collective gasps echo between us while Sebastian’s gaze darkens. He brushes his thumb over Felicia’s shoulder. “I told her not to do it, but when does she listen to me?”

  “Oh, God, someone has to come fix those. It might be dangerous,” Olivia says, and everyone nods, although I’m still a bit confused how she could have gotten such a cut by simply stumbling on them.

  Wouldn’t she have seen the pieces when she kneeled down?

  Felicia waves off their worries. “You’re all making a way bigger deal out of it all. Besides, I’m okay and just have a scratch. It’s not even deep.” Even in heels, she is still shorter than Sebastian, so she rises on her toes to give him a light peck on the chin. “You don’t have to worry, love.”

  Tenderness laces his voice when he says, “I always worry about you.”

  I cast my gaze down, but not because of the love shining brightly from his eyes whenever he looks at her, but because it seems almost intrusive to watch them in this moment.

  Sebastian has never looked at me this way, as if I consumed his every thought and desire. He loved me with everything he had, yes; however, that love was more… calm in its nature, I guess?

  Like the ocean on a sunny day, but the minute a storm thundered in the sky, it crashed against the rocks.

  The man in front of me though loves this woman passionately, surrounding her with the love she craves so much—if her burrowing her face in his chest is anything to go by.

  And a grin tugs at the corner of my mouth, because I’m glad to know this. No woman deserves to be second best in this life, and it’s great that Sebastian has found an even greater love, learned to love so deeply despite our past that could have scarred him.

  Zachary looks at you with the same intensity. I try to ignore the little voice in my head whispering this to me, hoping that common sense will shut it up.

  Sebastian and Felicia have had what, years to come to terms with their feelings? While Zachary and I have had days, and in those days, so much has happened it feels like forever.

  Yet, if Sebastian was brave enough to take a second chance at love… why am I not?

  Even Zachary is unafraid, bulldozing into my life and demanding surrender despite losing his wife tragically. All the scars in his heart don’t stop him from wanting a relationship again.

  Lydia groans when she finishes all the cherries and complains, “Mom, why didn’t you order strawberries for this party?”

  “Because it’s not your engagement party.”

  Charlie snaps his fingers, tapping on his empty glass at the waiter. “Yeah, you go through those so quickly it’s embarrassing.”

  “Screw you, Charlie.” And then she huffs in annoyance when a flash goes off pointed at us. “They still haven’t gotten enough pictures it seems.”

  “They want drama, and we are not giving it to them. Poor guests,” Charlie says, although his voice implies anything but. “I bet it’s because Sebastian and Phoenix are standing close. Maybe they are waiting for you both to pull each other’s hair.”

  I gotta give it to Charlie.

  He knows how to bring up the elephant in the room in style with everyone growing quiet in awkward silence.

  Felicia sighs heavily. “I’m the artistic type. Why would I pull anyone’s hair? I think showcasing them in one of my pieces of art as hideous creatures would be a more unique approach to it.” She winks at me. “Don’t you think?”

  “Yeah, I never engage in fights.”

  “High-five, girls,” Lydia exclaims, raising both her hands in the air, and we slap them.

  “Maybe we should all go to the terrace and mingle with the guests so they won’t watch us like monkeys about to perform,” Olivia offers, stepping toward the terrace, when Felicia stops her.

  “No, Mom. I think Sebastian and Phoenix need to dance right now.” I blink in shock, because freaking what?

  By how Sebastian has the same reaction, I understand he doesn’t much welcome this idea either.

  “I don’t think—” I start, but Fel
icia interrupts me.

  “If they want a show, we will give them one, but on our terms. Besides, this will lay to rest any rumors about this whole situation. I’m sure Zachary would agree with me.”

  “Kill us, more like,” Charlie whispers under his breath, but Felicia still pushes Sebastian into me.

  “Come on, baby,” she tells him.

  “I think it’s a good idea.” Olivia nods. “This way, they’ll back off.”

  Before I can protest any more, Sebastian grabs my palm and pulls me onto the dance floor, with everyone once again staring and murmuring to each other.

  Despite wanting to be anywhere but here, I no longer can refuse the offer. The minute I step away from Sebastian, it will start rumors that I’m not over my ex, and God knows what else.

  I really hope Zachary will understand my impossible situation.

  Although it’s a useless hope with how much fury crosses his face anytime the subject of my ex-husband comes up. The man is very possessive of me, and to my frustration, it thrills certain parts of me.

  Charlie jogs to the band, and in a second, they all nod as the slow beat of jazz filters through the speakers. Sebastian places his hand on my waist as he hugs us closer yet still keeps a small distance between us.

  Our other hands lock as I put mine inside his, and we slowly start to dance, our movements probably rigid and stiff from the tension filling the air.

  “I’m sorry about this,” Sebastian says, looking above my shoulder while I exhale heavily.

  Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be in such a situation, yet here we are. “It’s not your fault. Besides, Felicia is right. Hopefully, this will stop all the nonsense the press has been saying.”

  He chuckles. “You’ve read those too? How we keep it in the family, King style.”

  “Yes, it’s stupid. And not true anyway.”

  “I’m sorry if I upset you when I came to the bar.” His fingers dig into my waist as we take a turn and sway. “It wasn’t my intention.”

  “Sebastian, it’s really okay. We don’t have to talk.” In fact, I would prefer it this way, so we won’t disturb old wounds.


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