Dark Promise

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Dark Promise Page 10

by Danielle Rose

  Something flashes behind Jasik’s eyes. His query and concern vanish almost instantly. His crimson irises darken, morphing into fiery balls of fury. His gaze hardens, his jaw clenching. His entire body tenses at once, and he sucks in a sharp, staggeringly loud breath. I can hear his teeth grinding as his gaze narrows.

  “She what?” Jasik seethes. His words are sharp, like daggers directed at my soul. They penetrate deep, and I freeze. I stumble over my words. I don’t know what to say, what to think, what to do. I just want to fix this.

  I’ve never seen Jasik so angry, furious with something I’ve done. Even his hatred for Will was laced with concern and fear, but now, even that’s gone. What remains is raw, pure outrage.

  “I—I… She made me. I didn’t know what it was. I—”

  “Did you drink from her?” he asks. He speaks slowly, calmly, and I’ve never heard so few words hold so much weight.

  I shake my head. “No, of course not.”

  “What did she make you do?” Jasik asks. He rises abruptly and rounds the table. Standing beside me now, he towers over me. I break his gaze, unable to look into his eyes any longer.

  “I—um, she cut my palm and then cut hers, and then she made me promise not to look for Liv by myself.”

  He exhales sharply and shakes his head. Closing his eyes, he squeezes the bridge of his nose. With shaking hands, he mumbles under his breath, but I don’t understand him. And I’m almost too scared to ask him to repeat himself.

  “Hmm? What?” I ask softly.

  “I said, I can’t believe she’d do this.” He opens his eyes and looks at me. They’re void of emotion. Empty pits that spill into an abyss. “To do this to her vampires is one thing, but with you…” He shakes his head and breaks our gaze.

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  He turns quickly, shoving his hands through his hair, tousling his already messy style. He slams his fist against the island counter, and the noise radiates through the kitchen walls. I tremble where I sit, watching him, unsure if I should walk over to him or wait for him to respond. When he faces me again, he looks different.

  “You are mine, Ava. You do not belong to her,” Jasik says.

  Never have I seen him so…dominant. He radiates power and strength and a raw animal drive to claim what he sired. Something inside me stirs. Jasik awakens a primal instinct, and it takes everything I have not to touch him, not to push my body against his and let him demand what is his.

  I’ve never wanted to be overpowered, but at this moment, I want Jasik more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. I’m shaking, quivering down to my very soul. Jasik watches the effect his words have on me, a sly grin curling the edge of his mouth. I swallow hard and gnaw on my lower lip.

  Jasik walks toward me. He strides around the center island, and when he reaches my side, he grins down at me, a mischievous glint in his eyes. My breath catches.

  He rests his fingers under my chin and angles my head to look into his eyes. I stand, resting my palms against his chest. His eyes are a pool of darkness and desire. It steals my breath and races my heart. The room is swirling around us, and I’m suddenly light-headed. I can’t break our gaze or move away from him.

  Someone clears his throat, and I jolt away from my sire as if I were doing something wrong. I jump back so fast and slam against the chair I was sitting in. My knees buckle, and the back of the chair juts into my kidney as I fall into it. I wince at the pain, but Jasik steadies my fall. His skin is scorching hot against my own flesh, and I back away from him, not expecting the surge of electricity that works its way into my body at his mere presence.

  I glance over at our intruder and quickly smile at Malik, who watches our exchange with a curious look. I suppose all the ruckus he overheard made it sound like Jasik and I might be fighting. Instead, he walked in to find an unexpected embrace.

  My emotions are erratic around my sire, and I assume the rest of the house can feel it too. We’re hot and we’re cold, never giving into our feelings but not exactly straying away from them either. It’s frustrating and annoying, and I can only tolerate the inner turmoil for so long.

  “I thought I’d check in on you both,” Malik says. Per his usual conduct, he is emotionless, and for once, I’m grateful. I don’t need nor request his input at the moment. I have more important things to worry about than my love life, which is why I fear I really might burst if Jasik and I don’t get some much-needed alone time.

  “We’re fine,” Jasik says quietly.

  I wonder if he’s embarrassed by our exchange. I’m a newborn vampire. My emotions are erratic. He’s older, experienced, and supposed to have his crap together. He should be the level-headed one who makes me question my actions. He’s not supposed to instigate these kinds of exchanges.

  “I can see that,” Malik says, voice deadpan.

  “We were just talking about…” I trail off, remembering how we left our conversation. The dark promise I made to Amicia is a touchy subject, and I’m not sure I should mention it again.

  “She made a blood oath with Amicia,” Jasik says. He doesn’t bother to hide his annoyance.

  Malik nods and eyes me. He doesn’t tell Jasik that he already knows about my sacred oath to another sire, but he doesn’t lie to his brother either. Instead, he remains quiet, watching the two of us, waiting for our reaction to Jasik’s confession. Thankfully, my sire doesn’t seem to notice Malik’s odd behavior.

  “She promised not to look for the missing witch on her own, so no harm done. She promised nothing binding,” Jasik says.

  I frown and glance at Jasik. What does he mean my words aren’t binding? How is this dark promise not something harmful? I thought admitting what I’d done would make me feel better about it, but I’m only left with more questions.

  “Will you speak with Amicia about this?” Malik asks.

  He eyes his brother carefully. Jasik may be my sire, but Amicia is his. He has remained devoted to her, loyal in her pursuit to protect her other vampires and rid the world of rogues. I was so focused on how this oath is affecting me, I never considered how it might hurt him.

  Jasik doesn’t respond. His eyes are hard, his body tense. His reaction to Malik’s question answers what his lips will not. He will definitely be speaking with Amicia about her role in my life. He doesn’t need to admit to that aloud. I just hope he doesn’t make things worse. I can’t handle yet another feud right now.

  “And what about the boy?” Malik says, changing the subject.

  “Tonight is the first time they met in person,” Jasik says.

  “I see,” Malik says.

  He looks at me, his eyes sharp. He wants me to break, to be honest, but what he doesn’t understand is that I am telling the truth. I had no idea Will existed, and I would never betray my nest. I have always been loyal to my friends, my family. And that loyalty came with a price. It cost me my life. I hope the cost isn’t quite so extravagant this time.

  “I had no idea he was coming here or looking for me,” I say. “I don’t know him at all. Like you, I thought I was the only hybrid, but we were wrong.”

  “You say you don’t know him, yet you wanted him to come back here, to stay with us,” Malik says.

  “Do you blame me? If you thought you were the only vampire in existence and then you encountered another, would you not react the same way?” I ask. Doesn’t he see how judgmental he’s being?

  “She wants answers, Malik,” Jasik says.

  “I understand that, but your duty is to this nest, Ava. You are a hunter. You must protect them.”

  I nod. “I know, and I wouldn’t have asked him to come here if I thought he was dangerous.”

  “How can you be so sure he’s not?” Malik says. “You just admitted you don’t even know him.”

  I shake my head, exhaling sharply. How can I explain this to him? How can I explain this feeling? “I don’t expect you to understand.”

  “Try,” he says. “I need to understand, Ava.”
/>   I sigh. “I just…I feel something when I’m around him. It’s like…we’re connected or something. I mean, it’s not the same as my connection with Jasik. That feels like a true, real connection that actually exists because he sired me. But there is something between Will and me. Maybe it’s because we’re both…different, special. A camaraderie. It’s unspoken, but it’s there. I truly believe he doesn’t want to hurt me.”

  “Perhaps, but what are his feelings toward these vampires? Does he harbor the same respect for them as you believe he does for you?”

  “I—I don’t know,” I say.

  “I think you do,” Malik says.

  “Enough of this. Ava, do you want to leave with him?” Jasik asks, his voice soft.

  “I—” I shake my head. “Why would you ask that?”

  “He didn’t want to come here, and he doesn’t belong in Darkhaven,” Jasik says. “Why else would he come here? He wants you to join him, doesn’t he?”

  I nod and whisper, “He does.”

  “And do you want to leave with him? Or do you want to stay with us?”

  I swallow hard, words escaping me. Suddenly, I’m no longer strong or standing in this kitchen. I’m a child in the arms of my mother. We’re in the forest, retreating without Papá. He fights the vampire who ambushed us, and I hear his screams in the distance. Never have I felt so…weak, so alone.

  “Don’t lie to me, Ava,” Jasik says. “I can see the effect he has on you. You hesitated then, when we were in the forest. And you’re hesitating now.”

  “Do you want to leave with him?” Malik says, emphasizing each word.

  “I— No. I don’t want to leave, but I don’t want him to leave either. He has answers, Jasik. He can help me understand better than anyone else. He knows more than you or Amicia or Holland, and I can’t lose him. I can’t lose that connection to what I am.”

  “I know you’re scared, but we can help you,” Jasik says. “Your training sessions were working. You were growing stronger and handling your magic better. Don’t give up yet, Ava.”

  I shake my head and whisper, “Please, don’t make me choose.”

  “Because you would choose him?” Jasik asks, not bothering to hide his pain.

  “This isn’t about you or him. This is about understanding what I am. So if you force me to choose, I will choose me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The moment Amicia enters the room, the air shifts. The tension tightens like a noose, and I choke. She has a staggering aura regardless of where I am or what I’m doing. It’s unsettling, overpowering, and downright disturbing. Sometimes I wonder if she’s the oldest vampire alive. Who else could harness such power or inflict such a visceral reaction?

  The only thing stronger than my initial fearful reaction to her presence is my anger with what she made me do. It boils in the pit of my gut and is bubbling over. I know it will spill from my lips, and I won’t be able to control my fury.

  From Jasik’s earlier reaction, Amicia’s request to form a blood oath with me was unacceptable. She knew what she was doing, what she was asking from me, a vampire sired to another. I was a novice, a newborn hell-bent on pleasing the woman offering me shelter. I trusted her in my weakest moment, and she betrayed that trust. Now I want answers. I want her to apologize for what she did and explain why she would ask that of me.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Amicia asks.

  Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun. She’s wearing black silk pajamas. The pants are too long for her short stature, so they bunch at her heels and slide across the floor as she walks. With arms crossed, she taps her pointer finger against her arm, impatiently awaiting a response. Her gaze is narrowed, and it darts between the three of us.

  Jasik steps forward, his anger evident, but before he can ask about Amicia’s intentions, his brother steps forward.

  “There was a situation while Ava was on patrol,” Malik says, breaking the silence and probably saving his brother from being ousted.

  Jasik is just as upset as I am, and I want answers just as badly as he does. But we must be smart about this. If cornered, Amicia can outsmart and outmatch us both. Malik is no idiot. He intervened intentionally.

  “What happened?” Amicia asks. “Rogues again?”

  “Ava met another hybrid,” Malik says.

  My heart nearly stops at his words. Hearing them aloud when spoken to our leader, the sire of everyone in this nest save for one, is an entirely different experience. Even telling Jasik, my own sire, didn’t send such a rush of fear to my heart. I wait for her reaction. Shockingly, Amicia maintains her composure. The only evidence of her surprise is her widened eyes. Her gaze lands on me before she regains her composure.

  “You met another?” Amicia asks me. Her voice squeaks as she speaks. Clearly, she too expected me to be the only one in existence. So what does this mean? How does this affect my place in this nest?

  I nod, watching her carefully, wondering what she’ll ask next. Will she be as upset as the others? Or will she want to meet Will? Will she invite him to stay too?

  “Who? Where? Tell me everything,” Amicia says.

  “His name is Will, and I’ve only just met him.” I don’t bother explaining our initial encounter on the astral plane. Spirit is an unusual power that vampires don’t understand, and honestly, I don’t care to speak with Amicia any longer than I have to. I’m still upset with her, and I’m already itching to leave. Not only am I annoyed by the blood oath, but I also hate the way she makes me feel inferior to her without even trying. In a lot of ways, she reminds me of Mamá.

  “How did he find you?” Amicia asks. That seems to be the question on everyone’s mind today. It’s a valid concern, but honestly, I don’t even care how he found me. I just want to know more about our powers.

  “I’m not sure,” I say. “Magic, I guess.”

  Even as I speak, I know my answer will not please her. She will want more information, but I don’t have time to discuss this now. I need to speak with Jasik about Will’s offer. If he can help me find Liv, then I don’t need the vampires’ help. If I leave soon, I can return before sunrise. I glance at the clock. Time is running out.

  Amicia frowns, catching my attention. For a moment, she’s lost in thought. I’m sure she’s asking herself the same questions I’ve been wondering too. I don’t know much about Will, but unlike the other vampires, I want to get to know him. I want to learn more about him and about what we are. What are the limits to our magic? I’ve already discovered I can touch the cross. What else can I do? Maybe I can drink holy water and eat real food too.

  “Where is he now?” Amicia asks.

  “I don’t know. I asked him to come back with us, but he refused.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Amicia says. “He doesn’t know us, Ava. He doesn’t know you.”

  “I think he knows he can trust me,” I say defensively. I don’t want to have this argument again. Not with Jasik or the others or Amicia. I’m done defending my decision to spend more time with Will, the only other hybrid I’ve met. Heck, he might be the only other one in existence, and that makes him important to me. Why is that so hard to understand?

  “How can you be sure you can trust him?” Amicia asks.

  She brings up the same points from earlier, and I groan internally. I can’t help my eye roll. This time, I don’t have to answer.

  “He trusts her enough to ask her to leave with him,” Malik says, emotionless. It’s moments like this I want so desperately to read his mind.

  This time, Amicia does not hide her shock. She gasps, her gaze darting between Jasik and me. Still seething, Jasik hasn’t spoken to her or met her eyes. He’s fuming, breaking at the seams, trying desperately to maintain his composure. Amicia either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care that he’s waging an internal war over what she’s done.

  “He asked you to leave Darkhaven?” Amicia asks.

  “He did,” I say firmly.

  “And do you plan to go away with
him?” Amicia asks. I appreciate her candor. I don’t have time for games.

  I’m silent as I think about everything that’s happened in my life until this point. I owe the vampires so much. Without them, I would have died a long time ago. But even though they’ve shown me the true meaning of family and support, they’ve also done things I can’t condone.

  They forced me to choose between my life with them and saving an innocent from my past. I vowed loyalty to the nest, yet Amicia didn’t believe that I would stand by my word. After essentially brainwashing me into doing her bidding, I’m not sure I can trust her anymore.

  “I haven’t decided,” I say, narrowing my gaze. I’m not so sure Amicia will appreciate my honesty as much as I appreciated hers just a second ago.

  “And why is that?” Amicia asks, frowning. She actually has the audacity to look hurt—offended, even.

  “Because I want to live with vampires I trust,” I say pointedly.

  “You don’t trust us?” Amicia asks. Either she’s an excellent actress or she is truly, thoroughly confused by my confession.

  “I don’t trust you,” I admit.

  Amicia blinks, considering my words. Several seconds pass, and she simply stares at me. I refuse to be the first to break the silence. If this is a test of power, I will win.

  “Why don’t you trust me, Ava?”

  “Are you kidding? Are you seriously playing the victim here?”

  Amicia scoffs, but before she can play the martyr, Jasik steps in, saving me from completely losing my mind.

  “You forced her to make a blood oath with you, Amicia,” he says. “That is a ritual saved only for sires, and you know it. By casting your presence in her life in that way, you’ve essentially demoted me. If anyone had done this to one of your vampires, you would have killed them.”

  “Jasik, listen to me. It’s not—”

  “Stop. Nothing you say can justify what you did. Oaths are binding, Amicia. She is forever bound to you, to this request. There is no breaking it. Her blood is tainted by yours.”


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